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White-box automation for Lean 4


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White-box automation for Lean 4

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# Aesop

Aesop (Automated Extensible Search for Obvious Proofs) is a proof search tactic
for Lean 4. It is broadly similar to Isabelle's `auto`. In essence, Aesop works
like this:

- As with `simp`, you tag a (large) collection of definitions with the
`@[aesop]` attribute, registering them as Aesop _rules_. Rules can be
arbitrary tactics. We provide convenient ways to create common types of rules,
e.g. rules which apply a lemma.
- Aesop takes these rules and tries to apply each of them to the initial goal.
If a rule succeeds and generates subgoals, Aesop recursively applies the rules
to these subgoals, building a _search tree_.
- The search tree is explored in a _best-first_ manner. You can mark rules as
more or less likely to be useful. Based on this information, Aesop prioritises
the goals in the search tree, visiting more promising goals before less
promising ones.
- Before any rules are applied to a goal, it is _normalised_, using a special
(customisable) set of _normalisation rules_. An important built-in
normalisation rule runs `simp_all`, so your `@[simp]` lemmas are taken into
account by Aesop.
- Rules can be marked as _safe_ to optimise Aesop's performance. A safe rule is
applied eagerly and is never backtracked. For example, Aesop's built-in rules
safely split a goal `P ∧ Q` into goals for `P` and `Q`. After this split, the
original goal `P ∧ Q` is never revisited.
- Aesop provides a set of built-in rules which perform logical operations (e.g.
case-split on hypotheses `P ∨ Q`) and some other straightforward deductions.
- Aesop uses indexing methods similar to those of `simp` and other Lean tactics.
This means it should remain reasonably fast even with a large rule set.
- When called as `aesop?`, Aesop prints a tactic script that proves the goal,
similar to `simp?`. This way you can avoid the performance penalty of running
Aesop all the time. However, the script generation is currently not fully
reliable, so you may have to adjust the generated script.

Aesop is suitable for two main use cases:

- General-purpose automation, where Aesop is used to dispatch 'trivial' goals.
By registering enough lemmas as Aesop rules, you can turn Aesop into a much
more powerful `simp`.
- Special-purpose automation, where specific Aesop rule sets are built to
address a certain class of goals. Mathlib tactics such as `measurability`
and `continuity` are implemented by Aesop.

I only occasionally update this README, so details may be out of date. If you
have questions, please create an issue or ping me (Jannis Limperg) on the [Lean
Zulip]( Pull requests are very welcome!

There's also [a paper about Aesop]( which
covers many of the topics discussed here, sometimes in more detail.

## Building

With [elan]( installed, `lake build`
should suffice.

## Adding Aesop to Your Project

To use Aesop in a Lean 4 project, first add this package as a dependency. In
your `lakefile.lean`, add

require aesop from git ""

You also need to make sure that your `lean-toolchain` file contains the same
version of Lean 4 as Aesop's, and that your versions of Aesop's dependencies
(currently only `std4`) match. We unfortunately can't support version ranges at
the moment.

Now the following test file should compile:

import Aesop

example : α → α :=
by aesop

## Quickstart

To get you started, I'll explain Aesop's major concepts with a series of
examples. A more thorough, reference-style discussion follows in the next

We first define our own version of lists (so as not to clash with the standard
library) and an `append` function:

``` lean
inductive MyList (α : Type _)
| nil
| cons (hd : α) (tl : MyList α)

namespace MyList

protected def append : (_ _ : MyList α) → MyList α
| nil, ys => ys
| cons x xs, ys => cons x (MyList.append xs ys)

instance : Append (MyList α) :=

We also tell `simp` to unfold applications of `append`:

theorem nil_append : nil ++ xs = xs := rfl

theorem cons_append : cons x xs ++ ys = cons x (xs ++ ys) := rfl

When Aesop first encounters a goal, it normalises it by running a customisable
set of normalisation rules. One such normalisation rule effectively runs
`simp_all`, so Aesop automatically takes `simp` lemmas into account.

Now we define the `NonEmpty` predicate on `MyList`:

``` lean
@[aesop safe [constructors, cases]]
inductive NonEmpty : MyList α → Prop
| cons : NonEmpty (cons x xs)

Here we see the first proper Aesop feature: we use the **`@[aesop]`** attribute
to construct two Aesop rules related to the `NonEmpty` type. These rules are
added to a global rule set. When Aesop searches for a proof, it systematically
applies each available rule, then recursively searches for proofs of the
subgoals generated by the rule, and so on, building a search tree. A goal is
proved when Aesop applies a rule that generates no subgoals.

In general, rules can be arbitrary tactics. But since you probably don't want to
write a tactic for every rule, the `aesop` attribute provides several **rule
builders** which construct common sorts of rules. In our example, we construct:

- A **`constructors`** rule. This rule tries to apply each constructor of
`NonEmpty` whenever a goal has target `NonEmpty _`.
- A **`cases`** rule. This rule searches for hypotheses `h : NonEmpty _` and
performs case analysis on them (like the `cases` tactic).

Both rules above are added as **safe** rules. When a safe rule succeeds on a
goal encountered during the proof search, it is applied and the goal is never
visited again. In other words, the search does not backtrack safe rules. We will
later see **unsafe** rules, which can backtrack.

With these rules, we can prove a theorem about `NonEmpty` and `append`:

``` lean
@[aesop unsafe 50% apply]
theorem nonEmpty_append₁ {xs : MyList α} ys :
NonEmpty xs → NonEmpty (xs ++ ys) := by

Aesop finds this proof in four steps:

- A built-in rule introduces the hypothesis `h : NonEmpty xs`. By default,
Aesop's rule set contains a number of straightforward rules for handling the
logical connectives `→`, `∧`, `∨` and `¬` as well as the quantifiers `∀` and
`∃` and some other basic types.
- The `cases` rule for `NonEmpty` performs case analysis on `h`.
- The `simp` rule `cons_append`, which we added earlier, unfolds the `++`
- The `constructor` rule for `NonEmpty` applies `NonEmpty.cons`.

If you want to see how Aesop proves your goal (or why it doesn't prove your
goal, or why it takes too long to prove your goal), you can enable tracing:

``` lean
set_option trace.aesop true

This makes Aesop print out the steps it takes while searching for a proof. You
can also look at the search tree Aesop constructed by enabling the
`trace.aesop.tree` option. For more tracing options, type `set_option
trace.aesop` and see what auto-completion suggests.

If, in the example above, you call `aesop?` instead, then Aesop prints a proof
script. At time of writing, it looks like this:

``` lean
intro a
obtain @⟨x, xs_1⟩ := a
simp_all only [cons_append]
apply MyList.NonEmpty.cons

With a bit of post-processing, you can use this script instead of the Aesop
call. This way you avoid the performance penalty of making Aesop search for a
proof over and over again. The proof script generation currently has some known
bugs, but it produces usable scripts most of the time.

The `@[aesop]` attribute on `nonEmpty_append₁` adds this lemma as an **unsafe**
rule to the default rule set. For this rule we use the **`apply`** rule builder,
which generates a rule that tries to apply `nonEmpty_append₁` whenever the
target is of the form `NonEmpty (_ ++ _)`.

Unsafe rules are rules which can backtrack, so after they have been applied to a
goal, Aesop may still try other rules to solve the same goal. This makes sense
for `nonEmpty_append₁`: if we have a goal `NonEmpty (xs ++ ys)`, we may prove it
either by showing `NonEmpty xs` (i.e., by applying `nonEmpty_append₁`) or by
showing `NonEmpty ys`. If `nonEmpty_append₁` were registered as a safe rule, we
would always choose `NonEmpty xs` and never investigate `NonEmpty ys`.

Each unsafe rule is annotated with a **success probability**, here 50%. This is
a very rough estimate of how likely it is that the rule will to lead to a
successful proof. It is used to prioritise goals: the initial goal starts with a
priority of 100% and whenever we apply an unsafe rule, the priority of its
subgoals is the priority of its parent goal multiplied with the success
probability of the applied rule. So applying `nonEmpty_append₁` repeatedly would
give us goals with priority 50%, 25%, etc. Aesop always considers the
highest-priority unsolved goal first, so it prefers proof attempts involving few
and high-probability rules. Additionally, when Aesop has a choice between
multiple unsafe rules, it prefers the one with the highest success probability.
(Ties are broken arbitrarily but deterministically.)

After adding `nonEmpty_append`, Aesop can prove some consequences of this

``` lean
example {α : Type u} {xs : MyList α} ys zs :
NonEmpty xs → NonEmpty (xs ++ ys ++ zs) := by

Next, we prove another simple theorem about `NonEmpty`:

``` lean
theorem nil_not_nonEmpty (xs : MyList α) : xs = nil → ¬ NonEmpty xs := by
aesop (add 10% cases MyList)

Here we use an **`add`** clause to add a rule which is only used in this
specific Aesop call. The rule is an unsafe `cases` rule for `MyList`. (As you
can see, you can leave out the `unsafe` keyword and specify only a success
probability.) This rule is dangerous: when we apply it to a hypothesis `xs :
MyList α`, we get `x : α` and `ys : MyList α`, so we can apply the `cases` rule
again to `ys`, and so on. We therefore give this rule a very low success
probability, to make sure that Aesop applies other rules if possible.

Here are some examples where Aesop's normalisation phase is particularly useful:

``` lean
theorem append_nil {xs : MyList α} :
xs ++ nil = xs := by
induction xs <;> aesop

theorem append_assoc {xs ys zs : MyList α} :
(xs ++ ys) ++ zs = xs ++ (ys ++ zs) := by
induction xs <;> aesop

Since we previously added unfolding lemmas for `append` to the global `simp`
set, Aesop can prove theorems about this function more or less by itself (though
in fact `simp_all` would already suffice.) However, we still need to perform
induction explicitly. This is a deliberate design choice: techniques for
automating induction exist, but they are complex, somewhat slow and not entirely
reliable, so we prefer to do it manually.

Many more examples can be found in the `AesopTest` folder of this repository. In
particular, the file `AesopTest/List.lean` contains an Aesop-ified port of 200
basic list lemmas from the Lean 3 version of mathlib, and the file
`AesopTest/SeqCalcProver.lean` shows how Aesop can help with the formalisation
of a simple sequent calculus prover.

## Reference

This section contains a systematic and fairly comprehensive account of how Aesop

### Rules

A rule is a tactic plus some associated metadata. Rules come in three flavours:

- **Normalisation rules** (keyword `norm`) must generate zero or one subgoal.
(Zero means that the rule closed the goal). Each normalisation rule is
associated with an integer **penalty** (default 1). Normalisation rules are
applied in a fixpoint loop in order of penalty, lowest first. For rules with
equal penalties, the order is unspecified. See below for details on
the normalisation algorithm.

Normalisation rules can also be simp lemmas. These are constructed with the
`simp` builder. They are used by a special `simp` call during
the normalisation process.

- **Safe rules** (keyword `safe`) are applied after normalisation but before any
unsafe rules. When a safe rule is successfully applied to a goal, the goal
becomes *inactive*, meaning no other rules are considered for it. Like
normalisation rules, safe rules are associated with a penalty (default 1)
which determines the order in which the rules are tried.

Safe rules should be provability-preserving, meaning that if a goal is
provable and we apply a safe rule to it, the generated subgoals should still
be provable. This is a less precise notion than it may appear since
what is provable depends on the entire Aesop rule set.

- **Unsafe rules** (keyword `unsafe`) are tried only if all available safe rules
have failed on a goal. When an unsafe rule is applied to a goal, the goal is
not marked as inactive, so other (unsafe) rules may be applied to it. These
rule applications are considered independently until one of them proves the
goal (or until we've exhausted all available rules and determine that the goal
is not provable with the current rule set).

Each unsafe rule has a **success probability** between 0% and 100%. These
probabilities are used to determine the priority of a goal. The initial goal
has priority 100% and whenever we apply an unsafe rule, the priorities of its
subgoals are the priority of the rule's parent goal times the rule's success
probability. Safe rules are treated as having 100% success probability.

Rules can also be **multi-rules**. These are rules which add multiple rule
applications to a goal. For example, registering the constructors of the `Or`
type will generate a multi-rule that, given a goal with target `A ∨ B`,
generates one rule application with goal `A` and one with goal `B`. This is
equivalent to registering one rule for each constructor, but multi-rules can be
both slightly more efficient and slightly more natural.

### Search Tree

Aesop's central data structure is a search tree. This tree alternates between
two kinds of nodes:

- **Goal nodes**: these nodes store a goal, plus metadata relevant to the
search. The parent and children of a goal node are rule application nodes. In
particular, each goal node has a **priority** between 0% and 100%.
- **Rule application ('rapp') nodes**: these goals store a rule (plus metadata).
The parent and children of a rapp node are goal nodes. When the search tree
contains a rapp node with rule `r`, parent `p` and children `c₁, ..., cₙ`,
this means that the tactic of rule `r` was applied to the goal of `p`,
generating the subgoals of the `cᵢ`.

When a goal node has multiple child rapp nodes, we have a choice of how to solve
the goals. This makes the tree an AND-OR tree: to prove a rapp, *all* its child
goals must be proved; to prove a goal, *any* of its child rapps must be proved.

### Search

We start with a search tree containing a single goal node. This node's goal is
the goal which Aesop is supposed to solve. Then we perform the following steps
in a loop, stopping if (a) the root goal has been proved; (b) the root goal
becomes unprovable; or (c) one of Aesop's rule limits has been reached. (There
are configurable limits on, e.g., the total number of rules applied or the
search depth.)

- Pick the highest-priority active goal node `G`. Roughly speaking, a goal node
is active if it is not proved and we haven't yet applied all possible rules to
- If the goal of `G` has not been normalised yet, normalise it. That means we
run the following normalisation loop:
- Run the normalisation rules with negative penalty (lowest penalty first). If
any of these rules is successful, restart the normalisation loop with the
goal produced by the rule.
- Run `simp` on all hypotheses and the target, using the global simp set (i.e.
lemmas tagged `@[simp]`) plus Aesop's `simp` rules.
- Run the normalisation rules with positive penalty (lowest penalty first).
If any of these rules is successful, restart the normalisation loop.

The loop ends when all normalisation rules fail. It destructively updates
the goal of `G` (and may prove it outright).
- If we haven't tried to apply the safe rules to the goal of `G` yet, try to
apply each safe rule (lowest penalty first). As soon as a rule succeeds, add
the corresponding rapp and child goals to the tree and mark `G` as inactive.
The child goals receive the same priority as `G`.
- Otherwise there is at least one unsafe rule that hasn't been tried on `G` yet
(or else `G` would have been inactive). Try the unsafe rule with the highest
success probability and if it succeeds, add the corresponding rapp and child
goals to the tree. The child goals receive the priority of `G` times the
success probability of the applied rule.

A goal is **unprovable** if we have applied all possible rules to it and all
resulting child rapps are unprovable. A rapp is unprovable if any of its
subgoals is unprovable.

During the search, a goal or rapp can also become **irrelevant**. This means
that we don't have to visit it again. Informally, goals and rapps are irrelevant
if they are part of a branch of the search tree which has either successfully
proved its goal already or which can never prove its goal. More formally:

- A goal is irrelevant if its parent rapp is unprovable. (This means that a
sibling of the goal is already unprovable, in which case we know that the
parent rapp will never be proved.)
- A rapp is irrelevant if its parent goal is proved. (This means that a sibling
of the rapp is already proved, and we only need one proof.)
- A goal or rapp is irrelevant if any of its ancestors is irrelevant.

### Rule Builders

A **rule builder** is a metaprogram that turns an expression into an Aesop rule.
When you tag a declaration with the `@[aesop]` attribute, the builder is applied
to the declared constant. When you use the `add` clause, as in `(add
())`, the builder is applied to the given term, which may
involve hypotheses from the goal. However, some builders only support global
constants. If the `term` is a single identifier, e.g. the name of a hypothesis,
the parentheses around it are optional.

Currently available builders are:

- **`apply`**: generates a rule which acts like the `apply` tactic.
- **`forward`**: when applied to a term of type `A₁ → ... Aₙ → B`, generates a
rule which looks for hypotheses `h₁ : A₁`, ..., `hₙ : Aₙ` in the goal and, if
they are found, adds a new hypothesis `h : B`. As an example, consider the
lemma `even_or_odd`:

even_or_odd : ∀ (n : Nat), Even n ∨ Odd n

Registering this as a forward rule will cause the goal

n : Nat
m : Nat
⊢ T

to be transformed into this:

n : Nat
hn : Even n ∨ Odd n
m : Nat
hm : Even m ∨ Odd m
⊢ T

The forward builder may also be given a list of *immediate names*:

forward (immediate := [n]) even_or_odd

The immediate names, here `n`, refer to the arguments of `even_or_odd`. When
Aesop applies a forward rule with explicit immediate names, it only matches
the corresponding arguments to hypotheses. (Here, `even_or_odd` has only one
argument, so there is no difference.)

When no immediate names are given, Aesop considers every argument immediate,
except for instance arguments and dependent arguments (i.e. those that can be
inferred from the types of later arguments).

When a forward rule is successful, Aesop remembers the type of the hypothesis
added by the rule, say `T`. If a forward rule (possibly the same one) is
subsequently applied to a subgoal and wants to add another hypothesis of type
`T`, this is forbidden and the rule fails. Without this restriction, forward
rules would in many cases be applied infinitely often. However, note that the
rule is still executed on its own subgoals (and their subgoals, etc.), which
can become a performance issue. You should therefore prefer `destruct` rules
where possible.
- **`destruct`**: works like `forward`, but after the rule has been applied,
hypotheses that were used as immediate arguments are cleared. This is useful
when you want to eliminate a hypothesis. E.g. the rule
@[aesop norm destruct]
theorem and_elim_right : α ∧ β → α := ...
will cause the goal
h₁ : (α ∧ β) ∧ γ
h₂ : δ ∧ ε
to be transformed into
h₁ : α
h₂ : δ

Unlike with `forward` rules, when an `destruct` rule is successfully applied,
it may be applied again to the resulting subgoals (and their subgoals, etc.).
There is less danger of infinite cycles because the original hypothesis is

However, if the hypothesis or hypotheses to which the `destruct` rule is
applied have dependencies, they are not cleared. In this case, you'll probably
get an infinite cycle.
- **`constructors`**: when applied to an inductive type or structure `T`,
generates a rule which tries to apply each constructor of `T` to the target.
This is a multi-rule, so if multiple constructors apply, they are considered
in parallel. If you use this constructor to build an unsafe rule, each
constructor application receives the same success probability; if this is not
what you want, add separate `apply` rules for the constructors.
- **`cases`**: when applied to an inductive type or structure `T`, generates a
rule that performs case analysis on every hypothesis `h : T` in the context.
The rule recurses into subgoals, so `cases Or` will generate 6 goals when
applied to a goal with hypotheses `h₁ : A ∨ B ∨ C` and `h₂ : D ∨ E`. However,
if `T` is a recursive type (e.g. `List`), we only perform case analysis once
on each hypothesis. Otherwise we would loop infinitely.

The `cases_patterns` option can be used to apply the rule only on hypotheses
of a certain shape. E.g. the rule `cases (cases_patterns := [Fin 0]) Fin` will
perform case analysis only on hypotheses of type `Fin 0`. Patterns can contain
underscores, e.g. `0 ≤ _`. Multiple patterns can be given (separated by
commas); the rule is then applied whenever at least one of the patterns
matches a hypothesis.
- **`simp`**: when applied to an equation `eq : A₁ → ... Aₙ → x = y`, registers
`eq` as a simp lemma for the built-in simp pass during normalisation. As such,
this builder can only build normalisation rules.
- **`unfold`**: when applied to a definition or `let` hypothesis `f`, registers
`f` to be unfolded (i.e. replaced with its definition) during normalisation.
As such, this builder can only build normalisation rules. The unfolding
happens in a separate `simp` pass.

The `simp` builder can also be used to unfold definitions. The difference is
that `simp` rules perform smart unfolding (like the `simp` tactic) and
`unfold` rules perform non-smart unfolding (like the `unfold` tactic).
Non-smart unfolding unfolds functions even when none of their equations
match, so `unfold` rules would lead to looping and are forbidden.
- **`tactic`**: takes a tactic and directly turns it into a rule. When this
builder is used in an `add` clause, you can use e.g. `(add safe (by
norm_num))` to register `norm_num` as a safe rule. The `by` block can also
contain multiple tactics as well as references to the hypotheses. When you
use `(by ...)` in an `add` clause, Aesop automatically uses the tactic
builder, unless you specify a different builder.

When this builder is used in the `@[aesop]` attribute, the declaration tagged
with the attribute must have type `TacticM Unit`, `Aesop.SingleRuleTac` or
`Aesop.RuleTac`. The latter are Aesop data types which associate a tactic with
additional metadata; using them may allow the rule to operate somewhat more

Rule tactics should not be 'no-ops': if a rule tactic is not applicable to a
goal, it should fail rather than return the goal unchanged. All no-op rules
waste time; no-op `norm` rules will send normalisation into an infinite loop;
and no-op `safe` rules will prevent unsafe rules from being applied.

Normalisation rules may not assign metavariables (other than the goal
metavariable) or introduce new metavariables (other than the new goal
metavariable). This can be a problem because some Lean tactics, e.g. `cases`,
do so even in situations where you probably would not expect them to. I'm
afraid there is currently no good solution for this.
- **`default`**: The default builder. This is the builder used when you
register a rule without specifying a builder, but you can also use it
explicitly. Depending on the rule's phase, the default builder tries
different builders, using the first one that works. These builders are:
- For `safe` and `unsafe` rules: `constructors`, `tactic`, `apply`.
- For `norm` rules: `constructors`, `tactic`, `simp`, `apply`.

#### Transparency Options

The rule builders `apply`, `forward`, `destruct`, `constructors` and `cases`
each have a `transparency` option. This option controls the transparency at
which the rule is executed. For example, registering a rule with the builder
`apply (transparency := reducible)` makes the rule act like the tactic
`with_reducible apply`.

However, even if you change the transparency of a rule, it is still indexed at
`reducible` transparency (since the data structure we use for indexing only
supports `reducible` transparency). So suppose you register an `apply` rule with
`default` transparency. Further suppose the rule concludes `A ∧ B` and your
target is `T` with `def T := A ∧ B`. Then the rule could apply to the target
since it can unfold `T` at `default` transparency to discover `A ∧ B`. However,
the rule is never applied because the indexing procedure sees only `T` and does
not consider the rule potentially applicable.

To override this behaviour, you can write `apply (transparency! := default)`
(note the bang). This disables indexing, so the rule is tried on every goal.

### Rule Sets

Rule sets are declared with the command

``` lean
declare_aesop_rule_sets [r₁, ..., rₙ] (default := )

where the `rᵢ` are arbitrary names. To avoid clashes, pick names in the
namespace of your package. Setting `default := true` makes the rule set active
by default. The `default` clause can be omitted and defaults to `false`.

Within a rule set, rules are identified by their name, builder and phase
(safe/unsafe/norm). This means you can add the same declaration as multiple
rules with different builders or in different phases, but not with different
priorities or different builder options (if the rule's builder has any options).

Rules can appear in multiple rule sets, but in this case you should make sure
that they have the same priority and use the same builder options. Otherwise,
Aesop will consider these rules the same and arbitrarily pick one.

Out of the box, Aesop uses the default rule sets `builtin` and `default`. The
`builtin` set contains built-in rules for handling various constructions (see
below). The `default` set contains rules which were added by Aesop users without
specifying a rule set.

### The `@[aesop]` Attribute

Declarations can be added to rule sets by annotating them with the `@[aesop]`
attribute. As with other attributes, you can use `@[local aesop]` to add a rule
only within the current section or namespace and `@[scoped aesop]` to add a rule
only when the current namespace is open.

#### Single Rule

In most cases, you'll want to add one rule for the declaration. The syntax for
this is

``` lean
@[aesop ? ? ? * ?]


- `` is `safe`, `norm` or `unsafe`. Cannot be omitted except under the
conditions in the next bullets.

- `` is:
- For `simp` rules, a natural number. This is used as the priority of the
`simp` generated `simp` lemmas, so registering a `simp` rule with priority
`n` is roughly equivalent to the attribute `@[simp n]`. If omitted, defaults
to Lean's default `simp` priority.
- For `safe` and `norm` rules (except `simp` rules), an integer penalty. If
omitted, defaults to 1.
- For `unsafe` rules, a percentage between 0% and 100%. Cannot be omitted.
You may omit the `unsafe` phase specification when giving a percentage.
- For `unfold` rules, a penalty can be given, but it is currently ignored.

- `` is one of the builders given above. If no builder is specified,
the default builder for the given phase is used.

When the `simp` builder is used, the `norm` phase may be omitted since this
builder can only generate normalisation rules.

- `*` is a list of zero or more builder options. See above
for the different builders' options.

- `` is a clause of the form

(rule_sets := [r₁, ..., rₙ])

where the `rᵢ` are declared rule sets. (Parentheses are mandatory.) The rule
is added exactly to the specified rule sets. If this clause is omitted, it
defaults to `(rule_sets := [default])`.

#### Multiple Rules

It is occasionally useful to add multiple rules for a single declaration, e.g.
a `cases` and a `constructors` rule for the same inductive type. In this case,
you can write for example

``` lean
@[aesop unsafe [constructors 75%, cases 90%]]
inductive T ...

@[aesop apply [safe (rule_sets := [A]), 70% (rule_sets := [B])]]
def foo ...

@[aesop [80% apply, safe 5 forward (immediate := x)]]
def bar (x : T) ...

In the first example, two unsafe rules for `T` are registered, one with success
probability 75% and one with 90%.

In the second example, two rules are registered for `foo`. Both use the `apply`
builder. The first, a `safe` rule with default penalty, is added to rule set
`A`. The second, an `unsafe` rule with 70% success probability, is added to
rule set `B`.

In the third example, two rules are registered for `bar`: an `unsafe` rule with
80% success probability using the `apply` builder and a `safe` rule with penalty
5 using the `forward` builder.

In general, the grammar for the `@[aesop]` attribute is

``` lean
attr ::= @[aesop ]
| @[aesop []]

rule_expr ::= feature
| feature
| feature []

where `feature` is a phase, priority, builder or `rule_sets` clause. This
grammar yields one or more trees of features and each branch of these trees
specifies one rule. (A branch is a list of features.)

### Adding External Rules

You can use the `attribute` command to add rules for constants which were
declared previously, either in your own development or in a package you import:

attribute [aesop norm unfold] List.all -- List.all is from Init

You can also use the `add_aesop_rules` command:

``` lean
add_aesop_rules safe [(by linarith), Nat.add_comm 0]

As you can see, this command can be used to add tactics and composite terms as
well. Use `local add_aesop_rules` and `scoped add_aesop_rules` to obtain the
equivalent of `@[local aesop]` and `@[scoped aesop]`.

### Erasing Rules

There are two ways to erase rules. Usually it suffices to remove the `@[aesop]`

``` lean
attribute [-aesop] foo

This will remove all rules associated with the declaration `foo` from all rule
sets. However, this erasing is not persistent, so the rule will reappear at the
end of the file. This is a fundamental limitation of Lean's attribute system:
once a declaration is tagged with an attribute, it cannot be permanently

If you want to remove only certain rules, you can use the `erase_aesop_rules`

``` lean
erase_aesop_rules [safe apply foo, bar (rule_sets := [A])]

This will remove:

- all safe rules for `foo` with the `apply` builder from all rule sets (but not
other, for example, unsafe rules or `forward` rules);
- all rules for `bar` from rule set `A`.

In general, the syntax is

``` lean
erase_aesop_rules []

i.e. rules are specified in the same way as for the `@[aesop]` attribute.
However, each rule must also specify the name of the declaration whose rules
should be erased. The `rule_expr` grammar is therefore extended such that a
`feature` can also be the name of a declaration.

Note that a rule added with one of the default builders (`safe_default`,
`norm_default`, `unsafe_default`) will be registered under the name of the
builder that is ultimately used, e.g. `apply` or `simp`. So if you want to erase
such a rule, you may have to specify that builder instead of the default

### The `aesop` Tactic

In its most basic form, you can call the Aesop tactic just by writing

``` lean
example : α → α := by

This will use the rules in the default rule sets. Out of the box, these are the
`default` rule set, containing rules tagged with the `@[aesop]` attribute
without mentioning a specific rule set, and the `builtin` rule set, containing
rules built into Aesop. However, other rule sets can also be enabled by default;
see the `declare_aesop_rule_sets` command.

The tactic's behaviour can also be customised with various options. A more
involved Aesop call might look like this:

``` text
(add safe foo, 10% cases Or, safe cases Empty)
(erase A, baz)
(rule_sets := [A, B])
(config := { maxRuleApplicationDepth := 10 })

Here we add some rules with an `add` clause, erase other rules with an `erase`
clause, limit the used rule sets and set some options. Each of these clauses
is discussed in more detail below.

#### Adding Rules to an Aesop Call

Rules can be added to an Aesop call with an `add` clause. This won't affect any
declared rule sets. The syntax of the `add` clause is

``` text
(add )

i.e. rules can be specified in the same way as for the `@[aesop]` attribute.
As with the `erase_aesop_rules` command, each rule must specify the name of
declaration from which the rule should be built; for example

``` text
(add safe [foo 1, bar 5])

will add the declaration `foo` as a safe rule with penalty 1 and `bar` as a safe
rule with penalty 5.

The rule names can also refer to hypotheses in the goal context, but not all
builders support this.

#### Erasing Rules From an Aesop Call

Rules can be removed from an Aesop call with an `erase` clause. Again, this
affects only the current Aesop call and not the declared rule sets. The syntax
of the `erase` clause is

``` text
(erase )

and it works exactly like the `erase_aesop_rules` command. To erase all rules
associated with `x` and `y`, write

``` lean
(erase x, y)

#### Selecting Rule Sets

By default, Aesop uses the `default` and `builtin` rule sets, as well as rule
sets which are declared as default rule sets. A `rule_sets` clause can be given
to include additional rule sets, e.g.

``` text
(rule_sets := [A, B])

This will use rule sets `A`, `B`, `default` and `builtin` (and any rule sets
declared as default rule sets). Rule sets can also be disabled with
`rule_sets := [-default, -builtin]`.

#### Setting Options

Various options can be set with a `config` clause, whose syntax is:

``` text
(config := )

The term is an arbitrary Lean expression of type `Aesop.Options`; see there for
details. Notable options include:

- `strategy` selects a best-first, depth-first or breadth-first search strategy.
The default is best-first.
- `useSimpAll := false` makes the built-in `simp` rule use `simp at *` rather
than `simp_all`.
- `enableSimp := false` disables the built-in `simp` rule altogether.

Similarly, options for the built-in norm simp rule can be set with

``` text
(simp_config := )

You can give the same options here as in `simp (config := ...)`.

### Built-In Rules

The set of built-in rules (those in the `builtin` rule set) is a bit unstable,
so for now I won't document them in detail. See `Aesop/BuiltinRules.lean` and

### Proof Scripts

By calling `aesop?` instead of `aesop`, you can instruct Aesop to generate a
tactic script which proves the goal (if Aesop succeeds). The script is printed
as a `Try this:` suggestion, similar to `simp?`.

The scripts generated by Aesop are currently a bit idiosyncratic. For example,
they may contain the `aesop_cases` tactic, which is a slight variation of the
standard `cases`. Additionally, Aesop occasionally generates buggy scripts which
do not solve the goal. We hope to eventually fix these issues; until then, you
may have to lightly adjust the proof scripts by hand.

### Tracing

To see how Aesop proves a goal -- or why it doesn't prove a goal, or why it's
slow to prove a goal -- it is useful to see what it's doing. To that end, you
can enable various tracing options. These use the usual syntax, e.g.

``` lean
set_option trace.aesop true

The main options are:

- `trace.aesop`: print a step-by-step log of which goals Aesop tried to
solve, which rules it tried to apply (successfully or unsuccessfully), etc.
- `trace.aesop.ruleSet`: print the rule set used for an Aesop call.
- `trace.aesop.proof`: if Aesop is successful, print the proof that was
generated (as a Lean term). You should be able to copy-and-paste this proof
to replace Aesop.

### Profiling

To get an idea of where Aesop spends its time, use

``` lean
set_option trace.aesop.stats true

Aesop then prints some statistics about this particular Aesop run.

To get statistics for multiple Aesop invocations, activate the option
`aesop.collectStats` for the relevant files (or for certain invocations) and run
the command `#aesop_stats` in a file which imports all relevant files. E.g. to
evaluate Aesop's performance in Mathlib, set the option `aesop.collectStats` in
Mathlib's `lakefile.lean`, recompile Mathlib from scratch and create a new Lean
file with contents

``` lean
import Mathlib


You can also activate the `profiler` option, which augments the trace produced
by `trace.aesop` with information about how much time each step took. Note that
only the timing information pertaining to goal expansions and rule applications
is relevant. Other timings, such as those attached to new rapps and goals, are
just artefacts of the Lean tracing API.

### Checking Internal Invariants

If you encounter behaviour that looks like an internal error in Aesop, it may
help to set the option `aesop.check.all` (or the more fine-grained
`aesop.check.*` options). This makes Aesop check various invariants while the
tactic is running. These checks are somewhat expensive, so remember to unset the
option after you've reported the bug.

### Handling Metavariables

Rules which create metavariables must be handled specially by Aesop. For
example, suppose we register transitivity of `<` as an Aesop rule. Then we may
get a goal state of this form:

``` lean
n k : Nat
⊢ n < ?m

n k : Nat
⊢ ?m < k

We may now solve the first goal by applying different rules. We could, for
example, apply the theorem `∀ n, n < n + 1`. We could also use an assumption `n
< a`. Both proofs close the first goal, but crucially, they modify the second
goal: in the first case, it becomes `n + 1 < k`; in the second case, `a < k`.
And of course one of these could be provable while the other is not. In other
words, the second subgoal now depends on the *proof* of the first subgoal
(whereas usually we don't care *how* a goal was proven, only *that* it was
proven). Aesop could also decide to work on the second subgoal first, in which
case the situation is symmetric.

Due to this dependency, Aesop in effect treats the instantiations of the second
subgoal as *additional goals*. Thus, when we apply the theorem `∀ n, n < n + 1`,
which closes the first goal, Aesop realises that because this theorem was
applied, we must now prove `n + 1 < k` as well. So it adds this goal as an
additional subgoal of the rule application `∀ n, n < n + 1` (which otherwise
would not have any subgoals). Similarly, when the assumption `n < a` is applied,
its rule application gains an additional subgoal `a < k`.

This mechanism makes sure that we consider all potential proofs. The downside is
that it's quite explosive: when there are multiple metavariables in multiple
goals, which Aesop may visit in any order, Aesop may spend a lot of time copying
goals with shared metavariables. It may even try to prove the same goal more
than once since different rules may yield the same metavariable instantiations.
For these reasons, rules which create metavariables are best kept out of the
global rule set and added to individual Aesop calls on an ad-hoc basis.

It is also worth noting that when a safe rule assigns a metavariable, it is
treated as an unsafe rule (with success probability 90%). This is because
assigning metavariables is almost never safe, for the same reason as above: the
usually perfectly safe rule `∀ n, n < n + 1` would, if treated as safe, force us
to commit to one particular instantiation of the metavariable `?m`.

For more details on the handling of metavariables, see the [Aesop