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a lightweight module that allows you to work with database queries without using ORM

database javascript mysql npm open-source pg postgresql

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a lightweight module that allows you to work with database queries without using ORM

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# livesey-database

## Overview

This package provides an abstract database client and a generic database interface for interacting with different SQL databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL). It allows for building and executing SQL queries in a fluent, chainable manner, abstracting the complexities of direct SQL syntax.

### Features

- Fluent API for building SQL queries.
- Database-agnostic: Supports multiple databases (MySQL and PostgreSQL).
- Chainable methods: Build complex queries by chaining method calls.
- Error handling: Provides meaningful error messages for database operations.

## Table of Contents

- [Getting Started](#getting-started)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Initialize the Database Client](#1-initialize-the-database-client)
- [Schema Creation and Serialization](#2-schema-creation-and-serialization)
- [Create a Database Instance](#3-create-a-database-instance)
- [Perform Database Operations](#4-perform-database-operations)
- [Close the Database Connection](#5-close-the-database-connection)
- [API Reference](#api-reference)
- [DatabaseClient](#databaseclient)
- [MySQLClient](#mysqlclient)
- [PostgresClient](#postgresclient)
- [Database](#database)
- [Indexes](#indexes)
- [Tests](#tests)
- [Contributing](#contributing)
- [License](#license)
- [Support](#support)
- [Contact](#contact)


## Getting Started

### Installation

To install the package, use npm:

npm install livesey-database

## Configuration

Before using the package, configure your environment variables in a `.env` file or directly in your environment:

DB_TYPE=mysql # or postgres
DB_HOST=#your host
DB_USER=#your username
DB_PASSWORD=#your password
DB_NAME= #your database name
DB_PORT=3306 # or 5432 for PostgreSQL
DB_SSL=true # or false for non-SSL connections
To use it you have to install and import **dotenv** package:

* Installation:

``` sh
npm i dotenv

**Import for ECMAScript:**

``` js
import dotenv from 'dotenv';

**Import for CommonJS:**

``` js
const dotenv = require("dotenv");

You also have to install and set pools for database packages, you will work with:

* Installation:

``` sh
npm i pg # for PostgreSQL
npm i mysql2 # for MySQL

**If you use PostgreSQL(ESM)**:
``` js
import pkg from 'pg';
const { Pool } = pkg;

const postgresPool = new Pool({
host: dbHost,
user: dbUser,
password: dbPassword,
database: dbName,
port: dbPort,
ssl: dbSsl === "true" ? { rejectUnauthorized: false } : false,

**If you use PostgreSQL(CJS)**:
``` js
const { Pool } = require("pg");

const postgresPool = new Pool({
host: dbHost,
user: dbUser,
password: dbPassword,
database: dbName,
port: dbPort,
ssl: dbSsl === "true" ? { rejectUnauthorized: false } : false,

**If you use MySQL(ESM)**:
``` js
import mysql from "mysql2/promise";

const mySqlPool = mysql.createPool({
host: dbHost,
user: dbUser,
password: dbPassword,
database: dbName,
port: dbPort,

**If you use MySQL(CJS)**:
``` js
const mysql = require("mysql2/promise");

const mySqlPool = mysql.createPool({
host: dbHost,
user: dbUser,
password: dbPassword,
database: dbName,
port: dbPort,


## Usage

### 1. Initialize the Database Client

You need to initialize the database client based on the environment configuration (MySQL or PostgreSQL).

import { MySQLClient, PostgresClient, Database } from 'livesey-database';
import { mySqlPool, postgresPool } from './dbConfig.js';

// Determine the database client type based on the environment configuration
const dbClient = process.env.DB_TYPE === 'mysql' ? new MySQLClient(mySqlPool) : new PostgresClient(postgresPool);

### 2. Schema Creation and Serialization

#### Define and Create Schemas

You can create your own table using JSON syntax that follows structures like these:

import { createSchema } from 'livesey-database';

export const PermissionSchema = {
'Table': {
'tableName': 'Permission',
'columns': {
'permissionId': {
'type': 'uuid',
'primaryKey': true,
'unique': true,
'notNull': true
'permissionName': {
'type': 'varchar',
'length': 255,
'notNull': true
'description': {
'type': 'text'

await createSchema(dbClient, PermissionSchema);
console.log('Permission table created successfully.');

#### Foreign Keys and Relationships

If you want to create relationship (`OneToOne`, `ManyToOne`, `OneToMany`, `ManyToMany`) you should define it in `relations` sector.

export const RoleSchema = {
'Table': {
'tableName': 'Role',
'columns': {
'roleId': {
'type': 'uuid',
'primaryKey': true,
'unique': true,
'notNull': true
'roleName': {
'type': 'varchar',
'length': 255,
'notNull': true
'relations': {
'ManyToMany': {
'relatedEntity': 'Permission',
'foreignKey': 'roleId'

await createSchema(dbClient, RoleSchema);
console.log('Role table with ManyToMany relation was created successfully.');

### 3. Create a Database Instance

Once you have a dbClient, you can create a Database instance for the desired table.

const db = new Database('User', dbClient);

### 4. Perform Database Operations

#### Select Queries

To select all columns from a table:

const users = await;
console.log('All Users:', users);

To select specific columns with conditions:

const users = await{ name: true, surname: true })
.where({ name: 'John', surname: 'Doe' })
console.log('Selected Users:', users);

#### Insert Queries

To insert data into a table:

await db.insert()
.into(['name', 'price', 'quantity'])
.values(['Product A', 10.99, 5])
console.log('Product inserted successfully');

#### Update Queries

To update data in a table:

await db.update()
.set({ name: 'Timber', surname: 'Saw' })
.where({ userId: 'c5fe6661-93ea-43f9-8b6a-92f31f00aa16' })
console.log('User updated successfully');

#### Delete Queries

To delete data from a table:

await db.delete()
.where({ userId: 'c5fe6661-93ea-43f9-8b6a-92f31f00aa16' })
console.log('User deleted successfully');

### 5. Close the Database Connection

Don't forget to release the database client connection when you are done:

try {
//some logic here
} catch (error) {
console.error('❌ Database error:', error.message);
} finally {
await dbClient.release(); // break connection with db


## API Reference

### `DatabaseClient`

An abstract class for creating a database client.

#### Constructor

- `new DatabaseClient()`

#### Methods

- `async connect()` : Establish a connection to the database. Must be implemented in derived classes.
- `async query(queryText, params)` : Execute a SQL query with optional parameters. Must be implemented in derived classes.
- `release()` : Close the database connection. Must be implemented in derived classes.

### `MySQLClient`

Implements the `DatabaseClient` interface for MySQL databases.

#### Constructor

- `new MySQLClient(mySqlPool)`

#### Methods

- `newMySQLClient(mySqlPool)` : Allows to use client like: `MySQLClient.newMySQLClient(mySqlPool)`.
- `async connect()` : Returns a MySQL connection from the pool.
- `async query(queryText, params)` : Executes a SQL query using MySQL connection.
- `release()` : Ends all connections in the MySQL pool.

### `PostgresClient`

Implements the `DatabaseClient` interface for PostgreSQL databases.

#### Constructor

- `new PostgresClient(postgresPool)`

#### Methods

- `newPostgresClient(postgresPool)` : Allows to use client like: `PostgresClient.newPostgresClient(postgresPool)`.
- `async connect()` : Returns a PostgreSQL connection from the pool.
- `async query(queryText, params)` : Executes a SQL query using PostgreSQL connection.
- `release()` : Ends all connections in the PostgreSQL pool.

### `Database`

A class to build and execute SQL queries for a specific table.

#### Constructor

- `new Database(tableName: string, dbClient: string)` : Initializes a new instance of the `Database` class for a given table and database client.

#### Methods

- `select(fields: Array)` : Builds a SELECT SQL query. `fields` is an array where keys are column names.
- `where(conditions: Object)` : Adds a WHERE clause to the SQL query. `conditions` is an object with column names and their corresponding values or operators.
- `insert()` : Begins an INSERT SQL query.
- `into(columns: Array)` : Specifies the columns for the INSERT SQL query.
- `values(valuesArray: Array)` : Adds values for the INSERT SQL query.
- `update()` : Begins an UPDATE SQL query.
- `set(object: Object)` : Sets the columns and values to be updated.
- `delete()` : Begins a DELETE SQL query.
- `async execute()` : Executes the built SQL query.

### `DatabaseFunction`

Extends `Database` to provide higher-level operations such as finding, saving, updating, and deleting records.

#### Constructor

- `new DatabaseFunction(tableName: string, dbClient: string)`

#### Methods

- `async findRecord(criteria: Object, selectFields: Array)` : Finds a record matching the criteria.
- `async saveRecord(data: Object)` : Inserts a new record into the table.
- `async updateRecord(criteria: Object, updateData: Object)` : Updates a record matching the criteria.
- `async deleteRecord(criteria: Object)` : Deletes a record matching the criteria.

### `createSchema`

Creates a table from schema(json object).

#### Methods

- `createSchema(dbClient: string, schema: Object)` : Function to create tables and manage relationships.


### `Indexes`

Indexes are a crucial part of database optimization, improving the performance of queries by allowing faster data retrieval. The `livesey-database` package provides utility functions to create, manage, and delete indexes in both MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.

### Types of Indexes
- **Standard Index**: Speeds up data retrieval based on the values in one or more columns.
- **Unique Index**: Ensures that the values in the indexed column(s) are unique across all rows.

### Functions for Managing Indexes

The package provides three key functions for working with indexes:

1. `createIndex`
2. `createUniqueIndex`
3. `dropIndex`

These functions allow you to easily create and manage indexes on tables, supporting both MySQL and PostgreSQL syntax.


### `createIndex`

Creates a standard index on one or more columns of a specified table.

#### Parameters:
- `tableName` (string): Name of the table on which the index will be created.
- `dbClient` (DatabaseClient): The database client to use for the operation.
- `dbType` (string): The type of database (`mysql` or `postgres`).
- `columns` (string[]): The columns to be indexed.

#### Example:

await createIndex('User', dbClient, 'postgres', 'name', 'email');

In this example, an index will be created on the `name` and `email` columns of the `User` table in a PostgreSQL database.


### `createUniqueIndex`

Creates a unique index on one or more columns, ensuring that values in the indexed columns are unique.

#### Parameters:
- `tableName` (string): Name of the table on which the unique index will be created.
- `dbClient` (DatabaseClient): The database client to use for the operation.
- `dbType` (string): The type of database (`mysql` or `postgres`).
- `columns` (string[]): The columns to be indexed.

#### Example:

await createUniqueIndex('User', dbClient, 'mysql', 'email');

This creates a unique index on the `email` column of the `User` table in a MySQL database.


### `dropIndex`

Drops an existing index from a table.

#### Parameters:
- `tableName` (string): The name of the table from which the index will be dropped.
- `dbClient` (DatabaseClient): The database client to use for the operation.
- `dbType` (string): The type of database (`mysql` or `postgres`).
- `indexName` (string): The name of the index to be dropped.

#### Example:

await dropIndex('User', dbClient, 'postgres', 'User_email_idx');

This command will drop the index named `User_email_idx` from the `User` table in a PostgreSQL database.


## Tests

You can test this module using tests in `src/test` folder. Here is the structure:
├── connection.test.js
├── database.test.js
├── envConfig.js
├── functions.test.js
├── indexes.test.js
└── serializer.test.js

1 directory, 6 files

If you want to run tests on your local machine, you have to follow these steps:

1. **Install and configure environmental variables**

You have to install `dotenv` package via NPM:
``` sh
npm i dotenv

Create `.env` file and put there these variables(you can put more if you want to use additional functionality in pools):

DB_TYPE=mysql # or postgres
DB_HOST=#your host
DB_USER=#your username
DB_PASSWORD=#your password
DB_NAME= #your database name
DB_PORT=3306 # for MySQL or 5432 for PostgreSQL
DB_SSL=true # or false for non-SSL connections

2. **You have to install pg or mysql2 package via NPM:**

``` sh
npm i pg # for PostgreSQL
npm i mysql2 # for MySQL

3. **Use `npm run test` to start tests**

You can find this block of code in `package.json`:

"scripts": {
"lint": "npx biome format . --write",
"test": "node --test tests/*.test.js"

So, if you want to correct syntax in test or in new code, you have to run `npm run lint` command.

4. **Happy testing 👩‍💻**


## Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or open an issue on the GitHub repository.


## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more information.


## Support

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please open an issue on our GitHub repository or contact the maintainer.


## Contact

For any questions or inquiries, please contact [email protected].


By following the above documentation, you should be able to easily configure and use the database package in your application.

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