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rxjs observable based isomorphic http request module.

ajax async http observable rxjs xhr xmlhttprequest

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rxjs observable based isomorphic http request module.

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# Oxid

`oxid` is [rxjs observable]( based isomorphic http request module.

## Install

This has a peer dependencies of `rxjs@6`, which will have to be installed as well

npm install oxid

## Usage

Oxid exports default instance `oxid`, also exposes `Oxid` class to construct separate instances.

import { oxid, Oxid } from 'oxid';

oxid.get('url', options).subscribe();

const anotherInstance = new Oxid(customConfigurations);
anotherInstance.get('url', options).subscribe();

All of oxid's interface returns `Observable>` allows to subscribe into from base `request` function to http method function.

type requestMethodType = (url: string, config?: RequestConfig) => Observable>;
type requestMethodWithDataType = (url: string, data?: T, config?: RequestConfig) => Observable>;

class Oxid {
public readonly delete: requestMethodType;
public readonly get: requestMethodType;
public readonly head: requestMethodType;
public readonly options: requestMethodType;

public readonly post: requestMethodWithDataType;
public readonly put: requestMethodWithDataType;
public readonly patch: requestMethodWithDataType;

public request(url: string, config?: RequestConfig): Observable>;
public request(url: string): Observable>;
public request(config: RequestConfig): Observable>;
public request(
urlOrConfig: RequestConfig | string,
config?: RequestConfig
): Observable> {

### Configure oxid
Oxid includes default set of configuration values. This value will be used when use request instance `oxid`. When creating new instance via class, it doesn't include any option values by default, have to specify via class constructor. Still, individual method (`request()` and rest) accepts `RequestConfig` separately, which will merge into configurations when instance is being created.

interface RequestConfigBase {
url?: string;
method?: Method;
baseURL?: string;
transformRequest?: Transformer | Array;
transformResponse?: Transformer | Array;
headers?: any;
params?: any;
paramsSerializer?: (params: any) => string;
data?: any;
adapter?: Adapter;
auth?: BasicCredentials;
responseType?: ResponseType;
responseEncoding?: string;
xsrfCookieName?: string;
xsrfHeaderName?: string;
maxContentLength?: number;
validateStatus?: (status: number) => boolean;
maxRedirects?: number;
socketPath?: string | null;
proxy?: ProxyConfig;

interface RequestConfigNode extends RequestConfigBase {
* Custom agent to be used in node http request.
httpAgent?: any;
* Custom agent to be used in node https request.
httpsAgent?: any;
transport?: { request: typeof import('http').request };

interface RequestConfigBrowser extends RequestConfigBase {
* Emit progress event for xhr request.
reportProgress?: boolean;
withCredentials?: boolean;

import {oxid, Oxid, defaultOptions} from 'oxid';

oxid.get(url); //will use `defaultOptions`
oxid.get({url, withCredentials: false}); //will use `defaultOptions`, override `withCredentials`

const another = new Oxid(); //no base configueration
const anotherWithConfig = new oxid({withCredendials: false}) //set base configuration

anotherWithConfig.get({url, withCredentials: false}) //will use config when instance created, override `withCredentials`

Note `defaultOptions` object is immutable. Changing, reassigning values into existing default configuration value won't work, instead should build new configuration object.

## Debugging internals of oxid

Oxid itself doesn't have mechanism to write log. Instead, it exposes a function to wire any logger used in application.

function enableLogger(logger: logFunctionType): void;
function enableLogger(logger: Partial): void;

It could be either single function, or object have loglevels like debug, info, warn, error. Notes `enableLogger` is **Global function** to affects any instance of oxid, and only starts emitting log once after `enableLogger` has been called.

import { enableLogger, oxid } from 'oxid';

// logs are not emitted


// now internal logs will be emitted via console

## Building / Testing

Few npm scripts are supported for build / test code.

- `build`: Transpiles code to `dist`.
- `build:clean`: Clean up existing build.
- `test`: Run unit test. Does not require `build` before execute test.
- `lint`: Run lint over all codebases.

## Credits

While this module is **NOT** officially affiliated, it relies on lot of prior art from [`axios`]( and [`@angular/http`]( You may notice some similar logics and it is expected.