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A locking library like mutexify, mutex-js, await-lock, and many more, but with more flexibility in how to use it to be both sturdier and very quick.

javascript lock multithreading mutex mutex-lock process

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A locking library like mutexify, mutex-js, await-lock, and many more, but with more flexibility in how to use it to be both sturdier and very quick.

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# flexlock-cb

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`flexlock-cb` is a **very small**, **memory-concious**, **flexible** locking library without
dependencies but with `typescript` definitions (see in the bottom). Optimized even further than
[`flexlock`][flexlock] for the use with callbacks instead of promises.

`npm i flexlock-cb --save`

It is similar to other in-memory locking library like [`mutexify`][mutexify],
[`mutex-js`][mutex-js], [`await-lock`][await-lock], and [many more](many-more),
but with more flexibility in how to use it.

This makes it sturdier and more practical in many cases.


### _simple_ basic API

const { createLockCb } = require('flexlock-cb')

const lock = createLockCb()

lock(unlock => {
// done before the next block
lock(unlock => {
// will wait for the

### _Propagation_ of errors and results to a callback

function callback (err, data) {
// err === null
// data === 'important'

unlock => unlock(null, 'important'),

### _Promises_ are returned if no callback is added

const promise = lock(unlock => {
unlock(null, 'important')
}) // Without passing in a callback, promises will be created

.catch(err => {})
.then(data => {})
// This way you can support both callback and promise based APIs

### _Timeouts_ in case anther lock never returns

function neverUnlock (unlock) { /* Due to a bug it never unlocks */ }
function neverCalled () {}

lock(neverCalled, 500, err => {
err.code === 'ETIMEOUT'

### _release_ handlers both once and for every release

function onEveryRelease () {}
function onNextRelease () {}

const lock = createLockCb(onEveryRelease) // Called everytime the lock is released
lock.released(onNextRelease) // Called next time the lock is released

await lock.released() // Promise API available as well

### Like for Promises, two separate callbacks can be specified

function onSuccess (data) {}
function onError (err) {}

lock(unlock => unlock(), onSucess, onError)

### _sync_ handlers, for when you want to make sure that other locks are done

const lock = createLockCb()

const result = await lock.sync(() => {
// no unlock function (automatically unlocked after method is done)
return 123

result === 123 // the result is passed to the callback

In case you need it, a reference to the lock is also passed in:

const result = await lock.sync(lock => { /* ... */ })

Its also possible to wrap a method into a sync lock:

const fn = lock.syncWrap((foo, bar) => {
- No unlock function.
- Arguments are passed-through.
- Executed will be asynchronously.
- Return value will be ignored.
foo === 'hello'
bar === 'world'
fn('hello', 'world')

Be aware that any errors that might occur will by-default result in uncaught

You can handle those errors by passing an error handler when creating the lock:

const lock = createLockCb(null, err => {
// Here you can handle any error, for example: emit('error', err)
const fn = lock.syncWrap(() => {
throw new Error('error')

... or by adding a error handler directly when wrapping:

const fn2 = lock.syncWrap(() => {
throw new Error('error')
}, err => {
// Handle an error thrown in the sync-wrap

### Destroying locks

When closing down an application you may want to also close all operations and prevent
future operations:

import { createLockCb } from 'flexlock-cb'

const lock = createLockCb()
lock.destroy(new Error('lock destroyed') /* optional */)
try {
lock(cb => {
// will not be executed
} catch (err) {
// err ... will be the error passed-in to .destroy()

### Typescript recommendation

Figuring out the proper typing was quite tricky for flexlock-cb.
To make things easier for users, it exports a `Callbacks` type that
can be used to reduce

import { Callbacks, createLockCb } from 'flexlock-cb'

const lock = createLockCb()

// Overloading for the two use cases (return type void or Promise)
// If you would like to improve this, vote for
function fn (foo: string, bar: number, ...cb: Callbacks): void
function fn (foo: string, bar: number): Promise
function fn (foo: string, bar: number, ...cb) {
return lock(() => `${foo} ${bar}`, 0, ...cb)

// Separate definitions with the support for timeouts
import { CallbacksWithTimeout } from 'flexlock-cb'

function fnTime (foo: string, bar: number, ...cb: CallbacksWithTimeout): void
function fnTime (foo: string, bar: number, timeout?: number): Promise
function fnTime (foo: string, bar: number, ...cb) {
return lock(() => `${foo} ${bar}`, ...cb)

### License