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This is the main repository for the MakeHuman application as such.

makehuman python3

Last synced: 8 days ago
JSON representation

This is the main repository for the MakeHuman application as such.

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# MakeHuman

This is the main source code for the MakeHuman application as such. See "Getting started" below for instructions on how to get MakeHuman up and running. Mac users
_should_ be able to use the same instructions as windows users, although this has not been thoroughly tested.

## Current status

At the point of writing this, the source code is almost ready for a stable release.

## Support requests

If you have any questions about the software and its usage, please make a request in our forum:

A quick look through at least the top questions in the FAQ might be a good idea too:

Please do not use the issue tracker for general tech support. For such questions, please use the forums.

## Testing and reporting bugs

The testing vision for this code is to build a community release that includes main application and often-used, user-contributed
plug-ins. We hope that the utility of this integrated functionality is sufficient to entice a larger cohort of testers who get
value-added in exchange for the possibility of uncovering deficiencies in our application.

If you find a bug, please report it in the issues section here on github. In order to make a good bug report, please also include
the logs:\_to\_provide\_a\_makehuman\_log\_for\_a\_good\_bug\_report%3F

## Getting started

Builds for Windows platforms can be downloaded from

If you rather run the code from source:

* Install python 3.6.x or later from (or via your system's package management). On windows you **MUST** use 64-bit python. 32-bit python will not work.
* Install python dependencies (see the [Installing python dependencies](#installing-python-dependencies) section below)
* Install [git]( with [LFS support]( Modern git clients have LFS support included per default.
* Make sure the command "git" is available via the PATH variable.
* Use git to clone (or download the source as a zip)
* Run the "download\_assets\" script in the "makehuman" subdirectory of the source code.
* Optionally also run:
* compile\
* compile\
* compile\

### Installing python dependencies
MakeHuman depends on the following Python packages:

* numpy
* PyQt5
* PyOpenGL

Additionaly MakeHuman's shell plugin can make use of [IPython / Jupyter]( You might also want to install these packages:

* jupyterlab
* qtconsole

#### Installing python core dependencies on Linux
It is recommended to install the aforementioned packages via the package manager of the operating system.

* __Debian / Ubuntu / Mint:__

`apt install python3-opengl python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtopengl python3-pyqt5.qtsvg`

* __openSUSE:__

`zypper install python3-numpy python3-qt5 python3-opengl`

An alternative way to install dependencies is using __pip__. However, it is best practice to set up an [virtual environment](
and activate it before using Python's package manager on a Linux system.
For convenience, you might want to run:

`pip install -r requirements.txt`

#### Installing python core dependencies on Windows
You should be able to start the command "pip" by opening a console prompt ("run" -> "cmd.exe") and writing "pip". If not,
figure out how to run [__pip__]( (it should have been installed by python automatically):

Use __pip__ to install dependencies. Running the following command will install all python dependencies:

`pip install -r requirements.txt`

### Installing plugins

If you want to use community plugins like the asset downloader - download them, put in the plugins directory, enable in settings and restart app:


### Starting MakeHuman

Having done this, you can now start MakeHuman by running the script. On a prompt run

* python (on Windows)
* python3 (on Debian, Ubuntu, Mint...)

Alternatively there is a shell script named _makehuman_ to start the application on Linux systems.

## Branches

There are three standard branches and some additional developer working branches:

* master: This is where you will find the latest version of MakeHuman.

Read-only reference branches

* bitbucket-stable: This is the code as it looks in the "stable" branch at bitbucket. This is the ancestor of what is now the "master" branch.
* bitbucket-default: This is the code as it looks in the "default" branch at bitbucket.

In addition you may from time to time see feature branches (usually named \_feature...), which are removed after having been merged to the master branch.