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Dummy example for Flask usage triggering celery asynchronous tasK

docker docker-swarm flask mongodb nginx python-3 rabbitmq redis

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Dummy example for Flask usage triggering celery asynchronous tasK

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## Prerequisites

All services of this dummy illustration micro application are served through **Docker swarm**.

Set up and coding on a RedHat Linux OS based system. The following RPM should be used:

python3-docker-pycreds >= 0.4.0-15
python3-dockerpty >= 0.4.1-27
python3-docker >= 5.0.3-3
python3-docker+ssh >= 5.0.3-3
docker-compose => 1.29.2-7
docker-compose-plugin => 2.27.1-1
docker-buildx-plugin => 0.14.1-1
docker-ce-cli => 26.1.4-1
docker-ce-rootless-extras => 26.1.4-1
docker-ce >= 26.1.4-1

A running SMTP server at port 25 is required in order to have unittest tests succeeded (here postfix has been used), for a "tests" context.

To set a basic configuration for this service, you will use files to load environment vars: '.env.rc', '.env.rc.tests'

For the simulated "prod" context, suggestion is to use, for example, MAILTRAP.

## What is it ?

A dummy application for learning purposes deployed as a stack on docker swarm.

Aim is to execute asynchronous process, triggered by **Flask**, executed by a **Celery worker**.

**Flask** is the celery client. **Nginx** the reverse proxy to serve **Flask through Gunicorn**.

Task consist to send an email with a PDF file attached.

The PDF file content is a list of dummy movies pre-inserted in a MongoDB database.

For the POC we use mailtrap to simulate email reception.

A dummy Docker swarm.

Some dummy Flask routes.

A dummy mailtrap account.

## How it works ?

**Celery** workers use a default configuration.

**Rabbitmq** is setup with this default configuration (we just set a specific user, password and vhost).

We have a celery worker's cluster.

Celery uses 2 types of exchanges: fanout and direct.

The first one is a broadcast, which spread a task execution order, only 1 worker will execute the task.

The second one is for the celery worker to return message result to the rabbitmq queue.

rabbitmqctl list_queues -p donald_vhost name messages

rabbitmqctl list_bindings -p donald_vhost

The **Redis** database has a persistent volume. We can find all the transactions relative to the tasks execution from the celery workers.

The **MongoDB** will have a default dummy database created: "dummy_movies". And a dummy collection "movies", with 274 documents.

Once you entered the MongoDB container (replace username and password according to the ones defined in the compose file):

mongosh --username [username] --password [passord] --authenticationDatabase admin

The swarm services need several timeouts. There is a simple usage of the 'sleep' UNIX command.

## How use it ?

For convenience, 2 dummy bash scripts are set. First you source either .env.rc or .env.rc.tests.

Example content of a **.env.rc** file:

export SWARM_IP=""
export MONGO_SERVER=localhost
export MONGO_PORT=27017
export MONGO_DB_NAME=dummy_movies

export RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=SuperPassword
export RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST=donald_vhost

export CELERY_BROKER_URL='pyamqp://donald:SuperPassword@rabbitmq:5672/donald_vhost'
export CELERY_RESULT_BACKEND='redis://redis:6379/0'
export TIMEZONE='Europe/Paris'

export MAIL_SERVER=""
export MAIL_PORT="2525"
export MAIL_USE_TLS=True
export MAIL_USERNAME=yourMailTrapUserId
export MAIL_PASSWORD=yourMailTrapUserPassword
export MAIL_SENDER="[email protected]"

Example content of a **.env.rc.tests** file, will just be sligthly different from the previous one, just adapt these definitions:

export MAIL_SERVER=localhost
export MAIL_PORT=25
export MAIL_USE_TLS=False

As long as we start application in a "test" context, we run unittest.

In a production context, we do not need to source the venv and set the PYTHONPATH.

source .env.rc

source venv/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=./celery_client_and_worker/app
source .env.rc.tests
./ -c test
coverage run -m unittest -v

If you want to ask for one or more docker image to be rebuild:

source .env.rc
./ -r flask
./ -r flask mongo redis

source venv/bin/activate
export PYTHONPATH=./celery_client_and_worker/app
source .env.rc.tests
./ -c test -r flask
./ -c test -r flask mongo redis
coverage run -m unittest -v

Notice: as celery worker tasks test involved to send a mail, you need a MTA service running at port 25 (postfix for example).

To stop the application only run:


## How lint it ?

pylint celery_client_and_worker/ mongodb/

flake8 celery_client_and_worker/ mongodb/ --max-line-length=127 --count --statistics

## Usefull links

Learn rabbitmq:

For the PDF creation: