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My leetcode solutions with rust language.

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My leetcode solutions with rust language.

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# Rusty Leetcode


Provide all my leetcode solutions with rust language.

For a small amount of questions without rust version, I will point out their programming language.

## Details

| # | Task | Language |
|---| ----- | -------- |
| 1 | [two sum](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 2 | [add two numbers](./src/linked_list_tag/ | rust |
| 3 | [longest substring without repeating characters](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 4 | [find median sorted arrays](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 5 | [longest palindrome](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 10 | [regular expression matching](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 11 | [container with most water](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 15 | [three sum](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 17 | [letter combinations of a phone number](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 19 | [remove nth node from end of list](./src/linked_list_tag/ | rust |
| 20 | [valid parentheses](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 21 | [merge two sorted lists](./src/linked_list_tag/ | rust |
| 22 | [generate parentheses](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 23 | [merge k sorted lists](./src/linked_list_tag/ | rust |
| 31 | [next permutation](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 32 | [longest valid parentheses](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 33 | [search in rotated sorted array](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 34 | [find first and last position of element in sorted array](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 39 | [combination sum](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 42 | [trapping rain water](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 46 | [permutations](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 48 | [rotate image](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 49 | [group anagrams](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 50 | [powx n](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 53 | [maximum subarray](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 54 | [spiral matrix](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 55 | [jump game](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 56 | [merge intervals](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 58 | [length of last word](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 62 | [unique paths](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 64 | [minimum path sum](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 65 | [valid number](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 70 | [climbing stairs](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 72 | [edit distance](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 75 | [sort colors](./src/sort_tag/ | rust |
| 76 | [minimum window substring](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 78 | [subsets](./src/backtracking_tag/ | rust |
| 79 | [word search](./src/backtracking_tag/ | rust |
| 84 | [largest rectangle in histogram](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 85 | [maximal rectangle](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 94 | [binary tree inorder traversal](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 96 | [unique binary search trees](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 98 | [validate binary search tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 101 | [symmetric tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 102 | [binary tree level order traversal](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 104 | [maximum depth of binary tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 105 | [construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 107 | [binary tree level order traversal ii](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 114 | [flatten binary tree to linked list](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 121 | [best time to buy and sell stock](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 124 | [binary tree maximum path sum](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 128 | [maximum consecutive sequence](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 136 | [single number](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 138 | [copy list with random pointer](./src/linked_list_tag/copy_list_with_random_pointer_138.js) | javascript |
| 139 | [word break](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 141 | [linked list cycle](./src/linked_list_tag/linked_list_cycle_141.js) | javascript |
| 142 | [linked list cycle ii](./src/linked_list_tag/linked_list_cycle_ii_142.js) | javascript |
| 146 | [lru cache](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 148 | [sort list](./src/sort_tag/ | rust |
| 152 | [maximum product subarray](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 155 | [min stack](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 156 | [binary tree upside down](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 157 | [read n characters given read4](./src/string_tag/read_n_characters_given_read4_157.js) | javascript |
| 158 | [read n characters given read4 ii call multiple times](./src/string_tag/read_n_characters_given_read4_ii_call_multiple_times_158.js) | javascript |
| 159 | [longest substring with at most two distinct characters](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 160 | [intersection of two linked lists](./src/linked_list_tag/intersection_of_two_linked_lists_160.js) | javascript |
| 161 | [one edit distance](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 163 | [missing ranges](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 169 | [majority element](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 170 | [two sum iii data structure design](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 186 | [reverse words in a string ii](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 191 | [number of 1 bits](./src/math_tag/number_of_1_bits_191.js) | javascript |
| 198 | [house robber](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 200 | [number of islands](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 206 | [reverse linked list](./src/linked_list_tag/ | rust |
| 207 | [course schedule](./src/graph_tag/ | rust |
| 208 | [implement trie prefix tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 215 | [kth largest element in an array](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 221 | [maximal square](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 226 | [invert binary tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 234 | [palindrome linked list](./src/linked_list_tag/ | rust |
| 236 | [lowest common ancestor of binary tree](./src/tree_tag/lowest_common_ancestor_of_binary_tree_236.js) | javascript |
| 237 | [delete node in a linked list](./src/linked_list_tag/delete_node_in_a_linked_list_237.js) | javascript |
| 238 | [product of array except self](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 239 | [sliding window maximum](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 240 | [search a 2d matrix ii](./src/search_tag/search_a_2d_matrix_ii_240.js) | javascript |
| 243 | [shortest word distance](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 244 | [shortest word distance ii](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 245 | [shortest word distance iii](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 246 | [strobogrammatic number](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 247 | [strobogrammatic number ii](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 248 | [strobogrammatic number iii](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 249 | [group shifted strings](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 250 | [count univalue subtrees](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 251 | [flatten 2d vector](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 252 | [meeting rooms](./src/sort_tag/ | rust |
| 253 | [meeting rooms ii](./src/greedy_tag/ | rust |
| 255 | [verify preorder sequence in binary search tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 256 | [paint house](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 259 | [three sum smaller](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 261 | [graph valid tree](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 265 | [paint house ii](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 266 | [palindrome permutation](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 267 | [palindrome permutation ii](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 269 | [alien dictionary](./src/graph_tag/ | rust |
| 270 | [closest binary search tree value](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 271 | [encode and decode strings](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 272 | [closest binary search tree value ii](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 276 | [paint fence](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 277 | [find the celebrity](./src/graph_tag/find_the_celebrity_277.js) | javascript |
| 279 | [perfect squares](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 281 | [zigzag iterator](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 283 | [move zeroes](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 285 | [inorder successor in bst](./src/tree_tag/inorder_successor_in_bst_285.js) | javascript |
| 286 | [walls and gates](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 287 | [find the duplicate number](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 288 | [unique word abbreviation](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 289 | [wiggle sort](./src/sort_tag/ | rust |
| 291 | [word pattern ii](./src/backtracking_tag/ | rust |
| 293 | [flip game](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 294 | [flip game ii](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 296 | [best meeting point](./src/sort_tag/ | rust |
| 297 | [serialize and deserialize binary tree](./src/tree_tag/serialize_and_deserialize_binary_tree_297.rb) | ruby |
| 298 | [binary tree longest consecutive sequence](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 300 | [longest increasing subsequence](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 301 | [remove invalid parentheses](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 302 | [smallest rectangle enclosing black pixels](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 305 | [number of islands ii](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 308 | [range sum query 2d mutable](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 309 | [best time to buy and sell stock with cooldown](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 311 | [sparse matrix multiplication](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 312 | [burst balloons](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 314 | [binary tree vertical order traversal](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 317 | [shortest distance from all buildings](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 320 | [generalized abbreviation](./src/backtracking_tag/ | rust |
| 322 | [coin change](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 323 | [number of connected components in an undirected graph](./src/graph_tag/ | rust |
| 325 | [maximum size subarray sum equals k](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 333 | [largest bst subtree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 337 | [house robber iii](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 338 | [counting bits](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 339 | [nested list weight sum](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 340 | [longest substring with at most k distinct characters](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 346 | [moving average from data stream](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 347 | [top k frequent elements](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 348 | [design tic tac toe](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 351 | [android unlock patterns](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 353 | [design snake game](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 356 | [line reflection](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 359 | [logger rate limiter](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 360 | [sort transformed array](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 361 | [bomb enemy](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 362 | [design hit counter](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 364 | [nested list weight sum ii](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 366 | [find leaves of binary tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 369 | [plus one linked list](./src/linked_list_tag/ | rust |
| 370 | [range addition](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 379 | [design phone directory](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 394 | [decode string](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 399 | [evaluate division](./src/graph_tag/ | rust |
| 406 | [queue reconstruction by height](./src/greedy_tag/ | rust |
| 408 | [valid word abbreviation](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 411 | [minimum unique word abbreviation](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 416 | [partition equal subset sum](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 418 | [sentence screen fitting](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 425 | [word squares](./src/backtracking_tag/ | rust |
| 426 | [convert binary search tree to sorted doubly linked list](./src/tree_tag/convert_binary_search_tree_to_sorted_doubly_linked_list_426.js) | javascript |
| 428 | [serialize and deserialize n ary tree](./src/tree_tag/serialize_and_deserialize_n_ary_tree_428.js) | javascript |
| 431 | [encode n ary tree to binary tree](./src/tree_tag/encode_n_ary_tree_to_binary_tree_431.js) | javascript |
| 437 | [path sum iii](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 438 | [find all anagrams in a string](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 439 | [ternary expression parser](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 444 | [sequence reconstruction](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 448 | [find all numbers disappeared in an array](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 461 | [hamming distance](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 465 | [optimal account balancing](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 469 | [convex polygon](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 484 | [find permutation](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 487 | [max consecutive ones ii](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 489 | [robot room cleaner](./src/search_tag/robot_room_cleaner_489.cpp) | cpp |
| 490 | [the maze](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 494 | [target sum](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 499 | [the maze iii](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 505 | [the maze ii](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 510 | [inorder successor in bst ii](./src/tree_tag/inorder_successor_in_bst_ii_510.js) | javascript |
| 527 | [word abbreviation](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 531 | [lonely pixel i](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 533 | [lonely pixel ii](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 536 | [construct binary tree from string](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 538 | [convert bst to greater tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 543 | [diameter of binary tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 544 | [output contest matches](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 545 | [boundary of binary tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 548 | [split array with equal sum](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 549 | [binary tree longest consecutive sequence ii](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 555 | [split concatenated strings](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 560 | [subarray sum equals k](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 562 | [longest line of consecutive one in matrix](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 568 | [maximum vacation days](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 572 | [subtree os another tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 573 | [squirrel simulation](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 581 | [shortest unsorted continuous subarray](./src/sort_tag/ | rust |
| 582 | [kill process](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 588 | [design in memory file system](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 604 | [design compressed string iterator](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 616 | [add bold tag in string](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 617 | [merge two binary trees](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 621 | [task scheduler](./src/greedy_tag/ | rust |
| 624 | [maximum distance in arrays](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 625 | [minimum factorization](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 631 | [design excel sum formula](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 634 | [find the derangement of an array](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 635 | [design log storage system](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 642 | [design search autocomplete system](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 644 | [maximum average subarray ii](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 647 | [palindromic substrings](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 651 | [four keys keyboard](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 656 | [coin path](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 660 | [remove 9](./src/math_tag/ | rust |
| 663 | [equal tree partition](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 666 | [path sum iv](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 681 | [next closest time](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 683 | [k empty slots](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 694 | [number of distinct islands](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 702 | [search in a sorted array of unknown size](./src/search_tag/search_in_a_sorted_array_of_unknown_size_702.cpp) | cpp |
| 708 | [insert into a sorted circular linked list](./src/linked_list_tag/insert_into_a_sorted_circular_linked_list_708.js) | javascript |
| 711 | [number of distinct islands ii](./src/search_tag/ | rust |
| 716 | [max stack](./src/design_tag/ | rust |
| 723 | [candy crush](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 734 | [sentence similarity](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 737 | [sentence similarity ii](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 739 | [daily temperatures](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 742 | [closest leaf in a binary tree](./src/tree_tag/ | rust |
| 750 | [number of corner rectangles](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 755 | [pour water](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 758 | [bold words in string](./src/string_tag/ | rust |
| 887 | [super egg drop](./src/dp_tag/ | rust |
| 905 | [sort array by parity](./src/array_tag/ | rust |
| 946 | [validate stack sequences](./src/greedy_tag/ | rust |

## Author

- [lonelyhentai](

## License

You just DO W T F YOU WANT TO.
