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My Leetcode Solutions

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# The LeetCode Solutions

| # | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
|---| ----- | -------- | ---------- |
| No. | Problems | Difficulty | Source Code | Solution |
|---- |----------|------------|-------------|----------|
| 001 | [Two Sum]( | Easy | [Java]( | [2种方法:暴力 和 HashMap]( |
| 002 | [Add Two Numbers]( |Medium| [Java]( | [2种方法:模拟 和 递归]( |
| 003 | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( | Medium | [Java]( | |
| 004 | [Median of Two Sorted Arrays]( | Hard | [Java]( | [4种方法:合并数组,暴力法,二分搜索,划分数组]( |
| 005 | [Longest Palindromic Substring]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 010 | [Regular Expression Matching]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 011 | [Container With Most Water]( |Medium| [Java]( | [2 Approaches: BF and Two Pointers with Image Explaination]( |
| 015 | [3Sum]( |Medium| [Java]( | [3种方法:暴力,Hash,双指针]( |
| 017 | [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number]( |Medium| [Java]( | [4 Approaches: BF 4 Loops, Backtracking, BFS, Queue with Image Explaination]( |
| 019 | [Remove Nth Node From End of List]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 020 | [Valid Parentheses]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 021 | [Merge Two Sorted Lists]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 022 | [Generate Parentheses]( |Medium| [Java]( | [2种方法:暴力法 和 回溯法]( |
| 023 | [Merge k Sorted Lists]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 024 | [Swap Nodes in Pairs]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 025 | [Reverse Nodes in k-Group]( |Hard| [Java]( | |
| 031 | [Next Permutation]( |Medium| [Java]( | [Two Pointers Solution with Detailed Explanation and Code Commented]( |
| 032 | [Longest Valid Parentheses]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 033 | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 034 | [Search for a Range]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 035 | [Search Insert Position]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 039 | [Combination Sum]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 042 | [Trapping Rain Water]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 045 | [Jump Game II]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 046 | [Permutations]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 048 | [Rotate Image]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 049 | [Group Anagrams]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 053 | [Maximum Subarray]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 055 | [Jump Game]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 056 | [Merge Intervals]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 062 | [Unique Paths]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 064 | [Minimum Path Sum]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 070 | [Climbing Stairs]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 072 | [Edit Distance]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 075 | [Sort Colors](|Medium| [Java]( | |
| 076 | [Minimum Window Substring]( | Hard| [Java]( | |
| 078 | [Subsets]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 079 | [Word Search](|Medium| [Java]( | |
| 084 | [Largest Rectangle in Histogram]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 085 | [Maximal Rectangle]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 094 | [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 096 | [Unique Binary Search Trees]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 098 | [Validate Binary Search Tree]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 101 | [Symmetric Tree]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 102 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 104 | [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 105 | [Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 114 | [Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 121 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 128 | [Longest Consecutive Sequence]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 136 | [Single Number]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 139 | [Word Break]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 141 | [Linked List Cycle]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 142 | [Linked List Cycle II]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 146 | [LRU Cache]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 148 | [Sort List]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 152 | [Maximum Product Subarray]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 155 | [Min Stack]( | Easy | [Java]( | [3种方法:辅助栈,栈,链表]( |
| 160 | [Intersection of Two Linked Lists]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 169 | [Majority Element]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 198 | [House Robber]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 200 | [Number of Islands]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 206 | [Reverse Linked List]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 207 | [Course Schedule]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 208 | [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 210 | [Course Schedule II]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 215 | [Kth Largest Element in an Array]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 221 | [Maximal Square]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 226 | [Invert Binary Tree]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 230 | [Kth Smallest Element in a BST]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 234 | [Palindrome Linked List]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 238 | [Product of Array Except Self]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 239 | [Sliding Window Maximum]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 240 | [Search a 2D Matrix II]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 253 | [Meeting Rooms II]( |Medium| 没权限 | |
| 279 | [Perfect Squares]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 283 | [Move Zeroes](| Easy | [Java]( | |
| 287 | [Find the Duplicate Number]( |Medium| [Java]( | [9 Approaches: Count, Hash, Sort, Binary Search, Bit, Fast Slow Pointers]( |
| 297 | [Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 300 | [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 301 | [Remove Invalid Parentheses]( |Hard| [Java]( | |
| 309 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 312 | [Burst Balloons]( | Hard | [Java]( | |
| 322 | [Coin Change](|Medium| [Java]( | |
| 328 | [Odd Even Linked List](|Medium| [Java]( | |
| 337 | [House Robber III]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 338 | [Counting Bits]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 347 | [Top K Frequent Elements]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 394 | [Decode String]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 399 | [Evaluate Division]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 406 | [Queue Reconstruction by Height]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 416 | [Partition Equal Subset Sum]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 437 | [Path Sum III]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 438 | [Find All Anagrams in a String]( | Easy |[Java]( | [滑动窗口:从HashMap,数组,再到统计字母数量之差]( |
| 448 | [Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 461 | [Hamming Distance]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 494 | [Target Sum]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 538 | [Convert BST to Greater Tree]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 543 | [Diameter of Binary Tree]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 560 | [Subarray Sum Equals K]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 572 | [Subtree of Another Tree]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 581 | [Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray]( | Easy | [Java]( | |
| 617 | [Merge Two Binary Trees]( | Easy | [Java]( | [ 4 Approaches: Recursion, Iteration, BFS and DFS]( |
| 621 | [Task Scheduler]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 647 | [Palindromic Substrings]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 739 | [Daily Temperatures]( |Medium| [Java]( | |
| 763 | [Partition Labels]( |Medium| [Java]( | [Illustration of the Max Position of the Char in the Partition with Easy Detailed Explanation]( |

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