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A clean and complete config for stylelint-order.

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A clean and complete config for stylelint-order.

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# stylelint-config-clean-order


Order your styles with [stylelint-order](

| Before | After    |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ![before]( | ![after]( |

## Usage

Install [`stylelint`]( and this package to your project:

npm install stylelint stylelint-config-clean-order --save-dev

Configure your stylelint configuration file (`.stylelintrc.json`) to extend this package:

> [!TIP]
> You don't need to install `stylelint-order` nor add `stylelint-order` to `"plugins"` since this package already does that for you.

"extends": ["stylelint-config-clean-order"]

## Severity Options

Default severity level is `warning` but you can use error variant to change severity level to `error`.

"extends": ["stylelint-config-clean-order/error"]

## Customization

You can import raw property groups to add or override rule options. Please refer to [stylelint-order]( plugin documentation.

For example, you can override `'properties-order'` rule to not have empty lines between groups:

const { propertyGroups } = require('stylelint-config-clean-order')

const propertiesOrder = => ({
noEmptyLineBetween: true,
emptyLineBefore: 'never', // Don't add empty lines between order groups.

module.exports = {
extends: ['stylelint-config-clean-order'],
rules: {
'order/properties-order': [
severity: 'warning',
unspecified: 'bottomAlphabetical',

## Extra empty lines for formatting

In addition to `stylelint-order` plugin, this package also overrides two rules (`declaration-empty-line-before` and `at-rule-empty-line-before`) to improve the final formatted result by adding extra empty lines between declarations. `stylelint-config-clean-order` does not override a rule other than these two.

If you want these rules to put into effect, make sure config packages after `stylelint-config-clean-order` do not override them.

## About orders

I try to hand-pick style orders in the most logical way to improve process of CSS refactoring; for example `font-size` before `line-height`, `display` before `align-items`. If you think order of a rule doesn't make sense, please open an issue so we can discuss. Thanks!

## License