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## Todo

- [ ] Improve security group, role, autoscaling
- [ ] Add ingress for argocd, prometheus, grafana
- [x] Apply PV and PVC for prometheus, grafana
- [ ] Fix Grafana Dashboard empty metric (install node_exporter)
- [ ] Fix Alert Manager can not provisioning pvc
- [ ] Limit IP access for argocd, prometheus, grafana endpoint
- [ ] Apply HTTPS
- [ ] Convert front-end app to helm chart
- [ ] Encrypt secrets in yaml
- [ ] Autoscale for Node Group
- [ ] Apply demo for front-end and api app (each app uses a different namespace, config PV and PVC)
- [ ] Use argo rollouts for blue/green deployment
- [ ] Log collector (fluentd/Elasticsearch/Grafana)
- [ ] Terraform remote state (S3)

## Prerequisites

# Install kubectl
curl -LO`curl -LS`/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
chmod +x ./kubectl
sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl

# Install minikube
curl -Lo minikube \
&& chmod +x minikube
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/bin/
sudo install minikube /usr/local/bin/

# Install terraform
wget -O- | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list
sudo apt update && sudo apt install terraform

# Install AWS Cli
curl "" -o ""
sudo ./aws/install

# Install eksctl
PLATFORM=$(uname -s)_$ARCH
curl -sLO "$PLATFORM.tar.gz"
tar -xzf eksctl_$PLATFORM.tar.gz -C /tmp && rm eksctl_$PLATFORM.tar.gz
sudo mv /tmp/eksctl /usr/local/bin

# Install helm
curl | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg > /dev/null
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https --yes
echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg] all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install helm

# Install hey
wget -O /tmp/hey_linux_amd64
chmod +x /tmp/hey_linux_amd64
sudo mv /tmp/hey_linux_amd64 /usr/bin/

## Minikube

### Reset

minikube stop && minikube delete && minikube start --cpus=2 --memory=2048mb

### Addons

minikube addons enable metrics-server

### Get service url

minikube service boilerplate-service -n front-end --url
minikube service prometheus-server-ext -n prometheus --url
minikube service grafana-ext -n grafana --url

## Terraform

### Terraform init

terraform -chdir=infrastructure init

### Terraform show changes

terraform -chdir=infrastructure plan -var-file="terraform.tfvars"

### Terraform apply

terraform -chdir=infrastructure apply -var-file="terraform.tfvars" -auto-approve

### Terraform list state

terraform -chdir=infrastructure state list

### Terraform delete state

terraform -chdir=infrastructure state rm test

### Terraform destroy

terraform -chdir=infrastructure destroy -var-file="terraform.tfvars" -auto-approve

## Kubectl Apply

- update kubectl config

aws eks update-kubeconfig --region ap-southeast-1 --name boilerplateCluster

- apply app front-end

kubectl apply -f fe/template.yaml

- install argocd

kubectl apply -f argocd/template.yaml
kubectl port-forward service/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
kubectl get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -n argocd -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d

- install prometheus

kubectl port-forward service/prometheus-server -n prometheus 8081:80
helm uninstall prometheus --namespace prometheus

- prometheus domain:

- install grafana

kubectl port-forward service/grafana -n grafana 8082:80
kubectl get secret --namespace grafana grafana -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
helm uninstall grafana --namespace grafana

- grafana dashboard id: 315

## Kubectl

### Cluster Info

kubectl cluster-info

### Node info

kubectl get no
kubectl get node

### Namespace

kubectl get ns
kubectl get namespace

### All

kubectl get all -A
kubectl get all -n kube-system
kubectl get all -n front-end

### Info

kubectl describe no ip-10-0-24-38.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal
kubectl describe pod/coredns-878d47785-h45sn -n kube-system
kubectl describe pvc storage-prometheus-alertmanager-0 -n prometheus
kubectl get serviceaccount ebs-csi-controller-sa -n kube-system -o yaml
kubectl describe serviceaccounts ebs-csi-controller-sa -n kube-system
kubectl describe serviceaccounts aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system

### Pod

kubectl get po -n kube-system
kubectl get po -n front-end -o wide
kubectl get po -n front-end -w
kubectl get pod -n front-end

### Replicaset

kubectl get rs -n front-end
kubectl get rs -n front-end -o wide
kubectl get replicaset -n front-end

### Service

kubectl get svc -n front-end
kubectl get service -n front-end
kubectl delete service boilerplate-service -n front-end

### Deployment

kubectl get deploy -n front-end
kubectl get deployment -n front-end
kubectl get deployment metrics-server -n kube-system
kubectl delete deployment boilerplate-deployment -n front-end

### Autoscale

kubectl get hpa -n front-end
kubectl get hpa boilerplate-hpa -n front-end --watch
kubectl get horizontalpodautoscalers -n front-end

### Ingress

kubectl get ing -n front-end
kubectl get ingresses -n front-end
kubectl delete ing frontend-ingress -n front-end

### Configmap

kubectl get cm -n front-end -o yaml
kubectl get configmap -n front-end

### Persistent Volume

kubectl -n prometheus get pv
kubectl -n prometheus get persistentvolumes

### Persistent Volume Claim

kubectl -n prometheus get pvc
kubectl -n prometheus get persistentvolumeclaims

### Storage Class

kubectl get sc
kubectl get storageclass

### Force deploy

kubectl rollout restart deployment boilerplate-deployment -n front-end
kubectl rollout restart deployment.apps/ebs-csi-controller -n kube-system
kubectl rollout restart deployment.apps/prometheus-server -n prometheus
kubectl rollout restart service/prometheus-alertmanager -n prometheus

### Forward

kubectl port-forward service/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

### Exec

kubectl exec -it boilerplate-deployment-5d79c6b64-6djjs -n front-end -- sh

### Check diff

kubectl diff -f fe/template.yaml

### Top

kubectl top pod -n front-end
kubectl top node

### serviceaccounts

kubectl get sa -n kube-system
kubectl get serviceaccounts -n kube-system

### Events

kubectl get events -n prometheus
kubectl get events -n front-end
kubectl get events -n kube-system

### Logs

kubectl -n kube-system logs deployment.apps/coredns
kubectl -n kube-system logs deployment.apps/aws-load-balancer-controller
kubectl logs -n kube-system --tail -1 -l

### Test

hey -z 10m -c 100 -disable-keepalive
kubectl run load-generator \
--image=williamyeh/hey:latest \
--restart=Never -- \
-z 10m \
-c 100 http://boilerplate-service.front-end.svc.cluster.local

### Helm

helm repo list
helm get values prometheus -n prometheus
helm show values prometheus-community/prometheus > result.yaml