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:rocket: Blazingly fast colorscheme generator for Neovim written in Rust :crab:

colorscheme colorscheme-generator lua neovim nvim rust

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:rocket: Blazingly fast colorscheme generator for Neovim written in Rust :crab:

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![banner](./assets/colorgen.png?raw=true 'banner')

# colorgen-nvim

🚀 A colorscheme generator for Neovim written in Rust 🦀

## Installing

From ``:

cargo install colorgen-nvim

For development version

cargo install --git

## Usage

Create a toml file containing your highlight groups, there is an example in this repo called `user_template.toml`

**_NOTE_**: You can call this file whatever you want

colorgen-nvim user_template.toml

## Template

The template must contain a `information` section and a `palette` section


name = "onedarker"
background = "dark"
author = 'Christian Chiarulli '

fg = '#abb2bf'
bg = '#1e222a'

white = '#abb2bf'
gray = '#545862'
blue = '#519fdf'
green = '#88b369'
cyan = '#46a6b2'
red = '#d05c65'
orange = '#c18a56'
yellow = '#d5b06b'
purple = '#b668cd'
magenta = '#D16D9E'

You can define color options in the palette section and use them later to set colors for different highlight groups


Normal = 'fg bg'
SignColumn = '- bg'
MsgArea = 'fg bg'
ModeMsg = 'fg bg'
MsgSeparator = 'fg bg'
SpellBad = 'red - u'
SpellCap = 'yellow - u'
SpellLocal = 'green - u'
SpellRare = 'purple - u'
NormalNC = 'fg bg'
Pmenu = 'red bg - - 50'
PmenuSel = '- blue'
WildMenu = 'fg blue'
CursorLineNr = 'light_gray - b'
Comment = 'gray - i'

TSComment = 'link:Comment'
TSAnnotation = 'blue'
TSAttribute = 'cyan'
TSConstructor = 'cyan'
TSType = 'cyan'

The format is `foreground background style special blend`

You can also choose to link a highlight group to another by passing `link:`

The `-` is used to skip a particular section and replace it with `NONE`

Style Options:

- `o`: standout
- `u`: underline
- `c`: undercurl
- `d`: underdouble
- `t`: underdotted
- `h`: underdashed
- `s`: strikethrough
- `i`: italic
- `b`: bold
- `r`: reverse
- `n`: nocombine

You can also generate global variables for the colorscheme, which might be needed for some plugins.

variable = ""

Where `""` accepts any string.


- support transparent background (this could get tricky with other plugins, considering bg:optional, if you put that then setting the transparent flag will set it to none)

- italic comments

## Inspiration and Credits

- [vim-felipec](
- [ez.nvim](