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Implementation of OpenCL 3.0 on Vulkan

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Implementation of OpenCL 3.0 on Vulkan

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# clvk [![CI badge](]( [![Discord Shield](](

clvk is a [conformant](
implementation of OpenCL 3.0 on top of Vulkan using
[clspv]( as the compiler.

![OpenCL Logo](./docs/opencl-light.svg#gh-light-mode-only)
![OpenCL Logo](./docs/opencl-dark.svg#gh-dark-mode-only)

# Supported applications

[Full list](docs/

# Getting dependencies

clvk depends on the following external projects:

* [clspv]( and its dependencies
* [OpenCL-Headers](
* [SPIRV-Headers](
* [SPIRV-Tools](
* [SPIRV-LLVM-Translator](

clvk also (obviously) depends on a Vulkan implementation. The build system
supports a number of options there (see [Building section](#building)).

To fetch all the dependencies needed to build and run clvk, please run:

git submodule update --init --recursive
./external/clspv/utils/ --deps llvm

# Building

clvk uses CMake for its build system.

## Getting started

To build with the default configuration options, just use following:

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake ../
make -j$(nproc)

## Build options

The build system allows a number of things to be configured.

### Vulkan implementation

You can select the Vulkan implementation that clvk will target with the
`CLVK_VULKAN_IMPLEMENTATION` build system option. Two options are currently

* `-DCLVK_VULKAN_IMPLEMENTATION=system` instructs the build system to use the
Vulkan implementation provided by your system as detected by CMake's
`find_package(Vulkan)`. This is the default. You can use the
[Vulkan SDK]( to provide headers and
libraries to build against.

* `-DCLVK_VULKAN_IMPLEMENTATION=custom` instructs the build system to use the
values provided by the user manually using `-DVulkan_INCLUDE_DIRS` and

### Tests

It is possible to disable the build of the tests by passing

It is also possible to disable only the build of the tests linking with the
static OpenCL library by passing `-DCLVK_BUILD_STATIC_TESTS=OFF`.

By default, tests needing `gtest` are linked with the libraries coming from
llvm (through clspv).
It is possible to use other libraries by passing
`-DCLVK_GTEST_LIBRARIES=;` (semicolumn separated list).

### Assertions

Assertions can be controlled with the `CLVK_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS` build option.
They are enabled by default in Debug builds and disabled in other build types.

### OpenCL conformance tests

Passing `-DCLVK_BUILD_CONFORMANCE_TESTS=ON` will instruct CMake to build the
[OpenCL conformance tests](
This is _not expected to work out-of-the box_ at the moment.

It is also possible to build GL and GLES interroperability tests by passing

### Clspv compilation

You can select the compilation style that clvk will use with Clspv via
the `CLVK_CLSPV_ONLINE_COMPILER` option. By default, Clspv is run in a
separate process.

* `-DCLVK_CLSPV_ONLINE_COMPILER=1` will cause clvk to compile kernels
in the same process via the Clspv C++ API.

You can build clvk using an external Clspv source tree by setting

### SPIRV components

All needed SPIRV components are added to `clvk` using git submodules.
It is possible to disable the build of those component or to reuse already
existing sources:

#### SPIRV-Headers

`SPIRV_HEADERS_SOURCE_DIR` can be overriden to use another `SPIRV-Headers`

#### SPIRV-Tools

`SPIRV_TOOLS_SOURCE_DIR` can be overriden to use another `SPIRV-Tools`
You can also disable the build of `SPIRV-Tools` by setting

#### SPIRV-LLVM-Translator

`LLVM_SPIRV_SOURCE` can be overriden to use another `SPIRV-LLVM-Translator`
Note that it is not used if the compiler support is disabled (enabled by

### Sanitizers

Support for [sanitizers]( is integrated into
the build system:

* `CLVK_ENABLE_ASAN` can be used to enable
* `CLVK_ENABLE_TSAN` can be used to enable
* `CLVK_ENABLE_UBSAN` can be used to enable

## Building for Android

clvk can be built for Android using the
[Android NDK]( toolchain.

1. Download and extract the NDK toolchain to a directory (`/path/to/ndk`)
2. Pass the following options to CMake:
- `-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/path/to/ndk/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake`
- `-DANDROID_ABI=`, most likely `arm64-v8a`
- `-DVulkan_LIBRARY=/path/to/ndk/**//`
3. That should be it!

# Using

## Via the OpenCL ICD Loader

clvk supports the `cl_khr_icd` OpenCL extension that makes it possible
to use the [OpenCL ICD Loader](

## Directly

To use clvk to run an OpenCL application, you just need to make sure that the
clvk shared library is picked up by the dynamic linker.

When clspv is not built into the shared library (which is currently the default),
you also need to make sure that clvk has access to the `clspv` binary. If you
wish to move the built library and `clspv` binary out of the build tree, you will
need to make sure that you provide clvk with a path to the `clspv` binary via the
`CLVK_CLSPV_PATH` environment variable
(see [Environment variables](#environment-variables)).

### Unix-like systems (Linux, macOS)

The following ought to work on Unix-like systems:

$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/build /path/to/application

# Running the included simple test
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./build ./build/simple_test

#### With perfetto traces

> Perfetto is a production-grade open-source stack for performance instrumentation and trace analysis. It offers services and libraries and for recording system-level and app-level traces, native + java heap profiling, a library for analyzing traces using SQL and a web-based UI to visualize and explore multi-GB traces.
> --

Perfetto can be enabled by passing the following options to CMake:
- `-DCLVK_PERFETTO_SDK_DIR=/path/to/perfetto/sdk`

The perfetto SDK can be found in the [Perfetto Github repository](

If you already have a perfetto library in your system, you still need to provide the path
to the SDK directory so the build system can find `perfetto.h`.
But you should also provide the following option to CMake:

By default, clvk will use Perfetto's `InProcess` backend, which means
that you just have to run your application to generate traces.
Environment variables can be used to control the maximum size of traces and what file they are saved to.

If you'd rather use Perfetto's `System` backend, pass the following option
to CMake:

Once traces have been generated, you can view them using the
[perfetto trace viewer](

### Windows

Copy `OpenCL.dll` into a system location or alongside the application executable
you want to run with clvk.

### Raspberry Pi

Make sure you have an up-to-date Mesa installed on your system.
At the time of writing (May 2023) RaspberryPi OS (Debian 11) did not, but Ubuntu
23.04 does have a compatible vulkan driver.

Install the prerequisites:
$ sudo apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers vulkan-tools libvulkan-dev git cmake clang clinfo

Check if your vulkan implementation has the `VK_KHR_storage_buffer_storage_class`
extension or supports Vulkan 1.1. Note that it's not enough if this is the case for
llvmpipe. You need v3dv to support this too. If it does not, your Mesa is too old.

To fetch the dependencies, do `python3 ./external/clspv/utils/`
because the python interpreter may not be found if not explicitly called as python3.

Building will take many hours on a rPi4.
Maybe you can skip some tool building, but building with default settings works, at least.

Once the library has been built, verify with:
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/build clinfo

### With global timing information

Global timing information about API functions as well as some internal functions can be logged at the end of the execution.

To enable it, pass the following option to CMake:

Here is an example of what to expect running `simple_test`:

[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> clReleaseContext (1 blocks, avg 0.001 ms)
[CLVK] 0.02 ms -> clReleaseProgram (1 blocks, avg 0.024 ms)
[CLVK] 0.01 ms -> clReleaseKernel (1 blocks, avg 0.008 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> clReleaseCommandQueue (1 blocks, avg 0.005 ms)
[CLVK] 0.01 ms -> clReleaseMemObject (1 blocks, avg 0.007 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> clEnqueueUnmapMemObject (1 blocks, avg 0.002 ms)
[CLVK] 0.03 ms -> clEnqueueMapBuffer (1 blocks, avg 0.034 ms)
[CLVK] 5.04 ms -> vkQueueWaitIdle (1 blocks, avg 5.043 ms)
[CLVK] 5.13 ms -> executor_wait (1 blocks, avg 5.126 ms)
[CLVK] 0.02 ms -> vkQueueSubmit (1 blocks, avg 0.022 ms)
[CLVK] 5.07 ms -> execute_cmd: CLVK_COMMAND_BATCH (3 blocks, avg 1.690 ms)
[CLVK] 5.09 ms -> execute_cmds (3 blocks, avg 1.698 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> extract_cmds_required_by (3 blocks, avg 0.001 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> enqueue_command (3 blocks, avg 0.001 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> end_current_command_batch (1 blocks, avg 0.002 ms)
[CLVK] 0.12 ms -> flush_no_lock (4 blocks, avg 0.030 ms)
[CLVK] 5.20 ms -> clFinish (2 blocks, avg 2.602 ms)
[CLVK] 97.06 ms -> clEnqueueNDRangeKernel (1 blocks, avg 97.063 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> clSetKernelArg (1 blocks, avg 0.002 ms)
[CLVK] 0.01 ms -> clCreateBuffer (1 blocks, avg 0.012 ms)
[CLVK] 0.01 ms -> clCreateCommandQueue (1 blocks, avg 0.009 ms)
[CLVK] 0.19 ms -> clCreateKernel (1 blocks, avg 0.187 ms)
[CLVK] 237.71 ms -> clBuildProgram (1 blocks, avg 237.713 ms)
[CLVK] 0.02 ms -> clCreateProgramWithSource (1 blocks, avg 0.016 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> clCreateContext (1 blocks, avg 0.000 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> clGetDeviceInfo (1 blocks, avg 0.001 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> clGetDeviceIDs (1 blocks, avg 0.001 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> clGetPlatformInfo (1 blocks, avg 0.002 ms)
[CLVK] 0.00 ms -> clGetPlatformIDs (1 blocks, avg 0.000 ms)

## Tuning clvk

clvk can be tuned to improve the performance of specific workloads or on specific platforms. While we try to have the default
parameters set at their best values for each platform, they can be
changed for specific applications. One of the best way to know whether something
can be improved is to use traces to understand what should be changed.

### Group size

clvk is grouping commands and waiting for a call to `clFlush` or any
blocking calls (`clFinish`, `clWaitForEvents`, etc.) to submit those groups for execution.

clvk's default group flushing behaviour can be controlled using the following two variables to flush groups as soon as a given number of commands have been grouped:

### Batch size

clvk relies on vulkan to offload workoad to the GPU. As such, it is better to
batch OpenCL commands (translated into vulkan commands) into a vulkan command
buffer. But doing that may increase the latency to start running commands.

The size of those batches can be controlled using the following two variables:

# Configuration

Many aspects of clvk's behaviour can be configured using configuration files
and/or environment variables. clvk attempts to get its configuration from the
following sources (in the order documented here). Values obtained from each
source take precedence over previously obtained values.

1. System-wide configuration in `/etc/clvk.conf`
2. Configuration file in `/usr/local/etc/clvk.conf`
3. Per-user configuration in `~/.config/clvk.conf`
4. `clvk.conf` in the current directory
5. An additional configuration file specified using the `CLVK_CONFIG_FILE`
environment variable, if provided
6. Environment variables for individual configuration options

Configuration files use a key-value format and allow comments beginning with `#`:

# Here's a comment
option = value

other_option = 42

Options names are lowercase (e.g `myoption`) in configuration files
but uppercase and prefixed with `CLVK_` in environment variables

Here is a list of all the configuration options that clvk supports documented
using the name of the corresponding environment variable.

* `CLVK_CONFIG_FILE` specifies the path to an additional configuration file.

* `CLVK_LOG` controls the level of logging

* 0: only print fatal messages (default)
* 1: print errors as well
* 2: print warnings as well
* 3: print information messages as well
* 4: print all debug messages

* `CLVK_LOG_COLOUR` controls colour logging

* 0: disabled
* 1: enabled (default when the output is a terminal)

* `CLVK_LOG_DEST` controls where the logging output goes

* `stderr`: logging goes to the standard error (default)
* `stdout`: logging goes to the standard output
* `file:`: logging goes to ``. The file will be created if it
does not exist and will be truncated.

* `CLVK_LOG_GROUPS` controls what logging groups are enabled. A comma-separated
list of group enable/disable requests is accepted. A group is enabled by
giving its name and disabled by giving its name with a `-` prefix. A few

* `api` enables logging of the OpenCL API calls encountered and only that.
* `-refcounting` disables logging of object reference counting but keeps all
other groups enabled by default.

All groups are enabled by default. The first group enabled replaces the default.

* `CLVK_CLSPV_PATH` to provide a path to the clspv binary to use

* `CLVK_LLVMSPIRV_BIN` to provide a path to the llvm-spirv binary to use

* `CLVK_ENABLE_SPIRV_IL` to enable support for SPIR-V as an intermediate language

* 0: disabled
* 1: enabled (default)

* `CLVK_VALIDATION_LAYERS` allows to enable Vulkan validation layers

* 0: disabled (default)
* 1: enabled

* `CLVK_CLSPV_OPTIONS` to provide additional options to pass to clspv

* `CLVK_CLSPV_NATIVE_BUILTINS` comma separated list of builtins that will use
the native implementation by default

* `CLVK_CLSPV_LIBRARY_BUILTINS` comma separated list of builtins that will be
forced to use the libclc implementation

* `CLVK_QUEUE_PROFILING_USE_TIMESTAMP_QUERIES` to use timestamp queries to
measure the `CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_{START,END}` profiling infos on devices
that do not support `VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps`.

* 0: disabled (default)
* 1: enabled

WARNING: the values will not use the same time base as that used for
`CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_{QUEUED,SUBMIT}` but this allows to get
closer-to-the-execution timestamps.

* `CLVK_SPIRV_VALIDATION` controls SPIR-V validation behaviour.

* 0: skip validation
* 1: warn when validation fails
* 2: fail compilation and report an error when validation fails (default)

* `CLVK_SKIP_SPIRV_CAPABILITY_CHECK` to avoid checking whether the Vulkan device
supports all of the SPIR-V capabilities declared by each SPIR-V module.

* `CLVK_MAX_BATCH_SIZE` to control the maximum number of commands that can be
recorded in a single command buffer.

* `CLVK_KEEP_TEMPORARIES` to keep temporary files created during program build,
compilation and link operations.

* 0: disabled (default)
* 1: enabled

* `CLVK_CACHE_DIR` specifies a directory used for caching compiled program data
between applications runs. The user is responsible for ensuring that this
directory is not used concurrently by more than one application.

* `CLVK_COMPLIER_TEMP_DIR` specifies a directory used to create a temporary
folder to store compiled program data used in a single run. This folder shall
have write permission (default: current directory).

* `CLVK_MAX_CMD_GROUP_SIZE` specifies the maximum number of commands in a group.
When a group reaches this number, it is automatically flushed.

* `CLVK_MAX_FIRST_CMD_GROUP_SIZE` specifies the maximum number of commands in a
group when there is no group to be processed or being processed in the queue.

* `CLVK_MAX_CMD_BATCH_SIZE` specifies the maximum number of commands per batch.
When this number is reached, the batch will be added to the current group of
commands, and a new batch will be created.

* `CLVK_MAX_FIRST_CMD_BATCH_SIZE` specifies the maximum number of commands per
batch when there is no batch to be processed or being processed in the queue.

* `CLVK_PERFETTO_TRACE_MAX_SIZE` specifies the maximum size (in kB) of traces
generated by Perfetto. It only applies when using Perfetto with the
`InProcess` backend.

* `CLVK_PERFETTO_TRACE_DEST` specifies the filename to use for the traces
generated by Perfetto (default: `clvk.perfetto-trace`).

* `CLVK_OPENCL_VERSION` specifies the opencl version reported by clvk. The
version needs to follow the layout used by `CL_MAKE_VERSION` from the OpenCL

* `0x00c00000`: meaning `CL3.0` (default)
* `0x00402000`: meaning `CL1.2`

* `CLVK_SUPPORTS_FILTER_LINEAR` specifies whether using samplers with
`CL_FILTER_LINEAR` is supported (default: `true`). Note that this is not
required for OpenCL conformance on GPU devices and thus can be disabled to pass
conformance on devices that do not support linear filtering with all the image formats
required for conformance.

* `CLVK_PREFERRED_SUBGROUP_SIZE` specifies the subgroup size to use if nothing
is specified in the kernel. When not set use the default value reported by
the Vulkan driver.

* `CLVK_FORCE_SUBGROUP_SIZE` specifies the subgroup size to use, overriding

* `CLVK_QUEUE_GLOBAL_PRIORITY` specifies the queue global priority to use if it
is supported by the driver:


* `CLVK_MAX_ENTRY_POINTS_INSTANCES` specifies the number of instances of a
kernel that can be in flight at the same time. Increasing this value has an
impact on the memory usage as it will allocate more descriptor sets per
kernel (default: `2048`).

* `CLVK_ENQUEUE_COMMAND_RETRY_SLEEP_US` specifies the time to wait between two
attempts to enqueue a command. It is disabled by default, meaning that if an
enqueue fails, it returns an error. When specified, it will retry as long as
there are groups in flight (commands being processed).

* `CLVK_DESTROY_GLOBAL_STATE` specifies whether global state should be destructed
in a global destructor (default: true). Some applications incorrectly use
OpenCL API calls in global destructors which is [not guaranteed to work](
This option can be used to disable destroying global state which allows these
applications to work with the downside of not cleanly terminating clvk. Use
with caution.

* `CLVK_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS` specifies extensions to be added to the list of
exposed extensions. It expects a whitespace separated list of extensions.

# Limitations

* Only one device per CL context
* No support for out-of-order queues
* No support for device partitioning
* No support for native kernels
* All the limitations implied by the use of clspv
* ... and problably others