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Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Neovim, written in Lua

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Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Neovim, written in Lua

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**This is a fork of the now archived repository [ful1e5/onedark.nvim](**


Atom's iconic One Dark theme for Neovim, written in Lua


GitHub Action Linting


## Features

- Supports the latest Neovim 0.5 features like TreeSitter and LSP
- Minimal inactive StatusLine
- Vim terminal colors
- Darker background for sidebar-like windows
- Color configs for [Kitty]( and [Alacritty](
- Beautiful **lualine** theme

## Requirements

- Neovim >= 0.5.0

## Installation

Install the theme with your preferred package manager:


Plug 'ful1e5/onedark.nvim'


use 'ful1e5/onedark.nvim'

## Usage

Enable the colorscheme:

" Vim Script
colorscheme onedark

-- Lua

## Configuration

| Option | Default | Description |
| ------------------------ | ---------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| colors | `{}` | You can override specific color groups to use other groups or a hex color. |
| comment_style | `italic` | Highlight style for comments (check `:help highlight-args` for options) |
| dark_float | `false` | Float windows like the lsp diagnostics windows get a darker background. |
| dark_sidebar | `true` | Sidebar like windows like `NvimTree` get a darker background. |
| dev | `false` | Developer Mode. |
| function_style | `NONE` | Highlight style for functions (check `:help highlight-args` for options) |
| hide_end_of_buffer | `true` | Enabling this option, will hide filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. |
| hide_inactive_statusline | `true` | Enabling this option, will hide inactive statuslines and replace them with a thin border instead. Should work with the standard **StatusLine**. |
| highlight_linenumber | `false` | Enabling this option, will enable dark color to `LineNr`, `SignColumn` and `CursorLineNr` highlights.(also support [gitsigns]( plugin) |
| keyword_style | `italic` | Highlight style for keywords (check `:help highlight-args` for options) |
| lualine_bold | `false` | When `true`, section headers in the lualine theme will be bold. |
| msg_area_style | `NONE` | Highlight style for messages and cmdline (check `:help highlight-args` for options) |
| overrides | `function` | Override specific highlight groups. The function accpet colors as argument. You can also add a non-exists highlight by enabling the `dev` mode. |
| sidebars | `{}` | Set a darker background on sidebar-like windows. For example: `{"qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer"}` |
| transparent | `false` | Enable this to disable setting the background color. |
| transparent_sidebar | `false` | Sidebar like windows like `NvimTree` get a transparent background. |
| variable_style | `NONE` | Highlight style for variables and identifiers (check `:help highlight-args` for options) |

" Example config in VimScript
" configuration needs to be set BEFORE loading the color scheme with `colorscheme` command
let g:onedark_function_style = "italic"
let g:onedark_sidebars = ["qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer"]

" Change the "hint" color to the "orange0" color, and make the "error" color bright red
let g:onedark_colors = {
\ 'hint': 'orange0',
\ 'error': '#ff0000'
\ }

" Load the colorscheme
colorscheme onedark

-- Example config in Lua
function_style = "italic",
sidebars = {"qf", "vista_kind", "terminal", "packer"},

-- Change the "hint" color to the "orange0" color, and make the "error" color bright red
colors = {hint = "orange0", error = "#ff0000"},

-- Overwrite the highlight groups
overrides = function(c)
return {
htmlTag = {fg = c.red0, bg = "#282c34", sp = c.hint, style = "underline"},
DiagnosticHint = {link = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint"},
-- this will remove the highlight groups
TSField = {},

### Lualine Support

To enable the `onedark` theme for `Lualine`, simply specify it in your lualine settings:

require('lualine').setup {
options = {
theme = 'onedark-nvim',
-- ... your lualine config


## Terminal Themes

> To generate the configs `make terminal` or `:luafile lua/onedark/terminal/init.lua`

Extra color configs for **kitty**, and **Alacritty** can be found in [terminal](terminal/) directory. To use them, refer to their respective documentation.

- kitty - [./terminal/kitty](
- Alacritty - [./terminal/alacritty](

### Making `undercurls` work properly in **Tmux**

To have undercurls show up and in color, add the following to your **Tmux** config file:

# Undercurl
set -g default-terminal "${TERM}"
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Smulx=\E[4::%p1%dm' # undercurl support
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Setulc=\E[58::2::%p1%{65536}%/%d::%p1%{256}%/%{255}%&%d::%p1%{255}%&%d%;m' # underscore colours - needs tmux-3.0

## Plugin Support

- [Builtin LSP diagnostics](
- [TimUntersberger/neogit](
- [airblade/vim-gitgutter](
- [akinsho/nvim-bufferline.lua](
- [folke/lsp-trouble.nvim](
- [ggandor/lightspeed.nvim](
- [glepnir/dashboard-nvim](
- [glepnir/lspsaga.nvim](
- [hrsh7th/nvim-cmp](
- [kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua](
- [lambdalisue/glyph-palette.vim](
- [lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim](
- [liuchengxu/vim-which-key](
- [lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim](
- [neoclide/coc.nvim](
- [nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim](
- [nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim](
- [nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter](
- [phaazon/hop.nvim](
- [projekt0n/circles.nvim](
- [rcarriga/nvim-notify](
- [romgrk/barbar.nvim](

## Inspirations

- [Binaryify/OneDark-Pro](
- [monsonjeremy/onedark.nvim](
- [folke/tokyonight.nvim](
- [eddyekofo94/gruvbox-flat.nvim](

## Screenshot

- Font: [JetBrains Mono](
- Terminal: [kitty](
- dotfiles: [ful1e5/dotfiles](


### Default


### Normal

" VimScript
let g:onedark_comment_style = "NONE"
let g:onedark_keyword_style = "NONE"
let g:onedark_function_style = "NONE"
let g:onedark_variable_style = "NONE"

-- Lua
comment_style = "NONE",
keyword_style = "NONE",
function_style = "NONE",
variable_style = "NONE"
-- ... your onedark config


### Italic

" VimScript
let g:onedark_comment_style = "italic"
let g:onedark_keyword_style = "italic"
let g:onedark_function_style = "italic"
let g:onedark_variable_style = "italic"

-- Lua
comment_style = "italic",
keyword_style = "italic",
function_style = "italic",
variable_style = "italic"
-- ... your onedark config


### Minimal

" VimScript
let g:onedark_hide_inactive_statusline = 1
let g:onedark_dark_sidebar = 0
let g:onedark_dark_float = 0

-- Lua
hide_inactive_statusline = true,
dark_sidebar = false,
dark_float = false
-- ... your onedark config


### Highlight Line-Number

" VimScript
let g:onedark_highlight_linenumber = 1

-- Lua
highlight_linenumber = true
-- ... your onedark config

Highlight Line-Number

### Telescope

Telescope plugin