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Js fullstack framework, Incredibly fast

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Js fullstack framework, Incredibly fast

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# Ryo js

Small js fullstack framework blazly fast
**Memo version**
## Installation

npm i ryo.js #or npm i ryo.js@github:marvelbark2/ryo-js

## Features:
- Routing based filesystem
- Blazly fast (Try it by yourself)
- Everything on src folder
- Create apis, websockets, graphQL, Server-Sent-Events (SSE), preact components and serve static files.
- SPA routing which makes the site so fast (Using Flamethrower)
- Typescript (No types generated at least for now) supported without configuration needed (Example:

## what you can do with Ryo js:

* Routing system: Based on filesystem, you can build dynamic route, naming file with ":" prefix

* Preact Components:
* Static Component (Sync data fetching): export data method returning a value
* Static Component (Async data fetching): export data object contains:
- runner: Function async accepts stop method as argument (stop: called to stop caching) returns a value
- invalidate(Optional): Field, duration per second to cache value, it's a global value.
- shouldUpdate(Optional): Function accepts two values (Old, new) to re-render component on runtime when data changed after the cache invalidated
- You can also use file as datasource by specifying the file path in data field also specify parsing way
* Server Component (TODO): export server method without returning anything
- Here you can use async functional Component and use nodejs api and use JSX synthax but no client side will be run (Hooks, document ... will be ignored)
* Parent Component: For each component type described before, you can wrap them with a component independent state, you can either add `entry.jsx` as global wrapper or you can add it to the component itself by exporting the component naming it `Parent` (Check the ex `Static async/fresh component` down below). If both used, the parent component declared in the component itself will be used. (If you're using refreshed Static async/fresh component, you should provide the id passed as parent component props in jsx/html element that will be used to revalidate the component after data updated)

* Each component could have a offline version but just export offline as component function that will be used when the client is offline

* Api: export function with method name, like: ``` export get() { return ... } ```
* JSON api: By returning js objects parsable values
* Streamable api: By returning object:
- stream: Created stream, like readStream
- length: Stream length (without reading it)
* You can build versionable apis where you can name file like **service@1|2|...|n.(js|ts)**. Client-side, pass in http request header, a version as value for the key **X-API-VERSION**
* GraphQL endpoints (Still fixing subscriptions): You can build many graphql endpoint with separated schema by naming the route with this extension .gql.(ts | js)

* Websockets: naming the file in src folder with ".ws.js" suffix:
- Return object match uWebSockets.js documentation
* Server-Sent-Events: naming the file in src folder with ".ev.js" suffix:
- Export default: object with invalidate field (ms) and runner function (Async with params route if needed)
* Subdomains: You can create subdomains by creating a folder with the _subdomains name in src folder and add index.js or index.ts file in it. (Example: _subdomains/api/index.ts) (You can use it to create a subdomain for your api) (You can also create dynamic subdomains by naming the folder with ":" prefix)
* Errors pages: You can create error pages by creating a folder with the _errors name in src folder and code error with tsx or jsx extension. (Example: _errors/4XX.tsx) (You can handle all the error that error number starts with 4 like 404, 413 ...)
* Security headers (2 complete): You can handle authentification and authorization by using ryo.config.js.

Example with jwt authentification and subdomain for blog project:
// file: ryo.config.js
/** @type {import('ryo.js').RyoConfig} */

const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");
const jsonwebtoken = require("jsonwebtoken");

const BASE_HOST = process.env.BASE_HOST || "localhost:3000";

const jwtAuthFilter = {
doFilter(request, _response, setAuthContext, next) {
const authHeader = request.getHeader("authorization");
if (authHeader.length === 0 || !authHeader.startsWith("Bearer ")) {
return next();

const jwt = authHeader.substring(7);
const decoded = jsonwebtoken.verify(jwt, "secret");

id: decoded.username,
roles: decoded.roles,

return next();

module.exports = {
subdomain: {
baseHost: BASE_HOST,
security: {
cors: false,
csrf: true,
authorizeHttpRequests: [
path: ["/", "/*.{js,css}", "/images/*", "/blog", "/_subdomain/test/**/*.{js,css}", "/_subdomain/**/test"],
status: "allow",
path: ["/blog/ff", "/_subdomain/test/page"],
status: "auth",
path: "/_subdomain/test/",
roles: ["admin"],

authProvider: {
async loadUserByUsername(username) {
return {
plainTextPassword: bcrypt.hashSync("123456", 10),
roles: [username],
onLoginSuccess: (res) => {
const jwt = jsonwebtoken.sign({
roles: [username]
}, "secret");

jwt, res
res.writeHeader("Authorization", `Bearer ${jwt}`);

passwordEncoder: {
encode: async (password) => bcrypt.hash(password, 10),
matches: async (password, hash) =>, hash),
sessionManagement: {
sessionCreationPolicy: "stateless",
filter: [

## Progress Status:
- [ ] Preact Components
- [X] Async static component
- [X] Sync static component
- [X] Server Component
- [X] Server Component with hooks
- [ ] Offline version
- [X] Offline version local
- [ ] Offline version global
- [X] Api
- [X] JSON api
- [X] Readable stream api

- [ ] API tools
- [ ] generate api types on client side for type safe
- [X] GraphQL
- [X] Query
- [X] Mutation
- [X] Subscription
- [X] Playground on dev mode
- [X] Websockets
- [X] Server-Sent-Events
- [ ] Subdomains
- [X] Static subdomains
- [ ] Dynamic subdomains
- [X] Api
- [ ] GraphQL
- [ ] SSE
- [ ] Websockets
- [ ] Security context:
## Example:

### websockets:
// Path: src/
export default {
open: (ws, req) => {
console.log("NEW CLIENT on /msg");

message: (ws, message, isBinary) => { },

close: (ws, code, message) => {

### API

#### JSON API:

// Path: src/api.js

export function get({ url }) {
return {
message: "Hello from " + url

//body: object(json input) | Buffer(buffer array input) | undefined(none)
export function post({ body }) {
// do something using body
console.log({ body });
return {
message: "Hello from " + (typeof body)

#### Streamable API:
// Path: src/file.js

import fs from 'fs';
import { join } from 'path';

export function get({ url }) {
const path = join(process.cwd(), "./");
const stream = fs.createReadStream(path)
stream.on("error", () => {
//Handle error to avoid server crash
const length = fs.statSync(path).size;
return {
stream, length

#### GraphQL endpoint:

// path: ttql.gql.ts
export default {
schema: `
type Query {
hello: String
type Mutation {
capitalize(message: String): String
resolvers: {
hello: (_: unknown, ctx: { test: string }) => `${ctx.test}: hello world`,
capitalize: ({ message }: { message: string }) => message.toUpperCase()
context: {
test: "ME"

use NODE_ENV=development to access graphql playground in GET request as example: /ttql.gql

##### Subscription:

import { PubSub } from 'graphql-subscriptions'


const pubsub = new PubSub();
const todos = [
id: "1",
text: "Learn GraphQL + Soild",
done: false,

const typeDefs = `
type Todo {
id: ID!
done: Boolean!
text: String!
type Query {
getTodos: [Todo]!
type Mutation {
addTodo(text: String!): Todo
setDone(id: ID!, done: Boolean!): Todo
type Subscription {
todos: [Todo]!

const resolvers = {
getTodos: () => {
return todos;

addTodo: (
{ text }: { text: string },
{ pubsub }: { pubsub: PubSub }
) => {
const newTodo = {
id: String(todos.length + 1),
done: false,

pubsub.publish(TODOS_CHANNEL, { todos });
return newTodo;
setDone: (
{ id, done }: { id: string; done: boolean },
{ pubsub }: { pubsub: PubSub }
) => {
const todo = todos.find((todo) => === id);
if (!todo) {
throw new Error("Todo not found");
todo.done = done;
pubsub.publish(TODOS_CHANNEL, { todos });
return todo;

todos: (_: unknown, { pubsub }: { pubsub: PubSub }) => {
const iterator = pubsub.asyncIterator(TODOS_CHANNEL);
pubsub.publish(TODOS_CHANNEL, { todos });
return iterator;
export default {
schema: typeDefs,
resolvers: resolvers,
context: {
### Preact components:
#### Server components:
//Path: src/server.jsx

export function server({ req }) {
return {
status: 201,
headers: {
"X-TEST": "YES",
body: {
"From": "SERVER",

export default function index({ data }) {
return (

Server Side Rendering

From: {data.From}

#### Static sync component:
// Path: src/index.jsx
// route: /

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

// Server side function
export function data() {
return {
"counter": 3,
export default function index({ data }) {
const [count, setCount] = useState(data.counter);

useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener('flamethrower:router:fetch-progress', ({ detail }) => {
console.log('Fetch Progress:', detail);

}, [])
return (

You clicked {count} times

setCount(count + 1)}>Click me

{/* SPA routing thanks to: Flamethrower */}


#### Static async/fresh component:
#### Runner Fn:
// Path: src/counter.jsx
// route: /counter
type CounterDataType = { value: number, date: Date };

let count = 0;
export const data = {
invalidate: 1,
shouldUpdate: (_old: CounterDataType, newValue: CounterDataType) => newValue.value > 10,
runner: async (stop: () => void, old?: CounterDataType) => {
if (old?.count === 60) {
return {
value: count++,
date: new Date()

// Parent Layout
export function Parent({ children }: { children: any }) {
return (



export default function index({ data }: { data: CounterDataType }) {
return (

COUNTING at {} ... {data.value}


//path: src/data.jsx
//route: /data

// Other example & router

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
import { useEffect } from 'react';
import Btn from '../comp/Btn';
import Router from '../lib/router/router';

export const data = {
invalidate: 1000,
runner: async (stop) => {
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
const events = await prisma.event.findMany({});
return { events };
export default function index({ data }) {
const router = Router();
useEffect(() => {
console.log({ data });
}, [])
if (router.isLoading) return


return (


{ => {
return (



#### Source file:
import Articles from "@/components/Articles";
import type { Article } from "@/types";
import type { RyoDataObject } from "ryo.js";

export const data: RyoDataObject = {
source: {
// root path is CWD
file: "data/articles.json",
invalidate: 20,
shouldUpdate: () => true
export default function App({ data }: { data: Article[] }) {
return (

### Dynamic route (component):

//path: src/blog/:id.jsx
//route: /blog/ID

import { useEffect } from "react";
import Router from "ryo.js/router"

export default function index({ ...props }) {
const router = Router();

if (router.isLoading) return


return (

Blog id: {}
Return Back


//path: src/events/:id.ev.js
//route: /events/ID.ev

export default {
invalidate: 1000,
runner: async ({ params }) => {
return { message: "I'm the user: " + };


### Offline component:

in the example suppose the display the default component if the user is online and the offline component if the user is offline (or if the server is down)
import { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { test } from "@lib/db-exec";
import toast, { Toaster } from 'react-hot-toast';

function data() {
return {
"counter": 3,
saveOnData(data: any) {

// Offline component
export function offline() {
const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0);
return (

toast.success("Good")} >Toast
setCounter(c => c + 1)}
counting {counter}


export default function index({ data }: { data: { counter: number, saveOnData: (data: any) => void } }) {
const [count, setCount] = useState(data.counter);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("Hello from client side: ", data)
}, [data]);

return (

You clicked {count} times

setCount(count + 1)}>Click me

toast.success('HOL')}>TOAST click

{/* SPA routing thanks to: Flamethrower */}
data.saveOnData({ a: "me" })}>API TEST


export {
### Middleware:
You can add middleware by adding a file in root of the project: **middleware.(ts|js)**
You can also have catch errors by using last argument of the middleware function which could be null. You can also add structure to init stuff like database connection or other stuff. by exporting init function
#### Example:

//path: middleware.js

const getCookie = (req, name) =>
(req.cookies ??= req.getHeader('cookie')).match(getCookie[name] ??= new RegExp(`(^|;)\\s*${name}\\s*=\\s*([^;]+)`))?.[2]

export default function middleware(req, res, next, error) {
const user = getCookie(req, "user")
if (user) {
return next();
} else {
res.writeHeader("Set-Cookie", "user=Guest")
return res.writeStatus("401").end("You are not authorized")

export function init({ context }: { context: Map }) {

const db = ... // Inmemory database or other stuff
context.set("articleDb", db); // The context, a global context, can be used in the data section or apis

### More examples:

## Primary deps:

- Esbuild
- Babel
- uwebSockets.js
- Flamethrower

## Thanks to:

Fill free to add PRs or issues