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An Universal ReactJS/Redux Boilerplate

babel boilerplate code-splitting css-modules cssnext enzyme eslint hot-reload karma koajs mocha react react-router reactjs redux sass scss starterkit webpack webpack-dev-server

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An Universal ReactJS/Redux Boilerplate

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# React Redux Universal Boilerplate

## Introduction

> I started this project to learn tools like [React](, [Redux](, [Webpack](, [](, [ES6/ES2015]( I did it mainly for fun. But it will be maintained and then I used it as Boilerplate for my React|Redux projects. So don't worry it works :p. It's not perfect but it works :).

> Enjoy it! :)

An Universal ReactJS/Redux Boilerplate.

## Requirements

* [nodejs](

> Node `>=7.6.0`

## Optional

* [yarn](

## Installation

$ git clone
$ cd
$ npm install or yarn
$ on postinstall you should choose between SASS or CSSNEXT

## Run

* npm start (dev mod)
* npm run deploy (prod mod - Runs npm run build:client and npm run build:server scripts)
* cd readyToDeploy, npm install or yarn then npm start (prod mod)

## Some NPM Script Commands

### Storybook

$ npm run storybook

Starts Storybook on `http://localhost:6006/``

### Development

$ npm run setup

Allows to choose between sass or cssnext and clean up unnecessary files. This question you will be asked: `You will use SASS as CSS extension language 😉 . Do you wish to use CSSNEXT 😀 ? This choice is irreversible. Obviously you can install the project again or just use your version control system to discard changes in working directory.`

> This script runs on postinstall script (see package.json).

$ npm run dev

Serves your app at `localip:3000`. HMR will be enabled in development. A proxy is used for when you request http://localip:3000/, it will fetch http://localip:3001/ and return.

$ npm start

Runs `npm run dev` script.

$ npm run start:server

Starts the `dev` server with nodemon to serve your app at `localip:3000`.

$ npm run start:client:server

Starts the `webpack dev server` to serve your `webpack bundle` at `localip:3001` and enable HMR in development.

### Production

$ npm run build:client

It does some optimizations and compiles the client app, for the production, to disk (`~/readyToDeploy/static/dist`).

$ npm run build:server

It does some optimizations and compiles the server app, for the production, to disk (`~/readyToDeploy/server.js`).

$ npm run deploy

Runs `npm run build:client` and `npm run build:server` scripts.

$ cd readyToDeploy
$ npm install or yarn
$ npm start

Starts the `prod` server to serve your app at `localip:3000`.

### Test

$ npm run test

Runs unit tests with Karma. It will generate a coverage report to `~/coverage`.

$ npm run test:dev

Same as `npm run test` except it watches for changes to re-run tests.

### Linter

$ npm run lint

Lint all files in `~/src` and `~/__tests__`.

## Deployment

Runs `npm run deploy` and everything is in the `~/readyToDeploy` folder.

You can read the [README](readyToDeploy/


You should just install an extension [Redux DevTools Extension](
Personally I use [Redux DevTools for Chrome](

> Are there any other alternatives? Sure!
> You can also use [Redux DevTools]( And there is also a small logger middleware [`redux-logger`]( to log all actions and states after they are dispatched.

## Features
* [react](
* [redux](
* [redux-devtools-extension](
* [react-router 4](
* [react-router-redux](
* [react-helmet](
* [React Hot Loader 3](
* [webpack 2](
* [webpack-dev-middleware](
* [webpack-hot-middleware](
* [webpack-isomorphic-tools](
* [image-webpack-loader](
* [purifycss-webpack-plugin](
* [babel](
* [koa 2](
* [koa-compress](
* [koa-convert](
* [koa-helmet](
* [koa-html-minifier](
* [koa-static](
* [koa-static-cache](
* [eslint](
* [Universal (Isomorphic)](
* [normalize.css](
* [postcss-cssnext](
* [sass](
* [css-modules](
* [karma](
* [Mocha](
* [Chai](
* [Sinon.JS](
* [Enzyme](
* [why-did-you-update](
* [babel-preset-latest](
* Backend bundle with webpack
* Code Splitting ( ** for now doesn't work with React Router 4. You can use an old version of this starter [`2.0.5`]( ** )
* [Storybook](

## Styles

`CSSNEXT` You can use `.css` file extensions using the latest CSS syntax with [`postcss-cssnext`](

`SASS` You can use `scss.|css` file extensions using the sass syntax with [`sass`](

> CSS are automatically autoprefixed. You don't need to add prefixes like `-webkit`.
> See:
> * [automatic vendor prefixes]( from `postcss-cssnext features`
> * [Autoprefixer]( (used for sass mode)

See the `~/src/common/styles/global` directory to implement global styles (site's theme for example) and see an example of use case css module `~/src/common/views/AboutView`. There is also a `~/src/common/styles/local` directory for common local styles (this could allow to use [css modules' composition]( between components).

Are there any other solutions ? Fortunately yes!

> I could try one of these following options if what I implemented doesn't work very well...

* It's possible to use `css-modules` for [`Theming`](
* Obviously you can use the traditional method (it works very well) to do your own css or sass:

.foo-namespace {
.baz {
.bar {





## Globals

These are global variables available to you anywhere in your source code. They can be found in `~/config/index.js`.

new webpack.DefinePlugin({
__CLIENT__: projectConfig.__CLIENT__,
__SERVER__: projectConfig.__SERVER__,
__DEV__: projectConfig.__DEV__,
__PROD__: projectConfig.__PROD__,

> Webpack is made for client side code development only. So we also have to define them on the server side

* Define isomorphic constants.

// src/server/index.js

global.__CLIENT__ = false
global.__SERVER__ = true
global.__DEV__ = projectConfig.__DEV__
global.__PROD__ = projectConfig.__PROD__

## Unit Tests

Tests are in `~/__tests__`. [Mocha]( will be used for structuring tests, [karma]( as the test runner, [Chai]( for assertions, [Sinon.JS]( for spies... And [Enzyme]( to simplify testing react components.

## Tips

* For the backend, if you want to ignore some modules, you can use the [IgnorePlugin](

new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/\.(css|less|scss|jpg|png|...)$/)

* How to reduce the size of vendor's bundle? Maybe should we use some librairies as extarnals? See [library-and-externals]( and [React - using-a-cdn](

> Message received from Webpack via terminal:
> WARNING in asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (250 kB)

## Sources

* [React Redux Universal Hot Example](
* [webapp (React, Redux, React-router, i18n, isomorphic, etc)](
* [Universal React Boilerplate](
* [React Universal example](
* [React Simple Universal](
* [React Isomorphic Starterkit](
* [React Redux Starter Kit](
* [react-boilerplate - Boilerplate for "SurviveJS - React"](
* [react-testing-starter-kit](
* [karma-webpack](
* [react-cool-starter](
* [isomorphic-flux-boilerplate](
* [meatier](

## Learn more

* [Babel Handbook](
* [Babel CLI](
* [css-modules](
* [css-modules' webpack-demo](
* [css-loader's local-scope](
* Run multiple commands in parallel:
* [Concurrently](
* [npm-run-all](
* [html5-boilerplate](
* [yarn](
* [Getting Started](
* [Documentation](
* [Migrating from npm](
* [koajs tutorial](
* [webpack official](
* [webpack concepts](
* [Hot Module Replacement - React](
* [Code Splitting](
* [Caching](
* [webpack tutorial from survivejs](
* [Getting Started with Webpack 2](
* [Webpack 2 + PostCSS + cssnext](
* [webpack-2-tree-shaking-configuration](
* [Backend-Apps-with-Webpack](
* [complete-intro-to-react](
* [Progressive Web Apps with React.js from Addy Osmani](