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My LeetCode/Codility solution collections

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My LeetCode/Codility solution collections

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# algorithm-practice

## LeetCode

**Problem Solved: 149** (Easy: 28, Medium: 105, Hard: 16)

| # | Title | Solutions | Difficulty |
| - | - | - | - |
| 1 | [Two Sum]( | | Easy |
| 3 | [Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters]( | | Medium |
| 5 | [Longest Palindromic Substring]( | | Medium |
| 8 | [String to Integer (atoi)]( | | Medium |
| 11 | [Container With Most Water]( | | Medium |
| 15 | [3Sum]( | | Medium |
| 17 | [Letter Combinations of a Phone Number]( | | Medium |
| 19 | [Remove Nth Node From End of List]( | | Medium |
| 20 | [Valid Parentheses]( | | Easy |
| 21 | [Merge Two Sorted Lists]( | | Easy |
| 22 | [Generate Parentheses]( | | Medium |
| 23 | [Merge k Sorted Lists]( | | Hard |
| 24 | [Swap Nodes in Pairs]( | | Medium |
| 28 | [Implement strStr()]( | | Easy |
| 31 | [Next Permutation]( | | Medium |
| 32 | [Longest Valid Parentheses]( | | Hard |
| 33 | [Search in Rotated Sorted Array]( | | Medium |
| 34 | [Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array]( | | Medium |
| 36 | [Valid Sudoku]( | | Medium |
| 38 | [Count and Say]( | | Medium |
| 39 | [Combination Sum]( | | Medium |
| 41 | [First Missing Positive]( | | Hard |
| 42 | [Trapping Rain Water]( | | Hard |
| 45 | [Jump Game II]( | | Medium |
| 49 | [Group Anagrams]( | | Medium |
| 54 | [Spiral Matrix]( | | Medium |
| 55 | [Jump Game]( | | Medium |
| 56 | [Merge Intervals]( | | Medium |
| 61 | [Rotate List]( | | Medium |
| 62 | [Unique Paths]( | | Medium |
| 67 | [Add Binary]( | | Easy |
| 68 | [Text Justification]( | | Hard |
| 71 | [Simplify Path]( | | Medium |
| 75 | [Sort Colors]( | | Medium |
| 80 | [Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II]( | | Medium |
| 93 | [Restore IP Addresses]( | | Medium |
| 94 | [Binary Tree Inorder Traversal]( | | Easy |
| 98 | [Validate Binary Search Tree]( | | Medium |
| 102 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal]( | | Medium |
| 107 | [Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II]( | | Medium |
| 121 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock]( | | Easy |
| 122 | [Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II]( | | Medium |
| 127 | [Word Ladder]( | | Hard |
| 128 | [Longest Consecutive Sequence]( | | Medium |
| 131 | [Palindrome Partitioning]( | | Medium |
| 136 | [Single Number]( | | Easy |
| 141 | [Linked List Cycle]( | | Easy |
| 142 | [Linked List Cycle II]( | | Medium |
| 144 | [Binary Tree Preorder Traversal]( | | Easy |
| 145 | [Binary Tree Postorder Traversal]( | | Easy |
| 150 | [Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation]( | | Medium |
| 159 | [Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters]( | | Medium |
| 160 | [Intersection of Two Linked Lists]( | | Easy |
| 169 | [Majority Element]( | | Easy |
| 171 | [Excel Sheet Column Number]( | | Easy |
| 173 | [Binary Search Tree Iterator]( | | Medium |
| 198 | [House Robber]( | | Medium |
| 200 | [Number of Islands]( | | Medium |
| 206 | [Reverse Linked List]( | | Easy |
| 209 | [Minimum Size Subarray Sum]( | | Medium |
| 211 | [Design Add and Search Words Data Structure]( | | Medium |
| 213 | [House Robber II]( | | Medium |
| 223 | [Rectangle Area]( | | Medium |
| 224 | [Basic Calculator]( | | Hard |
| 233 | [Number of Digit One]( | | Hard |
| 236 | [Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree]( | | Medium |
| 238 | [Product of Array Except Self]( | | Medium |
| 247 | [Strobogrammatic Number II]( | | Medium |
| 249 | [Group Shifted Strings]( | | Medium |
| 252 | [Meeting Rooms]( | | Easy |
| 253 | [Meeting Rooms II]( | | Medium |
| 259 | [3Sum Smaller]( | | Medium |
| 263 | [Ugly Number]( | | Easy |
| 286 | [Walls and Gates]( | | Medium |
| 290 | [Word Pattern]( | | Easy |
| 301 | [Remove Invalid Parentheses]( | | Hard |
| 311 | [Sparse Matrix Multiplication]( | | Medium |
| 314 | [Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal]( | | Medium |
| 322 | [Coin Change]( | | Medium |
| 329 | [Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix]( | | Hard |
| 338 | [Counting Bits]( | | Easy |
| 340 | [Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters]( | | Medium |
| 347 | [Top K Frequent Elements]( | | Medium |
| 366 | [Find Leaves of Binary Tree]( | | Medium |
| 387 | [First Unique Character in a String]( | | Easy |
| 424 | [Longest Repeating Character Replacement]( | | Medium |
| 429 | [N-ary Tree Level Order Traversal]( | | Medium |
| 436 | [Find Right Interval]( | | Medium |
| 438 | [Find All Anagrams in a String]( | | Medium |
| 445 | [Add Two Numbers II]( | | Medium |
| 449 | [Serialize and Deserialize BST]( | | Medium |
| 452 | [Minimum Number of Arrows to Burst Balloons]( | | Medium |
| 520 | [Detect Capital]( | | Easy |
| 529 | [Minesweeper]( | | Medium |
| 560 | [Subarray Sum Equals K]( | | Medium |
| 567 | [Permutation in String]( | | Medium |
| 605 | [Can Place Flowers]( | | Easy |
| 621 | [Task Scheduler]( | | Medium |
| 647 | [Palindromic Substrings]( | | Medium |
| 657 | [Robot Return to Origin]( | | Easy |
| 660 | [Remove 9]( | | Hard |
| 692 | [Top K Frequent Words]( | | Medium |
| 694 | [Number of Distinct Islands]( | | Medium |
| 695 | [Max Area of Island]( | | Medium |
| 701 | [Insert into a Binary Search Tree]( | | Medium |
| 706 | [Design HashMap]( | | Easy |
| 728 | [Self Dividing Numbers]( | | Easy |
| 735 | [Asteroid Collision]( | | Medium |
| 739 | [Daily Temperatures]( | | Medium |
| 763 | [Partition Labels]( | | Medium |
| 849 | [Maximize Distance to Closest Person]( | | Medium |
| 856 | [Score of Parentheses]( | | Medium |
| 862 | [Shortest Subarray with Sum at Least K]( | | Hard |
| 875 | [Koko Eating Bananas]( | | Medium |
| 877 | [Stone Game]( | | Medium |
| 881 | [Boats to Save People]( | | Medium |
| 895 | [Maximum Frequency Stack]( | | Hard |
| 921 | [Minimum Add to Make Parentheses Valid]( | | Medium |
| 946 | [Validate Stack Sequences]( | | Medium |
| 987 | [Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree]( | | Hard |
| 992 | [Subarrays with K Different Integers]( | | Hard |
| 997 | [Find the Town Judge]( | | Easy |
| 1004 | [Max Consecutive Ones III]( | | Medium |
| 1007 | [Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row]( | | Medium |
| 1011 | [Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days]( | | Medium |
| 1015 | [Smallest Integer Divisible by K]( | | Medium |
| 1022 | [Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers]( | | Easy |
| 1026 | [Maximum Difference Between Node and Ancestor]( | | Medium |
| 1029 | [Two City Scheduling]( | | Medium |
| 1041 | [Robot Bounded In Circle]( | | Medium |
| 1044 | [Longest Duplicate Substring]( | | Hard |
| 1091 | [Shortest Path in Binary Matrix]( | | Medium |
| 1094 | [Car Pooling]( | | Medium |
| 1100 | [Find K-Length Substrings With No Repeated Characters]( | | Medium |
| 1143 | [Longest Common Subsequence]( | | Medium |
| 1244 | [Design A Leaderboard]( | | Medium |
| 1249 | [Minimum Remove to Make Valid Parentheses]( | | Medium |
| 1288 | [Remove Covered Intervals]( | | Medium |
| 1291 | [Sequential Digits]( | | Medium |
| 1448 | [Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree]( | | Medium |
| 1472 | [Design Browser History]( | | Medium |
| 1602 | [Find Nearest Right Node in Binary Tree]( | | Medium |
| 1695 | [Maximum Erasure Value]( | | Medium |
| 1721 | [Swapping Nodes in a Linked List]( | | Medium |
| 1763 | [Longest Nice Substring]( | | Easy |
| 1838 | [Frequency of the Most Frequent Element]( | | Medium |
| 1884 | [Egg Drop With 2 Eggs and N Floors]( | | Medium |
| 1887 | [Reduction Operations to Make the Array Elements Equal]( | | Medium |
| 2024 | [Maximize the Confusion of an Exam]( | | Medium |