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Some helpful source codes for components, filters, services and more in angular

angular angular-cli angular-components angular-filters angular-pipes angular-services angular-typescript class components enum filter helper-functions interface pipes services typescript typescript-interfaces

Last synced: 16 days ago
JSON representation

Some helpful source codes for components, filters, services and more in angular

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# Angular - Components, Filter, Services and more

Some helpful source codes for components, filters, and services in angular

## Command

### Starting the app

ng serve [--open --port 8080/8443 --liveReload true/false --proxy-config proxy.conf.json --target Build --environment --ssl true/false --ssl-key ssl/server.key --ssl-cert ssl/server.cert --aot true/false]


npm start

### Checking version

ng --version

### Generator (Create)

#### Component

ng generate component name

#### Directive

ng generate directive name

#### Pipe

ng generate pipe name

#### Service

ng generate service name

#### Module

ng generate module name

#### Class

ng generate class name

#### Interface

ng generate interface name

#### Enum

ng generate enum name

### Tests

ng test [--watch=false/true]


npm run test

### Tests - e2e

ng e2e


npm run e2e

### Builds

ng build [--prod --dev --source]

### Linter

ng lint

### Delete cache

ng cache clean

### Packages (Install)

Installing npm packages

npm install

## Overview

### Components

##### Accordion

|accordion |
|id |
|headline |

#### Assets

|image |map-use |google-material |fw-icon |audio-block |video-block |
|source |name |element |class |class |class |
|id |form | | |id |id |
|class |coordination | | |autoplay |autoplay |
|width |urlmap | | |controls |controls |
|height |text | | |preload |preload |
|alttext | | | |volume |poster |
|usemap | | | |muted |muted |
| | | | |loop |loop |
| | | | |crossorigin |crossorigin |
| | | | |notsupportedtext |notsupportedtext |
| | | | |mpeg |mpeg |
| | | | |mp4 |mp4 |
| | | | |webm |webm |
| | | | |ogg |ogg |
| | | | |flac |wav |
| | | | |title |quicktime |
| | | | |track |x_msvideo |
| | | | |tracksrc |m4v |
| | | | |trackkind |rtf |
| | | | |tracksrclang |track |
| | | | |tracklabel |tracksrc |
| | | | | |trackkind |
| | | | | |tracksrclang |
| | | | | |tracklabel |
| | | | | | |

#### Avatar

|avatar |
|class |
|firstname |
|secondname |
|lastname |
|email |
|size |
|textsize |
|color |
|bgcolor |
|overcolor |
|borderradius |

##### Browser (Navigator)

|browser-version |browser-code-name |browser-name |browser-cookie-enabled |browser-language |browser-online |browser-platform|browser-product |browser-geolocation|browser-user-agent |browser-contains |
| | | | | | | | | | | |

#### Coming Soon

|coming-soon |
|date |
|time |
|title |
|extraText |
|id |
|color |
|backgroundcolor |
|backgroundimage |

#### Data Security

|analytics-advertising |data-collection |data-protection-officer |data-protection |data-security |general-information |newsletter |online-marketing-affiliate-program |payment-service |plugins-tools |social-media |
|headline | |firstname | |headline |firstname | | | | | |
| | |lastname | | |lastname | | | | | |
| | |street | | |street | | | | | |
| | |streetnumber | | |streetnumber | | | | | |
| | |postalcode | | |postalcode | | | | | |
| | |city | | |city | | | | | |
| | |telephone | | |telephone | | | | | |
| | |email | | |email | | | | | |

##### Data Security (Sub - Social Media)

|google-plus-plugin |instagram-plugin |linkedin-plugin |pinterest-plugin |tumblr-plugin |xing-plugin |
| | | | | | |

##### Data Security (Sub - Online Marketing Affiliate Program)

|amazon |
| |

##### Data Security (Sub - Payment Service)

|klarna |paydirekt|paypal |sofortueberweisung |
| | | | |

##### Data Security (Sub - Plugins Tools)

|google-maps-plugin |google-web-fonts-plugin |soundcloud-plugin |spotify-plugin |vimeo-plugin |youtube-plugin |
| | | | | | |

##### Data Security (Sub - Newsletter)

|cleverelements |cleverreach |klick-tipp |mailchimp |newsletter2go |rapidmail |
| | | | | | |

##### Data Security (Sub - Analytics Advertising)

|etracker |facebook-pixel |google-adsense |google-adwords-conversion-tracking |google-analytics |google-analytics-remarketing |google-recaptcha |matomo |wordpress-stats |
| | | | | | | | | |

#### Date and Time

|year |month |day |week |minute |second |millisecond |hour |
| |format | | | | | | |

##### Date and Time (Sub - Timer)

|clock-time |countdown-timer |
| |date |
| |time |

#### Forms

|legal-form |contact-form |
|headline |firstName |
|registerTitle|lastName |
|registerForm |street |
|vatTitle |streetNumber |
|vatForm |postalcode |
|taxTitle |place |
|tax |salutation |
|lawTitle |title |
|lawName |secondName |
| |country |
| |telephone |
| |telefax |
| |email |
| |homepage |
| |homepageText |

##### Forms (Sub - Elements)

|input-with-headline |input-field |input-with-datalist |textarea-field |button-field |
|mainclass |mainclass |mainclass |containerclass |id |
|containerclass |containerclass |containerclass |textareaclass |class |
|headlineclass |inputclass |inputclass |maxlength |type |
|inputclass |id |id |name |name |
|id |name |name |rows |value |
|headline |type |type |cols |formID |
|name |value |value |placeholder |formAction |
|type |placeholder |placeholder |required |formEnctype |
|value | |datalistID |autofocus |formMethod |
|placeholder | | | | |

#### Google

|google-recaptcha |google-font |google-translate |
|code |font | |

#### Includes

|footer-mode |header-mode |head-mode |base-mode |base-font |link-css |title-mode |no-script |meta-mode |script-mode |
|class |class | |url |color |rel | | |name |url |
| | | |target |fontfamily |href | | |content |async |
| | | | |size |hreflang | | |charset |defer |
| | | | | |sizes | | |itemprop |type |
| | | | | |title | | |httpsequiv |charset |
| | | | | |type | | |property | |
| | | | | |target | | | | |
| | | | | |rev | | | | |
| | | | | |media | | | | |
| | | | | |crossorigin | | | | |

#### Links

|links |link-container|download-link |
|url |url |url |
|name |name |name |
|target |target |target |
|text | |download |

#### List

|sorting-list |unsorting-list|direction-list |
| | | |

#### Loading-Spinner

|loading-spinner |
|id |
|color |
|bgcolor |
|size |

#### Modal

|simple-modal |
|id |
|headline |
|footer |

#### Overlay

|content-overlay |content-image-overlay |image-content-overlay |image-overlay |
|mainclass |containerclass |containerclass |containerclass |
|maintext |maintext |maintext |mainimage |
|text |alttext |alttext |mainalttext |
|size |source |source |image |
|borderradius |textsize |textsize |alttext |
|textsize |size |size |textsize |
|color |borderradius |borderradius |size |
|bgcolor |color |color |borderradius |
|overcolor |bgcolor |bgcolor | |
|overbgcolor | | | |

#### plugins

|mmenu |slick-slider |
|ver |ver |
|options |options |
|id |element |

#### Popover

|popover |
|position |
|defaulttext |
|popovertext |

#### Popups

|popup |
|position |
|defaulttext |
|popuptext |

#### Profile

|profile |
|position |
|defaulttext |
|tooltiptext |

#### QRCode

|qrcode |
|width |
|height |
|data |
|encoding |

#### Scrolling

|scrolltotop |scrolltoelement |
| |element |
| |timer |

#### Selection

|selection |option-group |option |
|id |id |id |
|form |label |label |
|size |disabled |disabled |
|name | |value |
|autofocus | |selected |
|disabled | | |
|multiple | | |
|required | | |

##### Skillbar

|skillbar |
|text |
|width |
|bgcolor |

#### Social-Media

|youtube-playlist |youtube |vimeo |twitter |whatsapp |instagram |google-plus |facebook |facebook-messenger |pinterest-bookmark |pinterest-button-follow |pinterest-pin |pinterest-board |pinterest-profile |
|videolistid |videoid |videoid |timeline |tel |instagramPostID |googlePlusID |postURL |username |language |follow |size |boardUrl |username |
|width |width |width |style |text | |postID | |text |round |fullName |descriptionHide |format |format |
|height |height |height | |source | | | | |large | |pinID |boardWidth |boardWidth |
| | | | |data | | | | | | | |scaleHeight |scaleHeight |
| | | | |linktext | | | | | | | |scaleWidth |scaleWidth |

#### Tables

|table-mode |table-header |table-body |table-footer |table-row |table-column |table-column-group |table-column-of-group |table-caption |
|id |id |id |id |id |id |id |id |id |
|class |class |class |class |class |class |class |class |class |
| |abbreviation | | | |headers |size |size | |
| |headers | | | |columnsize | | | |
| |columnsize | | | |rowsize | | | |
| |rowsize | | | | | | | |
| |scope | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |

#### Tags [HTML5]

|acronymous |bigger |bold |break |coding |down |delete |emphrasize |inserted |italic |marked |quote |smaller |stronger |up |variable |block-quote |abbreviation |
| | | | | | | | | | | |url | | | | |url |title |

|address-block |keyboarddisplay|cite-mode |pre-mode |bidirectional |article-mode |aside-mode |applet-mode |bidirectionalisolation |center-mode |data-mode |descriptionlist|descriptionterm|descriptiondescribe|details-mode |definininginstance |dialog-mode |fieldset-mode |
| | | | |direction | | |url | | |value | | | |open |id |compact |disabled |
| | | | | | | |objectname | | | | | | | |title | |formname |
| | | | | | | |position | | | | | | | | | |name |
| | | | | | | |alttext | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |archiveurl | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |codebaseurl | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |spacehorizontal | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |spacevertical | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |height | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |width | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |name | | | | | | | | | | |

|legend-mode |figure-mode |figcaption-mode |frame-mode |frameset-mode |noframes-mode |main-mode |meter-mode |navigation |output-mode |progress-mode |ruby-mode |rubyterm |rubyparse |sdelete |strikedelete |summary-mode |wordbreakopportunity |template-mode |iframe-mode |partingline |symbol |headline |text-container |text-element |
|position | | |border |cols | | |value | |name |value | | | | | | | | |class |id |id |id | | |
| | | |urllong |rows | | |min | |form |max | | | | | | | | |url |class |codeformat |size | | |
| | | |source | | | |max | |for | | | | | | | | | |height |orientation |code |title | | |
| | | |height | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |width | | | | | |
| | | |width | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |srcdoc | | | | | |
| | | |noresize | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |sandbox | | | | | |
| | | |name | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | |scrollformat | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

#### Tooltips

|tooltip |
|position |
|defaultText |
|tooltipText |

### Directive

|bgcolor |color |family-type |size-type |position |underline |underlineHover |
|color |color |type |size |position | | |

### Filter / Pipes

|Boolean |Math |Object |Regular Expression |String |Utilities |Collection |
|isArray |abs |invert |match |camelize |after |search |
|isDefined |arccosine |keys |test |endsWith |afterWhere | |
|isEmpty |arcsine |values | |latinize |before | |
|isEmptyDimension |arctangant | | |lefttrim |beforeWhere | |
|isEqualType |arctangantquotient | | |lower |chunkBy | |
|isEqual |ceil | | |lowercaseFirst |concat | |
|isFunction |cosine | | |repeat |contains | |
|isGreaterEqual |cubicRoot | | |reverse |countBy | |
|isGreater |degrees | | |righttrim |defaults | |
|isLessEqual |euler | | |slugify |every | |
|isLess |floor | | |split |filterBy | |
|isNil |hyperbolicArccosine| | |startsWith |first | |
|isNotEqualType |hyperbolicArcsine | | |stringular |flatten | |
|isNotEqual |hyperbolicCosine | | |striptags |fuzzy | |
|isNull |hyperbolicSin | | |titleize |fuzzyBy | |
|isNumber |hyperbolicTangant | | |trim |isEmptyCollection | |
|isObject |logarithm | | |truncate |join | |
|isString |min | | |upper |last | |
|isUndefined |max | | |uppercaseFirst |map | |
| |percentage | | |uriComponentEncode |objectToArray | |
| |pow | | |uriEncode |omit | |
| |radians | | |wrap |pick | |
| |radix | | | |range | |
| |round | | | |remove | |
| |sin | | | |removeWith | |
| |sqrt | | | |reverse | |
| |sum | | | |searchfield | |
| |tangant | | | |unique | |
| |trunc | | | |where | |
| | | | | |xor | |

### Services

|Calculate|Clock |Utilities |datetime |length |speed |temperature |weight |
|sum | |hexadecimal |year |feetToMeter |mphToKPH |celsiusToFahrenheit|poundToKilogram|
| | |decrement |month |feetToInch |mphToKnots |fahrenheitToCelsius|poundToOunce |
| | |increment |monthAtString |feetToCM |mphToMach | |poundToGram |
| | |add |day |feetToYard |kphToMPH | |poundToStone |
| | |subtract |dayAtString |feetToKilometer |kphToKnots | |KilogramToPound|
| | |divide |hour |feetToMile |kphToMach | |KilogramToOunce|
| | |multiply |minute |meterToFeet |knotsToMPH | |KilogramToGram |
| | |modulo |second |meterToInch |knotsToKPH | |KilogramToStone|
| | | |millisecond |meterToCM |knotsToMach | |OunceToPound |
| | | | |meterToYard |machToMPH | |OunceToKilogram|
| | | | |meterToKilometer|machToKPH | |OunceToGram |
| | | | |meterToMile |machToKnots | |OunceToStone |
| | | | |inchToMeter | | |GramToPound |
| | | | |inchToFeet | | |GramToKilogram |
| | | | |inchToCM | | |GramToOunce |
| | | | |inchToYard | | |GramToStone |
| | | | |inchToKilometer | | |StoneToPound |
| | | | |inchToMile | | |StoneToKilogram|
| | | | |cmToFeet | | |StoneToOunce |
| | | | |cmToInch | | |StoneToGram |
| | | | |cmToMeter | | | |
| | | | |cmToYard | | | |
| | | | |cmToKilometer | | | |
| | | | |cmToMile | | | |
| | | | |yardToFeet | | | |
| | | | |yardToInch | | | |
| | | | |yardToMeter | | | |
| | | | |yardToCM | | | |
| | | | |yardToKilometer | | | |
| | | | |yardToMile | | | |
| | | | |kilometerToFeet | | | |
| | | | |kilometerToInch | | | |
| | | | |kilometerToMeter| | | |
| | | | |kilometerToYard | | | |
| | | | |kilometerToCM | | | |
| | | | |kilometerToMile | | | |
| | | | |mileToFeet | | | |
| | | | |mileToInch | | | |
| | | | |mileToMeter | | | |
| | | | |mileToYard | | | |
| | | | |mileToCM | | | |
| | | | |mileToKilometer | | | |

### Interface

|Person |
|firstname |
|secondname |
|lastname |
|street |
|streetnumber |
|postalcode |
|cities |
|country |

### Enum

|Direction|Status |FileAccess|Port |MediaType |
|LEFT | |Write | |ASTOUND |
|RIGHT | |ReadWrite | |TSP |
| | | | |AUTOCAD_CERN |
| | | | |GZIP |
| | | | |JSON |
| | | | |LISTENUP |
| | | | |MAC_BINARY |
| | | | |MBEDLET |
| | | | |MIF |
| | | | |MSEXCEL |
| | | | |MSHELP |
| | | | |MSWORD |
| | | | |OCTET |
| | | | |ODA |
| | | | |PDF |
| | | | |POSTSCRIPT |
| | | | |RTC |
| | | | |RTF |
| | | | |STUDIOM |
| | | | |VMD |
| | | | |VMF |
| | | | |WMLC |
| | | | |WML_SCRIPT_C |
| | | | |XHTML |
| | | | |XML |
| | | | |BCPIO |
| | | | |ZLIP |
| | | | |CPIO |
| | | | |CSH |
| | | | |DIRECTOR |
| | | | |DVI |
| | | | |ENVOY |
| | | | |GTAR |
| | | | |HDF |
| | | | |PHP |
| | | | |LATEX |
| | | | |MAC_BIN |
| | | | |XMIF |
| | | | |CDF |
| | | | |NSCHAT |
| | | | |SHELL |
| | | | |SHELL_ARCHIVE |
| | | | |SHOCKWAVE |
| | | | |SPRITE |
| | | | |STUFFIT |
| | | | |SUPERCARD |
| | | | |CPIO_SV4 |
| | | | |CPIO_SV4_CRC |
| | | | |TAR |
| | | | |TCL |
| | | | |TEX |
| | | | |TEXINFO |
| | | | |TROFF |
| | | | |TROFF_MAN |
| | | | |TROFF_ME |
| | | | |TROFF_MS |
| | | | |USTAR |
| | | | |WAIS |
| | | | |HTML_CGI |
| | | | |ZIP |
| | | | |BASIC |
| | | | |ECHOSPEECH |
| | | | |TSI |
| | | | |VOX |
| | | | |AIFF |
| | | | |DSPEECH |
| | | | |MIDI |
| | | | |MPEG_AUDIO |
| | | | |REALAUDIO |
| | | | |WAV |
| | | | |DRAWING |
| | | | |BMP |
| | | | |CIS_COD |
| | | | |CMU_RASTER |
| | | | |FIF |
| | | | |GIF |
| | | | |IEF |
| | | | |JPEG |
| | | | |PNG |
| | | | |SVG |
| | | | |TIFF |
| | | | |VASA |
| | | | |BITMAP_WAP |
| | | | |FREEHAND |
| | | | |ICON |
| | | | |PBM_ANYMAP |
| | | | |PBM_BITMAP |
| | | | |PBM_GRAYMAP |
| | | | |PBM_PIXMAP |
| | | | |RGB |
| | | | |X_WINDOWS |
| | | | |XBM |
| | | | |XPM |
| | | | |EXTERNAL_BODY |
| | | | |HTTP |
| | | | |NEWS |
| | | | |PARTIAL |
| | | | |RTC822 |
| | | | |VRML_MODEL |
| | | | |ALTERNATIVE |
| | | | |BYTERANGES |
| | | | |DIGEST |
| | | | |ENCRYPTED |
| | | | |FORM_DATA |
| | | | |MIXED |
| | | | |PARALLEL |
| | | | |RELATED |
| | | | |REPORT |
| | | | |SIGNED |
| | | | |VOICE |
| | | | |CSV |
| | | | |CSS |
| | | | |HTML |
| | | | |JAVASCRIPT |
| | | | |PLAIN |
| | | | |RICHTEXT |
| | | | |RTF_TEXT |
| | | | |TSV |
| | | | |WML |
| | | | |WML_SCRIPT |
| | | | |XML_TEXT |
| | | | |XML_EXTERN |
| | | | |SETEXT |
| | | | |SGML |
| | | | |SPEECH |
| | | | |MPEG_VIDEO |
| | | | |VIVO |
| | | | |WEBM |
| | | | |MSVIDEO |
| | | | |MOVIE |
| | | | |FORMULAONE |
| | | | |DMF_3 |
| | | | |VRML_X_WORLD |