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A DSL for validating data in a functional fashion

dsl functional immutability php validation

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A DSL for validating data in a functional fashion

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# php-validation-dsl

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A library for validating generic data in a functional fashion.

## Basic idea

The idea is pretty simple. All goes around the following interface

interface Validation
public function validate($data): ValidationResult;

where some `$data` comes in and a `ValidationResult` comes out.

A `ValidationResult` is a sum type which could be either valid, containing some
valid `$data`, or invalid, containing some error messages.

This means that a validation could either succeed, and it that case you have
the valid result at your disposition, or if fails, and you have the error
messages to handle.

### Immutability

Everything is immutable, so once you have created a validator you can not
modify it, you can just create a new one.

On the other hand, immutability implies statelessness, and therefore you can
reuse safely the same validator multiple times with different data.

### Compositionality

The library provides two different mechanisms, which could be combined, which
allow creating complex validators just putting simple ones together.

It goes without saying that you can create new validators to be used together
with the existing ones.

## Basic validators

The library provides several basic validators to validate native data
structures. They all implement the `Validation` interface described above.

| Name | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| `Errors` | always fails with a given set of errors |
| `HasKey` | checks whether a given key is present in an array |
| `HasNotKey`| checks whether a given key is not present in an array |
| `InArray` | checks if a value in contained in an array |
| `IsArray` | checks whether the provided data is an array |
| `IsAsAsserted` | checks whether the data satisfies a provided assertion |
| `IsBool` | checks if the data is a boolean |
| `IsCallable` | checks if the data is a callable |
| `IsFloat` | checks whether the data is a floating point number |
| `IsGreaterThan` | checks if the data is greater than a provided lower bound |
| `IsInstanceOf` | checks whether the data is an instance of a given class or interface |
| `IsInteger` | checks if the data is an integer |
| `IsIterable` | checks whether the data is iterable |
| `IsLessThan` | checks if the data is lower than a provided upper bound |
| `IsNotNull` | checks whether the data is not null |
| `IsNull` | checks if the data is null |
| `IsNumeric` | checks whether the data is numeric |
| `IsObject` | checks if the data is an object |
| `IsResource` | checks if the data is a resource |
| `IsString` | checks whether the data is a string |
| `NonEmpty` | checks whether the data is not empty |
| `Regex` | checks if the data is a string which matches a provided regular expression |
| `Valid`| always succeeds |

## Context

How can you use a runtime value to validate some data, while you are creating
your validators at build time? Well, that's what the `context` is there for.

Let's provide a motivating example for this: suppose we want to write a
validator to check whether we are violating a uniqueness condition while
updating a member in a collection. We will need to check it the data already
exist in our collection, excluding the record we are currently updating.
So we will need, beyond the data themselves, an identifier of the record which
we are currently updating. We can pass this information in the context. Then
the validator could look like

class CheckDuplicateExceptCurrentRecord
private $recordRepository;

public function __construct($recordRepository)
$this->recordRepository = $recordRepository;

public function validate($data, $context)
if ($recordRepository->containsDataExcludingRecord($data, $context['id'])) {
return ValidationResult::errors(['DUPLICATE RECORD']);

return ValidationResult::valid($data);

Then we can use our validator as follows

$validator = new CheckDuplicateExceptCurrentRecord($recordRepository);

$validator->validate($data, ['id' => $currentRecordId]);

## Custom error formatters

The library itself does not want to impose how error messages should be
structured and formatted. Therefore it allows the user to define his own error
messages and his own error messages structure.

To do this every validator included in the library may be built using a custom
error formatter.

The error formatter is nothing else but a callable which receives as input all
the data known by the validator. Often this arguments will be just the data
which need to be validated, but sometimes the error formatter could receive
also the configuration parameters of the validator.

For example, the `IsInstanceOf` validator has a named constructor

public static function withClassNameAndFormatter(
string $className,
callable $errorFormatter

where the `$errorFormatter` needs to be a callable receiving as parameters the
`$className` and the validation `$data`. For example we could use it as follows

$myValidator = IsInstanceOf::withClassNameAndFormatter(
function ($className, $data) {
return [
'The data %s is not an instance of %s',

### Translators

One specific usage of custom error formatters it translating the error

Every validator has also a named constructor receiving a `Translator` to
translate the library-defined error messages.

If you don't want to specify the translator for every single validator you
define, there is also a `TranslateErrors` combinators which translates all the
strings present in the return message.

## Creating more complex validators

We mentioned above that compositionality is one one the main ideas beyond this
library. In fact, we provide not one but two mechanisms to create complex
validators starting from basic ones:

- using [combinators](/src/Combinator); a combinator is simply a function which
creates a new validator starting from simpler ones in a very well defined way.
The combinators this library provides are

| Name | Description |
| ---- | ----------- |
| `All` | checks whether all the provided validators on the same data |
| `Any` | checks if at least one of the provided validators succeed |
| `AnyElement` | checks if at least one element of an array satisfies a validator |
| `Apply` | applies a validated function |
| `Bind` | applies a function which returns a `ValidationResult` |
| `EveryElement` | checks if every element of an array satisfies a validator |
| `Focus` | changes the focus of the validation |
| `Map` | applies a function to the validated result |
| `MapErrors` | applies a function to the error messages |
| `Sequence` | checks one validator after the other, exiting as soon as one fails |
| `TranslateErrors` | translates the error messages |

- using the `lift`, the `sdo` and the `fdo` functions provided in
[Result/functions.php](src/Result/functions.php) to mimic applicative and
monadic validation used in functional programming.

In the following sections we provide examples on how to use these two

## Using combinators

Suppose you want to validate some data with the following format

'name' => ... // non empty string
'age' => ... // non-negative integer

To describe what we would like to check in plain text, we need to verify that:

- the data we receive are an array
- we have a `name` field and it should be a non-empty string
- we have an `age` field and it should be a positive integer

The validator which does this check should look like:

new IsArray(),
function ($data) {
return $data['name'];
new IsString(),
new NonEmpty()
function ($data) {
return $data['age'];
new IsInteger(),

Let's go through it step by step to understand every single piece.

We start with a `Sequence` validator. Its semantic is that it is going to
perform a series of validation sequentially, one after the other, returning an
error as soon as one fails.

In our case we start by checking that our data are an array, with the `IsArray`
validator. Once we know we have an array, we can check if the two required
fields exist. We can do these two operations independently, and, if they both
fail, we want both the error messages. We use the `All` validator exactly for
this, to say that all the listed conditions need to be verified and that we
want all the error messages.

At this point we have the validations for `name` and the validations for `age`.
For the former, we first check that the `name` key is present, with the
`HasKey` validator. Then we want to validate the value of the `name` key; to do
this we need to focus our attention not on the whole data structure, but just
on the single value. We use the `Focus` validator to specify a callable which
allows to inspect the specific value. At this point we use `Sequence` again to
check that the value is a string, using the `IsString` validator, and to assert
that it is not empty, with the `NonEmpty` validator.

For the `age` field, we do something similar. The only difference is that we
check if it is an integer with the `IsInteger` validator and we use the
`IsAsAsserted` validator, built with a user defined callable, to check that the
value is a positive integer.

This example explains how to use several combinators to create complex
validators. Actually, the specific validator we are considering here could be
written more simply as

'name' => Sequence::validations([
new IsString(),
new NonEmpty()
'age' => Sequence::validations([
new IsInteger(),

removing a lot of boilerplate form the client code and allowing to concentrate
on what is specific for the validation at hand.

## Applicative and monadic validation

Applicative and monadic validations are common techniques in functional
programming. Both consists in having several validators, applying them, and
combining their results. The main difference between them is how failure is

With the applicative style, all validators are computed independently and,
in case of failure, all errors are returned. This is useful when you need
to validate independent data and retrieve all the errors encountered.

With the monadic style, validators are applied sequentially, and the result of
a validator is provided as input for the next one. This is needed whenever
a validation depends on the result of a previous validation.

Probably in this case some code says more that a lot of vague words. You can
check yourself how applicative and monadic validation work looking at the
[`ApplicativeMonadicSpec` tests](spec/Example/ApplicativeMonadicSpec.php).

## How to use this library

This library is not build to be a ready-made artifact that you can install and
start using immediately. On the contrary it provides just some basic elements
which you can use to easily build your own validators.

The idea is that everyone could create his own library of validators, specific
for his own domain and use case, composing the basic validators and custom ones
with the help of the provided combinators.