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Draw sunburst charts/hierarchical pie plots ("multi-level" pie plots of hierarchical data as e.g., in disk usage diagrams)

chart hierarchical-data pie-chart plot plotting pyplot python visualization

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Draw sunburst charts/hierarchical pie plots ("multi-level" pie plots of hierarchical data as e.g., in disk usage diagrams)

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# Sunburst Charts

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🚧 **This is an older project that is currently being brushed up** 🚧

## Introduction

`sunburst` creates "sunburst charts" (also called "Ring Charts", "Hierarchical Pie Chargs" or "Multilevel Pie Charts") together with the `matplotlib` package.
Quoting [Wikipedia](

> A ring chart, also known as a sunburst chart or a multilevel pie
> chart, is used to visualize hierarchical data, depicted by concentric circles. The circle in the centre represents the root node, with the
> hierarchy moving outward from the center. A segment of the inner
> circle bears a hierarchical relationship to those segments of the
> outer circle which lie within the angular sweep of the parent segment.

A prominent example are disk usage charts (see
`examples/` for this example):


## ✨ Features

`sunburst` tries to be

- Intuitive & Easy to use: After setting up your data and
`matplotlib`, not more than two lines are necessary to generate
first plots ([minimal
- Flexible & Robust: Wherever it makes sense, the methods of the
`SunburstPlot` class are intended to be overwritten. Methods that
are responsible for spacing, coloring, styling etc. of the `wedges`
take the corresponding data point (`path`) as an argument, allowing to set most properties independently for each `wedge`.

More specifically:

- Clever positioning of labels, which - depending on space constraints are positioned in a tangentially or radially.
- An easy way to "explode" the plot by redefining

## 📦 Installation

To install, run

pip3 install sunburst

## 🚧 Migration notice

For more information about recent changes, see the [changelog](

* The 2.0 version will have a different API without the `Path` class
* Before the first release to pypi, this package was called `hpie`.
* There have since bean many non-backwards compatible changes to the API: Most importantly, the `HPie` class is now `SunburstPlot` and the package is called `sunburst`
* To get the old version back, check out the `old-hpie` branch. It will however not be maintained any longer.

## 🔥 Minimal example

You can find several examples at `examples/`. The most basic example is

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sunburst import SunburstPlot, stringvalues_to_pv

# set up some data
data = stringvalues_to_pv({
'ipsum': 40.45,
'ipsum/eirmod': 29.34,
'ipsum/eirmod/dolor': 94.4,
'lorem': 36.12,
'lorem/sadipscing/dolor': 44.32,
'lorem/sadipscing/lorem': 37.15,
'lorem/sadipscing/nonumy': 23.98,
'lorem/eirmod': 11.12,
'lorem/eirmod/lorem': 45.65,
'lorem/sadipscing': 79.67,

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sbp = SunburstPlot(data, ax)
ax.set_title('Example SunburstPlot')

Running this script with `python3` will
produce the following plot:


## The Data

Note that the value corresponding to path is always the value
*excluding* the values of the children of the path. Therefore plotting
the `SunburstPlot` object computes a "completed" version of the
"pathvalue dictionary". You can check this with the
`SunburstPlot._completed_pv` instance variable which gets initialized
after calling `SunburstPlot.plot(*args)`. Running our minimal example
prints the following:

sbp._completed_pv.items() = {
Path((, )): 442.2, # = the total sum of all items =
# = 36.12 + 44.32 + 37.15 + 23.98 + ...
Path(('ipsum', )): 164.19000000000003, # = sum of "ipsum" and all of its children =
# = 40.45 + 29.34 + 94.4
Path(('ipsum', 'eirmod', )): 123.74000000000001, # = sum of ipsum/eirmod and all of its children =
# = 29.34 + 94.4
Path(('ipsum', 'eirmod', 'dolor', )): 94.4,
Path(('lorem', )): 278.01,
Path(('lorem', 'eirmod', )): 56.769999999999996,
Path(('lorem', 'eirmod', 'lorem', )): 45.65,
Path(('lorem', 'sadipscing', )): 185.12,
Path(('lorem', 'sadipscing', 'dolor', )): 44.32,
Path(('lorem', 'sadipscing', 'lorem', )): 37.15,
Path(('lorem', 'sadipscing', 'nonumy', )): 23.98,

`sunburst/tests/` contains an explicit test of this
calculation based on a similar example.

## Ring Charts

Thus you get ring charts, if and only if all of the non-zero values
correspond to paths with the same length. E.g. if we change the above data as follows (by lengthening the paths with question marks and
removing the entry for the empty path):

data = stringvalues_to_pv({
'ipsum/?/?': 40.45,
'ipsum/eirmod/?': 29.34,
'ipsum/eirmod/dolor': 94.4,
'lorem/?/?': 36.12,
'lorem/sadipscing/dolor': 44.32,
'lorem/sadipscing/lorem': 37.15,
'lorem/sadipscing/nonumy': 23.98,
'lorem/eirmod/?': 11.12,
'lorem/eirmod/lorem': 45.65,
'lorem/sadipscing/?': 79.67,

we should get a classical ring chart. This is
``. Running it via
`python3` yields the following plot, which
indeed just fills up the white space of the above plot with wedges
labeled `?`.


## License

This project is licensed under the *BSD 3-Clause License*, see