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The neovim language-server-client UI

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The neovim language-server-client UI

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# lspsaga.nvim

A maintained fork of glepnir/lspsaga.nvim.

Lspsaga is light-weight lsp plugin based on neovim built-in lsp with highly a performant UI. [SEE IN ACTION](

## Features

TODO .......

## Install

### Packer

use { 'kkharji/lspsaga.nvim' } -- nightly
use { 'kkharji/lspsaga.nvim', branch = 'nvim6.0' or 'nvim51' } -- for specific version

## Requirements

- neovim/nvim-lspconfig

## Setup

Lspsaga support use command `Lspsaga` with completion or use lua function.

local lspsaga = require 'lspsaga'
lspsaga.setup { -- defaults ...
debug = false,
use_saga_diagnostic_sign = true,
-- diagnostic sign
error_sign = "",
warn_sign = "",
hint_sign = "",
infor_sign = "",
diagnostic_header_icon = "  ",
-- code action title icon
code_action_icon = " ",
code_action_prompt = {
enable = true,
sign = true,
sign_priority = 40,
virtual_text = true,
finder_definition_icon = " ",
finder_reference_icon = " ",
max_preview_lines = 10,
finder_action_keys = {
open = "o",
vsplit = "s",
split = "i",
quit = "q",
scroll_down = "",
scroll_up = "",
code_action_keys = {
quit = "q",
exec = "",
rename_action_keys = {
quit = "",
exec = "",
definition_preview_icon = " ",
border_style = "single",
rename_prompt_prefix = "➤",
rename_output_qflist = {
enable = false,
auto_open_qflist = false,
server_filetype_map = {},
diagnostic_prefix_format = "%d. ",
diagnostic_message_format = "%m %c",
highlight_prefix = false,
## Example Keymapings

--- In lsp attach function
local map = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap
map(0, "n", "gr", "Lspsaga rename", {silent = true, noremap = true})
map(0, "n", "gx", "Lspsaga code_action", {silent = true, noremap = true})
map(0, "x", "gx", ":Lspsaga range_code_action", {silent = true, noremap = true})
map(0, "n", "K", "Lspsaga hover_doc", {silent = true, noremap = true})
map(0, "n", "go", "Lspsaga show_line_diagnostics", {silent = true, noremap = true})
map(0, "n", "gj", "Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_next", {silent = true, noremap = true})
map(0, "n", "gk", "Lspsaga diagnostic_jump_prev", {silent = true, noremap = true})
map(0, "n", "", "lua require('lspsaga.action').smart_scroll_with_saga(-1, '')", {})
map(0, "n", "", "lua require('lspsaga.action').smart_scroll_with_saga(1, '')", {})

## Customize Appearance

### Colors

Colors can be simply changed by overwriting the default highlights groups LspSaga is using.

highlight link LspSagaFinderSelection Search
" or
highlight link LspSagaFinderSelection guifg='#ff0000' guibg='#00ff00' gui='bold'

The available highlight groups are:

| Group Name | Description |
| :----------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------|
| `LspSagaFinderSelection` | Currently active entry in the finder window that gets previewed. |
| `LspFloatWinNormal` | |
| `LspFloatWinBorder` | |
| `LspSagaBorderTitle` | |
| `TargetWord` | |
| `ReferencesCount` | |
| `DefinitionCount` | |
| `TargetFileName` | |
| `DefinitionIcon` | |
| `ReferencesIcon` | |
| `ProviderTruncateLine` | |
| `SagaShadow` | |
| `LspSagaFinderSelection` | |
| `DiagnosticTruncateLine` | |
| `DiagnosticError` | |
| `DiagnosticWarning` | |
| `DiagnosticInformation` | |
| `DiagnosticHint` | |
| `DefinitionPreviewTitle` | |
| `LspSagaShTruncateLine` | |
| `LspSagaDocTruncateLine` | |
| `LineDiagTuncateLine` | |
| `LspSagaCodeActionTitle` | |
| `LspSagaCodeActionTruncateLine` | |
| `LspSagaCodeActionContent` | |
| `LspSagaRenamePromptPrefix` | |
| `LspSagaRenameBorder` | |
| `LspSagaHoverBorder` | |
| `LspSagaSignatureHelpBorder` | |
| `LspSagaCodeActionBorder` | |
| `LspSagaAutoPreview` | |
| `LspSagaDefPreviewBorder` | |
| `LspLinesDiagBorder` | |

## Filetypes

Autocmds can be added for dedicated filetypes of LspSaga floating windows.
For example, one can use `` to close the hover window when jumping into it by calling `:Lspsaga hover_doc` twice.
augroup lspsaga_filetypes
autocmd FileType LspsagaHover nnoremap close!
augroup END

The available filetypes are:
* `LspsagaCodeAction`
* `LspsagaDiagnostic`
* `LspsagaFinder`
* `LspsagaFloaterm`
* `LspsagaHover`
* `LspsagaRename`
* `LspsagaSignatureHelp`

# License