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Send code to your Julia REPL, get diagnostics in return.

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Send code to your Julia REPL, get diagnostics in return.

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# NVim-Smuggler

*Well, listen up, folks! [`REPLSmuggler.jl`]( just slipped into your cozy REPL like a shadow in the night.*

[Demo](#Demo) | [Features](#Features) | [Installation](#Installation) | [Configuration](#Configuration) | [Documentation](#Documentation) | [Acknowledgements](#Acknowledgements) | [License](#License) | [![LuaRocks](](

Neo-Vim companion plugin for [REPLSmuggler.jl]( Send code to your Julia REPL, and get Neo-Vim diagnostics in return.

> NeoVim 0.10 or later is required.

## Demo


## Features

- [x] Send text to Julia REPL
- [x] Auto-detection of available REPL
- [x] Send multiple lines
- [x] Send range
- [x] Send text objects
- [ ] Dynamic choice of module for execution

## Installation

Using rocks.nvim:
:Rocks install nvim-smuggler

Using Lazy:

return {
dependencies = { "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio" },

## Configuration

The plugin is initialized through its `setup` function, which takes a table as
its sole argument. The options are the following (given with their default
ui = {
mappings = { -- set to false to disable all mappings.
smuggle = "cs", -- Mapping for Smuggle in normal mode.
smuggle_range = "cs", -- For SmuggleRange in visual mode.
smuggle_config = "ce", -- SmuggleConfig in normal mode.
smuggle_operator = "gcs", -- SmuggleOperator in normal mode.
evaluated_hl = "MoreMsg", -- highlight group for evaluated chunks.
invalidated_hl = "WarningMsg", -- highlight group for invalidated evaluated chunks.
result_line_length = 80, -- line length of displayed results.
result_hl_group = "DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo", -- highlight group used for results.
display_results = true, -- Display evaluation results.
display_images = true, -- Display images if `images.nvim` is present.
images_height = 10, -- Number of lines an image should occupy.
eval_sign_text = "│", -- Symbol in signcolumn to mark evaluated/invalidated.
show_eval = true, -- If set to false, do not attempt to track modifications in evaluated code chunks.
log = {
level = "warn", -- available: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal
use_file = false, -- output logs to `stdpath("data")/smuggler.log`, e.g. `~/.local/share/nvim/smuggler.log `
use_console = true, -- output logs to the console.
buffers = {
eval_by_blocks = false, -- Configure each new session eval by block attribute.
autoselect_single_socket=true, -- When true, skip socket selection dialog if there's only one choice possible.
showdir = vim.fs.dirname(vim.fn.tempname()),
iocontext = { -- Julia's IOContext
-- (,%20Pair%7D)
-- options to use.
compact = true,
limit = true,
displaysize = {10, 80},

If you use the `rocks.nvim` package manager, you can use the
[`rocks-config.nvim`]( package to call `setup` in
require('smuggler').setup({ ... })

If you use the `lazy.nvim` package manager, you can provide the configuration
directly with the installation:
opts = {
dependencies = { "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio" },

## Documentation

See [`:help smuggler`](

## Acknowledgements

- [vim-slime]( by jpalardy inspired the design for sending code to the REPL from a buffer,
- [nvim-nio]( is used for all asynchronous stuff in the plugin.

## License

NVim-Smuggler is available under the [MIT]( license.