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My Personal Nix, NixOS and Nix-Darwin System Configuration Flake

dotfiles flake home-manager nix nix-darwin nixos

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My Personal Nix, NixOS and Nix-Darwin System Configuration Flake

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#+title: Matthias' NixOS & Nix-Darwin System Configuration Flake
#+description: General information about my flake and how to set it up
#+author: Matthias Benaets

#+attr_org: :width 600

* Table of Content
:TOC: :include all :depth 2 :force (depth) :ignore (this)
- [[#system-components][System Components]]
- [[#nixos-installation-guide][NixOS Installation Guide]]
- [[#nix-installation-guide][Nix Installation Guide]]
- [[#nix-darwin-installation-guide][Nix-Darwin Installation Guide]]
- [[#guides][Guides]]
- [[#faq][FAQ]]

* System Components
| | *NixOS - Wayland* | *NixOS - Wayland/Xorg* | *NixOS - Xorg* | *Darwin* |
| *DM* | / | GDM | LightDM | / |
| *WM/DE* | Hyprland | Gnome | Bspwm | Raycast |
| *Compositor* | Hyprland | Mutter | Picom (jonaburg) | / |
| *Bar* | Eww + Waybar | / | Polybar | / |
| *Hotkeys* | Hyprland | / | Sxhkd | Raycast |
| *Launcher* | Wofi | Gnome | Rofi | Raycast |
| *GTK Theme* | Orchis-Dark | Adwaita | Orchis-Dark | / |
| *Notifications* | Swaync | Gnome | Dunst | / |
| *Terminal* | Kitty | Kitty | Kitty | Kitty |
| *Used by host* | Beelink, XPS | Work | VM & Probook | MacBook{Intel or AirM1} |

There are some other desktop environments/window manager (See NixOS - Other). Just link to correct ~default/home.nix~ in ~./hosts//default and home.nix~.
There is also a general Nix config with hostname ~pacman~ that can be used on pretty much any disto.

Components relevant to all hosts:
| *Shell* | Zsh |
| *Terminal* | Kitty |
| *Editors* | Neovim |

* NixOS Installation Guide
This flake currently has *3* host setups
1. Beelink & XPS
- UEFI boot w/ systemd-boot
2. Work & Probook
- UEFI boot w/ grub
4. vm
- Legacy boot w/ grub

Flakes can be build with:
- ~$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake #~
- example ~$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#desktop~

** Partitioning
This will depend on the host chosen.
*** UEFI
*In these commands*
- Partition Labels:
- Boot = "boot"
- Home = "nixos"
- Partition Size:
- Boot = 512MiB
- Swap = 8GiB
- Home = Rest
- No Swap: Ignore line 3 & 7

# parted /dev/sda -- mklabel gpt
# parted /dev/sda -- mkpart primary 512MiB -8GiB
# parted /dev/sda -- mkpart primary linux-swap -8GiB 100%
# parted /dev/sda -- mkpart ESP fat32 1MiB 512MiB
# parted /dev/sda -- set 3 esp
# mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/sda1
# mkswap -L /dev/sda2
# mkfs.fat -F 32 -n boot /dev/sda3

*** Legacy
*In these commands*
- Partition Label:
- Home & Boot = "nixos"
- Swap = "swap"
- Partition Size:
- Swap = 8GiB
- Home = Rest
- No swap: Ignore line 3 and 5

# parted /dev/sda -- mklabel msdos
# parted /dev/sda -- mkpart primary 1MiB -8GiB
# parted /dev/sda -- mkpart primary linux-swap -8GiB 100%
# mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/sda1
# mkswap -L /dev/sda2

** Installation
*** UEFI
*In these commands*
- Mount partition with label ... on ...
- "nixos" -> ~/mnt~
- "boot" -> ~/mnt/boot~
# mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt
# mkdir -p /mnt/boot
# mount /dev/disk/by-label/boot /mnt/boot

*** Legacy
# mount /dev/disk/by-label/nixos /mnt

*** Mounting Extras
*In these commands*
- ~/mnt/ssd~
- Label of storage:
- ssd2
- If storage has no label:
- ~mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/ssd2 /mnt/ssd~
# mkdir -p /mnt/ssd
# mount /dev/disk/by-label/ssd2 /mnt/ssd

*** Generate
*In these commands*
- Swap is enable:
- Ignore if no swap or enough RAM
- Configuration files are generated @ ~/mnt/etc/nixos~
- If you are me, you don't need to do this. Hardware-configuration.nix already in flake.
- Clone repository
# swapon /dev/sda2
# nixos-generate-config --root /mnt
# nix-env -iA nixos.git
# git clone /mnt/etc/nixos/

Optional if you are not me
# cp /mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix /mnt/etc/nixos/nixos-config/hosts//.

*** Possible Extra Steps
1. Switch specific host hardware-configuration.nix with generated ~/mnt/etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix~
2. Change existing network card name with the one in your system
- Look in generated hardware-configuration.nix
- Or enter ~$ ip a~
3. Change username in flake.nix
4. Set a ~users.users.${user}.initialPassword = ...~
- Not really recommended. It's maybe better to follow last steps
5. If you are planning on using the doom-emacs alternative home.nix, don't forget to rebuild after the initial installation when you link to this nix file.
- This is because userActivationScript is used for this setup and this will time out during the rebuild.
- It will automatically install if ~$HOME/.emacs.d~ does not exist
- If this dir already exist, move or delete it.

*** Install
*In these commands*
- Move into cloned repository
- in this example ~/mnt/etc/nixos/~
- Available hosts:
- desktop
- laptop
- vm
# cd /mnt/etc/nixos/
# nixos-install --flake .#

** Finalization
1. Set a root password after installation is done
2. Reboot without liveCD
3. Login
1. If initialPassword is not set use TTY:
- ~Ctrl - Alt - F1~
- login as root
- ~# passwd ~
- ~Ctrl - Alt - F7~
- login as user
4. Optional:
- ~$ sudo mv ~
- ~$ sudo chown -R :users ~
- ~$ sudo rm /etc/nixos/configuration.nix~ - This is done because in the past it would auto update this config if you would have auto update in your configuration.
- or just clone flake again do apply same changes.
5. Dual boot:
- OSProber probably did not find your Windows partition after the first install
- There is a high likelihood it will find it after:
- ~$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake #~
6. Rebuilds:
- ~$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake #~
- For example ~$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/.setup#matthias~

* Nix Installation Guide
This flake currently has *1* host
1. pacman

The Linux distribution must have the nix package manager installed.
~$ sh <(curl -L --daemon~
To be able to have an easy reproducible setup when using the nix package manager on a non-NixOS system, home-manager is a wonderful tool to achieve this.
So this is how it is set up in this flake.

** Installation
*** Initial
*In these commands*
- Get git
- Clone repository
- First build of the flake
- This is done so we can use the home-manager command is part of PATH.

$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.git
$ git clone ~/.setup
$ cd ~/.setup
$ nix build --extra-experimental-features 'nix-command flakes' .#homeConfigurations..activationPackage
$ ./result/activate

*** Rebuild
Since home-manager is now a valid command we can rebuild the system using this command. In this example it is build from inside the flake directory:
- ~$ home-manager switch --flake #~
This will rebuild the configuration and automatically activate it.

** Finalization
*Mostly optional or already correct by default*
1. NixGL gets set up by default, so if you are planning on using GUI applications that use OpenGL or Vulkan:
- ~$ nixGLIntel ~
- or add it to your aliases file
2. Every rebuild, and activation-script will run to add applications to the system menu.
- it's pretty much the same as adding the path to XDG_DATA_DIRS
- if you do not want to or if the locations are different, change this.

* Nix-Darwin Installation Guide
This flake currently has *1* host
1. macbook

The Apple computer must have the nix package manager installed.
In terminal run command: ~$ sh <(curl -L

** Setup
*In these commands*
- Create a nix config directory
- Allow experimental features to use flakes

$ mkdir ~/.config/nix
$ echo "experimental-features = nix-command flakes" >> ~/.config/nix/nix.conf

** Installation
*** Initial
*In these commands*
- Get git
- Clone repository
- First build of the flake on Darwin
- This is done because the darwin command is not yet available

$ nix-env -iA nixpkgs.git
$ git clone ~/.setup
$ cd ~/.setup
$ nix build .#darwinConfigurations..system
$ ./result/sw/bin/darwin-rebuild switch --flake .#

~/result~ is located depending on where you build the system.

*** Rebuild
Since darwin is now added to the PATH, you can build it from anywhere in the system. In this example it is rebuilt from inside the flake directory:
- ~$ darwin-rebuild switch --flake .#~
This will rebuild the configuration and automatically activate it.

** Finalization
*Mostly optional or already correct by default*
1. Change default shell for Terminal or iTerm.
- ~Terminal/iTerm > Preferences > General > Shells open with: Command > /bin/zsh~
2. Disable Secure Keyboard Entry. Needed for Skhd.
- ~Terminal/iTerm > Secure Keyboard Entry~
3. Install XCode to get complete development environment.
- ~$ xcode-select --install~

* Guides
- [[./][NixOS general guide]]
- [[./][Nix on other Linux distributions]]
- [[./][Nix on MacOS with Nix-Darwin]]
- [[./][Contribution to nixpkgs]]
- [[./][Using nix shells]]

- What is NixOS?
- NixOS is a Linux distribution built on top of the Nix package manager.
- It uses declarative configurations and allow reliable system upgrades.
- What is a Flake?
- Flakes are an upcoming feature of the Nix package manager.
- Flakes allow you to specify your major code dependencies in a declarative way.
- It does this by creating a flake.lock file. Some major code dependencies are:
- nixpkgs
- home-manager
- What is Nix-Darwin?
- Nix-Darwin is a way to use Nix modules on macOS using the Darwin Unix-based core set of components.
- Just like NixOS, it allows to build declarative reproducible configurations.
- Should I switch to NixOS?
- Is water wet?
- Where can I learn about everything Nix?
- Nix and NixOS
- [[][My General Setup Guide]]
- [[][Website]]
- [[][Manuals]]
- [[][Manual 2]]
- [[][Packages]] and [[][Options]]
- [[][Official Wiki]]
- [[][Wiki Resources]]
- [[][Nix Pills]]
- [[][Some]] [[][Blogs]]
- [[][Config Collection]]
- Home-manager
- [[][Official Repo]]
- [[][Manual]]
- [[][Appendix A Nix]]
- [[][Appendix B HM]]
- [[][Appendix C Darwin]]
- [[][NixOS wiki]]
- Flakes
- [[][NixOS wiki]]
- [[][Manual]]
- [[][Some]] [[][Blogs]]
- Nix-Darwin
- [[][My General Setup Guide]]
- [[][Official Repo]]
- [[][Manual]]
- [[][Mini-Wiki]]
- Videos
- [[][My Personal Mini-Course]]
- [[][Wil T's Playlist]]
- [[][Burke Libbey's Nixology]]
- [[][John Ringer's Channel]]