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Solutions to LeetCode Problems
competitive-programming leetcode solutions
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Solutions to LeetCode Problems
- Host: GitHub
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- Owner: kantuni
- Created: 2019-05-09T14:41:01.000Z (over 5 years ago)
- Default Branch: master
- Last Pushed: 2024-11-11T14:26:55.000Z (3 months ago)
- Last Synced: 2024-11-11T15:26:43.015Z (3 months ago)
- Topics: competitive-programming, leetcode, solutions
- Language: C++
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- Size: 824 KB
- Stars: 4
- Watchers: 1
- Forks: 4
- Open Issues: 0
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# Solutions to [LeetCode]( Problems
| # | Title |
| :- | :---- |
| 1 | [Two Sum]( |
| 2 | [Add Two Numbers]( |
| 3 | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( |
| 7 | [Reverse Integer]( |
| 9 | [Palindrome Number]( |
| 11 | [Container With Most Water]( |
| 12 | [Integer to Roman]( |
| 13 | [Roman to Integer]( |
| 14 | [Longest Common Prefix]( |
| 20 | [Valid Parentheses]( |
| 21 | [Merge Two Sorted Lists]( |
| 24 | [Swap Nodes in Pairs]( |
| 26 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array]( |
| 27 | [Remove Element]( |
| 28 | [Implement strStr()]( |
| 31 | [Next Permutation]( |
| 33 | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array]( |
| 35 | [Search Insert Position]( |
| 38 | [Count and Say]( |
| 41 | [First Missing Positive]( |
| 46 | [Permutations]( |
| 47 | [Permutations II]( |
| 49 | [Group Anagrams]( |
| 51 | [N-Queens]( |
| 52 | [N-Queens II]( |
| 53 | [Maximum Subarray]( |
| 54 | [Spiral Matrix]( |
| 55 | [Jump Game]( |
| 56 | [Merge Intervals]( |
| 58 | [Length of Last Word]( |
| 64 | [Minimum Path Sum]( |
| 66 | [Plus One]( |
| 67 | [Add Binary]( |
| 69 | [Sqrt(x)]( |
| 70 | [Climbing Stairs]( |
| 78 | [Subsets]( |
| 80 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II]( |
| 83 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List]( |
| 88 | [Merge Sorted Array]( |
| 89 | [Gray Code]( |
| 90 | [Subsets II]( |
| 94 | [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal]( |
| 100 | [Same Tree]( |
| 101 | [Symmetric Tree]( |
| 102 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( |
| 104 | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree]( |
| 105 | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal]( |
| 106 | [Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal]( |
| 107 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II]( |
| 108 | [Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree]( |
| 110 | [Balanced Binary Tree]( |
| 111 | [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree]( |
| 112 | [Path Sum]( |
| 116 | [Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node]( |
| 118 | [Pascal's Triangle]( |
| 119 | [Pascal's Triangle II]( |
| 121 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock]( |
| 122 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II]( |
| 124 | [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum]( |
| 125 | [Valid Palindrome]( |
| 127 | [Word Ladder]( |
| 136 | [Single Number]( |
| 139 | [Word Break]( |
| 141 | [Linked List Cycle]( |
| 144 | [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal]( |
| 145 | [Binary Tree Postorder Traversal]( |
| 146 | [LRU Cache]( |
| 150 | [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation]( |
| 155 | [Min Stack]( |
| 153 | [Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array]( |
| 160 | [Intersection of Two Linked Lists]( |
| 167 | [Two Sum II - Input array is sorted]( |
| 168 | [Excel Sheet Column Title]( |
| 169 | [Majority Element]( |
| 171 | [Excel Sheet Column Number]( |
| 172 | [Factorial Trailing Zeroes]( |
| 189 | [Rotate Array]( |
| 190 | [Reverse Bits]( |
| 191 | [Number of 1 Bits]( |
| 198 | [House Robber]( |
| 200 | [Number of Islands]( |
| 201 | [Bitwise AND of Numbers Range]( |
| 202 | [Happy Number]( |
| 203 | [Remove Linked List Elements]( |
| 204 | [Count Primes]( |
| 205 | [Isomorphic Strings]( |
| 206 | [Reverse Linked List]( |
| 208 | [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)]( |
| 217 | [Contains Duplicate]( |
| 219 | [Contains Duplicate II]( |
| 221 | [Maximal Square]( |
| 225 | [Implement Stack using Queues]( |
| 226 | [Invert Binary Tree]( |
| 228 | [Summary Ranges]( |
| 230 | [Kth Smallest Element in a BST]( |
| 231 | [Power of Two]( |
| 232 | [Implement Queue using Stacks]( |
| 234 | [Palindrome Linked List]( |
| 235 | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree]( |
| 237 | [Delete Node in a Linked List]( |
| 238 | [Product of Array Except Self]( |
| 242 | [Valid Anagram]( |
| 257 | [Binary Tree Paths]( |
| 258 | [Add Digits]( |
| 263 | [Ugly Number]( |
| 268 | [Missing Number]( |
| 274 | [H-Index]( |
| 278 | [First Bad Version]( |
| 283 | [Move Zeroes]( |
| 290 | [Word Pattern]( |
| 292 | [Nim Game]( |
| 299 | [Bulls and Cows]( |
| 303 | [Range Sum Query - Immutable]( |
| 309 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown]( |
| 322 | [Coin Change]( |
| 326 | [Power of Three]( |
| 328 | [Odd Even Linked List]( |
| 338 | [Counting Bits]( |
| 342 | [Power of Four]( |
| 344 | [Reverse String]( |
| 345 | [Reverse Vowels of a String]( |
| 349 | [Intersection of Two Arrays]( |
| 350 | [Intersection of Two Arrays II]( |
| 354 | [Russian Doll Envelopes]( |
| 367 | [Valid Perfect Square]( |
| 374 | [Guess Number Higher or Lower]( |
| 376 | [Wiggle Subsequence]( |
| 383 | [Ransom Note]( |
| 387 | [First Unique Character in a String]( |
| 389 | [Find the Difference]( |
| 392 | [Is Subsequence]( |
| 394 | [Decode String]( |
| 402 | [Remove K Digits]( |
| 403 | [Frog Jump]( |
| 404 | [Sum of Left Leaves]( |
| 405 | [Convert a Number to Hexadecimal]( |
| 409 | [Longest Palindrome]( |
| 412 | [Fizz Buzz]( |
| 414 | [Third Maximum Number]( |
| 415 | [Add Strings]( |
| 416 | [Partition Equal Subset Sum]( |
| 417 | [Pacific Atlantic Water Flow]( |
| 423 | [Reconstruct Original Digits from English]( |
| 434 | [Number of Segments in a String]( |
| 438 | [Find All Anagrams in a String]( |
| 441 | [Arranging Coins]( |
| 448 | [Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array]( |
| 451 | [Sort Characters By Frequency]( |
| 455 | [Assign Cookies]( |
| 459 | [Repeated Substring Pattern]( |
| 461 | [Hamming Distance]( |
| 463 | [Island Perimeter]( |
| 476 | [Number Complement]( |
| 478 | [Generate Random Point in a Circle]( |
| 482 | [License Key Formatting]( |
| 485 | [Max Consecutive Ones]( |
| 492 | [Construct the Rectangle]( |
| 495 | [Teemo Attacking]( |
| 498 | [Diagonal Traverse]( |
| 500 | [Keyboard Row]( |
| 504 | [Base 7]( |
| 506 | [Relative Ranks]( |
| 507 | [Perfect Number]( |
| 509 | [Fibonacci Number]( |
| 520 | [Detect Capital]( |
| 525 | [Contiguous Array]( |
| 535 | [Encode and Decode TinyURL]( |
| 540 | [Single Element in a Sorted Array]( |
| 543 | [Diameter of Binary Tree]( |
| 560 | [Subarray Sum Equals K]( |
| 561 | [Array Partition]( |
| 567 | [Permutation in String]( |
| 575 | [Distribute Candies]( |
| 623 | [Add One Row to Tree]( |
| 637 | [Average of Levels in Binary Tree]( |
| 643 | [Maximum Average Subarray I]( |
| 645 | [Set Mismatch]( |
| 647 | [Palindromic Substrings]( |
| 678 | [Valid Parenthesis String]( |
| 680 | [Valid Palindrome II]( |
| 682 | [Baseball Game]( |
| 697 | [Degree of an Array]( |
| 700 | [Search in a Binary Search Tree]( |
| 706 | [Design HashMap]( |
| 709 | [To Lower Case]( |
| 714 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee]( |
| 721 | [Accounts Merge]( |
| 724 | [Find Pivot Index]( |
| 728 | [Self Dividing Numbers]( |
| 733 | [Flood Fill]( |
| 747 | [Largest Number At Least Twice of Others]( |
| 771 | [Jewels and Stones]( |
| 775 | [Global and Local Inversions]( |
| 820 | [Short Encoding of Words]( |
| 823 | [Binary Trees With Factors]( |
| 836 | [Rectangle Overlap]( |
| 841 | [Keys and Rooms]( |
| 844 | [Backspace String Compare]( |
| 869 | [Reordered Power of 2]( |
| 870 | [Advantage Shuffle]( |
| 876 | [Middle of the Linked List]( |
| 883 | [Projection Area of 3D Shapes]( |
| 884 | [Uncommon Words from Two Sentences]( |
| 886 | [Possible Bipartition]( |
| 901 | [Online Stock Span]( |
| 905 | [Sort Array By Parity]( |
| 912 | [Sort an Array]( |
| 916 | [Word Subsets]( |
| 918 | [Maximum Sum Circular Subarray]( |
| 923 | [3Sum With Multiplicity]( |
| 935 | [Knight Dialer]( |
| 938 | [Range Sum of BST]( |
| 941 | [Valid Mountain Array]( |
| 966 | [Vowel Spellchecker]( |
| 971 | [Flip Binary Tree To Match Preorder Traversal]( |
| 977 | [Squares of a Sorted Array]( |
| 979 | [Distribute Coins in Binary Tree]( |
| 984 | [String Without AAA or BBB]( |
| 993 | [Cousins in Binary Tree]( |
| 997 | [Find the Town Judge]( |
| 1008 | [Construct Binary Search Tree from Preorder Traversal]( |
| 1009 | [Complement of Base 10 Integer]( |
| 1046 | [Last Stone Weight]( |
| 1089 | [Duplicate Zeros]( |
| 1051 | [Height Checker]( |
| 1143 | [Longest Common Subsequence]( |
| 1207 | [Unique Number of Occurrences]( |
| 1232 | [Check If It Is a Straight Line]( |
| 1277 | [Count Square Submatrices with All Ones]( |
| 1295 | [Find Numbers with Even Number of Digits]( |
| 1332 | [Remove Palindromic Subsequences]( |
| 1386 | [Cinema Seat Allocation]( |
| 1394 | [Find Lucky Integer in an Array]( |
| 1396 | [Design Underground System]( |
| 1426 | [Counting Elements]( |
| 1427 | [Perform String Shifts]( |
| 1428 | [Leftmost Column with at Least a One]( |
| 1429 | [First Unique Number]( |
| 1430 | [Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree]( |
| 1461 | [Check If a String Contains All Binary Codes of Size K]( |
| 1572 | [Matrix Diagonal Sum]( |
| 1672 | [Richest Customer Wealth]( |
| 1721 | [Swapping Nodes in a Linked List]( |
| 1807 | [Evaluate the Bracket Pairs of a String]( |
| 1971 | [Find if Path Exists in Graph]( |
| 2215 | [Find the Difference of Two Arrays]( |
| 2225 | [Find Players With Zero or One Losses]( |Problems solved: **247**