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Experience top-tier online shopping with CricketWeapon, an advanced MERN stack e-commerce platform. Explore a diverse product catalog, streamline user profiles, track orders, and harness comprehensive admin features. Elevate your retail journey with our powerful MERN technology stack and dynamic interface!",Built with MongoDB, Express, React, Node.

cloudinary-api expess-js fullstack-ecommerce hacktoberfest-accepted hacktoberfest2023 jwt-authentication matrial-ui mern-dashboard mern-ecommerce mongodb-database nodejs-server react-dashboard react-ecommerce-app redux redux-thunk restful-api stripe-api vercel-deployment

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Experience top-tier online shopping with CricketWeapon, an advanced MERN stack e-commerce platform. Explore a diverse product catalog, streamline user profiles, track orders, and harness comprehensive admin features. Elevate your retail journey with our powerful MERN technology stack and dynamic interface!",Built with MongoDB, Express, React, Node.

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# Cricket Weapon E-Commerce Shopping App
### ⚙️   Time Taken to Complete this Project :



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## Introduction
Welcome to Cricket Weapon, an e-commerce shopping app built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack and Material-UI (MUI) for the user interface. This project provides both normal user and admin modes, offering a wide range of features to enhance the shopping experience.

## Demo

### Normal User Area

### Admin Area

## Dummy User Accounts

| Email (Normal User) | Password | Email (Admin) | Password |
| ------------------- | -------- | ----------------- | --------- |
| [email protected] | user1234 | [email protected] | admin@123 |
| [email protected] | user1234 | [email protected] | user1234 |

## Tech Stack

![MongoDB]( ![Express]( ![React]( ![Node.js]( ![Material-UI]( ![Stripe]( ![Mongoose]( ![Redux]( ![Redux-thunk]( ![CSS3](

## Project Configuration Guide

### Cloudinary Configuration

- Cloudinary is used for image management and hosting. Follow these steps to configure Cloudinary for your project.

- Create a Cloudinary account [here](
- Create a new Cloudinary project.
- Go to the dashboard and copy the cloud name, API key, and API secret.

### Stripe Configuration

- Stripe is used for payment processing. Follow these steps to configure Stripe for your project.
- Create a Stripe account [here](
- Go to the dashboard and copy the publishable key and secret key.

### Nodemailer Configuration

- Nodemailer is used for sending emails. Follow these steps to configure Nodemailer for your project.
- Create a Gmail account [here](
- Go to the account settings and enable the Less Secure App Access.
- Go to the dashboard and copy the email and password.
- Go to .env file and save SMTP_MAIL and SMTP_PASS.
- If you are using Gmail, you can directly copy the email and password. If you are using any other email service, you need to copy the SMTP host, port, and service.
- Repl

### MongoDB Configuration

- MongoDB is used for storing data. Follow these steps to configure MongoDB for your project.
- Create a MongoDB account [here](
- Create a new project and cluster.
- Go to the dashboard and copy the connection string.
- Go to .env file and save DB_LINK.

## Installation

1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd CricketWeapon-Store
2. Install dependencies:
npm install
cd frorntend
npm install
cd ..
3. Create a `config` folder inside the backend directory of the project and then create a `.env` file inside the `config` folder and add the following:

PORT = 5000
DB_LINK ="mongodb+srv://:@/?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
NODE_ENV = production
FRONTEND_URL = http://localhost:3000


4. Run the app:

cd backend &&
npm start

## Features

### Normal User Mode

| Feature | Description |
| ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| User Authentication | OAuth with JWT for secure user login and registration |
| Password Reset | Reset password via email with reset link |
| Profile Management | Update user profile details (email, name, password, picture) |
| Shopping Cart | Add items to the cart and apply coupon codes |
| Product Review | Logged-in users can review products |
| Shipping Options | Specify shipping area for product delivery |
| Order Tracking | Track the status of orders |
| Payment Gateway | Secure payment processing via Stripe |
| Contact Form | Contact form for user assistance |
| Saved Addresses | Save multiple shipping addresses |
| Advanced Search | Filter products by price range, category, and rating |
| State Management | Global state management with Redux |
### Admin Mode

| Feature | Description |
| ----------------------- | -------------------------------------------------- |
| Admin Dashboard | Access to an admin-only dashboard |
| User Management | View and manage users (delete, promote to admin) |
| Product Management | Edit and create products, manage stock levels |
| Review Management | View and delete product reviews |
| Order Management | View all orders, and can manage them |
| Role-Based Permissions | Restrict admin features based on roles |
| Order Approval Workflow | Set up approval process for Update status of order |

## Upcoming Features

### Normal User Mode

| Feature | Description |
| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| Wishlist | Create and manage wishlists for products |
| Product Recommendations | Receive suggestions for related products |
| Product Comparisons | Compare product specifications side by side |
| Social Sharing | Share favorite products on social media |

### Admin Mode

| Feature | Description |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
| Sales Analytics | Gain insights into sales trends and popular products |
| Dynamic Coupons | Create and manage targeted coupons |
| User Analytics | Track user engagement and activity |
| Bulk Product Upload | Upload and update multiple products using CSV |
| Automated Emails | Send automated emails for order confirmation and updates |
| Notification Center | Receive alerts for new orders, low stock, and more |
| Data Export | Export data sets (e.g., orders, products) to CSV or Excel |
| Product Bundles | Create and manage product bundles |

## Dependencies and Libraries

### Backend

| Dependency | Description |
| --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- |
| @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties | Babel plugin for class properties |
| @strapi/provider-upload-cloudinary | Cloudinary provider for Strapi uploads |
| bcryptjs | Hash passwords before storing |
| body-parser | Parse incoming request bodies |
| cloudinary | Cloud storage for images and videos |
| cookie-parser | Parse Cookie header and populate req.cookies |
| cors | Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
| crypto | Cryptographic functions for Node.js |
| crypto-js | JavaScript library for cryptographic operations |
| dotenv | Load environment variables from a .env file |
| express | Web application framework for Node.js |
| express-fileupload | Middleware to handle file uploads in Express |
| helmet | Secure HTTP headers middleware |
| http-proxy-middleware | Proxy requests in development |
| jsonwebtoken | Generate and verify JSON Web Tokens |
| jwt-simple | Simple JWT encoding and decoding |
| mongoose | MongoDB object modeling tool |
| nodemailer | Send email using Node.js |
| nodemon | Monitor for changes in source code and restart server |
| react-chartjs-2 | React wrapper for Chart.js 2 |
| stripe | Payment processing library |
| validator | Validate and sanitize user input |

### Frontend

| Dependency | Description |
| --------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| @emotion/react | Emotion library for writing CSS with JavaScript |
| @emotion/styled | Styled components using Emotion |
| @material-ui/core | UI components library for Material Design |
| @material-ui/data-grid | Data grid component for Material-UI |
| @material-ui/icons | Material Design icons for React components |
| @material-ui/lab | Additional components and utilities for Material-UI |
| @mui/icons-material | Material-UI icons for MUI components |
| @mui/material | Material-UI components library |
| @mui/styles | Styling solution for Material-UI components |
| @stripe/react-stripe-js | React components for Stripe's client-side JavaScript library |
| @stripe/stripe-js | Stripe's client-side JavaScript library |
| @testing-library/user-event | Utilities for simulating events with Testing Library |
| axios | Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js |
| highcharts | Interactive JavaScript charting library |
| highcharts-react-official | React wrapper for Highcharts library |
| node-sass | Sass compiler for Node.js |
| react | JavaScript library for building user interfaces |
| react-alert | React component for customizable alerts |
| react-alert-template-basic | Basic template for react-alert |
| react-dom | Entry point to the React DOM library |
| react-helmet | Manage document head in React |
| react-js-pagination | Pagination component for React |
| react-material-ui-carousel | Carousel component for Material-UI |
| react-redux | State management library for React |
| react-router-dom | Routing library for React applications |
| react-scripts | Create React apps with no build configuration |
| redux | Predictable state container for JavaScript apps |
| redux-devtools-extension | Redux DevTools integration |
| redux-thunk | Thunk middleware for Redux |
| styled-components | CSS-in-JS library for styling React components |
| swiper | Mobile touch slider library |
| web-vitals | Library for measuring web performance metrics |

## Hosting Your Complete App on Vercel

This guide will walk you through the process of hosting your complete MERN stack app on Vercel using the `vercel.json` configuration.

### Step 1: Prepare Your Project

- Organize your project with a root directory that contains both frontend and backend folders.
- Ensure both backend and frontend directories have all necessary code and dependencies.
- Create a `vercel.json` file in the root directory.
- Add the following code to `vercel.json`:

"version": 2,
"builds": [
"src": "./backend/server.js",
"use": "@vercel/node"
"src": "./frotend/build",
"use": "@vercel/static"
"rewrites": [
"source": "/(.*)",
"destination": "/backend/server.js"

- Note :
- Using this configuration will require you to run npm run build in the frontend directory before deploying to Vercel.
- Ensure your folder structure looks like this:
├── backend
├── frontend
│ ├── node_modules
│ ├── package.json
│ ├── build
│ └── ...
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── vercel.json
└── ...

### Step 2: Push Code to GitHub

- Push all your code to GitHub, ignoring the `node_modules` folder and `.env` file.

### Step 3: Create a Vercel Account

- Create an account on Vercel if you haven't already.
- Connect your GitHub account to Vercel.

### Step 4: Create a Vercel Project

- Create a new project in Vercel.
- Select your GitHub repository (e.g., CricketWeapon-store).

### Step 5: Configure Project Settings

- Configure the project settings:
- Keep the settings as they are.
- Add all your `.env` variables in the Environment Variables section.

### Step 6: Deploy Your App

- Click on "Deploy" and wait for a few minutes for the deployment process to complete.

### Step 7: Visit Your App

- Once the deployment is successful, click on "Visit" to access your live app.

### Step 8: Enjoy Your App

- Congratulations! Your app is now live and accessible.

## Contributions

| Contributor |
| ----------------------------------------------------- |
| [ImgBotApp]( |
| [MehraDevesh2022]( |
| [0dayhunter]( |