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บันทึกการทำ Leetcode in JavaScript รวมถึง Data Structures พื้นฐานสำหรับ Technical Interviews

data-structures leetcode-solutions

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บันทึกการทำ Leetcode in JavaScript รวมถึง Data Structures พื้นฐานสำหรับ Technical Interviews

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# ไอต้าวแว่นทำ LeetCode - JS Special Editions

Hi everyone, this repository is used for storing the solutions for LeetCode in Javascript. The support resources for my video playlist for support learners.

## Video Playlist

[![ไอต้าวแว่นทำ LeetCode - Tackle JS Special Editions](](

## LeetCode questions by pattern

### Array & HashTable

- [x] [Two Sum](
- [x] [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock](
- [x] [Maximum Subarray](
- [x] [Contains Duplicate](
- [x] [Longest Consecutive Sequence](

### Two-Pointers

- [x] [Move Zeroes](
- [x] [Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted](
- [x] [Squares of a Sorted Array](
- [x] [Container With Most Water](

### Sliding Windows

- [x] [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters](
- [x] [Fruit Into Baskets](
- [x] [Minimum Size Subarray Sum](

### String

- [x] [Valid Palindrome](
- [x] [Valid Anagram](
- [x] [Reverse Vowels of a String](
- [x] [Reverse Words in a String III](
- [x] [Group Anagrams](

### Linked List

- [x] [Remove Linked List Elements](
- [x] [Remove Duplicates from Sorted List](
- [x] [Add Two Numbers](
- [x] [Odd Even Linked List](
- [x] [Remove Nth Node From End of List](
- [x] [LRU Cache](

### Fast & Slow Pointers

- [x] [Linked List Cycle](
- [x] [Middle of the Linked List](
- [x] [Linked List Cycle II](
- [x] [Find the Duplicate Number](

### Modified Binary Search

- [x] [First Bad Version](
- [x] [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array](
- [x] [Search a 2D Matrix](

### Stack & Queue

- [x] [Valid Parentheses](
- [x] [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation](
- [x] [Find the Winner of the Circular Game](

### Monotonic Stack

- [x] [Next Greater Element I](
- [x] [Next Greater Element II](
- [x] [Daily Temperatures](
- [x] [Online Stock Span](

### Backtracking

- [x] [Subsets](
- [x] [Permutations](
- [x] [Combination Sum](
- [x] [Generate Parentheses](
- [x] [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number](

### Merge Interval

- [x] [Merge Intervals](
- [x] [Insert Interval](
- [x] [Non-overlapping Intervals](

### Cyclic Sort

- [x] [Missing Number](
- [x] [Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array](
- [x] [First Missing Positive](

### Tree - DFS

- [x] [Maximum Depth of Binary Tree](
- [x] [Path Sum](
- [x] [Merge Two Binary Trees](
- [x] [Validate Binary Search Tree](
- [x] [Sum Root to Leaf Numbers](
- [x] [Path Sum II](
- [x] [Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum](

### Tree - BFS

- [x] [Minimum Depth of Binary Tree](
- [x] [Average of Levels in Binary Tree](
- [x] [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal](
- [x] [Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal](
- [x] [Binary Tree Right Side View](

## Trie

- [x] [Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)](
- [x] [Replace Words](
- [x] [Design Add and Search Words Data Structure](
- [x] [Search Suggestions System](

### Top K Elements

- [x] [Kth Largest Element in an Array](
- [x] [Kth Smallest Element in a BST](
- [x] [K Closest Points to Origin](
- [x] [Top K Frequent Elements](
- [x] [Sort Characters By Frequency](
- [x] [Find K Closest Elements](
- [x] [Reorganize String](

### K-way Merge

- [x] [Merge Two Sorted Lists](
- [x] [Merge k Sorted Lists](
- [x] [Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums](
- [x] [Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix](

### 2 Heaps

- [x] [Find Median from Data Stream](

### Graph

- [x] [Clone Graph](
- [x] [Find if Path Exists in Graph - DFS](
- [x] [Find if Path Exists in Graph - BFS](
- [x] [All Paths From Source to Target](
- [x] [Keys and Rooms](
- [x] [Word Search](
- [x] [Word Search II](
- [x] [Number of Islands](
- [x] [Surrounded Regions](
- [x] [Max Area of Island](
- [x] [01 Matrix](
- [x] [Word Ladder](

### Union-Find

- [x] [Find if Path Exists in Graph - Union Find](
- [x] [Number of Provinces](
- [x] [Number of Operations to Make Network Connected](

### Topological Sort

- [x] [Course Schedule](
- [x] [Course Schedule II](

### Minimum Spanning Tree

- [x] [Min Cost to Connect All Points [Kruskal]](
- [x] [Min Cost to Connect All Points [Prim]](

### Single-Source-Shortest Path

- [ ] [Network Delay Time [Djisktra]](
- [ ] [Network Delay Time [Bellman-ford]](

### Dynamic Programming

#### 0/1 Knapsack

- [ ] [Target Sum](
- [ ] [Partition Equal Subset Sum](
- [ ] [House Robber](

#### Unbound Knapsack

- [ ] [Coin Change](
- [ ] [Coin Change II](

#### Fibonacci

- [ ] [Fibonacci Number](
- [ ] [Min Cost Climbing Stairs](

#### Longest Palindromic Subsequence (LPS)

- [ ] [Longest Palindromic Subsequence](
- [ ] [Palindromic Substrings](
- [ ] [Longest Palindromic Substring](

#### Longest Common Subsequence (LCS)

- [ ] [Longest Common Subsequence](
- [ ] [Shortest Common Supersequence](
- [ ] [Edit Distance](
- [ ] [Longest Increasing Subsequence](

#### General

- [ ] [Unique Paths](
- [ ] [Perfect Squares](
- [ ] [Triangle](
- [ ] [Word Break](
- [ ] [Word Break II](
- [ ] [Concatenated Words](
- [ ] [Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix](

### Bitwise

- [ ] [Number of 1 Bits](
- [ ] [Hamming Distance](
- [ ] [Counting Bits](
- [ ] [Total Hamming Distance](