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lookup for multiple arbitrary keys. safe. log n

avl-tree dict dictionary elm multi-key set

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lookup for multiple arbitrary keys. safe. log n

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# 🗃️ [`KeysSet`](KeysSet)

> lookup for multiple arbitrary keys. safe. log n

🌏 Let's build a country lookup with `.code` and `.flag` as keys
KeysSet.fromList keys
[ { flag = "🇦🇺", code = "AU", name = "Australia" }
, { flag = "🇦🇶", code = "AQ", name = "Antarctica" }
, { flag = "🇱🇧", code = "LB", name = "Lebanon" }

type alias Country =
{ flag : String, code : String, name : String }

With a key to compare against, you can find the matching element
in `log n` time:

|> KeysSet.element (key .flag keys) "🇦🇶"
--→ Just { flag = "🇦🇶", code = "AQ", name = "Antarctica" }

|> KeysSet.element (key .code keys) "LB"
--→ Just { flag = "🇱🇧", code = "LB", name = "Lebanon" }

|> KeysSet.end (key .code keys) Down -- minimum
--→ { flag = "🇦🇶", code = "AQ", name = "Antarctica" } no Maybe

We supplied `keys` to construct and operate on our [`KeysSet`](KeysSet#KeysSet),
so... Which aspects do we want it to be sorted by?
keys : Keys Country CountryKeys N2
keys =
Keys.for (\flag_ code_ -> { flag = flag_, code = code_ })
|> ( .flag, flag )
(String.Order.earlier Char.Order.unicode)
|> ( .code, code )
(String.Order.earlier (Char.Order.aToZ Order.tie))

[`KeysSet`](KeysSet#KeysSet) holds no functions, so the [`Keys`](Keys#Keys) have to be supplied on every operation.

To ensure these given [`Keys`](Keys#Keys) are always the same for one [`KeysSet`](KeysSet#KeysSet),
we need some boilerplate,
attaching opaque tags:

type Flag =
-- ! no exposing (..) → only constructable in this module

flag : Mapping Country Flag String
flag =
Map.tag Flag .flag

type Code
-- no exposing (..)
= Code

code : Mapping Country Code String
code =
Typed.tag Code .code

type alias CountryKeys =
-- you can just infer this
{ flag : Key Country (Order.By Flag (String.Order.Earlier Char.Order.Unicode)) N2
, code : Key Country (Order.By Code (String.Order.Earlier (Char.Order.AToZ Order.Tie))) N2

Feels somewhat like "explicit typeclasses" :)

→ Solves problems listed in [prior art](#prior-art)
alongside other [goodies](#goodies)


- when annotating a [`KeysSet`](KeysSet#KeysSet), you'll run into types like
Emptiable (KeysSet ...) Never -> ...
-> Emptiable (KeysSet ...) never_
which say: the [`KeysSet`](KeysSet#KeysSet) can never be empty

-> Emptiable (KeysSet ...) Possibly
Emptiable (KeysSet ...) possiblyOrNever -> ...
which say: the [`KeysSet`](KeysSet#KeysSet) can possibly be empty.

[`emptiness-typed`]( lets us conveniently use one API
for both non-empty and emptiable types.
- the types of key counts like `N2` can be found in [`bounded-nat`]( No need to understand the details; type inference has your back.
- Wanna dig a bit deeper? Giving an [`Ordering`](Order#Ordering) or [`Mapping`](Map#Mapping) a unique tag is enabled by [`typed-value`]( convenient control of reading and writing for tagged things.

### another example: operator

import KeysSet exposing (KeysSet)
import Emptiable exposing (Emptiable)
import Possibly exposing (Possibly)
import Keys exposing (Key, key, Keys)
import Order
import String.Order
import Char.Order
import Map exposing (Mapping)
import N exposing (N2)

type alias Operator =
{ symbol : String, name : String, kind : OperatorKind }

operatorKeys : Keys Operator OperatorKeys N2
operatorKeys =
Keys.for (\symbol_ name_ -> { symbol = symbol_, name = name_ })
|> ( .symbol, symbol )
(String.Order.earlier Char.Order.unicode)
|> ( .name, name )
(String.Order.earlier (Char.Order.aToZ Order.tie))

type alias OperatorKeys =
{ symbol : Key Operator (Order.By Symbol (String.Order.Earlier Char.Order.Unicode)) String N2
, name : Key Operator (Order.By Name (String.Order.Earlier Char.Order.AToZ (Order.Tie))) String N2

operators : Emptiable (KeysSet Operator OperatorKeys N2) never_
operators =
KeysSet.fromStack operatorKeys
{ symbol = ">", name = "gt", kind = Binary }
[ { symbol = "<", name = "lt", kind = Binary }
, { symbol = "==", name = "eq", kind = Binary }
, { symbol = "-", name = "negate", kind = Unary }

nameOfOperatorSymbol : String -> Emptiable String Possibly
nameOfOperatorSymbol operatorSymbol =
|> KeysSet.element (key .symbol operatorKeys) operatorSymbol

type Name
= Name

name : Mapping Operator Name String
name =
Map.tag Name .name

type Symbol
= Symbol

symbol : Mapping Operator Symbol String
symbol =
Map.tag Symbol .symbol

### example: automatic answers
type alias ConversationStep =
{ youSay : String, answer : String }

type alias ByYouSay =
Key ConversationStep (Order.By YouSay (String.Order.Earlier (Char.Order.AToZ Order.Tie))) String N1

youSayKey : Keys ConversationStep ByYouSay N1
youSayKey =
Keys.oneBy youSay (String.Order.earlier (Char.Order.aToZ Order.tie))

answers : Emptiable (KeysSet ConversationStep ByYouSay N1) Possibly
answers =
KeysSet.fromList youSayKey
[ { youSay = "Hi"
, answer = "Hi there!"
, { youSay = "Bye"
, answer = "Ok, have a nice day and spread some love."
, { youSay = "How are you"
, answer = "I don't have feelings :("
, { youSay = "Are you a robot"
, answer = "I think the most human answer is 'Haha... yes'"

### example: user

import Emptiable exposing (Emptiable)
import Stack
import KeysSet exposing (KeysSet)
import N exposing (N2)
import User exposing (User(..))

exampleUsers : Emptiable (KeysSet User User.Keys N2) never_
exampleUsers =
KeySet.fromStack User.keys
(User { name = "Fred", email = [email protected].. })
[ User { name = "Ann", email = [email protected].. }
, User { name = "Annother", email = [email protected].. }
, User { name = "Bright", email = [email protected].. }

exampleUsers |> KeySet.size
--→ 3

exampleUsers |> KeySet.element User.keys [email protected]..
--→ Emptiable.filled { name = "Ann", email = [email protected].. }
-- module User exposing (User(..), Keys, keys)

import KeySet
import Keys
import Order
import String.Order
import Char.Order
import Map exposing (Mapping)
import N exposing (N2)
import Email

type User
= User
{ email : Email
, name : String
, settings : Settings

type EmailTag
= Email

email : Mapping User EmailTag Email
email =
Map.tag Email (\(User userData) ->

type NameTag
= Name

name : Mapping User NameTag String
name =
Map.tag Name (\(User userData) ->

keys : Keys.Keys User Keys N2
keys =
Keys.for (\email_ name_ -> { email = email_, name = name_ })
|> ( .email, email ) Email.byHostFirst
|> ( .name, name )
(String.Order.earlier (Char.Order.aToZ Order.tie))

type alias Keys =
{ email : Key User (Order.By EmailTag Email.ByHostFirst) Email N2
, name : Key User (Order.By NameTag (String.Order.Earlier (Char.Order.AToZ Order.Tie))) String N2
-- module Email exposing (Email, byHostFirst, ByHostFirst)
type alias Email =
{ host : String, label : String }

type alias ByHostFirst =
(Order.By Email.HostTag (String.Order.Earlier (Char.Order.AToZ Order.Tie)))
(Order.By Email.LabelTag (String.Order.Earlier (Char.Order.AToZ Order.Tie)))

byHostFirst : Ordering Email ByHostFirst
byHostFirst =
(String.Order.earlier (Char.Order.aToZ Order.tie))
|> Order.onTie
( Email.label
(String.Order.earlier (Char.Order.aToZ Order.tie))

import KeysSet exposing (KeysSet)
import Keys exposing (key)
import Emptiable exposing (Emptiable)
import Possibly exposing (Possibly)
import N exposing (N2)

type alias State =
{ users : Emptiable (KeysSet User UserKeys N2) Possibly
, activeUserName : String

initialState : State
initialState =
{ users = exampleUsers }

reactTo event =
case event of
Registered { name, email } ->
\state ->
case state.users |> KeysSet.element (key .name User.keys) name of
Emptiable.Filled _ ->
-- name taken already

Emptiable.Empty _ ->
case state.users |> KeysSet.element (key .email User.keys) email of
Emptiable.Filled _ ->
-- email taken already

Emptiable.Empty _ ->
{ state
| users =
|> KeysSet.insert User.keys
{ name = name
, email = email
, settings = defaultSettings

SettingsChanged settingsChange ->
\state ->
{ state
| users =
|> KeysSet.elementAlterIfNoCollision
(key .name User.keys)
(applySettingsChange settingsChange)

UserSwitched name ->
\state -> { state | activeUserName = name }

- [↑ more examples](
- [↑ other examples of `Keys`: `Atom`](

### anti-example: partners, synonyms, opposites...

partnerKeys =
(\partner_ partnerOfPartner_ ->
{ partner = partner_, partnerOfPartner = partnerOfPartner_ }
|> ( .partner, partner )
|> ( .partnerOfPartner, partnerOfPartner )

partners =
KeysSet.fromList partnerKeys
[ { partner = "Ann", partnerOfPartner = "Alan" }
, { partner = "Alex", partnerOfPartner = "Alistair" }
, { partner = "Alan", partnerOfPartner = "Ann" }
-- wait, this is no duplicate and is inserted
A `KeysSet` ony makes sense when the **keys describe something different**

Maybe take a look at graphs or [elm-bidict]( instead.

## goodies

- 🦄 multiple possible `log n` keys
- ⚖ sorted by [`Ordering key = ... key, key -> Order`](Order#Ordering)
- 👍 no reliance on `comparable`
- 👍 no inconvenient `key -> String`
- 👍 no extra type argument for `comparableKey`
- 👍 highly customizable with stuff like `Order.reverse`
- 🔑 `element -> key` function as part of a given [`Key`](Keys#Key)
- 👍 simpler type
- 👍 simpler internals :)
- same idea is also implemented in
- [`escherlies/elm-ix-dict`: `IxDict`](
- [`Orasund/elm-bag` `Bag`](
- no stored function but tags to ensure the given [`Keys`](Keys#Keys) are the same
- 👍 debugger, json import/export work
- 👍 lamdera works
- 👍 hot module reloading → never have an old model
- 👍 no accidental (==) crash
- 🗃 emptiability is part of the type
- just use the same API with emptiable or non-empty conveniently
- 👍 extra safety possible. Got enough elements? → `KeySet.minimum`, `maximum`, `foldFromOne`, `fold` don't need `Maybe`
- 🧩 [`allowable-state`](
- 🧩 [`emptiness-typed`](

## prior art

- `comparableKey`
- examples
- [`elm/core` `Dict`](
- [`miniBill/elm-fast-dict` `FastDict`](
- [`wittjosiah/elm-ordered-dict` `OrderedDict`](
- 👎 requires a new `Dict`/`Set` wrapper when its key contains a custom `type`.
Often more a hindrance than helpful
- 👎 no way to provide a different sorting, e.g. saying `'a'` should be less than `'A'`
- using an ordering function (to `comparable` or `k -> k -> Order` or a wrapper)
- `key -> key -> Order`
- examples
- [`owanturist/elm-avl-dict` `AVL.Set`, `AVL.Dict`](
- 👍 simple to create
- see for example [`Order`'s prior art](Order#prior-art)
- 👍 simple type
- 👍 not limited to `comparable` keys. Therefore simpler while not relying on magic
- `... -> comparable`
- examples
- [`timo-weike/generic-collections`](
- [`turboMaCk/any-dict`](
- [`Orasund/elm-bag` `Bag`](
- [`escherlies/elm-ix-dict`: `IxDict`](
- [`bburdette/typed-collections` `TSet`, `TDict`](
- 👎 no nice way to provide a different sorting, e.g. saying `'a'` should be less than `'A'`
- 👎 more prone to bugs in `toComparable` implementation not returning a unique `comparable` for all keys
- 👎 slightly less performant when `toComparable` needs to do heavy work (e.g. convert to a list)
- `key -> String`
- examples (in no specific order)
- [`matzko/elm-opaque-dict` `OpaqueDict`](
- [`edkv/elm-generic-dict` `GenericDict`](
- 👍 avoid having an extra type variable
- 👎 requires more work
- custom ordering wrapper
- examples
- [`red-g/service-collections` `Service.Dict`, `Service.Set`]( using [`red-g/sort`](
- [`rtfeldman/elm-sorter-experiment` `Sort.Dict`, `Sort.Set`](
- 👍 simple to create
- 👍 simple type
- 👍 not limited to `comparable` keys. Therefore simpler while not relying on magic
- 👍 guided experience – no getting confused that a type aliases a function
choiceTypeOrder : Ordering ChoiceType
choiceTypeOrder what the = ???
- 👎 libraries often duplicate the ordering wrapper API instead of using a pre-existing one
- build the complete API from a given function
- examples
- [`edkelly303/elm-any-type-collections` `Any.Set`, `Any.Dict`]( with a `toComparable` function
- 👎 dead code elimination doesn't work
- 👎 obscure API and interface type
- [`miniBill/elm-generic-dict` `GenericDict` `GenericSet`]( with a `toComparable` function
- 👎 code duplication
- using the constructed API is rather simple
- 👎 semantic versioning doesn't work
- 👍 simple type
- 👍 nicely compact
- 👍 functions aren't stored in the data structure
- using for example `insert` from the wrong API "instance" with a different function is still possible but less likely to happen in practice
- specify that users should wrap the dict/set type for a specific ordering (not code generation)
- 👍 simple type
- 👍 nicely compact
- 👍 functions aren't stored in the data structure
- 👎 quite a bit of manual labour without a clear need
- 👎 API changes to the original dict/set type do not get propagated
- stored in the data structure
- 👍 minimal clutter while still being explicit
- 👎 needs to be stored in the type → `==` among other things will fail
- 👎 slightly more cluttered API including `clear` to only remove all elements but keep the function
- ordering given on every insertion/removal operation
- 👎 a tiny bit less compact
- 👎 no guarantee that the given functions are the same
between operations or
when trying to combine (`union`, `intersection`, ...)
- ordering given on each access and operation
- 👎 a bit less compact
- 👎 no guarantee that the given functions are the same
- association-list
- examples
- [`pzp1997/assoc-list` `AssocList`](
- [`erlandsona/assoc-set` `AssocSet`](
- [`Orasund/elm-bag` `List.Bag`](
- 👎 `n` runtime
- 👍 no setup
- 👍 simple type
- tagging keys and the structure
- examples
- [`joneshf/elm-tagged` `Tagged.Set`, `Tagged.Dict`](
- idea is quite similar to `KeysSet` but
- 👎 relies on `comparable`
- 👎 everyone can tag without the tag name so only security by a bit more obscurity
- just the function `key -> Maybe value` instead of a data structure
- examples
- [`jjant/elm-dict` `AllDict`](
- 👎 `>= n` runtime
- 👎 doesn't simplify it's structure. Every remove, insert, union, difference, _adds_ to the function logic
- 👍 pretty easy to understand and build on with powerful features like assigning a specific value x whenever a condition is met

# future ideas

- set with multiple elements per key (= multi-set/bag) add?
or is this already covered good enough
- ✨ your idea