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Most of my Leetcode solutions of generic problem solving, SQL etc.

Last synced: 6 days ago
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Most of my Leetcode solutions of generic problem solving, SQL etc.

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# LeetCodeSoln

# LeetCode Topics
## Array
| |
| ------- |
| [0001-two-sum]( |
| [0011-container-with-most-water]( |
| [0015-3sum]( |
| [0040-combination-sum-ii]( |
| [0045-jump-game-ii]( |
| [0051-n-queens]( |
| [0054-spiral-matrix]( |
| [0055-jump-game]( |
| [0059-spiral-matrix-ii]( |
| [0063-unique-paths-ii]( |
| [0064-minimum-path-sum]( |
| [0075-sort-colors]( |
| [0121-best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock]( |
| [0198-house-robber]( |
| [0213-house-robber-ii]( |
| [0238-product-of-array-except-self]( |
| [0239-sliding-window-maximum]( |
| [0283-move-zeroes]( |
| [0322-coin-change]( |
| [0347-top-k-frequent-elements]( |
| [0416-partition-equal-subset-sum]( |
| [0494-target-sum]( |
| [0518-coin-change-ii]( |
| [0539-minimum-time-difference]( |
| [0605-can-place-flowers]( |
| [0611-valid-triangle-number]( |
| [0624-maximum-distance-in-arrays]( |
| [0719-find-k-th-smallest-pair-distance]( |
| [0735-asteroid-collision]( |
| [0870-magic-squares-in-grid]( |
| [0890-lemonade-change]( |
| [0906-walking-robot-simulation]( |
| [0948-sort-an-array]( |
| [0967-minimum-falling-path-sum]( |
| [1325-path-with-maximum-probability]( |
| [1435-xor-queries-of-a-subarray]( |
| [1528-kids-with-the-greatest-number-of-candies]( |
| [1556-make-two-arrays-equal-by-reversing-subarrays]( |
| [1615-range-sum-of-sorted-subarray-sums]( |
| [1786-count-the-number-of-consistent-strings]( |
| [2132-convert-1d-array-into-2d-array]( |
| [2163-kth-distinct-string-in-an-array]( |
| [2255-minimum-swaps-to-group-all-1s-together-ii]( |
| [2480-find-subarrays-with-equal-sum]( |
| [2502-sort-the-people]( |
| [2503-longest-subarray-with-maximum-bitwise-and]( |
| [3106-length-of-the-longest-subsequence-that-sums-to-target]( |
| [3501-delete-nodes-from-linked-list-present-in-array]( |
## Divide and Conquer
| |
| ------- |
| [0347-top-k-frequent-elements]( |
| [0948-sort-an-array]( |
## Sorting
| |
| ------- |
| [0015-3sum]( |
| [0075-sort-colors]( |
| [0295-find-median-from-data-stream]( |
| [0347-top-k-frequent-elements]( |
| [0539-minimum-time-difference]( |
| [0611-valid-triangle-number]( |
| [0719-find-k-th-smallest-pair-distance]( |
| [0948-sort-an-array]( |
| [1556-make-two-arrays-equal-by-reversing-subarrays]( |
| [1615-range-sum-of-sorted-subarray-sums]( |
| [2502-sort-the-people]( |
| [2646-kth-largest-sum-in-a-binary-tree]( |
| [3276-minimum-number-of-pushes-to-type-word-ii]( |
## Heap (Priority Queue)
| |
| ------- |
| [0239-sliding-window-maximum]( |
| [0264-ugly-number-ii]( |
| [0295-find-median-from-data-stream]( |
| [0347-top-k-frequent-elements]( |
| [0789-kth-largest-element-in-a-stream]( |
| [0948-sort-an-array]( |
| [1325-path-with-maximum-probability]( |
## Merge Sort
| |
| ------- |
| [0948-sort-an-array]( |
## Bucket Sort
| |
| ------- |
| [0347-top-k-frequent-elements]( |
| [0948-sort-an-array]( |
## Radix Sort
| |
| ------- |
| [0948-sort-an-array]( |
## Counting Sort
| |
| ------- |
| [0347-top-k-frequent-elements]( |
| [0920-uncommon-words-from-two-sentences]( |
| [0948-sort-an-array]( |
| [1786-count-the-number-of-consistent-strings]( |
| [2163-kth-distinct-string-in-an-array]( |
| [3276-minimum-number-of-pushes-to-type-word-ii]( |
## Hash Table
| |
| ------- |
| [0001-two-sum]( |
| [0003-longest-substring-without-repeating-characters]( |
| [0017-letter-combinations-of-a-phone-number]( |
| [0146-lru-cache]( |
| [0205-isomorphic-strings]( |
| [0264-ugly-number-ii]( |
| [0347-top-k-frequent-elements]( |
| [0870-magic-squares-in-grid]( |
| [0906-walking-robot-simulation]( |
| [0920-uncommon-words-from-two-sentences]( |
| [1556-make-two-arrays-equal-by-reversing-subarrays]( |
| [1786-count-the-number-of-consistent-strings]( |
| [2163-kth-distinct-string-in-an-array]( |
| [2480-find-subarrays-with-equal-sum]( |
| [2502-sort-the-people]( |
| [3276-minimum-number-of-pushes-to-type-word-ii]( |
| [3501-delete-nodes-from-linked-list-present-in-array]( |
## String
| |
| ------- |
| [0003-longest-substring-without-repeating-characters]( |
| [0017-letter-combinations-of-a-phone-number]( |
| [0020-valid-parentheses]( |
| [0022-generate-parentheses]( |
| [0151-reverse-words-in-a-string]( |
| [0205-isomorphic-strings]( |
| [0345-reverse-vowels-of-a-string]( |
| [0392-is-subsequence]( |
| [0539-minimum-time-difference]( |
| [0678-valid-parenthesis-string]( |
| [0812-rotate-string]( |
| [0920-uncommon-words-from-two-sentences]( |
| [1786-count-the-number-of-consistent-strings]( |
| [1894-merge-strings-alternately]( |
| [2032-largest-odd-number-in-string]( |
| [2076-sum-of-digits-of-string-after-convert]( |
| [2163-kth-distinct-string-in-an-array]( |
| [2502-sort-the-people]( |
| [2580-circular-sentence]( |
| [3276-minimum-number-of-pushes-to-type-word-ii]( |
## Database
| |
| ------- |
| [0176-second-highest-salary]( |
| [0177-nth-highest-salary]( |
| [0180-consecutive-numbers]( |
| [0185-department-top-three-salaries]( |
| [0196-delete-duplicate-emails]( |
| [0197-rising-temperature]( |
| [0570-managers-with-at-least-5-direct-reports]( |
| [0577-employee-bonus]( |
| [0584-find-customer-referee]( |
| [0585-investments-in-2016]( |
| [0595-big-countries]( |
| [0596-classes-more-than-5-students]( |
| [0602-friend-requests-ii-who-has-the-most-friends]( |
| [0610-triangle-judgement]( |
| [0619-biggest-single-number]( |
| [0620-not-boring-movies]( |
| [0626-exchange-seats]( |
| [1153-product-sales-analysis-i]( |
| [1155-product-sales-analysis-iii]( |
| [1161-project-employees-i]( |
| [1182-game-play-analysis-iv]( |
| [1245-user-activity-for-the-past-30-days-i]( |
| [1278-product-price-at-a-given-date]( |
| [1292-immediate-food-delivery-ii]( |
| [1317-monthly-transactions-i]( |
| [1327-last-person-to-fit-in-the-bus]( |
| [1338-queries-quality-and-percentage]( |
| [1390-average-selling-price]( |
| [1415-students-and-examinations]( |
| [1452-restaurant-growth]( |
| [1462-list-the-products-ordered-in-a-period]( |
| [1480-movie-rating]( |
| [1509-replace-employee-id-with-the-unique-identifier]( |
| [1625-group-sold-products-by-the-date]( |
| [1664-find-users-with-valid-e-mails]( |
| [1670-patients-with-a-condition]( |
| [1724-customer-who-visited-but-did-not-make-any-transactions]( |
| [1773-percentage-of-users-attended-a-contest]( |
| [1801-average-time-of-process-per-machine]( |
| [1811-fix-names-in-a-table]( |
| [1827-invalid-tweets]( |
| [1877-find-followers-count]( |
| [1882-the-number-of-employees-which-report-to-each-employee]( |
| [1908-recyclable-and-low-fat-products]( |
| [1942-primary-department-for-each-employee]( |
| [2057-count-salary-categories]( |
| [2087-confirmation-rate]( |
| [2495-number-of-unique-subjects-taught-by-each-teacher]( |
## Math
| |
| ------- |
| [0002-add-two-numbers]( |
| [0009-palindrome-number]( |
| [0062-unique-paths]( |
| [0070-climbing-stairs]( |
| [0263-ugly-number]( |
| [0264-ugly-number-ii]( |
| [0539-minimum-time-difference]( |
| [0650-2-keys-keyboard]( |
| [0870-magic-squares-in-grid]( |
| [2032-largest-odd-number-in-string]( |
| [2903-insert-greatest-common-divisors-in-linked-list]( |
## Two Pointers
| |
| ------- |
| [0011-container-with-most-water]( |
| [0015-3sum]( |
| [0019-remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list]( |
| [0075-sort-colors]( |
| [0151-reverse-words-in-a-string]( |
| [0283-move-zeroes]( |
| [0295-find-median-from-data-stream]( |
| [0345-reverse-vowels-of-a-string]( |
| [0392-is-subsequence]( |
| [0611-valid-triangle-number]( |
| [0719-find-k-th-smallest-pair-distance]( |
| [1615-range-sum-of-sorted-subarray-sums]( |
| [1894-merge-strings-alternately]( |
## Sliding Window
| |
| ------- |
| [0003-longest-substring-without-repeating-characters]( |
| [0239-sliding-window-maximum]( |
| [2255-minimum-swaps-to-group-all-1s-together-ii]( |
## Binary Search
| |
| ------- |
| [0611-valid-triangle-number]( |
| [0719-find-k-th-smallest-pair-distance]( |
| [1615-range-sum-of-sorted-subarray-sums]( |
## Queue
| |
| ------- |
| [0239-sliding-window-maximum]( |
## Monotonic Queue
| |
| ------- |
| [0239-sliding-window-maximum]( |
## Stack
| |
| ------- |
| [0020-valid-parentheses]( |
| [0094-binary-tree-inorder-traversal]( |
| [0144-binary-tree-preorder-traversal]( |
| [0145-binary-tree-postorder-traversal]( |
| [0678-valid-parenthesis-string]( |
| [0735-asteroid-collision]( |
| [0775-n-ary-tree-preorder-traversal]( |
| [0776-n-ary-tree-postorder-traversal]( |
## Simulation
| |
| ------- |
| [0054-spiral-matrix]( |
| [0059-spiral-matrix-ii]( |
| [0735-asteroid-collision]( |
| [0906-walking-robot-simulation]( |
| [2076-sum-of-digits-of-string-after-convert]( |
| [2132-convert-1d-array-into-2d-array]( |
## Linked List
| |
| ------- |
| [0002-add-two-numbers]( |
| [0019-remove-nth-node-from-end-of-list]( |
| [0021-merge-two-sorted-lists]( |
| [0024-swap-nodes-in-pairs]( |
| [0146-lru-cache]( |
| [1484-linked-list-in-binary-tree]( |
| [2903-insert-greatest-common-divisors-in-linked-list]( |
| [3501-delete-nodes-from-linked-list-present-in-array]( |
## Recursion
| |
| ------- |
| [0002-add-two-numbers]( |
| [0021-merge-two-sorted-lists]( |
| [0024-swap-nodes-in-pairs]( |
## Greedy
| |
| ------- |
| [0011-container-with-most-water]( |
| [0045-jump-game-ii]( |
| [0055-jump-game]( |
| [0605-can-place-flowers]( |
| [0611-valid-triangle-number]( |
| [0624-maximum-distance-in-arrays]( |
| [0678-valid-parenthesis-string]( |
| [0890-lemonade-change]( |
| [2032-largest-odd-number-in-string]( |
| [3276-minimum-number-of-pushes-to-type-word-ii]( |
## Tree
| |
| ------- |
| [0094-binary-tree-inorder-traversal]( |
| [0100-same-tree]( |
| [0102-binary-tree-level-order-traversal]( |
| [0104-maximum-depth-of-binary-tree]( |
| [0144-binary-tree-preorder-traversal]( |
| [0145-binary-tree-postorder-traversal]( |
| [0199-binary-tree-right-side-view]( |
| [0236-lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree]( |
| [0775-n-ary-tree-preorder-traversal]( |
| [0776-n-ary-tree-postorder-traversal]( |
| [0783-search-in-a-binary-search-tree]( |
| [0789-kth-largest-element-in-a-stream]( |
| [1484-linked-list-in-binary-tree]( |
| [1544-count-good-nodes-in-binary-tree]( |
| [2646-kth-largest-sum-in-a-binary-tree]( |
## Depth-First Search
| |
| ------- |
| [0094-binary-tree-inorder-traversal]( |
| [0100-same-tree]( |
| [0104-maximum-depth-of-binary-tree]( |
| [0144-binary-tree-preorder-traversal]( |
| [0145-binary-tree-postorder-traversal]( |
| [0199-binary-tree-right-side-view]( |
| [0236-lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree]( |
| [0386-lexicographical-numbers]( |
| [0775-n-ary-tree-preorder-traversal]( |
| [0776-n-ary-tree-postorder-traversal]( |
| [1484-linked-list-in-binary-tree]( |
| [1544-count-good-nodes-in-binary-tree]( |
## Matrix
| |
| ------- |
| [0054-spiral-matrix]( |
| [0059-spiral-matrix-ii]( |
| [0063-unique-paths-ii]( |
| [0064-minimum-path-sum]( |
| [0870-magic-squares-in-grid]( |
| [0967-minimum-falling-path-sum]( |
| [2132-convert-1d-array-into-2d-array]( |
## Breadth-First Search
| |
| ------- |
| [0100-same-tree]( |
| [0102-binary-tree-level-order-traversal]( |
| [0104-maximum-depth-of-binary-tree]( |
| [0199-binary-tree-right-side-view]( |
| [0322-coin-change]( |
| [1484-linked-list-in-binary-tree]( |
| [1544-count-good-nodes-in-binary-tree]( |
| [2646-kth-largest-sum-in-a-binary-tree]( |
## Binary Tree
| |
| ------- |
| [0094-binary-tree-inorder-traversal]( |
| [0100-same-tree]( |
| [0102-binary-tree-level-order-traversal]( |
| [0104-maximum-depth-of-binary-tree]( |
| [0144-binary-tree-preorder-traversal]( |
| [0145-binary-tree-postorder-traversal]( |
| [0199-binary-tree-right-side-view]( |
| [0236-lowest-common-ancestor-of-a-binary-tree]( |
| [0783-search-in-a-binary-search-tree]( |
| [0789-kth-largest-element-in-a-stream]( |
| [1484-linked-list-in-binary-tree]( |
| [1544-count-good-nodes-in-binary-tree]( |
| [2646-kth-largest-sum-in-a-binary-tree]( |
## Design
| |
| ------- |
| [0146-lru-cache]( |
| [0295-find-median-from-data-stream]( |
| [0789-kth-largest-element-in-a-stream]( |
## Binary Search Tree
| |
| ------- |
| [0783-search-in-a-binary-search-tree]( |
| [0789-kth-largest-element-in-a-stream]( |
## Data Stream
| |
| ------- |
| [0295-find-median-from-data-stream]( |
| [0789-kth-largest-element-in-a-stream]( |
## Backtracking
| |
| ------- |
| [0017-letter-combinations-of-a-phone-number]( |
| [0022-generate-parentheses]( |
| [0040-combination-sum-ii]( |
| [0051-n-queens]( |
| [0494-target-sum]( |
## Quickselect
| |
| ------- |
| [0347-top-k-frequent-elements]( |
## Doubly-Linked List
| |
| ------- |
| [0146-lru-cache]( |
## Dynamic Programming
| |
| ------- |
| [0022-generate-parentheses]( |
| [0045-jump-game-ii]( |
| [0055-jump-game]( |
| [0062-unique-paths]( |
| [0063-unique-paths-ii]( |
| [0064-minimum-path-sum]( |
| [0070-climbing-stairs]( |
| [0121-best-time-to-buy-and-sell-stock]( |
| [0198-house-robber]( |
| [0213-house-robber-ii]( |
| [0264-ugly-number-ii]( |
| [0322-coin-change]( |
| [0392-is-subsequence]( |
| [0416-partition-equal-subset-sum]( |
| [0494-target-sum]( |
| [0518-coin-change-ii]( |
| [0650-2-keys-keyboard]( |
| [0678-valid-parenthesis-string]( |
| [0967-minimum-falling-path-sum]( |
| [3106-length-of-the-longest-subsequence-that-sums-to-target]( |
## Combinatorics
| |
| ------- |
| [0062-unique-paths]( |
## Bit Manipulation
| |
| ------- |
| [0476-number-complement]( |
| [1435-xor-queries-of-a-subarray]( |
| [1786-count-the-number-of-consistent-strings]( |
| [2323-minimum-bit-flips-to-convert-number]( |
| [2503-longest-subarray-with-maximum-bitwise-and]( |
## String Matching
| |
| ------- |
| [0812-rotate-string]( |
## Graph
| |
| ------- |
| [1325-path-with-maximum-probability]( |
## Shortest Path
| |
| ------- |
| [1325-path-with-maximum-probability]( |
## Memoization
| |
| ------- |
| [0070-climbing-stairs]( |
## Prefix Sum
| |
| ------- |
| [0238-product-of-array-except-self]( |
| [1435-xor-queries-of-a-subarray]( |
## Number Theory
| |
| ------- |
| [2903-insert-greatest-common-divisors-in-linked-list]( |
## Brainteaser
| |
| ------- |
| [2503-longest-subarray-with-maximum-bitwise-and]( |
## Trie
| |
| ------- |
| [0386-lexicographical-numbers]( |