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Examen 2 - Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Moviles

android android-development currency-conversion educational-project kotlin mobile-app real-time-data roman-numerals ui-ux-design unit-conversion

Last synced: 8 days ago
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Examen 2 - Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Moviles

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# Roman Numeral Converter And Unit Converter

A comprehensive Android application combining two main functionalities: Roman numeral operations and various unit conversions. This project leverages modern Android development practices, written in Kotlin, and aims to provide a robust and user-friendly experience.

## Features

### RomanNumeralConverter

- **Conversion**: Convert between Roman numerals and integers.
- **Validation**: Check the validity of Roman numerals.
- **UI/UX Design**: User-friendly interface with intuitive navigation and controls.
- **Kotlin**: Written in Kotlin, leveraging its features for a robust and concise codebase.

### UnitConverter

- **Unit Conversion**: Convert between various units such as length, weight, temperature, and more.
- **Currency Conversion**: Real-time currency conversion based on the latest exchange rates.
- **Historical Data**: Access historical conversion data.
- **Multi-language Support**: Supports multiple languages for a global user base.

## Project Structure

The project follows the standard Android project structure, including:

- **app**: Contains the main source code for the application, including activities, fragments, and other components.
- **gradle**: Gradle configuration files for managing project dependencies and build processes.
- **.gradle**: Gradle's system files.
- **.idea**: IntelliJ IDEA settings and configurations.
- **build.gradle.kts**: Kotlin script for configuring the build process.
- **settings.gradle.kts**: Kotlin script for setting up the project's modules.

## Notable Code Snippets

### Roman Numeral Conversion

This snippet demonstrates how to convert an integer to a Roman numeral in Kotlin.

fun intToRoman(num: Int): String {
val romanNumerals = listOf(
Pair(1000, "M"), Pair(900, "CM"), Pair(500, "D"), Pair(400, "CD"),
Pair(100, "C"), Pair(90, "XC"), Pair(50, "L"), Pair(40, "XL"),
Pair(10, "X"), Pair(9, "IX"), Pair(5, "V"), Pair(4, "IV"), Pair(1, "I")
var number = num
val result = StringBuilder()

for ((value, symbol) in romanNumerals) {
while (number >= value) {
number -= value
return result.toString()

### Roman Numeral Validation

This snippet shows how to validate if a given string is a valid Roman numeral.

fun isValidRoman(roman: String): Boolean {
val regex = "^M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})(IX|IV|V?I{0,3})$".toRegex()
return roman.matches(regex)

### Unit Conversion

This snippet demonstrates a simple unit conversion function for length in Kotlin.

fun convertLength(value: Double, fromUnit: String, toUnit: String): Double {
val conversionRates = mapOf(
"meters" to 1.0,
"kilometers" to 1000.0,
"centimeters" to 0.01,
"inches" to 0.0254,
"feet" to 0.3048
val baseValue = value * (conversionRates[fromUnit] ?: error("Invalid unit"))
return baseValue / (conversionRates[toUnit] ?: error("Invalid unit"))

### Currency Conversion

This snippet shows how to fetch real-time currency exchange rates using an API.

fun fetchExchangeRate(fromCurrency: String, toCurrency: String): Double {
val apiUrl = "$fromCurrency"
val response = khttp.get(apiUrl)
val rates = response.jsonObject.getJSONObject("rates")
return rates.getDouble(toCurrency)

## Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

### Prerequisites

- Android Studio
- Gradle

### Installation

1. Clone the repo

git clone

2. Open the project in Android Studio.
3. Sync the Gradle files and build the project.
4. Run the app on an emulator or a physical device.