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A Next JS app where users can post & comment on whatever they'd like to discuss.

Last synced: about 5 hours ago
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A Next JS app where users can post & comment on whatever they'd like to discuss.

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# Discuss

## Description

Share your ideas, spark discussions, and connect with people intrested in the same topics as you! Sign in to post a topic or a comment, and read what others are saying about the subject.

Discuss was a project I used to learn the ins and outs of the specific features Next has to offer. As a web developer, we should always be looking to use and adapt to new technologies and frameworks.

Not only was this course more exposure to Typescript, which I am getting familiar with, but it also helped build foundational knowledge of server/client side rendering and how Next can optimize these situations.

## Table of Contents
1) [Technologies](#technologies)
2) [Challenges](#challenges)
3) [Future Implementations](#future-implementation)
4) [User Story](#user-story)
5) [Installation](#installation)
6) [Credits](#credits)
7) [License](#license)

## Technologies
* [React]( - Front-end library.
* [Next.js]( - Routing, rendering, optimizations, etc.
* [Next auth]( - Authentication.
* [Zod]( - Data validation.
* [Tailwind]( - Styling.
* [Prisma]( - ORM Database management.
* [Vercel]( - Hosting.

## Challenges
* Rendering Strategies - when to use SSR/CSR, PPR, skeletons, and more.
* Tailwind - first project using Tailwind instead of CSS/SCSS. Challenging to learn inline styling syntax.

## Future Implementation
* Pages with entire threads rather than just topics.
* Topic formatting - allow spaces.
* Allow unregistered users to post topics.
* Redesign UI to be less minimalistic.

## User Story
AS A internet information searcher
I WANT to have a forum to talk about topics
SO THAT I can learn more about web-based topics.

## Installation
First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev

Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

Host locally or ask for .env files.

## Credits
* Project came from a tutorial by [Stephen Grider]('s [Next.js Complete Developer's Guide]( course.

## License
MIT © Krenbot