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mongodb-pipeline-builder is a pipeline builder for the db.collection.aggregate method and db.aggregate method. It will simplify pipelines by making them more readable and much easier to edit. It also allows you to test your pipelines on a dataset in order to verify them. Pipeline stages appear in an array. Documents pass through the stages in sequence.

aggregations mongodb mongodb-pipeline mongoose

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

mongodb-pipeline-builder is a pipeline builder for the db.collection.aggregate method and db.aggregate method. It will simplify pipelines by making them more readable and much easier to edit. It also allows you to test your pipelines on a dataset in order to verify them. Pipeline stages appear in an array. Documents pass through the stages in sequence.

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# mongodb-pipeline-builder

**mongodb-pipeline-builder** is a pipeline builder for the [db.collection.aggregate](, the [db.aggregate]( and the mongoose [Model.aggregate]( methods.

- Simplify pipelines by making them more readable
- Pipelines are easier to edit.
- Pipeline stages appear in an array.
- Sequential stages for documents

All stages except the Out, Merge, GeoNear, ChangeStream, ChangeStreamSplitLargeEvent and Paging stages can appear multiple times in a pipeline.


## npm package

`npm i -S mongodb-pipeline-builder`


### **News and Breaking changes** between **v3** and **v4**

#### **PipelineBuilder:**
* Renaming `getPipeline()` with `build()`
* Added new stages: `ChangeStream`, `ChangeStreamSplitLargeEvent`, `Densify`, `Documents`, `Fill`, `ListLocalSessions`, `ListSampledQueries`, `ListSearchIndexes`, `SearchMeta`, `SetWindowFields` and `ShardedDataDistribution`.
* Added the possibility to insert stages without validation with new `Insert` stage.
* Checking for non-duplicable stages.

#### **Helpers:**
* Replacing the `Payload` suffix with `Helper` suffix
* Prefixed with the name of the pipeline stage where they should be used

#### **Operators:**
* Prefixed with the **$** symbol
* Rename `MapOperator` to `$Map`

#### **GetResult:**
* To be used if no Paging stage is set
* Removing GetDocs method arguments
* Added new GetElement method to the response object

#### **GetPagingResult:**
* To be used exclusively with Paging stage.

*Welcome generics! `GetResult` and `GetPagingResult` now offer the ability to type responses.*


## Usage:

### Using `require()`

const PipelineBuilder = require("mongodb-pipeline-builder").PipelineBuilder;
const { LookupEqualityHelper, ProjectOnlyHelper, Field } = require('mongodb-pipeline-builder/helpers');
const { $LessThanEqual, $ArrayElementAt, $Equal, $Expression } = require('mongodb-pipeline-builder/operators');

### Using `import`

import { PipelineBuilder } from 'mongodb-pipeline-builder';
import { LookupEqualityHelper, ProjectOnlyHelper, Field } from 'mongodb-pipeline-builder/helpers';
import { $LessThanEqual, $ArrayElementAt, $Equal, $Expression } from 'mongodb-pipeline-builder/operators';


## Pagination example

const myNewPipeline = new PipelineBuilder( 'myPagination', { debug: true } )
.Match( $Expression( $LessThanEqual( '$id', 20 ) ) )
.Project( ProjectOnlyHelper( 'name', 'weight' ) )
.Paging( 5, 3 ) // 5 per page, page 3

*is equivalent to*

const myNewPipeline = [ {
$facet: {
docs: [
{ $match: { $expr: { $lte: ["$id", 20] } } },
{ $project: { _id: 0, name: 1, weight: 1 } },
{ $skip: 10 },
{ $limit: 5 }
count: [
{ $match: { $expr: { $lte: ["$id", 20] } } },
{ $count: "totalElements" }
} ];


## No pagination example

const myNewPipeline = new PipelineBuilder( 'user-skills' )
.Match( $Expression( $Equal( '$id', 123456 ) ) )
.Lookup( LookupEqualityHelper( 'profiles', 'profile', 'id', 'profileId' ) )
.Project( ProjectOnlyHelper( 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email' ) )
Field( 'skills', $ArrayElementAt( '$profile.skills', 0 ) ),
Field( 'availability', $ArrayElementAt( '$profile.availability', 0 ) )
.Unset( 'profile' )

*is equivalent to*

const myNewPipeline = [
{ $match: { $expr: { $eq: ["$id", 123456] } } },
{ $lookup: { from: "profiles", as: "profile", localField: "id", foreignField: "profileId" } },
{ $project: { _id: 0, firstname: 1, lastname: 1, email: 1 } },
{ $addFields: {
skills: { $arrayElemAt: ["$profile.skills", 0] },
availability: { $arrayElemAt: ["$profile.availability", 0] }
} },
{ $unset: "profile" }


# GetResult method (No pagination)

GetResult(): Promise>

`GetResult()` is an **asynchronous** method that provides a very easy way to use aggregation responses.

This method returns a `GetResultResponse` object that contains 3 methods:

- `GetDocs(): T[]` to get all the documents that match the request.
- `GetElement(index: number | 'last'): T` to get a particular document by its index.
- `GetCount(): number` to get the total number of documents found.

const result = await GetResult( target, pipeline );
result.GetDocs(); // () => DocType[]
result.GetElement(index | 'last'); // () => DocType | undefined
result.GetCount(); // () => number

GetResult( target, pipeline ).then( result => {
result.GetDocs(); // () => DocType[]
result.GetElement(index | 'last'); // () => DocType | undefined
result.GetCount(); // () => number
} );

### `GetElement(index: number | 'last')` method possibilities:

- A particular document can be retrieved by specifying its index.
- To get the last document, simply provide the string `'last'`.
- If the specified index is greater than the index of the last document, `GetElement()` will return undefined.

// GetDocs() -> [document1, document2, document3, ..., document51]
result.GetElement(2); // will return document to index 2, document3
result.GetElement('last'); // will return the last document, document51
result.GetElement(99); // will return undefined


# GetPagingResult method (Pagination)

GetPagingResult(): Promise>

`GetPagingResult()` is an **asynchronous** method that provides a very easy way to use aggregation responses when **Paging** stage is used.

This method returns a `GetPagingResultResponse` object that contains three methods:
- `GetDocs()` to get the documents found.
- `GetCount()` to get the total number of documents found.
- `GetTotalPageNumber()` to get the total number of pages.

const result = await GetPagingResult(target, pipeline);
result.GetDocs(); // () => DocType[]
result.GetCount(); // () => number
result.GetTotalPageNumber(); // () => number

GetPagingResult(target, pipeline).then( result => {
result.GetDocs(); // () => DocType[]
result.GetCount(); // () => number
result.GetTotalPageNumber(); // () => number
} );


[=> Try the lib on NPM RunKit with the require method <=](


`// builder = new PipelineBuilder('example');`


### Paging(elementsPerPage, page)

*The Paging stage automatically adds 3 native stages used to paginate documents ($skip, $limit and $count).

Page is optional and defaults to 1.*

builder.Paging(5, 2).build();

// pipeline
$facet: {
docs: [ { '$skip': 5 }, { '$limit': 5 } ],
count: [ { '$count': 'totalElements' } ]

### Insert(stage)

*The Insert stage allows you to insert a stage without validation.

Usefully when you need to insert a stage that is not yet implemented
or when the value fails validation but for some reason you want to keep it.*

builder.Insert({ '$myCustomStage': { myField: 'myValue' } }).build();

// pipeline
[ { $myCustomStage: { myField: 'myValue' } } ]


### [AddFields](
#### Helper: `Field(name, value)`
Field('foo', 'value1'),
Field('bar', 'value2'),

// pipeline
[ { $addFields: { foo: 'value1', bar: 'value2' } } ]

### [Bucket](
#### Helper: `BucketHelper(groupBy, boundaries, optional)`
builder.Bucket(BucketHelper('$age', [6, 13, 18])).build();

// pipeline
[ { $bucket: { groupBy: '$age', boundaries: [ 6, 13, 18 ] } } ]

### [BucketAuto](
#### Helper: `BucketAutoHelper(groupBy, buckets, optional)`
builder.BucketAuto(BucketAutoHelper('$age', 5)).build();

// pipeline
[ { $bucketAuto: { groupBy: '$age', buckets: 5 } } ]

### [ChangeStream](
#### Helper: `ChangeStreamHelper(optional)`

// pipeline
[ { $changeStream: {} } ]

### [ChangeStreamSplitLargeEvent](

// pipeline
[ { $changeStreamSplitLargeEvent: {} } ]

### [CollStats](
#### Helper: `CollStatsHelper(optional)`

// pipeline
[ { $collStats: {} } ]

### [Count](

// pipeline
[ { $count: 'counter' } ]

### [CurrentOp](
#### Helper: `CurrentOpHelper(optional)`

// pipeline
[ { $currentOp: {} } ]

### [Densify](
#### Helper: `DensifyHelper(field, range, optional)`
{ bounds: 'full', step: 200 },
{ partitionByFields: [ 'variety' ] }

// pipeline
$densify: {
field: 'altitude',
range: { bounds: 'full', step: 200 }
partitionByFields: [ 'variety' ],

### [Documents](
builder.Documents({ docId: 1 }, { docId: 2 }, { docId: 3 }).build();

// pipeline
[ { $documents: [ { docId: 1 }, { docId: 2 }, { docId: 3 } ] } ]

### [Facet](
#### Helper: `Field(name, pipeline)`
Field('pipeline1', [{ $match: { tag: 'first' }}]),
Field('pipeline2', [{ $match: { tag: 'second' }}]),
Field('pipeline3', [{ $match: { tag: 'third' }}]),

// pipeline
$facet: {
pipeline1: [ { '$match': { tag: 'first' } } ],
pipeline2: [ { '$match': { tag: 'second' } } ],
pipeline3: [ { '$match': { tag: 'third' } } ]

### [Fill](
#### Helper: `FillHelper(output, optional)`
bootsSold: { value: 0 },
sandalsSold: { value: 0 },
sneakersSold: { value: 0 },

// pipeline
$fill: {
output: {
bootsSold: { value: 0 },
sandalsSold: { value: 0 },
sneakersSold: { value: 0 }

### [GeoNear](
#### Helper: `GeoNearHelper(near, distanceField, optional)`
GeoNearHelper({ type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.99279 , 40.719296 ] }, 'calculated')

// pipeline
$geoNear: {
near: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [ -73.99279, 40.719296 ] },
distanceField: 'calculated'

### [GraphLookup](
from: 'employees', startWith: '$reportsTo', connectFromField: 'reportsTo', connectToField: 'name', as: 'reportingHierarchy',

// pipeline
$graphLookup: {
from: 'employees',
startWith: '$reportsTo',
connectFromField: 'reportsTo',
connectToField: 'name',
as: 'reportingHierarchy'

### [Group](
builder.Group({ _id: null, count: { $count: { } } }).build();

// pipeline
{ $group: { _id: null, count: { '$count': {} } } }

### [IndexStats](

// pipeline
[ { $indexStats: {} } ]

### [Limit](

// pipeline
[ { $limit: 10 } ]

### [ListLocalSessions](
builder.ListLocalSessions({ allUsers: true }).build();

// pipeline
[ { $listLocalSessions: { allUsers: true } } ]

### [ListSampledQueries](
builder.ListSampledQueries({ namespace: "" }).build();

// pipeline
[ { $listSampledQueries: { namespace: '' } } ]

### [ListSearchIndexes](
builder.ListSearchIndexes({ name: 'searchIndex01' }).build();

// pipeline
[ { $listSearchIndexes: { name: 'searchIndex01' } } ]

### [ListSessions](
builder.ListSessions({ allUsers: true }).build();

// pipeline
[ { $listSessions: { allUsers: true } } ]

### [Lookup](
#### Helper: `LookupConditionHelper(from, as, optional)`
builder.Lookup(LookupConditionHelper('users', 'users')).build();

// pipeline
[ { $lookup: { from: 'users', as: 'users' } } ]
#### Helper: `LookupEqualityHelper(from, as, localField, foreignField)`
LookupEqualityHelper('users', 'users', 'userId', 'id')

// pipeline
$lookup: {
from: 'users',
localField: 'userId',
foreignField: 'id',
as: 'users'

### [Match](
#### Helper: `Field(name, value)`
builder.Match(Field('age', 18)).build();

// pipeline
[ { $match: { age: 18 } } ]
#### Operator: `$Expression`
builder.Match($Expression($GreaterThanEqual('$age', 18))).build();

// pipeline
[ { $match: { '$expr': { '$gte': [ '$age', 18 ] } } } ]

### [Merge](
#### Helper: `MergeHelper(into, optional)`

// pipeline
[ { $merge: { into: 'newCollection' } } ]

### [Out](
#### Helper: `OutHelper(collection, optional)`

// pipeline
[ { $out: 'users' } ]

### [PlanCacheStats](

// pipeline
[ { $planCacheStats: {} } ]

### [Project](
#### Helper: `ProjectHelper(field, value)`
ProjectHelper('age', '$user.age'),
$cond: {
if: { $eq: [ '', '$user.nickname' ] },
then: '$$REMOVE',
else: '$user.nickname',

// pipeline
$project: {
age: '$user.age',
nickname: {
$cond: {
if: { $eq: [ '', '$user.nickname' ] },
then: '$$REMOVE',
else: '$user.nickname'
#### Helper: `ProjectIgnoreHelper(...fields)`
builder.Project(ProjectIgnoreHelper('password', 'refreshToken')).build();

// pipeline
[ { $project: { password: 0, refreshToken: 0 } } ]
#### Helper: `ProjectOnlyHelper(...fields)`
builder.Project(ProjectOnlyHelper('password', 'refreshToken')).build();

// pipeline
[ { $project: { _id: 0, password: 1, refreshToken: 1 } } ]

### [Redact](
$GreaterThan($Size($SetIntersection('$tags', ['STLW', 'G'])), 0),

// pipeline
$redact: {
'$cond': [
{ '$gt': [ { '$size': { '$setIntersection': [ '$tags', [ 'STLW', 'G' ] ] } }, 0 ] },

### [ReplaceRoot](
newRoot: { full_name: { $concat : [ "$first_name", " ", "$last_name" ] } }

// pipeline
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: {
full_name: { '$concat': [ '$first_name', ' ', '$last_name' ] }

### [ReplaceWith](

// pipeline
[ { $replaceWith: '$name' } ]

### [Sample](
#### Helper: `SampleHelper(size)`

// pipeline
[ { $sample: { size: 6 } } ]

### [Search](
#### Helper: `SearchHelper(operator | collector, optional)`
near: { path: 'released', origin: date, pivot: 7776000000 },

// pipeline
$search: {
near: { path: 'released', origin: date, pivot: 7776000000 },

### [SearchMeta](
#### Helper: `SearchMetaHelper(collector, optional)`
facet: {
operator: {
near: { path: 'released', origin: date, pivot: 7776000000 },
facets: {
test: { type: 'number', path: 'released', boundaries: [0, 100] },

// pipeline
$searchMeta: {
facet: {
operator: {
near: { path: 'released', origin: date, pivot: 7776000000 },
facets: {
test: { type: 'number', path: 'released', boundaries: [0, 100] },

### [Set](
#### Helper: `Field(name, value)`
builder.Set(Field('first', true), Field('second', 2)).build();

// pipeline
[ { $set: { first: true, second: 2 } } ]

### [SetWindowFields](
partitionBy: "$state",
sortBy: { orderDate: 1 },
output: {
cumulativeQuantityForState: {
$sum: "$quantity",
window: { documents: [ "unbounded", "current" ] }

// pipeline
$setWindowFields: {
partitionBy: '$state',
sortBy: { orderDate: 1 },
output: {
cumulativeQuantityForState: {
'$sum': '$quantity',
window: { documents: [ 'unbounded', 'current' ] }

### [ShardedDataDistribution](

// pipeline
[ { $shardedDataDistribution: {} } ]

### [Skip](

// pipeline
[ { $skip: 100 } ]

### [Sort](
#### Helper: `Field(name, value)`
Field('first', -1),
Field('second', 1),
Field('third', { $meta: "textScore" }),

// pipeline
$sort: { first: -1, second: 1, third: { '$meta': 'textScore' } }

### [SortByCount](
// pipeline

[ { $sortByCount: '$employee' } ]

### [UnionWith](
#### Helper: `UnionWithHelper(collection, pipeline)`

// pipeline
$unionWith: { coll: 'cars' }
[{ $document: [{ ref: 1 }, { ref: 2 }, { ref: 3 }], }]),

// pipeline
$unionWith: { pipeline: [ { '$document': [ { ref: 1 }, { ref: 2 }, { ref: 3 } ] } ] }
UnionWithHelper('cars', [{ $match: { color: 'red' } }]),

// pipeline
$unionWith: { coll: 'cars', pipeline: [ { '$match': { color: 'red' } } ] }

### [Unset](
builder.Unset('users', 'roles').build();

// pipeline
[ { $unset: [ 'users', 'roles' ] } ]

### [Unwind](
builder.Unwind({ path: '$sizes', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true }).build();

// pipeline
[ { $unwind: { path: '$sizes', preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } } ]



#### [$Absolute](

// operator
{ $abs: -5 }
#### [$Accumulator](
() => ({ count: 0, sum: 0 }),
(state: { count: number; sum: number; }, numCopies: number) => ({
count: state.count + 1,
sum: state.sum + numCopies,
(state1: { count: number; sum: number; }, state2: { count: number; sum: number; }) => ({
count: state1.count + state2.count,
sum: state1.sum + state2.sum,
{ finalize: (state: { sum: number; count: number; }) => (state.sum / state.count) },

// operator
'$accumulator': {
init: [ () => ({ count: 0, sum: 0 }) ],
accumulate: [
(state: { count: number; sum: number; }, numCopies: number) => ({
count: state.count + 1,
sum: state.sum + numCopies,
accumulateArgs: [ '$copies' ],
merge: [
(state1: { count: number; sum: number; }, state2: { count: number; sum: number; }) => ({
count: state1.count + state2.count,
sum: state1.sum + state2.sum,
finalize: [ (state: { sum: number; count: number; }) => (state.sum / state.count) ],
lang: 'js'
#### [$ArcCosine](
$ArcCosine({ $divide : [ '$side_b', '$hypotenuse' ] })

// operator
{ '$acos': { '$divide': [ '$side_b', '$hypotenuse' ] } }
#### [$ArcCosineHyperbolic](

// operator
{ '$acosh': 3 }
#### [$Add](
$Add('$price', 10)

// operator
{ '$add': [ '$price', 10 ] }
#### [$AddToSet](

// operator
{ '$addToSet': '$item' }
#### [$AllElementsTrue](
$AllElementsTrue([ true, 1, "someString" ])

// operator
{ '$allElementsTrue': [ [ true, 1, 'someString' ] ] }
#### [$And](
$And(1, 'green')

// operator
{ '$and': [ 1, 'green' ] }
#### [$AnyElementTrue](
$AnyElementTrue([ true, false ])

// operator
{ '$anyElementTrue': [ [ true, false ] ] }
#### [$ArrayElementAt](
$ArrayElementAt([ 1, 2, 3 ], 0)

// operator
{ '$arrayElemAt': [ [ 1, 2, 3 ], 0 ] }
#### [$ArrayToObject](
$ArrayToObject([ { "k": "item", "v": "abc123" }, { "k": "qty", "v": "$qty" } ])

// operator
{ '$arrayToObject': [ { k: 'item', v: 'abc123' }, { k: 'qty', v: '$qty' } ] }
$ArrayToObject([ [ "item", "abc123" ], [ "qty", 25 ] ], true)

// operator
{ '$arrayToObject': { '$literal': [ [ 'item', 'abc123' ], [ 'qty', 25 ] ] } }
#### [$ArcSine](

// operator
{ '$asin': '$value' }
#### [$ArcSineHyperbolic](

// operator
{ '$asinh': '$value' }
#### [$ArcTangent](

// operator
{ '$atan': '$value' }
#### [$ArcTangent2](
$ArcTangent2('$side_b', '$side_a')

// operator
{ '$atan2': [ '$side_b', '$side_a' ] }
#### [$ArcTangentHyperbolic](

// operator
{ '$atanh': '$value' }
#### [$Average](

// operator
{ '$avg': '$value' }
$Average('$value1', '$value2', '$value3')

// operator
{ '$avg': [ '$value1', '$value2', '$value3' ] }
#### [$BinarySize](
$BinarySize('Hello World!')

// operator
{ '$binarySize': 'Hello World!' }
#### [$BitwiseAnd](

// operator
{ '$bitAnd': '$array' }
$BitwiseAnd(0, 127, 5)

// operator
{ '$bitAnd': [ 0, 127, 5 ] }
#### [$BitwiseNot](

// operator
{ '$bitNot': '$long' }
#### [$BitwiseOr](

// operator
{ '$bitOr': '$array' }
$BitwiseOr(0, 127, 5)

// operator
{ '$bitOr': [ 0, 127, 5 ] }
#### [$BitwiseXor](

// operator
{ '$bitXor': '$array' }
$BitwiseXor(0, 127, 5)

// operator
{ '$bitXor': [ 0, 127, 5 ] }
#### [$Bottom](
$Bottom(['field1', 'field2'], { field2: -1 })

// operator
{ '$bottom': { output: [ 'field1', 'field2' ], sortBy: { field2: -1 } } }
#### [$BottomN](
$BottomN('field', { field: 1 }, 3)

// operator
{ '$bottomN': { output: 'field', sortBy: { field: 1 }, n: 3 } }
#### [$BsonSize](

// operator
{ '$bsonSize': '$$ROOT' }
#### [$Ceil](

// operator
{ '$ceil': '$value' }
#### [$Compare](
$Compare('$age', 25)

// operator
{ '$cmp': [ '$age', 25 ] }
#### [$Concat](
$Concat('$first', ' - ', '$second')

// operator
{ '$concat': [ '$first', ' - ', '$second' ] }
#### [$ConcatArrays](
$ConcatArrays('$array', [1, 2, 3])

// operator
{ '$concatArrays': [ '$array', [ 1, 2, 3 ] ] }
#### [$Condition](
$Condition({ $gte: [ '$quantity', 250 ] }, 'true', 'false')

// operator
{ '$cond': [ { '$gte': [ '$quantity', 250 ] }, 'true', 'false' ] }
#### [$Convert](
$Convert(100, 'bool')

// operator
{ '$convert': { input: 100, to: 'bool' } }
#### [$Cosine](

// operator
{ '$cos': '$angle' }
#### [$CosineHyperbolic](
$CosineHyperbolic({ $degreesToRadians : "$angle" })

// operator
{ '$cosh': { '$degreesToRadians': '$angle' } }
#### [$Count](

// operator
{ '$count': {} }
#### [$CovariancePopulation](
$CovariancePopulation('$numeric1', '$numeric2')

// operator
{ '$covariancePopulation': [ '$numeric1', '$numeric2' ] }
#### [$CovarianceSample](
$CovarianceSample('$numeric1', '$numeric2')

// operator
{ '$covarianceSample': [ '$numeric1', '$numeric2' ] }
#### [$DateAdd](
$DateAdd('$startDate', 'hour', 2)

// operator
{ '$dateAdd': { startDate: '$startDate', unit: 'hour', amount: 2 } }
#### [$DateDifference](
$DateDifference('$startDate', '$endDate', 'second')

// operator
{ '$dateDiff': { startDate: '$startDate', endDate: '$endDate', unit: 'second' } }
#### [$DateFromParts](
$DateFromCalendarParts(2000, { month: 12, day: 31, hour: 12, minute: 25, second: 59, timezone: '+01:00' })

// operator
'$dateFromParts': {
year: 2000,
month: 12,
day: 31,
hour: 12,
minute: 25,
second: 59,
timezone: '+01:00'
$DateFromIsoWeekParts(2000, { isoWeek: 53, isoDayOfWeek: 7, millisecond: 500 })

// operator
{ '$dateFromParts': { isoWeekYear: 2000, isoWeek: 53, isoDayOfWeek: 7, millisecond: 500 } }
#### [$DateFromString](
$DateFromString('2017-02-08T12:10:40.787', { timezone: 'America/New_York' })

// operator
'$dateFromString': {
dateString: '2017-02-08T12:10:40.787',
timezone: 'America/New_York'
#### [$DateSubtract](
$DateSubtract(1697382106124, 'month', 1)

// operator
{ '$dateSubtract': { startDate: 1697382106124, unit: 'month', amount: 1 } }
#### [$DateToParts](

// operator
{ '$dateToParts': { date: 1697382106124 } }
#### [$DateToString](

// operator
{ '$dateToString': { date: 1697382106124 } }
#### [$DateTrunc](
$DateTrunc(1697382106124, 'month')

// operator
{ '$dateTrunc': { date: 1697382106124, unit: 'month' } }
#### [$DayOfMonth](
$DayOfMonth('$date', 'Europe/Paris')

// operator
{ '$dayOfMonth': { date: '$date', timezone: 'Europe/Paris' } }
#### [$DayOfWeek](
$DayOfWeek('$date', '+03:30')

// operator
{ '$dayOfWeek': { date: '$date', timezone: '+03:30' } }
#### [$DayOfYear](

// operator
{ '$dayOfYear': { date: '$date' } }
#### [$DegreesToRadians](

// operator
{ '$degreesToRadians': '$angle_a' }
#### $DenseRank

// operator

#### $Derivative

// operator

#### $Divide

// operator

#### $DocumentNumber

// operator

#### $Equal

// operator

#### $Exponent

// operator

#### $ExponentialMovingAverage

// operator

#### $Filter

// operator

#### $First

// operator

#### $FirstN

// operator


// operator

#### $Floor

// operator

#### $Function

// operator

#### $GetField

// operator

#### $GreaterThan

// operator

#### $GreaterThanEqual

// operator

#### $Hour

// operator

#### $IfNull

// operator

#### $In

// operator

#### $IndexOfArray

// operator

#### $IndexOfBytes

// operator

#### $IndexOfCodePoint

// operator

#### $Integral

// operator

#### $IsArray

// operator

#### $IsNumber

// operator

#### $IsoDayOfWeek

// operator

#### $IsoWeek

// operator

#### $IsoWeekYear

// operator

#### $Last

// operator

#### $LastN

// operator


// operator

#### $LessThan

// operator

#### $LessThanEqual

// operator

#### $Let

// operator

#### $Literal

// operator

#### $Log

// operator

#### $Log10

// operator

#### $Ltrim

// operator

#### $Map

// operator

#### $Max

// operator

#### $MergeObjects

// operator

#### $Meta

// operator

#### $Millisecond

// operator

#### $Min

// operator

#### $Minute

// operator

#### $Mod

// operator

#### $Month

// operator

#### $Multiply

// operator

#### $NaturalLog

// operator

#### $Not

// operator

#### $NotEqual

// operator

#### $ObjectToArray

// operator

#### $Or

// operator

#### $Pow

// operator

#### $Push

// operator

#### $RadiansToDegrees

// operator

#### $Rand

// operator

#### $Range

// operator

#### $Reduce

// operator

#### $RegexFind

// operator

#### $RegexFindAll

// operator

#### $RegexMatch

// operator

#### $ReplaceAll

// operator

#### $ReplaceOne

// operator

#### $ReverseArray

// operator

#### $Round

// operator

#### $Rtrim

// operator

#### $SampleRate

// operator

#### $Second

// operator

#### $SetDifference

// operator

#### $SetEquals

// operator

#### $SetIntersection

// operator

#### $SetIsSubset

// operator

#### $SetUnion

// operator

#### $Sin

// operator

#### $Sinh

// operator

#### $Size

// operator

#### $Slice

// operator

#### $Split

// operator

#### $Sqrt

// operator

#### $StdDevPop

// operator

#### $StdDevSamp

// operator

#### $StrCaseCmp

// operator

#### $StrLenBytes

// operator

#### $StrLenCP

// operator

#### $Substr

// operator

#### $SubstrBytes

// operator

#### $SubstrCP

// operator

#### $Subtract

// operator

#### $Sum

// operator

#### $Switch

// operator

#### $Tan

// operator

#### $Tanh

// operator

#### $ToBool

// operator

#### $ToDate

// operator

#### $ToDecimal

// operator

#### $ToDouble

// operator

#### $ToInt

// operator

#### $ToLong

// operator

#### $ToLower

// operator

#### $ToObjectId

// operator

#### $ToString

// operator

#### $ToUpper

// operator

#### $Trim

// operator

#### $Trunc

// operator

#### $Type

// operator

#### $Week

// operator

#### $Year

// operator

#### $Zip

// operator
