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:oldfiles, but for directories

neovim neovim-plugin telescope-extension

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:oldfiles, but for directories

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# olddirs.nvim

olddirs.nvim is like [:oldfiles](, but for
directories. It provides autocommands which store the current directory in an olddirs file when
Neovim starts or the directory is changed with [:cd](,
[:lcd](, or
[:tcd]( The old directories can be retrieved as a
list of strings or through a [telescope.nvim](

## Table of Contents

- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Motivation](#motivation)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Configuration](#configuration)

## Motivation

I work in a large monorepo and change my working directory depending on what part of the codebase
I'm looking at to give my LSP (`gopls`) a chance and to improve the usefulness of fuzzy finding
files. I want to change the current working directory back to a previously used one without having
to configure a "project" or "workspace" beforehand. This requirement is not satisfied (as far as I
can tell) by existing similar plugins:

- [project.nvim](
- [telescope-project.nvim](
- [workspaces.nvim](
- [neovim-session-manager](

olddirs.nvim is very lightweight and doesn't provide any niceties (out of the box\*) like some of
the above plugins, it's literally just `:oldfiles` for directories.

\* I say "out of the box" since some features like the searching or browsing of files inside a
previous directory can be implemented by adding actions to the olddirs.nvim Telescope picker.

## Documentation

Documentation can be found in [doc/olddirs.txt](doc/olddirs.txt) or by running `:help olddirs.nvim`.

## Installation

Using [packer.nvim](


Using [vim-plug](

Plug 'marcuscaisey/olddirs.nvim'

Using [dein](

call dein#add('marcuscaisey/olddirs.nvim')

## Usage

### olddirs.get

The Lua API can be accessed by importing the `olddirs` module:

local olddirs = require('olddirs')

`olddirs.get()` returns the directories from the olddirs file in most recently used order.

### Telescope

> :information_source: The olddirs.nvim Telescope extension must be loaded before you can use the
> picker, see the [Telescope configuration](#telescope-1) section.

The old directories can also be accessed using the Telescope picker
`telescope.extensions.olddirs.picker({opts})`. `{opts}` can include regular Telescope options like
`layout_config`, `attach_mappings`, and `path_display` as well as the olddirs.nvim specific option

| Key | Type | Description |
| ----------------------- | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `selected_dir_callback` | `func({dir})` | The function which will be called with the selected directory. |

### Example mappings

#### Default settings

local telescope = require('telescope')

vim.keymap.set('n', 'od', telescope.extensions.olddirs.picker)

#### Overriding `selected_dir_callback`

local telescope = require('telescope')
local builtin = require('telescope.builtin')

-- Opens the Telescope find_files picker in the selected directory.
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ofd', function()
selected_dir_callback = function(dir)
prompt_title = 'Find Files in ' .. dir,
cwd = dir,
-- Opens the Telescope live_grep picker in the selected directory.
vim.keymap.set('n', 'ogd', function()
selected_dir_callback = function(dir)
prompt_title = 'Live Grep in ' .. dir,
search_dirs = { dir },

#### Providing `attach_mappings`

local telescope = require('telescope')
local state = require('telescope.actions.state')
local builtin = require('telescope.builtin')

-- opens the Telescope find_files picker in the selected directory.
-- opens the Telescope live_grep picker in the selected directory.
vim.keymap.set('n', 'od', function()
attach_mappings = function(_, map)
map({ 'i', 'n' }, '', function()
local dir = state.get_selected_entry().value
prompt_title = 'Find Files in ' .. dir,
cwd = dir,
map({ 'i', 'n' }, '', function()
local dir = state.get_selected_entry().value
prompt_title = 'Live Grep in ' .. dir,
search_dirs = { dir },
return true

## Configuration

### olddirs.nvim

> :information_source: The below example configuration is the default, so if you are happy with this
> then there's no need to call `olddirs.setup`.

local olddirs = require('olddirs')
file = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/olddirs',
limit = 100,

| Key | Type | Description |
| ------- | -------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| `file` | `string` | The file to store the old directories in. |
| `limit` | `number` | The max number old directories to store. |

### Telescope

To use the olddirs.nvim Telescope picker, you must load the extension:


To configure the picker:

> :information_source: The below example configuration is the default, so if you are happy with this
> then there's no need to provide it to `telescope.setup`.

local telescope = require('telescope')
extensions = {
olddirs = {
selected_dir_callback = vim.cmd.lcd,

You can also provide any generic picker config in this section. For example:

local telescope = require('telescope')
extensions = {
olddirs = {
selected_dir_callback =,
layout_config = {
width = 0.6,
height = 0.9,
previewer = false,
path_display = function(_, path)
return path:gsub('^' .. os.getenv('HOME'), '~')