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For productivity addicts who enjoy coding while listening to Spotify, and cannot lose their focus switching to the app to control their music.

lua neovim nvim spotify vim

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For productivity addicts who enjoy coding while listening to Spotify, and cannot lose their focus switching to the app to control their music.

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# 🎵nvim-spotify

For productivity addicts who enjoy coding while listening to Spotify, and cannot lose their focus switching to the app to control their music.

`nvim-spotify` requires [spotify-tui](

## Features
- Display/Filter the search results with Telescope

- Currently playing statusline.

- Pause/Resume a track #

- Skip a track

- Add a track to the library

- Display the name of what's being played

- Select which device to play on

- Search by:
- Track (` or CR`)
- Album (``)
- Playlist (``)
- Artist (``)

## Requirements
> `nvim-spotify` is a wrapper for `spotify-tui`, therefore, it is required for this plugin to work. Check [their Github
> repository for installation instructions](

- [Spotify TUI](
- Golang
- Telescope

## Installation

### [packer](
-- Lua
use {
requires = 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim',
config = function()
local spotify = require'nvim-spotify'

spotify.setup {
-- default opts
status = {
update_interval = 10000, -- the interval (ms) to check for what's currently playing
format = '%s %t by %a' -- spotify-tui --format argument
run = 'make'

### [vim-plug](
Plug 'KadoBOT/nvim-spotify', { 'do': 'make' }

#### Notes
Decreasing the `update_interval` value means more API calls in a shorter period. Because of the Spotify API rate limiter, setting this too low can block future requests.
Besides that, those constant updates can make your computer slow.
**So bear this in mind when changing this value.**

## Usage
> By default, the search will look for tracks. You can switch the type of the search by pressing one of the [Keymaps Shortcuts](#default-keymaps)

`nvim-spotify` has two commands:

### Connecting to a Device
Use this command to select which device Spotify should play on.

### Opening search input
Spotify Search input. Check the keymaps below for Search shortcuts.

### Default keymaps
The following keymaps are set by default when the Spotify search input is open:
| mode | key | Description |
| normal | Esc | Close
| normal | q | Close
| normal, insert | C-T | Search for Tracks
| normal, insert | C-Y | Search for Playlists
| normal, insert | C-L | Search for Albums
| normal, insert | C-R | Search for Artists

### Extra keymaps
You can also define the additional following keymaps
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "sn", "(SpotifySkip)", { silent = true }) -- Skip the current track
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "sp", "(SpotifyPause)", { silent = true }) -- Pause/Resume the current track
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "ss", "(SpotifySave)", { silent = true }) -- Add the current track to your library
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "so", ":Spotify", { silent = true }) -- Open Spotify Search window
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "sd", ":SpotifyDevices", { silent = true }) -- Open Spotify Devices window
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "sb", "(SpotifyPrev)", { silent = true }) -- Go back to the previous track
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "sh", "(SpotifyShuffle)", { silent = true }) -- Toggles shuffle mode

### Statusline
You can display what's currently playing on your statusline. The example below shows how to show it on [lualine](,
although the configuration should be quite similar on other statusline plugins:
local status = require'nvim-spotify'.status


require('lualine').setup {
sections = {
lualine_x = {