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An opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on components

component-based design-systems rails5 styleguides webpacker

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An opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on components

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# Komponent
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**Komponent** implements an opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on _components_.


:wave: **HEADS UP!** The future of this gem is currently [being discussed]( Please have your say!


Each component has its own folder, containing a Ruby module, a partial, a stylesheet and a JavaScript file.

Komponent relies heavily on webpacker to manage dependencies and generate the production JS and CSS files.

This README examples are written in Slim, but Komponent is compatible with:

- your preferred templating language (Slim, Haml, erb)
- your stylesheet language of choice (Sass, SCSS, CSS, PostCSS)

This gem has been inspired by our Rails development practices at [Ouvrages]( and [Etamin Studio](, and the (excellent) [_Modern Front-end in Rails_]( article from Evil Martians.

Table of Contents

- [Compatibility](#compatibility)
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Passing variables](#passing-variables)
- [Passing options](#passing-options)
- [Component caching](#component-caching)
- [Passing a block](#passing-a-block)
- [Properties](#properties)
- [Helpers](#helpers)
- [Component partials](#component-partials)
- [Namespacing components](#namespacing-components)
- [Stimulus integration](#stimulus-integration)
- [Internationalization](#internationalization)
- [Available locales configuration](#available-locales-configuration)
- [Styleguide](#styleguide)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Change default root path](#change-default-root-path)
- [Default options for the generators](#default-options-for-the-generators)
- [Change default stylesheet engine](#change-default-stylesheet-engine)
- [Force default templating engine](#force-default-templating-engine)
- [Additional paths](#additional-paths)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [Releasing a new version](#releasing-a-new-version)
- [License](#license)

## Compatibility

- Ruby 2.5+
- Rails 5.0+
- Webpacker 3.0.0+

## Getting started

# Gemfile

gem 'komponent'

Run the following command to set up your project instantly:

rails generate komponent:install

This command will:

* check that the dependencies (currently, webpacker) are installed
* rename the `app/javascript` folder to `frontend` and modify webpacker config accordingly
* create the `frontend/components` folder where you will put your component
* create the `frontend/components/index.js` file that will list your components and `import` it in `frontend/packs/application.js`

## Usage

Generate a new component with the `component` generator:

rails generate component button

Then, render it in your views with the `component` helper (or its alias `c`).

/ app/views/pages/home.html.slim

= component 'button'
= c 'button'

Or, directly from your controllers:

# app/controllers/pages_controller.rb

def home
render html: helpers.component('home')

Make sure to include javascript pack tag and stylesheet pack tag in your application layout file, for instance:

/ app/views/layouts/application.html.slim

doctype html
= stylesheet_pack_tag 'application'

= yield
= javascript_pack_tag 'application'

Check [Webpacker documentation]( for further information.

### Passing variables

You can pass `locals` to the helper. They are accessible within the component partial, as instance variables. Additionally, the entire `locals` hash is made available through a `properties` helper method.

/ app/views/pages/home.html.slim

= component 'button', text: 'My button'

/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

= @text

### Passing options

#### Component caching

Komponent relies on [Rails Low-level caching](

You can cache the component by passing the `cached: true` option. The cache will expire when the locals, options or block change.
If you want better control of the cache expiration, you can provide a custom `cache_key`. When the `cache_key` changes, the cache will be cleared.

/ app/views/pages/home.html.slim

/ Cache the component based on its locals
= component "button", { text: 'Click here' }, cached: true

/ or cache the component with a specific key, such as the last update of a model
= component "button", { text: 'Click here' }, cached: true, cache_key: @product.updated_at

### Passing a block

The component also accepts a `block`. To render the block, just use the standard `yield`.

/ app/views/pages/home.html.slim

= component 'button'
span= 'My button'

/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

= yield

You can check if the component has been called with a block using the `block_given_to_component?` helper from within the component.

### Properties

Each component comes with a Ruby `module`. You can use it to set properties:

# frontend/components/button/button_component.rb

module ButtonComponent
extend ComponentHelper

property :href, required: true
property :text, default: 'My button'

/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

= @text

### Helpers

If your partial becomes too complex and you want to extract logic from it, you may want to define custom helpers in the `ButtonComponent` module:

# frontend/components/button/button_component.rb

module ButtonComponent
extend ComponentHelper

property :href, required: true
property :text, default: 'My button'

def external_link?
@href.starts_with? 'http'

/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

= @text
= ' (external link)' if external_link?

/ app/views/pages/home.html.slim

= component "button", text: "My button", href: ""

### Component partials

You can also choose to split your component into partials. In this case, we can use the default `render` helper to render a partial, stored inside the component directory.

/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

= @text
- if external_link?
= render 'suffix', text: 'external link'

/ frontend/components/button/_suffix.html.slim

= " (#{text})"

### Namespacing components

To organize different types of components, you can group them in namespaces when you use the generator:

rails generate component admin/header

This will create the component in an `admin` folder, and name its Ruby module `AdminHeaderComponent`.

### Stimulus integration

Komponent supports [Stimulus]( >= 1.0.

You can pass `--stimulus` to both generators to use Stimulus in your components.

rails generate komponent:install --stimulus

This will `yarn add stimulus` and create a `stimulus_application.js` in the `frontend` folder.

rails generate component button --stimulus

This will create a component with an additional `button_controller.js` file, and define a `data-controller` in the generated view.

### Internationalization

In case your component will contain text strings you want to localize, you can pass the `--locale` option to generate localization files in your component directory.

rails generate component button --locale

This will create a `yml` file for each locale (using `I18n.available_locales`). In your component, the `t` helper will use the same ["lazy" lookup]( as Rails.

/ frontend/components/button/_button.html.slim

= a.button(href=@href)
= @text
= render('suffix', text: t(".external_link")) if external_link?

# frontend/components/button/button.en.yml

external_link: external link

# frontend/components/button/

external_link: lien externe

#### Available locales configuration

You can whitelist the locales you use by setting this into an initializer, as explained in the ["official guide"](
I18n.available_locales = [:en, :fr]

> If you have the `rails-i18n` gem in your `Gemfile`, you should whitelist locales to prevent creating a lot of
> locale files when you generate a new component.

### Styleguide

Komponent includes a basic styleguide engine that you can use in your project to document your components.

![Komponent styleguide UI](

To set it up, you can use the generator:

rails generate komponent:styleguide

This command will:

* copy the styleguide components (`komponent/container`, `komponent/footer`, `komponent/header` and `komponent/sidebar`) to your components folder, so you can customize them
* add a new `komponent.js` pack to your packs folder
* mount the engine in your routes

Then, for each component, you can describe it and render examples for each state in the `_example.html.slim` file from the component folder. The engine will then render it on the component page.

If you have existing components, you can generate all their example files at once with:

rails generate komponent:examples

Finally, visit `http://localhost:3000/styleguide` to access your styleguide.

### Configuration

#### Change default root path

You can change the default root path (`frontend`) to another path where Komponent should be installed and components generated. You need to change `komponent.root` in an initializer.

Rails.application.config.komponent.root = Rails.root.join('app/frontend')

#### Default options for the generators

You can configure the generators in an initializer or in `application.rb`, so you don't have to add `--locale` and/or `--stimulus` flags every time you generate a fresh component.

config.generators do |g|
g.komponent stimulus: true, locale: true # both are false by default

#### Change default stylesheet engine

You can configure the stylesheet engine used for generate stylesheet file, allowed values are `:css`, `:scss`, `:sass`.

Rails.application.config.komponent.stylesheet_engine = :css # default value is :css

#### Force default templating engine

If for some reason your preferred templating engine is not detected by Komponent, you can force it by manually defining it in your config:

Rails.application.config.generators.template_engine = :haml

#### Additional paths

You may want to use components in a gem, or a Rails engine, and expose them to the main app. In order to do that, you just have to configure the paths where Komponent will look for components.

From a gem:

module MyGem
class Railtie < Rails::Railtie
config.after_initialize do |app|

initializer "my_gem.action_dispatch" do |app|
ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do
ActionController::Base.prepend_view_path MyGem.root.join("frontend")

initializer 'my_gem.autoload', before: :set_autoload_paths do |app|
app.config.autoload_paths << MyGem.root.join("frontend")


def self.root

or from an engine:

module MyEngine
class Engine < Rails::Engine
isolate_namespace MyEngine

config.after_initialize do |app|

initializer 'my_engine.action_dispatch' do |app|
ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do
ActionController::Base.prepend_view_path MyEngine::Engine.root.join("frontend")

initializer 'my_engine.autoload', before: :set_autoload_paths do |app|
app.config.autoload_paths << MyEngine::Engine.root.join('frontend')

Make sure you add `komponent` to the runtime dependencies in your `gemspec`.

In order to compile packs from engine, and to use `javascript_pack_tag 'engine'`, you need to:

- Create a pack file in main app

// frontend/packs/engine.js

import 'packs/engine';

- Append engine frontend folder to `resolved_paths` in `config/webpacker.yml` from your main app

- engine/frontend

## Running tests

Run all Cucumber features and unit tests with `bundle exec appraisal rake test`

Run the full test matrix with `bundle exec appraisal rake test`

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

## Releasing a new version

- Update the CHANGELOG (add a title and a date for the new version)
- Update the version number in `lib/komponent/version`
- Install the `gem-release` gem if you haven't already
- Run `gem release --tag --push`
- Create or update the release on Github with the same version number and copy-paste the description from the CHANGELOG

Please note:

If you're releasing a patch version (eg. from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2) you can run `gem bump patch --release --tag --push --sign` so you don't have to manually change the version number.

If you want to release a specific version (eg. beta, RC...), you can run `gem bump 3.0.0.beta1 --release --tag --push --sign`

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](