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:m: Markdown-based task runner

cli markdown task-runner

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:m: Markdown-based task runner

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# saku (作) v1.2.4

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> Markdown-based task runner

`saku` is a simple task runner based on markdown syntax. You can define and describe your tasks in markdown file `` and execute them with `saku` command.

(You can optionally define tasks in ``. See [The below](#embed-sakumd-in-readmemd) for details.)

:bookmark: More background stories are explained in [an article](

# :cd: Install

**Go users**

go get -u

**Mac OS users**

brew install kt3k/tap/saku

Or download binary from the [release page][].

# :leaves: Usage

First, create a markdown file ``:

# build
> Build the go binary.

go build -v -i main.go

# test
> Run all the go tests.

go test -race ./...

# js

minify -o public/script.js src/js

# css

minify -o public/style.css src/css

The above defines 4 tasks `build` `test` `js` `css`. (A heading (#) is a task title!)

If you hit `saku` (without arguments) it shows the list of the descriptions of the all tasks.

If you hit the command `saku build`, it invokes `build` task, `go build -v -i main.go` in the above example.

**Note**: 4-space or tab indent makes code block in markdown syntax. See [here](

echo hello
echo world

The above makes the code block of the 2 lines `echo hello` and `echo world`.

# `` Rules

- Heading (# title) starts the task definition.
- Different levels of headings (#, ##, ###,...) forms the groups of tasks. Tasks of the lower level headings belong to the previous task which has the upper level heading. See below for the details.
- Code blocks are commands.
- Code blocks can have multiple commands. They will be executed sequentially.
- Blockquotes are description of the task.
- Anything else is ignored.
- Anything before the first heading is ignored.

For example:

# build
> Build the go binary.

echo Starting build go binary
go build -v -i main.go

The above defines the task `build`, which has the description `Build the go binary.`. It has two commands `echo Starting build go binary` and `go build -v -i main.go` and they run in sequence.

## Parallel execution

With `-p, --parallel` option, you can run tasks in parallel like the below:

saku -p watch-scripts run-server

## Race execution

With `-r, --race` option, you can run tasks in parallel and terminate tasks when the first task finished. This is useful for testing servers.

This option takes effect only when `-p` option is specified.

saku -p -r run-server test-server

## Grouping tasks

You can create the group of tasks by the levels of headings.

For example:

# foo

## bar

echo bar

## baz

echo baz

This defines 3 task `foo`, `bar` and `baz`. `foo` becomes the parent of `bar` and `baz`. So when you invoke `saku foo`, it executes both `bar` and `baz`:

$ saku foo
[saku] Run foo
[saku] foo > Run bar, baz in sequence
+echo bar
+echo baz
[saku] foo > Finish bar, baz in sequence
[saku] ✨ Finish foo

The tasks of the lower level headings belong to the upper level heading and which forms the groups of tasks.

## Use parallel in task grouping

If you need to run the children tasks in parallel, you can use `` directive in the parents' contents:

# foo

## bar

echo bar

## baz

echo baz

This executes `bar` and `baz` in parallel:

$ saku foo
[saku] Run foo
[saku] foo > Run bar, baz in parallel
+echo bar
+echo baz
[saku] foo > Finish bar, baz in parallel
[saku] ✨ Finish foo

## Nesting tasks (Dependency of tasks)

You can use `saku` in `` like below:

# dist

saku js minify

# js

browserify src/main.js > build/app.js

# minify

uglify-js < build/app.js > build/app.min.js

In this way, you can express the dependencies of tasks.

If you need to invoke tasks in parallel from another task, use `saku -p`.

# start

saku -p serve watch

# watch


# serve


# CLI Usage

Usage: saku [options] [-- extra-options]

-v, --version - - - Shows the version number and exits.
-h, --help - - - - - Shows the help message and exits.
-i, --info - - - - - Shows the task information and exits.
-p, --parallel - - - Runs tasks in parallel. Default false.
-s, --sequential - - Runs tasks in serial. Default true.
-c, --config - Specifies the config file. Default is ''.
-r, --race - - - - - Sets the flag to kill all tasks when a task
finished with zero. This option is valid only
with 'parallel' option.
-q, --quiet - - - - Prints less messages.

The extra options after '--' are passed to each task command.

# Notes

## Embed `` in ``

You can optionally embed `` in ``. See the below for details.

# Development

These are the commands for development. You can invoke them with `saku` command.

## build

go build -v -i main.go

## test

go test -race ./...


The contents between `` and `` are used as ``. You can write them as if they are the part of your ``.

## Example use cases

- [moneybit-app]('s [](
- A project of accounting app for mobile, written in JavaScript.

**Note**: Please add yours if you use saku in your OSS project!

## The origin of the name

Saku is the Japanese name for the Chinese character "作", which means "make". Saku is intended to be an alternative of `make` command (of a task runner use case).

# Prior Art

- [node-saku][]
- the original implementation of saku in JavaScript
- [make][]
- [npm-run-all][] by @mysticatea
- yaml-based tools
- [robo][]
- [go-task][]

# Who use saku?

See [this search](


# License


[release page]: