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An open source implementation of LFMs from Liquid AI: Liquid Foundation Models

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An open source implementation of LFMs from Liquid AI: Liquid Foundation Models

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# Liquid Foundation Models [LFMs]

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This is an attempt to make an open source implementation of LFMs, this is obviously not the official repository because it's closed source. I link papers below which I am using as a referrence.
[Discover more about the model from the original article](

## Installation
$ pip3 install -U lfm-torch

## Usage

import torch
from lfm_torch.model import LFModel
from loguru import logger

# Instantiate and test the model
if __name__ == "__main__":
batch_size, seq_length, embedding_dim = 32, 128, 512
token_dim, channel_dim, expert_dim, adapt_dim, num_experts = (
model = LFModel(
token_dim, channel_dim, expert_dim, adapt_dim, num_experts

input_tensor = torch.randn(
batch_size, seq_length, embedding_dim
) # 3D text tensor
output = model(input_tensor)"Model forward pass complete.")

## Liquid Transformer
A novel neural architecture combining Liquid Neural Networks, Transformer attention mechanisms, and Mixture of Experts (MoE) for enhanced adaptive processing and dynamic state updates. Very experimental and early! We're working on a training script [here](./ It still needs an actual tokenizer like llama's tokenizer but it's getting there. If you can help with this then let me know.

### Architecture Overview

flowchart TB
subgraph "Liquid Transformer"
Input["Input Sequence"] --> TL["Transformer Layer"]

subgraph "Transformer Layer"
direction TB
MHA["Multi-Head Attention"] --> LC["Liquid Cell"]
LC --> MOE["Mixture of Experts"]
MOE --> LN["Layer Norm + Residual"]

subgraph "Liquid Cell Details"
direction LR
HS["Hidden State"] --> WH["W_h Linear"]
Input2["Input"] --> WI["W_in Linear"]
WH --> Add((+))
WI --> Add
Add --> Act["Activation"]
Act --> LN2["LayerNorm"]
LN2 --> DO["Dropout"]

subgraph "MoE Details"
direction TB
Input3["Input"] --> Gate["Gating Network"]
Input3 --> E1["Expert 1"]
Input3 --> E2["Expert 2"]
Input3 --> E3["Expert N"]
Gate --> Comb["Weighted Combination"]
E1 --> Comb
E2 --> Comb
E3 --> Comb

TL --> Output["Output Sequence"]

import torch
from loguru import logger

from lfm_torch.liquid_t_moe import LiquidTransformer

# Example usage
if __name__ == "__main__":
seq_len, batch_size, embed_size = 10, 2, 64
num_heads, num_experts, expert_size, num_layers = 8, 4, 64, 6

# Create the model
model = LiquidTransformer(embed_size, num_heads, num_experts, expert_size, num_layers)

# Example input tensor
x = torch.randn(seq_len, batch_size, embed_size)

# Forward pass
output = model(x)"Model output shape: {output.shape}")

# Citations
- All credit for the liquid transformer architecture goes to the original authors from

# License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.