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Doctor's Portal for online appointment

firebase netlify react-icons react-router-dom-v6 reactjs redux-toolkit tailwindcss tostify

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Doctor's Portal for online appointment

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# DocThread - Doctor Portal Application

DocThread is a web application built using ReactJS and Firebase, aimed at facilitating doctor-patient interactions and appointments scheduling online. It provides a user-friendly interface for users to make appointments and access healthcare services remotely.

[![Redux Toolkit](](
[![Tailwind CSS](](
[![React Router DOM](](

## Key Features

- Online Appointment: Schedule appointments with doctors conveniently.
- Authentication: Secure user authentication for seamless login/logout functionality.
- User Management: Manage user profiles and appointments.
- Search Feature: Easily search for doctors or specific medical services.
- Responsive Design: Ensures optimal viewing experience across devices.

## Technologies Used

- ReactJS
- Firebase (Authentication, Real Time Database)
- React Router DOM
- Tailwind CSS
- Fetch API

## Installation

1. Clone the repository

git clone

2. Navigate to the project directory

cd doc-thread

3. Install dependencies

npm install

4. Start the development server

npm run dev

## Live Website

[Live Site](

## Figma Link

[UI Design](