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Yet Another Kubernetes Dashboard - spin off of YAKC Dashboard demo project

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Yet Another Kubernetes Dashboard - spin off of YAKC Dashboard demo project

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# YAKD - Yet Another Kubernetes Dashboard

[![Docker Image Version (latest semver)](](
[![Docker Pulls](](

Kubernetes Dashboard built with [Quarkus]( and [React](

## Click to see a complete demo of the Dashboard

[![An gif screencast of YAKD Kubernetes Dashboard](docs/yakd-kubernetes-dashboard.gif)](

## Getting started

### Minikube

If you just want to try out the final project, the easiest way is to try it out in Minikube.

```shell script
# Enable the YAKD minikube addon
minikube addons enable yakd
# Open Browser and navigate to deployed application
minikube service yakd-dashboard -n yakd-dashboard

In case that you're running an older Minikube version (or any other k8s cluster - needs access to node),
or you want to deploy the latest
[released snapshot](
you can deploy the application using the provided Kubernetes manifests:

```shell script
# Deploy the application using SNAPSHOT
kubectl create -f
# Open Browser and navigate to deployed application
minikube service yakd

### OpenShift Instruqt

You can test YAKD Kubernetes Dashboard by taking advantage of the OpenShift getting started Instruqt.

Access the Course (from Red Hat):

When the terminal loads, apply the provided YAKD Kubernetes Dashboard configuration:

```shell script
# Deploy the application using SNAPSHOT
$ oc create -f
service/yakc-quarkus-kubernetes-dashboard created created
deployment.apps/yakc-quarkus-kubernetes-dashboard created created
# Retrieve URL for created route (should be ready once the YAKD Pod is running and ready)
$ echo "http://$(oc get route yakd -o jsonpath='{}')"

Now you can open the URL in your browser.

## Build

To build the whole project (Front-end & Back-end), the easiest way is to run the Maven build with
the provided profile `build-frontend`.

```shell script
# Build project
$ mvn clean package -Pbuild-frontend

### Native image

Build the application using the `native` property.
```shell script
# On Windows first you need to run this
$ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" && mvn clean install -Pnative
# To build (You can combine with the front-end build profiles)
$ mvn clean package -Dnative

#### (Windows) Install vc build tools

```shell script
$ choco install -y visualstudio2017community --no-progress --package-parameters "--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.Tools.ARM64 --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Component.VC.CMake.Project"

## Build & Deploy to Minikube using Maven

Follow these instructions if you want to build & deploy the project into a Kubernetes Cluster, in
this case Minikube.

```shell script
# Provide access to Minikube's Docker daemon (allows to skip pushing the generated image)
$ eval $(minikube docker-env)
# Build and deploy project
$ mvn clean install -Pbuild-frontend,k8s
# Open Browser and navigate to deployed application
$ minikube service yakc-dashboard

This will also add a role binding for the default service account to the cluster-admin role in the
`default` namespace. In case you are working on a different namespace you can customize this
value by providing a value for the `k8s.namespace` project property:

```shell script
# Build and deploy project to custom namespace
$ mvn clean install -Pbuild-frontend,k8s -Dk8s.namespace=custom

## Development

You can work on the project with hot reload by starting both applications separately.

### Back-End

The back-end application is a Quarkus application, you can start it in development mode by:
```shell script
$ mvn quarkus:dev

### Front-End

You can find the React client application in the [`src/main/frontend`](src/main/frontend)

```shell script
# Install required dependencies
$ npm install
# Start development mode
$ npm start

You can point your browser to [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000).