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:octocat: Create GitHub Actions Using Python

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:octocat: Create GitHub Actions Using Python

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## PyAction - Create GitHub Actions Using Python! :sparkles: ![download rate](![download rate](

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PyAction helps you to develop [GitHub Actions]( using Python. It's delivered as an installable package with the ability to run and test the action locally before any deployment.

- name: Using the python action
uses: you/your-python-action@v2
name: Jane
age: 20

from pyaction import PyAction

workflow = PyAction()

def greetings_action(name: str, age: int) -> None:
"phrase": f"Hello {name}. You are {age}!"

# $ pyaction run
# [
# {
# "var": "phrase",
# "value": "Hello Jane. You are 20!",
# "type": "",
# "usage": "${{ steps.STEP_ID.outputs.phrase }}"
# }
# ]

Check out the [official docs]( for more detailed information. There is also a [Quickstart]( demo tutorial that walks you through a simple hello-world action.

### Installation
Run the following command in a fresh CLI tab.

pip install -U "pyaction[cli]"

To make sure the installation process was successful, run the following command.

pyaction --version

The `pyaction` release is made to be super light which will make your workflow run very fast. The `pyaction[cli]` that you install on your local machine has some additional packages for local development.

### Usage
It's recommended to initialize a template, then going along the development process. Thus, run the `init` command.

pyaction init

Answer the prompts and your template will be generated. Check out the [docs]( for the further steps.

### Contribution
All your contributions and assistance are welcome. For more information about how you can contribute to the project, please follow the instructions [here]( :sparkles:

### License
PyAction is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE) terms.