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Inspired by HBO's Silicon Valley: SeeFood is an iOS app that uses CoreML to detect various dishes

caffe coreml digits image-classification ios machine-learning swift4 xcode9

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Inspired by HBO's Silicon Valley: SeeFood is an iOS app that uses CoreML to detect various dishes

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# SeeFood
For a step by step guide on how to build SeeFood: **[How to train your own model for CoreML](**.

[Video Demo](

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## Prerequisites:
Xcode 9 (currently Version 9.0 beta 3 (9M174d)).
The trained CoreML data model which can be downloaded [here](
An iOS device running iOS 11+.

## Setup:
Import the data model downloaded from the link above and build.

## Credit:
This model is a retrained [AlexNet]( (Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever, Geoffrey E. Hinton) Caffe model using [Food-101]( (Lukas Bossard, Matthieu Guillaumin, Luc Van Gool) dataset.