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fast-moving, less tested version of elm-state-interface

declarative elm elm-state-interface state-interface the-elm-architecture

Last synced: 4 months ago
JSON representation

fast-moving, less tested version of elm-state-interface

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> Use [elm-state-interface]( instead.
> This package will intentionally break a lot and contains untested optimizations.
> If you want to help test before release or can't wait, you've come to the right place!
> Changes so far compared to the stable [elm-state-interface](
> - move all `Web.X.y` module members to `Web.xY`
> - internal: improve performance of identifying many interfaces that would accumulate over time
> - internal: replace `Dict` values to sorted assoc-list, `FastDict.Dict` or in the case of Interface, a custom FastDict clone

### define an app in a simple, safe and declarative way

> 🌱 New to elm? Learn about [the basics]( and [types](, [install elm]( and set up an editor like [vs code](

> If you know TEA, [get quick overview of the differences](#comparison-to-the-elm-architecture)

↓ creates a number and a button that increments it

import Web

app =
{ initialState = 0
, interface =
\state ->
Web.domElement "div"
[ state |> String.fromInt |> Web.domText
, Web.domElement "button"
[ Web.domListenTo "click" ]
[ "+" |> Web.domText ]
|> Web.domFutureMap (\_ -> state + 1)
|> Web.domRender

> Set up a [playground]( to play around with the examples:
> ```bash
> git clone && cd elm-state-interface-experimental-hello && npm install && npx vite
> ```
> http://localhost:5173 shows your app. Open `src/App.elm` in your editor to paste in examples.

The "state" is everything your app knows internally. Here it's the counter number, starting at 0.

We build the interface to the outside world (html, audio, server communication, ...) based on our current state:
interface : Int -> Interface Int
`Interface Int` means that the interface can send an `Int` back to us some time in the future,
in our case an incremented counter state once the user clicks the button.
The app will use this result as the new state.

[`Web.domListenTo`]( notifies us when a user clicks the button:
Web.domElement "button" [ Web.domListenTo "click" ] []
|> Web.domRender
: Interface Json.Decode.Value
→ on click, an event will be sent as [json](
Later, we'll see how to get information out of this kind of event.

Right now, we use [`Web.domFutureMap`]( to change the information the interface will send back to us in the future by just ignoring the event `\_ ->` and returning the incremented state.

You can change the value that comes back from an interface in many places, like
Web.domElement "button" [ Web.domListenTo "click" ] []
|> Web.domRender
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap (\_ -> state + 1)
: Interface Int
Web.domElement "button"
[ Web.domListenTo "click"
|> Web.domModifierFutureMap (\_ -> state + 1)
, Web.domListenTo "dblclick"
|> Web.domModifierFutureMap (\_ -> state + 10)
|> Web.domRender
: Interface Int
Anywhere a type used for an interface has data it can come back with.

If we only "perform actions" without any events getting set back, we get the type
"never change" |> Web.domText |> Web.domRender
: Interface nothingEverGetsSentBack

"never change" |> Web.consoleLog
: Interface nothingEverGetsSentBack
`nothingEverGetsSentBack` is a variable, so it fits for any other interface type.

It's nice to give this number state you pass around a name

import Web

type State
= Counter Int

app : { initialState : State, interface : State -> Web.Interface State }
app =
{ initialState = Counter 0
, interface =
\(Counter counter) ->
Web.domElement "div"
[ counter |> String.fromInt |> Web.domText
, Web.domElement "button"
[ Web.domListenTo "click"
|> Web.domModifierFutureMap
(\_ -> Counter (counter + 1))
[ "+" |> Web.domText ]
|> Web.domRender
It allows us to annotate pieces of our app,
prevents mixing up numbers with your state values
and makes it easy to in the future add other possible states.

Try adding another button that decrements the shown number.

Here we go:

import Web

type State
= Counter Int

app =
{ initialState = Counter 0
, interface =
\(Counter counter) ->
Web.domElement "div"
[ Web.domElement "button"
[ Web.domListenTo "click"
|> Web.domModifierFutureMap
(\_ -> Counter (counter + 1))
[ "+" |> Web.domText ]
, counter |> String.fromInt |> Web.domText
, Web.domElement "button"
[ Web.domListenTo "click"
|> Web.domModifierFutureMap
(\_ -> Counter (counter - 1))
[ "-" |> Web.domText ]
|> Web.domRender

How the app _behaves_ on interaction is mixed with all the UI.
It _can_ be nice to separate these by explicitly listing all the possible things on the outside we react to.

import Web

type State
= Counter Int

type Event
= MinusClicked
| PlusClicked

app =
{ initialState = WaitingForInitialUrl
, interface =
\(Counter counter) ->
Web.domElement "div"
[ Web.domElement "button"
[ Web.domListenTo "click"
|> Web.domModifierFutureMap (\_ -> PlusClicked)
[ "+" |> Web.domText ]
, Web.domElement "div"
[ counter |> String.fromInt |> Web.domText ]
, Web.domElement "button"
[ Web.domListenTo "click"
|> Web.domModifierFutureMap (\_ -> MinusClicked)
[ "-" |> Web.domText ]
|> Web.domRender
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap
(\event ->
case event of
MinusClicked ->
Counter (counter - 1)

PlusClicked ->
Counter (counter + 1)
Now you just need a quick look at `Event` to see what our app will react to.

Hmm... but when does anything from the interface actually trigger something on the outside?
To explain, let's look at a text input field together with
a text showing whether the entered text is a palindrome or not.

import Web

type State
= State { text : String, warnings : List String }

type Event
= TextFieldContentChanged (Result Json.Decode.Error String)

app =
{ initialState = State { text = "", warnings = [] }
, interface =
\(State state) ->
[ Web.domElement "div"
[ Web.domElement "input"
[ Web.domStringProperty "value" state.text
, Web.domListenTo "change"
|> Web.domModifierFutureMap
(\eventJson ->
|> Json.Decode.decodeString
(Json.Decode.field "target" (Json.Decode.field "value" Json.Decode.string))
|> TextFieldContentChanged
, Web.domText
(if state.text == (state.text |> String.reverse) then
"is a palindrome"

"is not a palindrome"
|> Web.domRender
, state.warnings
|> (\warning -> Web.consoleWarn warning)
|> Web.interfaceBatch
|> Web.interfaceBatch
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap
(\event ->
case event of
TextFieldContentChanged (Ok newText) ->
State { state | text = newText }

TextFieldContentChanged (Err error) ->
{ state
| warnings =
|> (::) (error |> Json.Decode.errorToString)
To learn about these "json decoder" things, you can read [the official guide]( You can skip the first section with the app code.

Now, how does the `warnings` thing work?
> **an `Interface` for an action ≠ performing that action now**

interface =
\_ ->
Web.consoleLog "Hello"
when will it print to the console? All the time? Every time the state changes?

Here's where an `Interface` is different from a command and similar imperative code.
There are 2 triggers:
- the updated `Interface` has an interface the old `Interface` didn't.
E.g. since we log each individual warning in the `Interface`, whenever we add a new warning it will be logged
- a previously existing interface is absent in the updated `Interface`.
E.g. if we play menu music and now switch to the game interface which doesn't include this music, the menu music will stop.
Or similarly, if we now don't include an HTTP GET request that we once had in the `Interface`,
the request gets canceled if it's still active.

Here's a little exercise for the first point:
interface =
\state ->
(case state |> Basics.remainderBy 2 of
0 ->

_ ->
the state will take on the values: `1 → 2 → 2 → 4`. What will have been printed to the console?

Done? Here's the solution
- `state → 1`: we had no prior interface, so the `Web.consoleLog "odd"` is a new addition. `odd` is printed
- `state → 2`: our prior interface had `Web.consoleLog "odd"` which is not part of the new one.
But there's a new additional interface: `Web.consoleLog "even"`. `even` is printed
- `state → 2`: our prior interface had `Web.consoleLog "even"` which is also part of the new one. Nothing is printed
- `state → 4`: our prior interface had `Web.consoleLog "even"` which is also part of the new one. Nothing is printed

So in the end, the app will have printed

That being said, I encourage you to not think about when exactly certain actions on the outside are triggered. Try just thinking along the lines of
> "oh, if the app is in this state, these actions will have happened at some point"

and not worry about what interfaces could have been constructed previously.

Now then, here's the promised counter+url example
import Web
import AppUrl exposing (AppUrl) -- lydell/elm-app-url

type State
= Counter Int
| WaitingForInitialUrl

type CounterEvent
= MinusClicked
| PlusClicked
| UserWentToUrl AppUrl

app =
{ initialState = WaitingForInitialUrl
, interface = interface

interface : State -> Web.Interface State
interface =
\state ->
case state of
Counter counter ->
[ Web.domElement "div"
[ Web.domElement "button"
[ Web.domListenTo "click" ]
[ "+" |> Web.domText ]
|> Web.domFutureMap (\_ -> PlusClicked)
, Web.domElement "div"
[ counter |> String.fromInt |> Web.domText ]
, Web.domElement "button"
[ Web.domListenTo "click" ]
[ "-" |> Web.domText ]
|> Web.domFutureMap (\_ -> MinusClicked)
|> Web.domRender
, Web.pushUrl
{ path = []
, queryParameters = Dict.singleton "counter" [ counter |> String.fromInt ]
, fragment = Nothing
, Web.navigationListen |> Web.interfaceFutureMap UserWentToUrl
|> Web.interfaceBatch
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap
(\event ->
case event of
MinusClicked ->
Counter (counter - 1)

PlusClicked ->
Counter (counter + 1)

UserWentToUrl newUrl ->
Counter (newUrl |> counterUrlParse |> Maybe.withDefault counter)

WaitingForInitialUrl ->
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap
(\initialUrl ->
Counter (initialUrl |> counterUrlParse |> Maybe.withDefault 0)

counterUrlParse : AppUrl -> Maybe Int
counterUrlParse appUrl =
|> Dict.get "counter"
|> Maybe.andThen List.head
|> String.fromInt
Since events like a click on the minus button can only happen if we're in the `Counter` state,
we have everything we need to update the state.

If you want to learn a bit more about app url parsing and building, visit [lydell/elm-app-url](

And what's the deal with [`navigationListen`]( vs [`urlRequest`](
Don't both just give you the latest url?

> **an `Interface` that requests ≠ `Interface` that listens**

The Elm Architecture uses command/task types for one and subscription types for the other.
In state-interface, these 2 look identical:
Web.windowSizeRequest : Interface { width : Int, height : Int }
Web.windowResizeListen : Interface { width : Int, height : Int }
"-Listen" is equivalent to subscription in The Elm Architecture, "-Request" is roughly like command/task.
So trying to keep your window size state updated using
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap (\windowSize -> { state | windowSize = windowSize })
is not going to work as the request will only be executed once.

So the full solution to always get the current window size is
[ Web.windowSizeRequest, Web.windowResizeListen ]
|> Web.interfaceBatch
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap (\windowSize -> { state | windowSize = windowSize })
- `sizeRequest` will send you the initial window size first, then never again
- `resizeListen` sends you all the changes to the size
(for as long as you have it in your interface)

Why can't we do the same in the counter + url example above?
[ Web.urlRequest, Web.navigationListen ]
|> Web.interfaceBatch
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap UserWentToUrl
In combination with editing the url programmatically
you have to keep one thing in mind:
It could happen that you push a new url before the requested initial url is sent to you
in which case you'll receive the url pushed by you.

> Whenever **order of actions** is important, let your **state** represent that!

## what we need to actually run it as an elm program

For a minimal working setup, the [playground]( has everything you need.
For example apps, see [example/](
For a setup which allows an [optimized]( build and deployment to github pages,
see for example [this blog](

In case you want to create your own setup instead:

port module Main exposing (main)
import Web
import Json.Encode -- elm/json

main : Web.Program ..your state type..
main =
{ initialState = ..your initial state..
, interface = ..your interface..
, ports = { fromJs = fromJs, toJs = toJs }

port toJs : Json.Encode.Value -> Cmd event_
port fromJs : (Json.Encode.Value -> event) -> Sub event

These "ports" are the connection points to the actual implementations of the interfaces.
To set them up:

npm install @lue-bird/elm-state-interface-experimental
in js
import * as Web from "@lue-bird/elm-state-interface-experimental/web";
// import your Main.elm. Name and path depend on bundler+plugin

const elmApp = Main.init()
ports : elmApp.ports,
domElement : document.getElementById(...)

If you're not familiar with The Elm Architecture, skip to ["future"](#future)

## comparison to The Elm Architecture

[This discourse post]( goes a bit more into detail but in short:
The Elm Architecture with its model, view, msg, update, sub, cmd, task
can be reduced down to a state and a view/subscriptions-like `state -> Interface state` function that combines what you'd use cmds, tasks, subs and view for.
This means

- actions (like changing the url) aren't tied to a specific event happening but to a specific state
- update is part of the interface and having an intermediate event type is optional (but often useful)
- when updating based on an event, there's no need to case on the relevant state. (Either use the state from the `case` in the interface in an inner update, or safely include the state in the event)

[jump back up](#define-an-app-in-a-simple-safe-and-declarative-way)

## comparison to tasks

Simplified examples.

with [`andrewMacmurray/elm-concurrent-task`](
type alias State =
{ icon : Image
, content : String

type Event
= IconAndContentArrived (Result Http.Error { icon : Image, content : String })

init () =
( Err Http.NotAsked
, ConcurrentTask.succeed (\icon content -> { icon = icon, content = content })
|> ConcurrentTask.andMap
(Http.request { url = "...", decoder = Image.jsonDecoder })
|> ConcurrentTask.andMap
(Http.request { url = "...", decoder = Json.Decode.string })
|> ConcurrentTask.attempt { onComplete = IconAndContentArrived }

update event state =
case event of
IconAndContentArrived iconAndContent ->
( iconAndContent |> Result.mapError Http.Error
, Cmd.none

view state =
case state of
Ok iconAndContent ->
..your ui using iconAndContent..

Err ... ->
..error ui..

subscriptions =

with state-interface:
type alias State =
{ icon : Result Http.NonSuccessStatus Image
, content : Result Http.NonSuccessStatus String

initialState =
{ icon = Err Http.NotAsked, content = Err Http.NotAsked }

interface state =
case ( state.icon, state.content ) of
( Ok icon, Ok content ) ->
..your ui using icon and content..

_ ->
[ case state.icon of
Ok _ ->
Err _ ->
Http.request { url = "...", decoder = Image.jsonDecoder }
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap (\result -> { state | icon = result })
, case state.content of
Ok _ ->
Err _ ->
Http.request { url = "...", decoder = Json.Decode.string }
|> Web.interfaceFutureMap (\result -> { state | content = result })
, ..error ui..
|> Web.interfaceBatch
which feels a bit more explicit, declarative and less wiring-heavy at least.

Note: This example is only supposed to show differences in architecture.
Unlike [`andrewMacmurray/elm-concurrent-task`](, `elm-state-interface-experimental` does not allow custom tasks/interfaces.
Instead, the goal of this package is to publish more browser APIs like gamepads instead of users doing the work only for their own projects. Since I'm a noob in the js world, feedback and contributions are super welcome ❀

## present

There should be feature-parity with elm's exposed browser APIs ([tell me]( if I've missed some!) plus a couple of APIs that elm's exposed browser APIs don't offer, including websockets, localstorage, audio, clipboard.

For now, some more niche interfaces like [`WebGL.Texture.loadWith`]( are left out.

## future

- ⛵ add more [example projects]( Would you like to see something specific? Or maybe you're motivated to make one yourself 👀
- 📐 `Web.domElement "div" ...` etc are a bit clumsy. Sadly, most ui packages out there only convert to a type inaccessible to `state-interface`, making them incompatible. Though a port of them would be awesome, a good first step may be creating a package for generating the html/svg/... elements, inspired by [`Orasund/elm-html-style`](
- 🔋 add the web APIs you miss the most. Maybe [MIDI](, [speech](, [sensors]( or [IndexedDB](
- 🗃️ add basic `node` or `deno` APIs (only with help!)

If you have knowledge in these fields on the js side, have pointers or already
a basic implementation using ports, [come by](!

Note: The package is very much not designed to be easily extensible.
Adding stuff _will_ force a major version bump.
The module and interface structure is also not equipped to support multiple platforms.

## thanks 🌱
- [andrewMacmurray for `elm-concurrent-task`]( which was used as the base for many of the js implementations
- [elm-radio hosts for the episode about concurrent-task]( which motivated me to make a package out of it
- [a-teammate (Malte H)]( for lots of valuable feedback 💚
- [MartinSStewart for `elm-audio`]( which inspired the audio API
- [noordstar for `elm-gamepad`]( which inspired the gamepads API
- [kageurufu for `elm-websockets`]( which inspired me to also provide a websocket API

## where's X?
To not be blocked on missing interfaces, you have the option of [custom elements](, custom events and [data attributes]( at least.

If that would only work short term: Fork it!
And if you think everyone would profit, [opening a PR]( would be awesome.

I don't believe I will add the ability to provide custom interfaces
for simplicity reasons alone (I aggressively don't want state-interface to become like an elm-review in terms of complexity).
If you have a different vision for this project, fork and adapt it all you want 👨‍🍳.