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My LeetCode solution collections

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My LeetCode solution collections

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# Leetcode

**Problem Solved: 88** (Easy: 38, Medium: 49, Hard: 1)

| # | Title | Solutions | Difficulty |
| - | - | - | - |
| 00001 | [Two Sum]( | | Easy |
| 00003 | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( | | Medium |
| 00005 | [Longest Palindromic Substring]( | | Medium |
| 00011 | [Container With Most Water]( | | Medium |
| 00015 | [3Sum]( | | Medium |
| 00019 | [Remove Nth Node From End of List]( | | Medium |
| 00020 | [Valid Parentheses]( | | Easy |
| 00021 | [Merge Two Sorted Lists]( | | Easy |
| 00024 | [Swap Nodes in Pairs]( | | Medium |
| 00025 | [Reverse Nodes in k-Group]( | | Hard |
| 00033 | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array]( | | Medium |
| 00038 | [Count and Say]( | | Medium |
| 00048 | [Rotate Image]( | | Medium |
| 00050 | [Pow(x, n)]( | | Medium |
| 00053 | [Maximum Subarray]( | | Medium |
| 00067 | [Add Binary]( | | Easy |
| 00070 | [Climbing Stairs]( | | Easy |
| 00071 | [Simplify Path]( | | Medium |
| 00075 | [Sort Colors]( | | Medium |
| 00094 | [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal]( | | Easy |
| 00095 | [Unique Binary Search Trees II]( | | Medium |
| 00098 | [Validate Binary Search Tree]( | | Medium |
| 00100 | [Same Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00101 | [Symmetric Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00102 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( | | Medium |
| 00104 | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00105 | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal]( | | Medium |
| 00106 | [Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal]( | | Medium |
| 00108 | [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00111 | [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00116 | [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node]( | | Medium |
| 00118 | [Pascal's Triangle]( | | Easy |
| 00119 | [Pascal's Triangle II]( | | Easy |
| 00128 | [Longest Consecutive Sequence]( | | Medium |
| 00133 | [Clone Graph]( | | Medium |
| 00134 | [Gas Station]( | | Medium |
| 00144 | [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal]( | | Easy |
| 00145 | [Binary Tree Postorder Traversal]( | | Easy |
| 00146 | [LRU Cache]( | | Medium |
| 00150 | [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation]( | | Medium |
| 00155 | [Min Stack]( | | Easy |
| 00200 | [Number of Islands]( | | Medium |
| 00203 | [Remove Linked List Elements]( | | Easy |
| 00206 | [Reverse Linked List]( | | Easy |
| 00215 | [Kth Largest Element in an Array]( | | Medium |
| 00217 | [Contains Duplicate]( | | Easy |
| 00225 | [Implement Stack using Queues]( | | Easy |
| 00230 | [Kth Smallest Element in a BST]( | | Medium |
| 00232 | [Implement Queue using Stacks]( | | Easy |
| 00235 | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00236 | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree]( | | Medium |
| 00240 | [Search a 2D Matrix II]( | | Medium |
| 00257 | [Binary Tree Paths]( | | Easy |
| 00279 | [Perfect Squares]( | | Medium |
| 00283 | [Move Zeroes]( | | Easy |
| 00344 | [Reverse String]( | | Easy |
| 00347 | [Top K Frequent Elements]( | | Medium |
| 00350 | [Intersection of Two Arrays II]( | | Easy |
| 00371 | [Sum of Two Integers]( | | Medium |
| 00387 | [First Unique Character in a String]( | | Easy |
| 00389 | [Find the Difference]( | | Easy |
| 00394 | [Decode String]( | | Medium |
| 00429 | [N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal]( | | Medium |
| 00450 | [Delete Node in a BST]( | | Medium |
| 00494 | [Target Sum]( | | Medium |
| 00509 | [Fibonacci Number]( | | Easy |
| 00542 | [01 Matrix]( | | Medium |
| 00572 | [Subtree of Another Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00575 | [Distribute Candies]( | | Easy |
| 00606 | [Construct String from Binary Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00617 | [Merge Two Binary Trees]( | | Easy |
| 00622 | [Design Circular Queue]( | | Medium |
| 00637 | [Average of Levels in Binary Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00692 | [Top K Frequent Words]( | | Medium |
| 00700 | [Search in a Binary Search Tree]( | | Easy |
| 00721 | [Accounts Merge]( | | Medium |
| 00733 | [Flood Fill]( | | Easy |
| 00739 | [Daily Temperatures]( | | Medium |
| 00752 | [Open the Lock]( | | Medium |
| 00783 | [Minimum Distance Between BST Nodes]( | | Easy |
| 00797 | [All Paths From Source to Target]( | | Medium |
| 00814 | [Binary Tree Pruning]( | | Medium |
| 00841 | [Keys and Rooms]( | | Medium |
| 00863 | [All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree]( | | Medium |
| 00912 | [Sort an Array]( | | Medium |
| 00994 | [Rotting Oranges]( | | Medium |
| 01091 | [Shortest Path in Binary Matrix]( | | Medium |
| 01971 | [Find if Path Exists in Graph]( | | Easy |