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Spring boot starter for Apereo CAS client fully integrated with Spring security

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Spring boot starter for Apereo CAS client fully integrated with Spring security

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# Spring Security CAS starter

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> A Spring boot starter that will help you configure [Spring Security Cas]( within the application security context.

## Features

- Spring boot 1 and 2 support.
- Configures CAS authentication and authorization
- Support dynamic service resolution based on current `HttpServletRequest`
- Advance configuration through [CasSecurityConfigurerAdapter](
- Integration with _Basic authentication_ if `security.basic.enabled=true` will allow you to authenticate using header `Authorization: Basic ...` in addition to _CAS_
- `RestTemplate` integration

## Setup

Add the Spring boot starter to your project




But be careful `1.x.x` version has some **breaking changes** if you comes from `0.x.x` version.
But be careful `2.x.x` version will have some **breaking changes** if you comes from `1.x.x` version.

Please checkout [](, in particular `breaking changes` sections.

\* breaking changes should be only possible between two major version, example:

- from `0.x.x` to `1.x.x`
- from `1.x.x` to `2.x.x`
- ...

## Usage

In order to trigger auto-configuration you must fill, at least, the following properties regarding the resolution mode you want to use

### _static_ (_classic_) resolution mode

_static_ resolution mode is _classic_ and default mode that you could find if you're using plain old [Apereo Java client]( or [Spring Security CAS](

Thus you have to fill at least the following mandatory properties:

base-url: http://your.cas.server/cas
base-url: http://localhost:8080

| Property | [Apereo Java client]( equivalent | Description |
| `security.cas.server.base-url` | `casServerUrlPrefix` | The start of the CAS server url, i.e. https://localhost:8443/cas |
| `security.cas.service.base-url` | `serviceName` | The name of the server this application is hosted on. Service URL will be dynamically constructed using this, i.e. https://localhost:8443 (you must include the protocol, but port is optional if it's a standard port). |

### _dynamic_ resolution mode:

_dynamic_ resolution mode is a novel mode from that starter that will allow you to do not hard-code service url in your configuration. Thereby your configuration will be more portable and easy to use.

**ATTENTION** _dynamic_ resolution mode use information from `HttpServletRequest` to build service url, that can be a security breach if you do not control headers like `Host` or `X-Forwarded-*` that why _dynamic_ resolution mode **is not the default mode** and you must activate it as described in below properties.

base-url: http://your.cas.server/cas
resolution-mode: dynamic

| Property | [Apereo Java client]( equivalent | Description |
| `security.cas.server.base-url` | `casServerUrlPrefix` | the start of the CAS server url, i.e. https://localhost:8443/cas |
| `security.cas.service.resolution-mode` | **Not implemented** | Resolution modes can be `static` or `dynamic`, by default is `static` and you must fill `security.cas.service.base-url` whereas in `dynamic` mode service url will be generated from receiving `HttpServletRequest` |

if you're using `X-Forwarding-Prefix` header I will strongly recommend you to use [ForwardedHeaderFilter]( since _Tomcat_ [`RemoteIpValve`]( used when setting up `server.use-forward-headers=true` does not support _prefix_/_context-path_.

FilterRegistrationBean forwardedHeaderFilter() {
FilterRegistrationBean filterRegistrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
filterRegistrationBean.setFilter(new ForwardedHeaderFilter());
return filterRegistrationBean;

## Properties

The supported properties are:

| Property | Default value | Description |
| `security.cas.enabled` | `true` | Enable CAS security |
| `security.cas.key` | `UUID.randomUUID().toString()` | An id used by the [`CasAuthenticationProvider`]( |
| `security.cas.paths` | `/**` | Comma-separated list of paths to secure (works the same way as `security.basic.path`) |
| `security.cas.user.default-roles` | `USER` | Comma-separated list of default user roles. If roles have been found from `security.cas.user.roles-attributes` default roles will be append to the list of users roles |
| `security.cas.user.roles-attributes` | | Comma-separated list of CAS attributes to be used to determine user roles |
| `security.cas.proxy-validation.enabled` | `true` | Defines if proxy should be checked again chains `security.cas.proxy-validation.chains` |
| `security.cas.proxy-validation.chains` | | Defines proxy chains. Each acceptable proxy chain should include a comma-separated list of URLs (for exact match) or regular expressions of URLs (starting by the ^ character) |
| `security.cas.server.protocol-version` | `3` | Determine which CAS protocol version to be used, only protocol version 1, 2 or 3 is supported. |
| `security.cas.server.base-url` | | The start of the CAS server url, i.e. https://localhost:8443/cas |
| `security.cas.server.validation-base-url` | | Optional, `security.cas.server.base-url` is used if missing. The start of the CAS server url (similar to `security.cas.server.base-url`) used during ticket validation flow. Could be useful when server (your service) to server (CAS server) network is different from your external/browser network (i.e. docker environment, see [docker profile properties]( |
| `security.cas.server.paths.login` | `/login` | Defines the location of the CAS server login path that will be append to the existing `security.cas.server.base-url` url |
| `security.cas.server.paths.logout` | `/logout` | Defines the location of the CAS server logout path that will be appended to the existing `security.cas.server.base-url` url |
| `security.cas.service.resolution-mode` | `static` | Resolution modes can be `static` or `dynamic`, the default is `static` and you must fill `security.cas.service.base-url` whereas in `dynamic` mode service url will be generated from receiving `HttpServletRequest`. **Attention** will not override `security.cas.server.validation-base-url` and `security.cas.service.callback-base-url` if defined, see [docker profile properties]( to get an example. |
| `security.cas.service.base-url` | | The name of the server this application is hosted on. Service URL will be dynamically constructed using this, i.e. https://localhost:8443 (you must include the protocol, but port is optional if it's a standard port). Skipped if resolution mode is `dynamic`. |
| `security.cas.service.callback-base-url` | | Optional, `security.cas.service.base-url` is used if missing. Represents the base url that will be used to compute _Proxy granting ticket callback_ (see `security.cas.service.paths.proxy-callback`). It could be useful to be different from `security.cas.service.base-url` when server (CAS server) to server (your service) network is different from your external/browser network (i.e. docker environment, see see [docker profile properties]( |
| `security.cas.service.paths.login` | `/login` | Defines the application login path that will be appended to the existing `security.cas.service.base-url` url |
| `security.cas.service.paths.logout` | `/logout` | Defines the application logout path that will be appended to the existing `security.cas.service.base-url` url |
| `security.cas.service.paths.proxy-callback` | | The callback path that will be, if present, appended to the `security.cas.service.callback-base-url` or `security.cas.service.base-url` and added to as parameter inside request validation. **It must be set if you want to receive _Proxy Granting Ticket_ `PGT`**. |

Otherwise you can checkout [CasSecurityProperties]( class.

## Additional configuration

If you need to set additional configuration options simply register within Spring application context instance of [`CasSecurityConfigurerAdapter`](

class CustomCasSecurityConfiguration extends CasSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(CasAuthenticationFilterConfigurer filter) {
// Here you can configure CasAuthenticationFilter

public void configure(CasSingleSignOutFilterConfigurer filter) {
// Here you can configure SingleSignOutFilter

public void configure(CasAuthenticationProviderSecurityBuilder provider) {
// Here you can configure CasAuthenticationProvider

public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Here you can configure Spring Security HttpSecurity object during init configure

public void configure(CasTicketValidatorBuilder ticketValidator) {
// Here you can configure CasTicketValidator

Otherwise many beans defined in that starter are annotated with `@ConditionOnMissingBean` thus you can override default bean definitions.

## Proxy granting storage

Starter does not provide any additional _proxy granting storage_ (yet), by default an _in memory_ storage is used [`ProxyGrantingTicketStorageImpl`](

To override it you can expose a `ProxyGrantingTicketStorage` bean like following:

ProxyGrantingTicketStorage proxyGrantingTicketStorage() {
return new MyCustomProxyGrantingTicketStorage();

**Or** use `configurer` but a bit longer since you must report `ProxyGrantingTicketStorage` in both `CasAuthenticationFilter` and `TicketValidator`

class CustomCasSecurityConfiguration extends CasSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(CasAuthenticationFilterConfigurer filter) {
filter.proxyGrantingTicketStorage(new MyCustomProxyGrantingStorage());

public void configure(CasTicketValidatorBuilder ticketValidator) {
ticketValidator.proxyGrantingTicketStorage(new MyCustomProxyGrantingStorage());

## Logout & SLO

By default starter will configure both _logout_ and _single logout (SLO)_.

**ATTENTION** default _logout_ (on `/logout`) behavior will:

1. Logout from application and also logout from CAS server that will logout any other applications.
2. Keep default Spring security behavior concerning _CSRF_ and _logging out_ to summarize if _CSRF_ is enabled logout will only mapped on `POST`, see for more details

If you want to change those behaviors, for example by adding a logout page that will propose user to logout from other application, you may configure like following:

class CasCustomLogoutConfiguration extends CasSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private final CasSecurityProperties casSecurityProperties;

private final LogoutSuccessHandler casLogoutSuccessHandler;

public CustomLogoutConfiguration(LogoutSuccessHandler casLogoutSuccessHandler) {
this.casLogoutSuccessHandler = casLogoutSuccessHandler;

public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Add null logoutSuccessHandler to disable CasLogoutSuccessHandler
.logoutRequestMatcher(new AntPathRequestMatcher("/logout"));
LogoutFilter filter = new LogoutFilter(casLogoutSuccessHandler, new SecurityContextLogoutHandler());
http.addFilterBefore(filter, LogoutFilter.class);

class WebMvcConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {

With possible `logout.html` like following


Logout page

Do you want to log out of CAS?

You have logged out of this application, but may still have an active single-sign on session with CAS.

Logout of CAS


You can checkout & run sample module [`cas-security-spring-boot-sample`]( with _profile_ `custom-logout`.

## Proxy chains validation

By default client configuration is `security.cas.proxy-validation.enabled = true` with empty proxy chains (`security.cas.proxy-validation.chains`). That means you will not be able to validate proxy ticket since proxy chains is empty.

You should disable proxy validation using:

enabled: false

**But is not recommended for production environment**, or define your own proxy chains:

- http://localhost:8180, http://localhost:8181
- - http://localhost:8280
- http://localhost:8281
- ^http://my\\.domain\\..*

As you can see there is multiple syntaxes for `yml` format to define _collection of collection_:

1. Using _comma-separated_ list
2. Using double `- -` syntax

If you are using `properties` format you could translate like following:

security.cas.proxy-validation.chains[0] = http://localhost:8180, http://localhost:8181
security.cas.proxy-validation.chains[1] = http://localhost:8280, http://localhost:8281
security.cas.proxy-validation.chains[2] = ^http://my\\.domain\\..*

## RestTemplate integration with Proxy ticket

Since `0.7.0` version, there is a simple integration with `RestTemplate` but not enabled by default.

In order to enable it you must create your own `RestTemplate` bean and add an _interceptor_

RestTemplate casRestTemplate(ServiceProperties serviceProperties, ProxyTicketProvider proxyTicketProvider) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
restTemplate.getInterceptors().add(new CasAuthorizationInterceptor(serviceProperties, proxyTicketProvider));
return restTemplate;

This _interceptor_ is pretty simple, it will simply ask a new _proxy ticket_ for each request and append it to request query parameter.
For example with: `` interceptor will modify request uri to become ``.

**ATTENTION** if _interceptor_ gets any issue to get _proxy ticket_ from CAS server, it will throw an `IllegalStateException`.

Please checkout You can find sample usage for both on [`CasSecuritySpringBootSampleApplication`](

### AssertionProvider and ProxyTicketProvider

In addition to `RestTemplate` integration, since `0.7.0` there are now two new autoconfigured beans:

1. `AssertionProvider` that will provide you a way to retrieve the current (bounded to current authenticated request) `org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Assertion`
2. `ProxyTicketProvider` that will provide you a simple way to ask a _proxy ticket_ for a given service (regarding the current authenticated request)

You can find sample usage for both on [`CasSecuritySpringBootSampleApplication`](

## License

MIT License