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Swagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps

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JSON representation

Swagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps

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# Ring-Swagger [![Build Status](]( [![Downloads](](

[Swagger]( 2.0 implementation for Clojure/Ring using [Plumatic Schema]( (support for [clojure.spec]( via [spec-tools](

- Transforms deeply nested Schemas into Swagger JSON Schema definitions
- Extended & symmetric JSON & String serialization & coercion
- Middleware for handling Schemas Validation Errors & Publishing swagger-data
- Local api validator
- Swagger artifact generation
- [swagger.json]( via `ring.swagger.swagger2/swagger-json`
- [Swagger UI]( bindings. (get the UI separately as [jar]( or from [NPM](

## Latest version

[![Clojars Project](](


Requires Java 1.8+

## Web libs using Ring-Swagger

- [Compojure-Api]( for Compojure
- [fnhouse-swagger]( for fnhouse
- [route-swagger]( for Pedestal
- [yada](
- [kekkonen](

## Getting help

[Clojurians slack]( ([join]( has a channel [#ring-swagger]( for Ring-swagger related issues. You can also ask questions about Ring-swagger on other channels at Clojurians Slack or at #clojure on Freenode IRC (mention or `ring-swagger` to highlight us).

## Info

Route definitions are expected as a clojure Map defined by the Schema [Contract](
The Schema allows mostly any extra keys as ring-swagger tries not to be on your way - one can pass any valid Swagger spec data in.

[API Docs](

### Simplest possible example

(require '[ring.swagger.swagger2 :as rs])

(rs/swagger-json {})

; {:swagger "2.0",
; :info {:title "Swagger API", :version "0.0.1"},
; :produces ["application/json"],
; :consumes ["application/json"],
; :paths {},
; :definitions {}}

### More complete example

Info, tags, routes and anonymous nested schemas.

(require '[schema.core :as s])

(s/defschema User {:id s/Str,
:name s/Str
:address {:street s/Str
:city (s/enum :tre :hki)}})

{:info {:version "1.0.0"
:title "Sausages"
:description "Sausage description"
:termsOfService ""
:contact {:name "My API Team"
:email "[email protected]"
:url ""}
:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}}
:tags [{:name "user"
:description "User stuff"}]
:paths {"/api/ping" {:get {}}
"/user/:id" {:post {:summary "User Api"
:description "User Api description"
:tags ["user"]
:parameters {:path {:id s/Str}
:body User}
:responses {200 {:schema User
:description "Found it!"}
404 {:description "Ohnoes."}}}}}}))

; {:swagger "2.0",
; :info {:title "Sausages",
; :version "1.0.0",
; :description "Sausage description",
; :termsOfService "",
; :contact {:name "My API Team",
; :email "[email protected]",
; :url ""},
; :license {:name "Eclipse Public License",
; :url ""}},
; :produces ["application/json"],
; :consumes ["application/json"],
; :tags [{:name "user", :description "User stuff"}],
; :paths {"/api/ping" {:get {:responses {:default {:description ""}}}},
; "/user/{id}" {:post {:summary "User Api",
; :description "User Api description",
; :tags ["user"],
; :parameters [{:in "path",
; :name "id",
; :description "",
; :required true,
; :type "string"}
; {:in "body",
; :name "User",
; :description "",
; :required true,
; :schema {:$ref "#/definitions/User"}}],
; :responses {200 {:schema {:$ref "#/definitions/User"},
; :description "Found it!"},
; 404 {:description "Ohnoes."}}}}},
; :definitions {"User" {:type "object",
; :properties {:id {:type "string"},
; :name {:type "string"},
; :address {:$ref "#/definitions/UserAddress"}},
; :additionalProperties false,
; :required (:id :name :address)},
; "UserAddress" {:type "object",
; :properties {:street {:type "string"},
; :city {:type "string",
; :enum (:tre :hki)}},
; :additionalProperties false,
; :required (:street :city)}}}

producing the following ui:


## Customizing Swagger Spec output

One can pass extra options-map as a third parameter to `swagger-json`. The following options are available:

:ignore-missing-mappings? - (false) boolean whether to silently ignore
missing schema to JSON Schema mappings. if
set to false, IllegalArgumentException is
thrown if a Schema can't be presented as
JSON Schema.

:default-response-description-fn - ((constantly "")) - a fn to generate default
response descriptions from http status code.
Takes a status code (Int) and returns a String.

:handle-duplicate-schemas-fn - (ring.swagger.core/ignore-duplicate-schemas),
a function to handle possible duplicate schema
definitions. Takes schema-name and set of found
attached schema values as parameters. Returns
sequence of schema-name and selected schema value.

:collection-format - Sets the collectionFormat for query and formData
Possible values: multi, ssv, csv, tsv, pipes."

For example, to get default response descriptions from the [HTTP Spec](,
you can do the following:

(require '[ring.util.http-status :as status])

{:paths {"/hello" {:post {:responses {200 nil
425 nil
500 {:description "FAIL"}}}}}}
{:default-response-description-fn status/get-description})

; {:swagger "2.0"
; :info {:title "Swagger API" :version "0.0.1"}
; :consumes ["application/json"]
; :produces ["application/json"]
; :definitions {}
; :paths {"/hello" {:post {:responses {200 {:description "OK"}
; 425 {:description "The collection is unordered."}
; 500 {:description "FAIL"}}}}}}

## Validating the Swagger Spec

The generated full spec can be validated against the [Swagger JSON Schema](
with the help of [scjsv](

(require '[ring.swagger.validator :as v])

(v/validate (rs/swagger-json {:paths {"/api/ping" {:get nil}}}))
; nil

(v/validate (rs/swagger-json {:pathz {"/api/ping" {:get nil}}}))
; ({:level "error"
; :schema {:loadingURI "#", :pointer ""}
; :instance {:pointer ""}
; :domain "validation"
; :keyword "additionalProperties"
; :message "object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: [\"pathz\"]", :unwanted ["pathz"]})

For more information about creating your own adapter, see [Collecting API Documentation](

## Transforming the Swagger Spec

There are the following utility functions for transforming the spec (on the client side):

`ring.swagger.swagger2/transform-operations` - transforms the operations under the :paths of a ring-swagger spec
by applying `(f operation)` to all operations. If the function returns nil, the given operation is removed.

As an example, one can filter away all operations with `:x-no-doc` set to `true`:

(defn remove-x-no-doc [endpoint]
(if-not (some-> endpoint :x-no-doc true?)

(transform-operations remove-x-no-doc {:paths {"/a" {:get {:x-no-doc true}, :post {}}
"/b" {:put {:x-no-doc true}}}}))
; {:paths {"/a" {:post {}}}}

## Web Schemas

[Prismatic Schema]( is used to describe both the input & output schemas for routes.

As Swagger 2.0 Spec Schema is a deterministic subset of JSON Schema, so not all Clojure Schema elements can be used.

### Schema to Swagger JSON Schema conversion

There are two possible methods to do this:

1. class-based dispatch via `ring.swagger.json-schema/convert-class`.
2. protocol-based dispatch via `ring.swagger.json-schema/JsonSchema` - the `convert` fn.

Both take the Schema and swagger options map as arguments. Options contain also `:in` to denote the possible location
of the schema (`nil`, `:query`, `:header`, `:path`, `:formData` and `:body`).

To support truly symmetric web schemas, one needs also to ensure both JSON Serialization and
deserialization/coercion from JSON.

### Class-based dispatch

(require '[ring.swagger.json-schema :as json-schema])

(defmethod json-schema/convert-class java.sql.Date [_ _] {:type "string" :format "date"})

#### Protocol-based dispatch

(require '[ring.swagger.json-schema :as json-schema])

(extend-type java.util.regex.Pattern
(json-schema/convert [e _]
{:type "string" :pattern (str e)}))

One can also use the options to create more accurate specs (via the `:in` option).

(extend-type schema.core.Maybe
(convert [e {:keys [in]}]
(let [schema (->swagger (:schema e))]
(if (#{:query :formData} in)
(assoc schema :allowEmptyValue true)

### Out-of-the-box supported Schema elements

| Clojure Schema | JSON Schema | Sample JSON |
| --------------------------------------------|--------------------------|:-----------:|
| `Integer` | integer, int32 | `1`
| `Long`, `s/Int` | integer, int64 | `1`
| `Double`, `Number`, `s/Num` | number, double | `1.2`
| `String`, `s/Str`, `Keyword`, `s/Keyword`, `Symbol`, `s/Symbol`, `s/Any` non-body-parameter | string | `"kikka"`
| `Boolean` | boolean | `true`
| `nil`, `s/Any` body-parameter | void |
| `java.util.regex.Pattern`, | string, regex | `[a-z0-9]`
| `#"[a-z0-9]+"` | string, pattern | `"a6"`
| `s/Uuid`, `java.util.UUID` | string, uuid | `"77e70512-1337-dead-beef-0123456789ab"`
| `java.util.Date`, `org.joda.time.DateTime`, `s/Inst`, `java.time.Instant` | string, date-time | `"2014-02-18T18:25:37.456Z"`, also without millis: `"2014-02-18T18:25:37Z"`
| `org.joda.time.LocalDate`, `java.time.LocalDate` | string, date | `"2014-02-19"`
| `org.joda.time.LocalTime`, `java.time.LocalTime` | string, time | `"16:22"`
| `(s/enum X Y Z)` | *type of X*, enum(X,Y,Z)
| `(s/maybe X)` | *type of X*
| `(s/both X Y Z)` | *type of X*
| `(s/constrained X pred)` | *type of X*
| `(s/conditional p1 X p2 Y p3 Z)` | *one of type X, Y, Z*
| `(s/cond-pre X Y Z)` | *one of type X, Y, Z*
| `(s/either X Y Z)` | *type of X*
| `(s/named X name)` | *type of X*
| `(s/one X name)` | *type of X*
| `(s/recursive Var)` | *Ref to (model) Var*
| `(s/eq X)` | *type of class of X*, enum(X)
| `(s/optional-key X)` | *optional key*
| `(s/required-key X)` | *required key*
| `s/Keyword` (as a key) | *ignored*

- All supported types have symmetric JSON serialization (Cheshire encoders) & deserialization (Schema coercions)
- Vectors, Sets and Maps can be used as containers
- Maps are presented as Complex Types and References. Model references are resolved automatically.
- Nested maps are transformed automatically into flat maps with generated child references
- Maps can be within valid containers (as only element - heterogeneous schema sequences not supported by the spec)

### Missing Schema elements

If Ring-swagger can't transform the Schemas into JSON Schemas, by default a `IllegalArgumentException` will be thrown.
Setting the `:ignore-missing-mappings?` to `true` causes the errors to be ignored - missing schema elements will be
ignored from the generated Swagger schema.

### Body and Response model names

Standard Prismatic Schema names are used. Nested schemas are traversed and all found sub-schemas are named
automatically - so that they can be referenced in the generated Swagger spec.

Swagger 2.0 squashes all api models into a single global namespace, so schema name collisions can happen.
When this happens, the function defined by `:handle-duplicate-schemas-fn` option is called to resolve the collision.
By default, the collisions are ignored.

One accidental reason for schema name collisions is the use of normal `clojure.core` functions to create transformed
copies of the schemas. The normal core functions retain the original schema meta-data and by so the schema name.

(s/defschema User {:id s/Str, :name s/Str})
(def NewUser (dissoc User :id)) ; dissoc does not remove the schema meta-data

(meta User)
; {:name User :ns user}

(meta NewUser)
; {:name User :ns user} <--- fail, now there are two User-schemas around.

There are better schema transformers functions available at [schema-tools](
It's an implicit dependency of ring-swagger.

### Extra Schema elements supported by `ring.swagger.json-schema-dirty`

Some Schema elements are impossible to accurately describe within boundaries of JSON-Schema or Swagger spec.
You can require `ring.swagger.json-schema-dirty` namespace to get JSON Schema dispatching for the following:

**WARNING** Swagger-UI might not display these correctly and the code generated by swagger-codegen will be inaccurate.

| Clojure | JSON Schema | Sample |
| --------|-------|:------------:|
| `(s/conditional pred X pred Y pred Z)` | x-oneOf: *type of X*, *type of Y*, *type of Z*
| `(s/if pred X Y)` | x-oneOf: *type of X*, *type of Y*

### Schema coercion

Ring-swagger uses [Schema coercions](
for transforming the input data into vanilla Clojure and back.

There are two coercers in `ring.swagger.coerce`, the `json-schema-coercion-matcher` and `query-schema-coercion-matcher`.
These are enchanced versions of the original Schema coercers, adding support for all the supported Schema elements,
including Dates & Regexps.

#### Custom Coercions

In order to allow for custom input coercion, ring-swagger includes a multimethod 'custom-matcher' that can be implemented for custom input types. For example, to coerce currency strings into objects, you can implement the following:

(require '[ring.swagger.coerce :as coerce])

(defmethod coerce/custom-matcher [_] #( %))

This will allow objects in your Schema definitions to be coerced correctly. However, this is only for coercing input, see [Schema to Swagger JSON Schema conversion](#schema-to-swagger-json-schema-conversion) for examples on transforming output.

#### Coerce!

Ring-swagger provides a convenience function for coercion, `ring.swagger.schema/coerce!`. It returns either a valid
coerced value of slingshots an Map with type `:ring.swagger.schema/validation`. One can catch these exceptions via
`ring.swagger.middleware/wrap-validation-errors` and return a JSON-friendly map of the contents.

(require '[schema.core :as s])
(require '[ring.swagger.schema :refer [coerce!]])

(s/defschema Bone {:size Long, :animal (s/enum :cow :tyrannosaurus)})

(coerce! Bone {:size 12, :animal "cow"})
; {:animal :cow, :size 12}

(coerce! Bone {:animal :sheep})
; ExceptionInfo throw+: #schema.utils.ErrorContainer{:error {:animal (not (#{:tyrannosaurus :cow} :sheep)), :size missing-required-key}, :type :ring.swagger.schema/validation} ring.swagger.schema/coerce! (schema.clj:57)

## Adding description to Schemas

One can add extra meta-data, including descriptions to schema elements using `ring.swagger.json-schema/field` and `ring.swagger.json-schema/describe` functions. These work by adding meta-data to schema under `:json-schema`-key. Objects which don't natively support meta-data, like Java classes, are wrapped automatically into `ring.swagger.json-schema/FieldSchema` to enable the meta-data.

### Example

(require '[schema.core :as s])
(require '[ring.swagger.schema :as rs])
(require '[ring.swagger.json-schema :as rjs])

(s/defschema Required
{(s/optional-key :name) s/Str
(s/optional-key :title) s/Str
:address (rjs/field
{:street (rsjs/field s/Str {:description "description here"})}
{:description "Streename"
:example "Ankkalinna 1"})}
{:minProperties 1
:description "I'm required"
:example {:name "Iines"
:title "Ankka"}}))

; produces the following JSON Schema models =>
; {"Required" {:type "object"
; :description "I'm required"
; :example {:name "Iines"
; :title "Ankka"}
; :minProperties 1
; :required [:address]
; :properties {:name {:type "string"}
; :title {:type "string"}
; :address {:$ref "#/definitions/RequiredAddress"}}
; :additionalProperties false}
; "RequiredAddress" {:type "object"
; :description "Streename"
; :example "Ankkalinna 1"
; :properties {:street {:type "string"
; :description "description here"}}
; :required [:street]
; :additionalProperties false}}

## Release process

To release a version, set the project.clj version to the one you want to release, but with a `-SNAPSHOT` suffix.

Then create a commit reading "Release :{major,minor,patch,alpha,beta,rc}" based on whether
you want the next development version to be a major/minor/patch/alpha/beta/rc increment.

Push to master, and the GitHub Actions release will release the jar to clojars, then bump the version
on the master branch.

## License

Copyright © 2014-2018 [Metosin Oy](

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.