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[project inactive] Mongolian DeadBeef is an awesome Mongo DB driver for node.js

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[project inactive] Mongolian DeadBeef is an awesome Mongo DB driver for node.js

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Project Inactive

I am no longer have the time to work on this project. Feel free to fork!

Mongolian DeadBeef
Mongolian DeadBeef is an awesome Mongo DB node.js driver that attempts to closely approximate the [mongodb shell][1].

[![Build Status](](

Mongolian DeadBeef and its documentation is super under construction! Go check out [examples/mongolian_trainer.js][2]
and the rest of the source!

Unlike other MongoDB node.js drivers, Mongolian DeadBeef is built from the ground up for node.js, using
[node-buffalo][3] for BSON/message serialization.

v0.1.15 Upgrade notes
0.1.15 uses [node-buffalo][3] instead of mongodb-native for serialization, this means a few incompatibilities:

+ The helper methods on `ObjectId` are removed, use the `ObjectId` constructor to parse hex strings
+ `Code` type is removed, use vanilla function instances instead
+ `DBRef` is not supported
+ Error messages may be different

**DISCLAIMER: The API is experimental (but stabilizing). I will be adding, removing, and changing the API in the
interest of a solid API. Use at your own risk**

You can either clone the source and install with `npm link`, or install the latest published version from npm with
`npm install mongolian`.

Running Tests
Run the tests with `npm test`.

Not a fan of existing asynchronous mongodb apis for node.js, I set out to write my own. To avoid completely reinventing
the wheel, much of the Mongolian DeadBeef API is inspired by the [mongodb shell][1].

High level principles:

* Less is more
* Nothing is added without careful consideration
* Remove everything but the essentials
* Each refactor should remove as much unnecessary lines of code as possible
* Fail early and often
* If I can easily detect a programmer error, an exception will be thrown


* mongodb is pretty simple, much of its functionality is defined as queries on special databases
* This allows for lots of code reuse
* Avoid callbacks unless they are absolutely necessary

Most of the work in MongolianDeadBeef doesn't occur until a query is actually made. This means that simple operations
are fast and synchronous. Currently there is one connection per server.

var Mongolian = require("mongolian")

// Create a server instance with default host and port
var server = new Mongolian

// Get database
var db = server.db("awesome_blog")

// Get some collections
var posts = db.collection("posts")
var comments = db.collection("comments")

// Insert some data
pageId: "hallo",
title: "Hallo",
created: new Date,
body: "Welcome to my new blog!"

// Get a single document
posts.findOne({ pageId: "hallo" }, function(err, post) {

// Document cursors
posts.find().limit(5).sort({ created: 1 }).toArray(function (err, array) {
// do something with the array
posts.find({ title: /^hal/ }).forEach(function (post) {
// do something with a single post
}, function(err) {
// handle errors/completion
Connections and Authentication
// Create a server with a specific host/port
var server = new Mongolian("")

// Authenticate a database
db.auth(username, password)

// Supported connection url format: [mongo://][username:password@]hostname[:port][/databasename]
// Use uri-encoding for special characters in the username/password/database name

// Database/auth shorthand (equivalent to calling db() and auth() on the resulting server)
var db = new Mongolian("mongo://username:[email protected]:12345/database")

// Connecting to replicasets:
var server = new Monglian(
By default, Mongolian logs to console.log, but you can override this by specifying your own log object (any object that
provides `debug`, `info`, `warn`, and `error` methods):
var server = new Mongolian({
log: {
debug: function(message) { ... },
info: function(message) { ... },
warn: function(message) { ... },
error: function(message) { ... }

var server = new Mongolian('server1.local', 'server2.local', {
log: { ... }
BSON Data Types
Mongolian DeadBeef uses [node-buffalo][3]'s BSON serialization code. Most BSON types map directly to JavaScript types,
here are the ones that don't:
var Long = require('mongolian').Long // goog.math.Long -
var ObjectId = require('mongolian').ObjectId // new ObjectId(byteBuffer or hexString)
var Timestamp = require('mongolian').Timestamp // == Long
var DBRef = require('mongolian').DBRef // not supported yet
The Mongo shell doesn't support gridfs, so Mongolian DeadBeef provides a custom Stream-based GridFS implementation.
It consists of two main classes, `MongolianGridFS` and `MongolianGridFile`. You can get a MongolianGridFS object from a
database with the `gridfs([gridfs name])` function.
// Get a GridFS from a database
var gridfs = db.gridfs() // name defaults to 'fs'

// Writing to GridFS consists of creating a GridFS file:
var file = gridfs.create({
// And getting writable Stream (see )
var stream = file.writeStream()

// You can then pipe a local file to that stream easily with:

// Reading a file from GridFS is similar:
gridfs.findOne("License", function (err, file) {
if (!err && file) {
// Get the read stream:
var stream = file.readStream()

// You could then pipe the file out to a http response, for example:

// You can access metadata fields from the file object:
file.length // might be a Long
file.contentType // mime-type
// These two are optional and may not be defined:

// If you make any changes, save them:
Mongodb Shell Command Support

Nearly all commands are identical in syntax to the mongodb shell. However, asynchronous commands that go to the server
will have an _optional_ node.js style callback parameter.

Currently most commands starting with `get` are named without the `get`. Some of the getters are implemented as values
instead of functions.

+ Bold functions are supported
+ Italicized functions are supported with different syntax
+ Everything else is currently unsupported

There will likely be methods below that are never supported by Mongolian DeadBeef, since I'm targetting a slightly
different use case.

### Databases

+ db.addUser(username, password[, readOnly=false][, callback])
+ db.auth(username, password)
+ db.cloneDatabase(fromhost)
+ db.commandHelp(name) returns the help for the command
+ db.copyDatabase(fromdb, todb, fromhost)
+ db.createCollection(name, { size : ..., capped : ..., max : ... } )
+ db.currentOp() displays the current operation in the db
+ db.dropDatabase() - see callback note below
+ db.eval(func[, arg1, arg2, ...][, callback]) run code server-side - see callback note below
+ db.getCollection(cname) implemented as db.collection(cname)
+ db.getCollectionNames() implemented as db.collectionNames(callback)
+ db.getLastError() - just returns the err msg string
+ db.getLastErrorObj() implemented as db.lastError(callback) - return full status object
+ db.getMongo() get the server connection object implemented as db.server
+ db.getMongo().setSlaveOk() allow this connection to read from the nonmaster member of a replica pair
+ db.getName() implemented as
+ db.getPrevError() _(deprecated?)_
+ db.getProfilingStatus() - returns if profiling is on and slow threshold
+ db.getReplicationInfo()
+ db.getSiblingDB(name) get the db at the same server as this one
+ db.isMaster() check replica primary status
+ db.killOp(opid) kills the current operation in the db
+ db.listCommands() lists all the db commands
+ db.printCollectionStats()
+ db.printReplicationInfo()
+ db.printSlaveReplicationInfo()
+ db.printShardingStatus()
+ db.removeUser(username[, callback]) - see callback note below
+ db.repairDatabase()
+ db.resetError()
+ db.runCommand(cmdObj[, callback]) run a database command. if cmdObj is a string, turns it into { cmdObj : 1 }
+ db.serverStatus()
+ db.setProfilingLevel(level,) 0=off 1=slow 2=all
+ db.shutdownServer()
+ db.stats()
+ db.version() current version of the server

### Collections

+ collection.find().help() - show DBCursor help
+ collection.count(callback)
+ collection.dataSize()
+ collection.distinct(key[, query], callback) - eg. collection.distinct( 'x' )
+ collection.drop([callback]) drop the collection - see callback note below
+ collection.dropIndex(name[, callback]) - see callback note below
+ collection.dropIndexes()
+ collection.ensureIndex(keypattern[,options][, callback]) - options is an object with these possible fields: name, unique, dropDups - see callback note below
+ collection.reIndex()
+ collection.find([query],[fields]) - query is an optional query filter. fields is optional set of fields to return.
e.g. collection.find( {x:77} , {name:1, x:1} ) - returns a cursor object
+ collection.find(...).count()
+ collection.find(...).limit(n)
+ collection.find(...).skip(n)
+ collection.find(...).sort(...)
+ collection.findOne([query][callback])
+ collection.findAndModify( { update : ... , remove : bool [, query: {}, sort: {}, 'new': false] } )
ex: finds document with comment value 0, increase its 'count' field by 1, and return the updated document.
collection.findAndModify( {query: {comment:'0'}, update : {"$inc":{"count":1}}, 'new': true}, function (err, doc) {

+ collection.getDB() get DB object associated with collection implemented as collection.db
+ collection.getIndexes() implemented as collection.indexes(callback)
+ { key : ..., initial: ..., reduce : ...[, cond: ...] } )
+ collection.mapReduce( mapFunction , reduceFunction , [optional params][, callback])
+ collection.remove(query[, callback]) - see callback note below
+ collection.renameCollection( newName , [dropTarget] ) renames the collection.
+ collection.runCommand( name , [options][, callback]) runs a db command with the given name where the first param is the collection name
+[, callback]) - see callback note below
+ collection.stats()
+ collection.storageSize() - includes free space allocated to this collection
+ collection.totalIndexSize() - size in bytes of all the indexes
+ collection.totalSize() - storage allocated for all data and indexes
+ collection.update(query, object[, upsert\_bool, multi\_bool][, callback]) - see callback note below
+ collection.validate() - SLOW
+ collection.getShardVersion() - only for use with sharding

### Cursors

+ cursor.sort( {...} )
+ cursor.limit( n )
+ cursor.skip( n )
+ cursor.count() - total # of objects matching query, ignores skip,limit
+ cursor.size() - total # of objects cursor would return, honors skip,limit
+ cursor.explain([verbose])
+ cursor.hint(...)
+ cursor.showDiskLoc() - adds a $diskLoc field to each returned object
+ cursor.toArray(callback) - unique to Mongolian DeadBeef
+ cursor.forEach(func, callback) - calls func for each document, and callback upon completion or error
+ cursor.print() - output to console in full pretty format
+ func ) - map documents before they're returned in next, toArray, forEach
+ cursor.hasNext()
+[callback]) - returns the next document or null if there are no more

### Callbacks
Callbacks take the standard node.js format: `function(error, value)`

Mongodb handles write operations (insert, update, save, drop, etc.) asynchronously. If you pass a callback into one of
these methods, this is equivalent to immediately calling `db.lastError(callback)` on the same server/connection. Passing
a null value will not send a getLastError command to the server.

Currently there is no way to specify the write concern on these inlined callbacks.


* Connection pooling
* Various utility methods
* More unit tests
* Documentation
* Cleanup

Try it out and send me feedback! That's the best help I could use right now. Unit tests are good, too.

Mongolian DeadBeef is open source software under the [zlib license][4].
