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fresh tap-producing test harness for node and browsers (with dependencies updated beyond node 4)

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fresh tap-producing test harness for node and browsers (with dependencies updated beyond node 4)

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# fresh-tape [![Version Badge][npm-version-svg][package-url]]

fresh tap-producing test harness for node and browsers

[`tape`]( is commited to keep the current node compatibility,
which does not permit an update of major dependencies like `through` and `concat-stream`.
This makes it difficult to use `tape` with webpack.

This package updates the dependencies, which makes it incompatible with older node versions
but otherwise is committed to stay compatible with tape.

**`fresh-tape` can be compiled with webpack as-is!**

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# example

``` js
var test = require('fresh-tape');

test('timing test', function (t) {

t.equal(typeof, 'function');
var start =;

setTimeout(function () {
t.equal( - start, 100);
}, 100);

test('test using promises', async function (t) {
const result = await someAsyncThing();

$ node example/timing.js
TAP version 13
# timing test
ok 1 should be strictly equal
not ok 2 should be strictly equal
operator: equal
expected: 100
actual: 107

# tests 2
# pass 1
# fail 1

# usage

You always need to `require('fresh-tape')` in test files. You can run the tests by
usual node means (`require('test-file.js')` or `node test-file.js`). You can
also run tests using the `fresh-tape` binary to utilize globbing, on Windows for

$ fresh-tape tests/**/*.js

`fresh-tape`'s arguments are passed to the [`glob`]( module.
If you want `glob` to perform the expansion on a system where the shell performs such expansion, quote the arguments as necessary:

$ fresh-tape 'tests/**/*.js'
$ fresh-tape "tests/**/*.js"

## Preloading modules

Additionally, it is possible to make `fresh-tape` load one or more modules before running any tests, by using the `-r` or `--require` flag. Here's an example that loads [babel-register]( before running any tests, to allow for JIT compilation:

$ fresh-tape -r babel-register tests/**/*.js

Depending on the module you're loading, you may be able to parameterize it using environment variables or auxiliary files. Babel, for instance, will load options from [`.babelrc`]( at runtime.

The `-r` flag behaves exactly like node's `require`, and uses the same module resolution algorithm. This means that if you need to load local modules, you have to prepend their path with `./` or `../` accordingly.

For example:

$ fresh-tape -r ./my/local/module tests/**/*.js

Please note that all modules loaded using the `-r` flag will run *before* any tests, regardless of when they are specified. For example, `fresh-tape -r a b -r c` will actually load `a` and `c` *before* loading `b`, since they are flagged as required modules.

# things that go well with tape

`fresh-tape` maintains a fairly minimal core. Additional features are usually added by using another module alongside `fresh-tape`.

## pretty reporters

The default TAP output is good for machines and humans that are robots.

If you want a more colorful / pretty output there are lots of modules on npm that will output something pretty if you pipe TAP into them:

- [tap-spec](
- [tap-dot](
- [faucet](
- [tap-bail](
- [tap-browser-color](
- [tap-json](
- [tap-min](
- [tap-nyan](
- [tap-pessimist](
- [tap-prettify](
- [colortape](
- [tap-xunit](
- [tap-difflet](
- [tape-dom](
- [tap-diff](
- [tap-notify](
- [tap-summary](
- [tap-markdown](
- [tap-html](
- [tap-react-browser](
- [tap-junit](
- [tap-nyc](
- [tap-spec (emoji patch)](
- [tape-repeater](
- [tabe](

To use them, try `node test/index.js | tap-spec` or pipe it into one of the modules of your choice!

## uncaught exceptions

By default, uncaught exceptions in your tests will not be intercepted, and will cause `fresh-tape` to crash. If you find this behavior undesirable, use [`tape-catch`]( to report any exceptions as TAP errors.

## other

- CoffeeScript support with
- ES6 support with or
- Different test syntax with (warning: mutates String.prototype)
- Electron test runner with
- Concurrency support with
- In-process reporting with
- Describe blocks with

# command-line flags

While running tests, top-level configurations can be passed via the command line to specify desired behavior.

Available configurations are listed below:

## --require

**Alias**: `-r`

This is used to load modules before running tests and is explained extensively in the [preloading modules](#preloading-modules) section.

## --ignore

**Alias**: `-i`

This flag is used when tests from certain folders and/or files are not intended to be run. It defaults to `.gitignore` file when passed with no argument.

tape -i .ignore **/*.js

An error is thrown if the specified file passed as argument does not exist.

## --no-only
This is particularly useful in a CI environment where an [only test](#testonlyname-opts-cb) is not supposed to go unnoticed.

By passing the `--no-only` flag, any existing [only test](#testonlyname-opts-cb) causes tests to fail.

tape --no-only **/*.js

Alternatively, the environment variable `NODE_TAPE_NO_ONLY_TEST` can be set to `true` to achieve the same behavior; the command-line flag takes precedence.

# methods

The assertion methods in `tape` are heavily influenced or copied from the methods in [node-tap](

var test = require('fresh-tape')

## test([name], [opts], cb)

Create a new test with an optional `name` string and optional `opts` object.
`cb(t)` fires with the new test object `t` once all preceding tests have finished.
Tests execute serially.

Available `opts` options are:
- opts.skip = true/false. See test.skip.
- opts.timeout = 500. Set a timeout for the test, after which it will fail. See test.timeoutAfter.
- opts.objectPrintDepth = 5. Configure max depth of expected / actual object printing. Environmental variable `NODE_TAPE_OBJECT_PRINT_DEPTH` can set the desired default depth for all tests; locally-set values will take precedence.
- opts.todo = true/false. Test will be allowed to fail.

If you forget to `t.plan()` out how many assertions you are going to run and you don't call `t.end()` explicitly, or return a Promise that eventually settles, your test will hang.

If `cb` returns a Promise, it will be implicitly awaited. If that promise rejects, the test will be failed; if it fulfills, the test will end. Explicitly calling `t.end()` while also returning a Promise that fulfills is an error.

## test.skip([name], [opts], cb)

Generate a new test that will be skipped over.

## test.onFinish(fn)

The onFinish hook will get invoked when ALL `tape` tests have finished right before `tape` is about to print the test summary.

`fn` is called with no arguments, and its return value is ignored.

## test.onFailure(fn)

The onFailure hook will get invoked whenever any `tape` tests has failed.

`fn` is called with no arguments, and its return value is ignored.

## t.plan(n)

Declare that `n` assertions should be run. `t.end()` will be called automatically after the `n`th assertion.
If there are any more assertions after the `n`th, or after `t.end()` is called, they will generate errors.

## t.end(err)

Declare the end of a test explicitly. If `err` is passed in `t.end` will assert that it is falsy.

Do not call `t.end()` if your test callback returns a Promise.

## t.teardown(cb)

Register a callback to run after the individual test has completed. Multiple registered teardown callbacks will run in order. Useful for undoing side effects, closing network connections, etc.


Generate a failing assertion with a message `msg`.

## t.pass(msg)

Generate a passing assertion with a message `msg`.

## t.timeoutAfter(ms)

Automatically timeout the test after X ms.

## t.skip(msg)

Generate an assertion that will be skipped over.

## t.ok(value, msg)

Assert that `value` is truthy with an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

Aliases: `t.true()`, `t.assert()`

## t.notOk(value, msg)

Assert that `value` is falsy with an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

Aliases: `t.false()`, `t.notok()`

## t.error(err, msg)

Assert that `err` is falsy. If `err` is non-falsy, use its `err.message` as the description message.

Aliases: `t.ifError()`, `t.ifErr()`, `t.iferror()`

## t.equal(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that `, expected)` with an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

Aliases: `t.equals()`, `t.isEqual()`, `t.strictEqual()`, `t.strictEquals()`, ``

## t.notEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that `!, expected)` with an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

Aliases: `t.notEquals()`, `t.isNotEqual()`, `t.doesNotEqual()`, `t.isInequal()`, `t.notStrictEqual()`, `t.notStrictEquals()`, `t.isNot()`, `t.not()`

## t.looseEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that `actual == expected` with an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

Aliases: `t.looseEquals()`

## t.notLooseEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that `actual != expected` with an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

Aliases: `t.notLooseEquals()`

## t.deepEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that `actual` and `expected` have the same structure and nested values using [node's deepEqual() algorithm]( with strict comparisons (`===`) on leaf nodes and an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

Aliases: `t.deepEquals()`, `t.isEquivalent()`, `t.same()`

## t.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that `actual` and `expected` do not have the same structure and nested values using [node's deepEqual() algorithm]( with strict comparisons (`===`) on leaf nodes and an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

Aliases: `t.notDeepEquals`, `t.notEquivalent()`, `t.notDeeply()`, `t.notSame()`,
`t.isNotDeepEqual()`, `t.isNotDeeply()`, `t.isNotEquivalent()`,

## t.deepLooseEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that `actual` and `expected` have the same structure and nested values using [node's deepEqual() algorithm]( with loose comparisons (`==`) on leaf nodes and an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

## t.notDeepLooseEqual(actual, expected, msg)

Assert that `actual` and `expected` do not have the same structure and nested values using [node's deepEqual() algorithm]( with loose comparisons (`==`) on leaf nodes and an optional description of the assertion `msg`.

Aliases: `t.notLooseEqual()`, `t.notLooseEquals()`

## t.throws(fn, expected, msg)

Assert that the function call `fn()` throws an exception. `expected`, if present, must be a `RegExp`, `Function`, or `Object`. The `RegExp` matches the string representation of the exception, as generated by `err.toString()`. For example, if you set `expected` to `/user/`, the test will pass only if the string representation of the exception contains the word `user`. Any other exception will result in a failed test. The `Function` is the exception thrown (e.g. `Error`). `Object` in this case corresponds to a so-called validation object, in which each property is tested for strict deep equality. As an example, see the following two tests--each passes a validation object to `t.throws()` as the second parameter. The first test will pass, because all property values in the actual error object are deeply strictly equal to the property values in the validation object.
const err = new TypeError("Wrong value");
err.code = 404;
err.check = true;

// Passing test.
() => {
throw err;
code: 404,
check: true
"Test message."
This next test will fail, because all property values in the actual error object are _not_ deeply strictly equal to the property values in the validation object.
const err = new TypeError("Wrong value");
err.code = 404;
err.check = "true";

// Failing test.
() => {
throw err;
code: 404,
check: true // This is not deeply strictly equal to err.check.
"Test message."

This is very similar to how Node's `assert.throws()` method tests validation objects (please see the [Node _assert.throws()_ documentation]( for more information).

If `expected` is not of type `RegExp`, `Function`, or `Object`, or omitted entirely, any exception will result in a passed test. `msg` is an optional description of the assertion.

Please note that the second parameter, `expected`, cannot be of type `string`. If a value of type `string` is provided for `expected`, then `t.throws(fn, expected, msg)` will execute, but the value of `expected` will be set to `undefined`, and the specified string will be set as the value for the `msg` parameter (regardless of what _actually_ passed as the third parameter). This can cause unexpected results, so please be mindful.

## t.doesNotThrow(fn, expected, msg)

Assert that the function call `fn()` does not throw an exception. `expected`, if present, limits what should not be thrown, and must be a `RegExp` or `Function`. The `RegExp` matches the string representation of the exception, as generated by `err.toString()`. For example, if you set `expected` to `/user/`, the test will fail only if the string representation of the exception contains the word `user`. Any other exception will result in a passed test. The `Function` is the exception thrown (e.g. `Error`). If `expected` is not of type `RegExp` or `Function`, or omitted entirely, any exception will result in a failed test. `msg` is an optional description of the assertion.

Please note that the second parameter, `expected`, cannot be of type `string`. If a value of type `string` is provided for `expected`, then `t.doesNotThrows(fn, expected, msg)` will execute, but the value of `expected` will be set to `undefined`, and the specified string will be set as the value for the `msg` parameter (regardless of what _actually_ passed as the third parameter). This can cause unexpected results, so please be mindful.

## t.test(name, [opts], cb)

Create a subtest with a new test handle `st` from `cb(st)` inside the current test `t`. `cb(st)` will only fire when `t` finishes. Additional tests queued up after `t` will not be run until all subtests finish.

You may pass the same options that [`test()`](#testname-opts-cb) accepts.

## t.comment(message)

Print a message without breaking the tap output. (Useful when using e.g. `tap-colorize` where output is buffered & `console.log` will print in incorrect order vis-a-vis tap output.)

Multiline output will be split by `\n` characters, and each one printed as a comment.

## t.match(string, regexp, message)

Assert that `string` matches the RegExp `regexp`. Will fail when the first two arguments are the wrong type.

## t.doesNotMatch(string, regexp, message)

Assert that `string` does not match the RegExp `regexp`. Will fail when the first two arguments are the wrong type.

## var htest = test.createHarness()

Create a new test harness instance, which is a function like `test()`, but with a new pending stack and test state.

By default the TAP output goes to `console.log()`. You can pipe the output to someplace else if you `htest.createStream().pipe()` to a destination stream on the first tick.

## test.only([name], [opts], cb)

Like `test([name], [opts], cb)` except if you use `.only` this is the only test case that will run for the entire process, all other test cases using `tape` will be ignored.

Check out how the usage of [the --no-only flag](#--no-only) could help ensure there is no `.only` test running in a specified environment.

## var stream = test.createStream(opts)

Create a stream of output, bypassing the default output stream that writes messages to `console.log()`. By default `stream` will be a text stream of TAP output, but you can get an object stream instead by setting `opts.objectMode` to `true`.

### tap stream reporter

You can create your own custom test reporter using this `createStream()` api:

``` js
var test = require('fresh-tape');
var path = require('path');


process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function (file) {

You could substitute `process.stdout` for whatever other output stream you want, like a network connection or a file.

Pass in test files to run as arguments:

$ node tap.js test/x.js test/y.js
TAP version 13
# (anonymous)
not ok 1 should be strictly equal
operator: equal
expected: "boop"
actual: "beep"
# (anonymous)
ok 2 should be strictly equal
ok 3 (unnamed assert)
# wheee
ok 4 (unnamed assert)

# tests 4
# pass 3
# fail 1

### object stream reporter

Here's how you can render an object stream instead of TAP:

``` js
var test = require('fresh-tape');
var path = require('path');

test.createStream({ objectMode: true }).on('data', function (row) {

process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function (file) {

The output for this runner is:

$ node object.js test/x.js test/y.js
{"id":0,"ok":false,"name":"should be strictly equal","operator":"equal","actual":"beep","expected":"boop","error":{},"test":0,"type":"assert"}
{"id":0,"ok":true,"name":"should be strictly equal","operator":"equal","actual":2,"expected":2,"test":1,"type":"assert"}
{"id":1,"ok":true,"name":"(unnamed assert)","operator":"ok","actual":true,"expected":true,"test":1,"type":"assert"}
{"id":0,"ok":true,"name":"(unnamed assert)","operator":"ok","actual":true,"expected":true,"test":2,"type":"assert"}

A convenient alternative to achieve the same:
// report.js
var test = require('tape');

test.createStream({ objectMode: true }).on('data', function (row) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(row)) // for example
and then:
$ tape -r ./report.js **/*.test.js

# install

With [npm]( do:

npm install fresh-tape --save-dev

# troubleshooting

Sometimes `t.end()` doesn’t preserve the expected output ordering.

For instance the following:

var test = require('tape');

test('first', function (t) {

setTimeout(function () {
t.ok(1, 'first test');
}, 200);

t.test('second', function (t) {
t.ok(1, 'second test');

test('third', function (t) {
setTimeout(function () {
t.ok(1, 'third test');
}, 100);

will output:

ok 1 second test
ok 2 third test
ok 3 first test

because `second` and `third` assume `first` has ended before it actually does.

Use `t.plan()` instead to let other tests know they should wait:

var test = require('tape');

test('first', function (t) {

+ t.plan(2);

setTimeout(function () {
t.ok(1, 'first test');
- t.end();
}, 200);

t.test('second', function (t) {
t.ok(1, 'second test');

test('third', function (t) {
setTimeout(function () {
t.ok(1, 'third test');
}, 100);

# license


[license-url]: LICENSE