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Bash utility for dumping databases from remote hosts

bash-script mysqldump remote ssh

Last synced: 4 months ago
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Bash utility for dumping databases from remote hosts

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# Remote MySQL Dump

Bash utility for executing a `mysqldump` on a remote host with options for using a `.env` file and connecting via `ssh`

## Usage
>mysqldump-remote [OPTIONS] -u=user --mysql-database=database_name --env="./.env"

## Options
- **-u|--mysql-user**
- Database user name
- **-h|--mysql-host** (Default: "localhost")
- Database host
- **-p|--mysql-password**
- Database password
- **-d|--mysql-database**
- Database name
- **--ssh-user**
- SSH User
- **--ssh-host**
- SSH Host
- **--ssh-key**
- SSH Key
- **-c|--compress** (Default: no)
- Compress output file with gunzip
- **-o|--output** (Default: current directory)
- Directory to output saved file
- **-e|--env**
- Environment variables file location ([.env format](
- **-f|--file-name**
- Output file name (disregards prefix and suffix)
- **--prefix**
- Output file prefix
- **--suffix**
- Output file suffix
- **-h|--help**
- Display help and exit
- **-v|-vv|--verbose**
- Verbose output
- *-v|--verbose* will output verbose details of the MySQL dump
- *-vv* (very verbose) will output verbose SSH connection details

## ENV File Variables
- MySQL host or IP address
- MySQL database user
- MySQL user password
- **MYSQL_DB**
- MySQL database name
- **SSH_USER**
- SSH user
- **SSH_HOST**
- SSH host name or IP address
- **SSH_KEY**
- Path to SSH public key
- **SSH_PORT**
- Port to use to connect to remote server via SSH