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Better project-specific configs for nvim-dap with telescope!

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Better project-specific configs for nvim-dap with telescope!

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# Neovim Projector

Extensible code-runner/project-configurator.

**Manage Tasks, Databases, Tests and Debug Configurations in One Place!**


## Overview

Projector is a tool which manages configuration objects (lua key-value tables -
see [here](#configuration-object)), which have a different meaning depening on
the used output.

These configuration objects are loaded from different sources using `loaders`
(see [here](#loaders)), preprocessed by output builders and later used as

For example, configuration object is loaded from `tasks.json` file, `task`
output builder preprocessor finds it compatible with it's output, so the task is
visible in the UI. When the user selects to run this task, it is sent to `task`

Here approximately how this looks like:


┌──────────────┐ ┌──────────┐
│ │ │ │
│ tasks.json ├── 1 ────┐ ┌── has ───► task ──┐
│ │ object │ │ command? │ │ │
└──────────────┘ │ │ └──────────┘ │
│ │ │
┌──────────────┐ │ │ ┌──────────┐ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ launch.json ├── 3 ────┼───┼── can ──►│ debug ──┼─► - ... (task)
│ │ objects │ │ debug? │ │ │ - ... (task|debug)
└──────────────┘ │ │ └──────────┘ │ - ... (database) ───► run
│ │ │ - ... (task) │
┌──────────────┐ │ │ ┌──────────┐ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ package.json ├── 2 ────┘ └── has ───► database ──┘ ▼
│ │ objects connection?│ │ open dadbod ui
└──────────────┘ └──────────┘

## Installation

### packer.nvim

Click to expand

use {
requires = {
-- required:
-- optional extensions:
-- dependencies of extensions:
config = function()
require("projector").setup(--[[optional config]])

### lazy.nvim

Click to expand

dependencies = {
-- required:
-- optional extensions:
-- dependencies of extensions:
config = function()
require("projector").setup(--[[optional config]])

## Setup

You can pass an optional table parameter to `setup()` function.

Here are the defaults:


## Usage

- Call the `setup()` function with an optional config parameter.

- Map these functions to keys of your choice:


- `continue` function is a direct replacement for `nvim-dap` and the main
entrypoint to this plugin. So replace this:


With this:


### Configuration Object

The configuration object is a base unit of projector and it is nothing more than
a simple hashmap.

A few fields have a special or `global` meaning (see snippet below), other than
that, the meaning of fields is determined by the `outputs`.

For example: `dadbod` output doesn't care about `command`, `port` or `env`
fields, but `dap` output does. This means that a configuration object with just
the forementioned fields can be ran in `dap` output mode, but not in `dadbod`
output mode (additional ref with `:h projector.ref.task`).

-- These have special "global" meaning:
id = "" -- ID is optional, but can be useful for specifying dependencies
name = "Task", -- task's name
dependencies = { -- list of task ids to run before this one
after = "", -- task id to run after this one is finished
evaluate = "task", -- run this config in "task" mode immedialtely after loading
children = { -- nesting is also supported
name = "...",
-- ... other config fields

### Loaders

Loaders provide configuration objects from various sources. You can control
which sources to use using the setup function:

require("projector").setup {
loaders = {
require("projector.loaders").DapLoader:new( ),
-- ...

There are a few loaders that are built-in:

- `BuiltinLoader` - loads configs from
[`projector.json`](examples/projector.json). The tasks can also be specifies
in lua config.
- `DapLoader` - loads `dap.configurations`

If you want to create your own loader, implement the Loader interface
(`:h projector.ref.loaders`).

### Outputs and Output Builders

Outputs are modules that recieve a configuration object and run it's commands
(show the output on screen). Output Builders on the other hand provide a means
to build those outputs. As a user, you only need to care about providing output
builders in the config:

require("projector").setup {
outputs = {

You can pick form a few built-ins...

- `TaskOutputBuilder` builds a terminal output, which runs a shell command
- `DapOutputBuilder` builds an output which runs `nvim-dap`
- `DadbodOutputBuilder` picks `database` and `query` fields from all loaded
configs and provieds a single task that opens `vim-dadbod-ui`

Or you can choose to implement your own (`:h projector.ref.outputs`)

### Extensions

Here is a list of available extensions, which provide different outputs and

- [neotest]( output.
- [vscode]( `launch.json` and
`tasks.json` loaders.
- [intellij]( `.idea` workspace folder
- [dbee]( - provides a `DadbodOutput`