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Monokai Pro theme for Neovim written in Lua, with multiple filters: Pro, Classic, Machine, Octagon, Ristretto, Spectrum

colorscheme lua monokai-color-scheme monokai-pro monokai-theme neovim theme

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Monokai Pro theme for Neovim written in Lua, with multiple filters: Pro, Classic, Machine, Octagon, Ristretto, Spectrum

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## ⭐ Pro


## 🛑 Octagon


## 🤖 Machine


## ☕ Ristretto


## 🌈 Spectrum


## 👴 Classic


### 🔌 Plugin support

- [alpha-nvim](
- [bufferLine.nvim](
- [Cmp](
- [vim-illuminate](
- [indent-blankline](
- [neo-tree.nvim](
- [nvim-notify](
- [renamer.nvim](
- [lualine.nvim](
- [telescope.nvim](
- [toggleterm.nvim](
- [nvim-treesitter](
- [which-key.nvim](
- [breadcrumb.nvim](
- [nvim-navic](
- [wilder.nvim](
- [Lightline](
- [barbecue.nvim](
- [dashboard-nvim](
- [mason.nvim](
- [nvim-ts-rainbow2](
- [rainbow-delimeters.nvim](

## 📦 Installation


Plug 'loctvl842/monokai-pro.nvim'


use {
config = function()

## 🔨 Configuration

There are several themes included in this plugin.

- [Pro](#-pro) – Monokai Pro _(default)_
- [Octagon](#-octagon) – Monokai Pro (Filter Octagon)
- [Machine](#-machine) – Monokai Pro (Filter Machine)
- [Ristretto](#-ristretto) – Monokai Pro (Filter Machine)
- [Spectrum](#-spectrum) – Monokai Pro (Filter Machine)
- [Classic](#-classic) – Monokai Classic

Example configuration:

transparent_background = false,
terminal_colors = true,
devicons = true, -- highlight the icons of `nvim-web-devicons`
styles = {
comment = { italic = true },
keyword = { italic = true }, -- any other keyword
type = { italic = true }, -- (preferred) int, long, char, etc
storageclass = { italic = true }, -- static, register, volatile, etc
structure = { italic = true }, -- struct, union, enum, etc
parameter = { italic = true }, -- parameter pass in function
annotation = { italic = true },
tag_attribute = { italic = true }, -- attribute of tag in reactjs
filter = "pro", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
-- Enable this will disable filter option
day_night = {
enable = false, -- turn off by default
day_filter = "pro", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
night_filter = "spectrum", -- classic | octagon | pro | machine | ristretto | spectrum
inc_search = "background", -- underline | background
background_clear = {
-- "float_win",
-- "which-key",
-- "nvim-tree",
-- "neo-tree",
-- "bufferline", -- better used if background of `neo-tree` or `nvim-tree` is cleared
},-- "float_win", "toggleterm", "telescope", "which-key", "renamer", "neo-tree", "nvim-tree", "bufferline"
plugins = {
bufferline = {
underline_selected = false,
underline_visible = false,
indent_blankline = {
context_highlight = "default", -- default | pro
context_start_underline = false,
---@param c Colorscheme
override = function(c) end,
---@param cs Colorscheme
---@param p ColorschemeOptions
---@param Config MonokaiProOptions
---@param hp Helper
override = function(cs: Colorscheme, p: ColorschemeOptions, Config: MonokaiProOptions, hp: Helper) end,

- Check my [nvim]( to see my plugins setup for `border` if you want to set `background_clear`

For example:


-- ... your config
background_clear = { "float_win" }
-- ... your config

-- ... your config
window = {
border = "rounded",
completion = {
border = "rounded",
-- ... your config

- With the above config:

- With the default config:


-- ... your config
background_clear = {}
-- ... your config

-- ... your config
defaults = {
borderchars = { "█", " ", "▀", "█", "█", " ", " ", "▀" },
-- ... your config

- With the above config:


- With the default config:

## 📚 Usage

- Enable this colorscheme by using the following command after `setup`:

" Vim Script
colorscheme monokai-pro

-- ... your config
-- lua
vim.cmd([[colorscheme monokai-pro]])

- To enable `monokai-pro` for `Lualine`:

require('lualine').setup {
options = {
-- ...
theme = 'monokai-pro'
-- ...

- To enable `monokai-pro` for `barbecue`:

require('barbecue').setup {
-- ...
theme = 'monokai-pro'
-- ...


- To enable `monokai-pro` for `lightline`:

" Vim Script
let g:lightline = {'colorscheme': 'monokaipro'}

- Override function for customizing the final color scheme:

-- ...
override = function()
return {
Normal = { bg = "#000000" }
-- ...

- Customize your own palette:

This is a sample config to use `Tokyonight` as the palette:

-- ...
--- @param filter "classic" | "machine" | "octagon" | "pro" | "ristretto" | "spectrum"
override = function(c)
return {
IndentBlanklineChar = { fg = c.base.dimmed4 },
overridePalette = function(filter)
return {
dark2 = "#101014",
dark1 = "#16161E",
background = "#1A1B26",
text = "#C0CAF5",
accent1 = "#f7768e",
accent2 = "#7aa2f7",
accent3 = "#e0af68",
accent4 = "#9ece6a",
accent5 = "#0DB9D7",
accent6 = "#9d7cd8",
dimmed1 = "#737aa2",
dimmed2 = "#787c99",
dimmed3 = "#363b54",
dimmed4 = "#363b54",
dimmed5 = "#16161e",
-- ...

- Customize the scheme:

This is a sample config to use a darker background for almost all supported plugins:

-- ...
overrideScheme = function(cs, p, config, hp)
local cs_override = {}
local calc_bg = hp.blend(p.background, 0.75, '#000000')

cs_override.editor = {
background = calc_bg,
return cs_override
-- ...

## 🔧 Command

- run command `MonokaiProSelect` to launch a menu to choose theme filter (required: [nui.nvim](
- or we can run command `MonokaiPro` with parameter to change theme filter: For example:
> `MonokaiPro classic`