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PHP functional utility library, port of javascript Lodash/Ramda, a set of side-effect free, immutable and automatically curried functions that support lazy evaluation.

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PHP functional utility library, port of javascript Lodash/Ramda, a set of side-effect free, immutable and automatically curried functions that support lazy evaluation.

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# IDLES - a PHP functional library
A PHP functional utility library, port of Javascript Lodash/Fp and Ramda libraries to PHP.

All functions are side-effect free and automatically curried, data is immutable.

The iterable collection parameter is usually supplied last to make currying convenient.

Lazy / delayed evaluation is supported in functional pipelines.

Go to __[]( for more details, documentation and examples.

## Requirements
`PHP 7.4` or higher

## Installation
`composer require miroshnikov/idles`

## Roadmap
> [!NOTE]
> Idles is currently under active development.
> Roadmap is to add all methods from Lodash and Ramda libraries and some functional tools.

## Documentation

### Array
#### [concat](

concat(?iterable $array, $value): iterable

Concatinates `$array` with additional iterables/values

#### [count](

count(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): int

Counts the number of items in `$collection` matching the `$predicate`

#### [countBy](

countBy(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): array

Returns an array: [`$iteratee($value)` => number of times the `$iteratee($value)` was found in `$collection`]

#### [drop](

drop(int $n, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Skips the first `$n` elemens and returns the rest of the iterable

#### [dropRight](

dropRight(int $n, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Skips the last `$n` elements

#### [findIndex](

findIndex(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): int

Like `find` but returns the index of the first element predicate returns truthy for, `-1` if not found

#### [findLastIndex](

findLastIndex(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): int

Like `find` but returns the index of the last element predicate returns truthy for, `-1` if not found

#### [flatten](

flatten(?iterable $collection): iterable

Flattens iterable a single level deep.

#### [flattenDeep](

flattenDeep(?iterable $collection): iterable

Recursively flattens iterable.

#### [flattenDepth](

flattenDepth(int $depth, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Recursively flatten array up to depth times.

#### [fromPairs](

fromPairs(?iterable $collection): array

Creates a new record from a list key-value pairs. The inverse of `toPairs`.

#### [head](

head(?iterable $collecton)

Gets the first element of iterable

#### [indexOf](

indexOf($value, ?iterable $collection): int

Returns the index of the first occurrence of `$value` in `$collection`, else -1.

#### [intersection](

intersection(?iterable $record1, ?iterable $record2): array

Returns unique values that are included in both records

#### [intersectionBy](

intersectionBy(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $record1, ?iterable $record2): array

Like `intersection` but invokes `$iteratee` for each element before comparison.

#### [intersectionWith](

intersectionWith(callable $comparator, ?iterable $record1, ?iterable $record2): array

Like `intersection` but invokes `$comparator` to compare elements.

#### [join](

join(string $separator, ?iterable $collection): string

Joins iterable elements separated by `$separator`

#### [last](

last(?iterable $collecton)

Gets the last element of iterable

#### [nth](

nth(int $offset, ?iterable $collection)

Returns the `$offset` element. If `$offset` is negative the element at index length + `$offset` is returned.

#### [remove](

remove(int $start, int $count, ?iterable $iterable): array

Removes items from `$iterable` starting at `$start` and containing `$count` elements.

#### [slice](

slice(int $start, int ?$end, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Retruns a slice of `$iterable` from `$start` up to, but not including, `$end`.

#### [take](

take(int $n, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Takes n first elements from iterable

#### [takeRight](

takeRight(int $n, ?iterable $collection): array

Returns a slice of iterable with n elements taken from the end.

#### [uniq](

uniq(?iterable $collection): array

Removes duplicates using `===`

#### [uniqueBy](

uniqBy(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): array

Like `uniq` but apply `$iteratee` fist

#### [uniqWith](

uniqWith(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): array

Like `uniq` but uses `$predicate` to compare elements

#### [without](

without(array $values, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Returns `$iterable` without `$values`

#### [zip](

zip(iterable $a, iterable $b): iterable

Creates an iterable of grouped elements, the first of which contains the first elements of the given iterables, the second of which contains the second elements, and so on.

#### [zipWith](

zipWith(callable $iteratee, iterable $a, iterable $b): iterable

Like `zip` except that it accepts `$iteratee` to specify how grouped values should be combined.

### Collection
#### [all](

all(?callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): bool

Checks if `$predicate` returns `truthy` for all elements of `$collection`. Stop once it returns `falsey`

#### [any](

any(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): bool

Checks if `$predicate` returns truthy for any element of `$collection`. Stops on first found.

#### [each](

each(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Iterates over elements of `$collection`. Iteratee may exit iteration early by returning `false`.

#### [filter](

filter(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Returns elements `$predicate` returns truthy for.

#### [find](

find(?callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection)

Returns the first element `$predicate` returns truthy for.

#### [flatMap](

flatMap(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Maps then flatten

#### [flatMapDeep](

flatMapDeep(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Like `flatMap` but recursively flattens the results.

#### [flatMapDepth](

flatMapDepth(callable $iteratee, int $depth, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Like `flatMap` but flattens the mapped results up to `$depth` times

#### [groupBy](

groupBy(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): array

Creates an array composed of keys generated from running each value through `$iteratee`.

#### [includes](

includes($value, ?iterable $collection): bool

Checks if `$value` is in `$collection`.

#### [indexBy](

indexBy(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Creates a record composed of keys generated from the results of running each element of `$collection` through `$iteratee`.

#### [map](

map(callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection)

Run each element in `$collection` through `$iteratee`.

#### [orderBy](

orderBy(array $iteratees, array $orders, ?iterable $collection)

Like `sortBy` but allows specifying the sort orders

#### [partition](

partition(callable $predicate, ?iterable $collection): array

Split `$collection` into two groups, the first of which contains elements `$predicate` returns truthy for, the second of which contains elements `$predicate` returns falsey for.

#### [reduce](

reduce(callable $iteratee, $accumulator, ?iterable $collection)

Reduces `$collection` to a value which is the accumulated result of running each element in collection through `$iteratee`

#### [resolve](

resolve(array $resolvers, array $record): array

Adds new properties to `$record` using `$resolvers`.

#### [sort](

sort(array $comparator, ?iterable $collection): array

Sorts `$collection` using `$comparator` comparison (`$a <=> $b`) function

#### [sortBy](

sortBy(array $comparators, ?iterable $collection): array

Sorts `$collection` in ascending order according to `$comparators`.

#### [sortWith](

sortWith(array $comparators, ?iterable $collection): array

Sorts a `$collection` according to an array of comparison (`$a <=> $b`) functions

#### [values](

values(?iterable $collection): iterable

Returns an indexed iterable of values in `$collection`.

### Function
#### [always](


Returns a function that always returns the given value.

#### [applyTo](

applyTo($value, callable $interceptor)

Returns `$interceptor($value)`.

#### [ary](

ary(int $n, callable $fn): callable

Creates a function that invokes `$fn`, with up to `$n` arguments, ignoring any additional arguments.

#### [ascend](

ascend(callable $func, $a, $b): callable

Makes an ascending comparator function out of a function that returns a value that can be compared with `<=>`

#### [attempt](

attempt(callable $fn)

Calls `$fn`, returning either the result or the caught exception.

#### [compose](

compose(callable ...$funcs): callable

Like `pipe` but invokes the functions from right to left.

#### [curry](

curry(callable $f): callable

`\Idles\_` const may be used as a placeholder.

#### [curryRight](

curryRight(callable $f): callable

Like `curry` but arguments are prepended.

#### [descend](

descend(callable $func, $a, $b): callable

Makes an descending comparator function out of a function that returns a value that can be compared with `<=>`

#### [flip](

flip(callable $fn): callable

Returns a new curried function with the first two arguments reversed

#### [juxt](

juxt(array $funcs): callable

Applies a list of functions to a list of values.

#### [memoize](

memoize(callable $func): callable

Creates a function that memoizes the result of `$func`. `$resolver` returns map cache key, args[0] by default.

#### [negate](

negate(callable $predicate): callable

Creates a function that negates the result of the `$predicate` function.

#### [once](

once(callable $fn): callable

`$fn` is only called once, the first value is returned in subsequent invocations.

#### [partial](

partial(callable $fn, array $partials): callable

Creates a function that invokes `$fn` with `$partials` prepended to the arguments. `\Idles\_` const may be used as a placeholder.

#### [partialRight](

partialRight(callable $fn, array $partials): callable

Like `partial` but `$partials` are appended.

#### [pipe](

pipe(callable ...$funcs): callable

Left-to-right function composition. The first argument may have any arity; the remaining arguments must be unary.

#### [tap](

tap(callable $interceptor, $value)

Calls `$interceptor($value)` then returns the original `$value`

#### [times](

times(callable $iteratee, int $n): array

Calls the iteratee `$n` times, returning an array of the results of each invocation.

#### [tryCatch](

tryCatch(callable $tryer, callable $catcher, $value)

Calls `$tryer`, if it throws, calls `$catcher`

#### [unary](

unary(callable $fn): callable

`ary(1, $fn)`

### Logic
#### [allPass](

allPass(array $predicates): callable

Returns a function that checks if its arguments pass all `$predicates`.

#### [anyPass](

anyPass(array $predicates): callable

Returns a function that checks if its arguments pass any of the `$predicates`.

#### [both](

both(callable $func1, callable $func2): callable

Resulting function returns `$func1(...$args)` if it is falsy or `$func2(...$args)` otherwise, short-circuited

#### [cond](

cond(array $pairs): callable

Iterates over `$pairs` and invokes the corresponding function of the first predicate to return truthy.

#### [defaultTo](


Returns `$value` ?? `$default`

#### [either](

either(callable $func1, callable $func2): callable

Resulting function returns `$func1(...$args)` if it is truthy or `$func2(...$args)` otherwise, short-circuited.

#### [ifElse](

ifElse(callable $predicate, callable $onTrue, callable $onFalse): callable

Resulting function returns `$onTrue(...$args)` if `$predicate(...$args)` is truthy or `$onFalse(...$args)` otherwise.

#### [not](

not($a): bool

returns `!$a`

#### [unless](

unless(callable $predicate, callable $whenFalse, mixed $value)

Returns `$predicate($value) ? $value : $whenFalse($value)`

#### [when](

when(callable $predicate, callable $whenTrue, mixed $value)

Returns `$predicate($value) ? $whenTrue($value) : $value`

### Math
#### [add](

add(int|float $a, int|float $b): int|float

$a + $b

#### [dec](

dec(int $number): int

Returns $number - 1

#### [divide](

divide(int|float $a, int|float $b): int|float

$a / $b

#### [gt](

gt($a, $b): bool

$a > $b

#### [gte](

gte($a, $b): bool

$a >= $b

#### [inc](

inc(int $number): int

Returns $number + 1

#### [lt](

lt($a, $b): bool

$a < $b

#### [lte](

lte($a, $b): bool

$a <= $b

#### [modulo](

modulo(int|float $a, int|float $b): int

$a % $b

#### [multiply](

multiply(int|float $a, int|float $b): int|float

$a * $b

#### [round](

round(int $precision, int|float $number): float

Rounds `$number`to specified `$precision`

#### [subtract](

subtract(int|float $a, int|float $b): int|float

$a - $b

#### [sum](

sum(?iterable $collection): int|float

Sums elements in iterable

#### [sumBy](

sumBy(?callable $iteratee, ?iterable $collection): int|float

Like `sum` but `$iteratee` is invoked for each element in iterable to generate the value to be summed.

### Record
#### [assignDeep](

assignDeep(array $iterables): array

Merges properties recursively, numeric keys are overwritten.

#### [defaults](

defaults(?iterable $record1, ?iterable $record2): array

Merges properties from right to left, numeric keys are overwritten.

#### [evolve](

evolve(array $transformations, ?iterable $record): array

Creates a new record by recursively calling transformation functions with `$record` properties.

#### [extend](

extend(?iterable $source1, ?iterable $source2): array

Merges properties, numeric keys are overwritten.

#### [has](

has(string|int $key, ?iterable $record): bool

Checks if `$record` has `$key`

#### [hasPath](

hasPath(string|int|array $path, ?iterable $record): bool

Checks if `$path` exists in `$record`

#### [invert](

invert(?iterable $collection): array

Replaces keys with values. Duplicate keys are overwritten.

#### [keys](

keys(?iterable $record): iterable

Returns an indexed iterable of keys in `$record`.

#### [merge](

merge(?iterable $source1, ?iterable $source2): array

Merges properties, numeric keys are appended.

#### [mergeDeep](

mergeDeep(array $iterables): array

Merges properties recursively, numeric keys are appended.

#### [mergeLeft](

mergeLeft(?iterable $left, ?iterable $right): array

calls `merge($right, $left)`

#### [mergeWith](

mergeWith(callable $customizer, ?iterable $left, ?iterable $right): array

Like `merge` but if a key exists in both records, `$customizer` is called to the values associated with the key

#### [modifyPath](

modifyPath(array|string|int $path, callable $updater, ?iterable $record)

Creates new record by applying an `$updater` function to the value at the given `$path`.

#### [objOf](

objOf(string $key, $value): array

Creates an `array` containing a single key => value pair.

#### [omit](

omit(array $keys, ?iterable $collection): iterable

The opposite of `pick`. Returns record without `$keys`.

#### [omitBy](

omitBy(callable $predicate, ?iterable $record): iterable

The opposite of `pickBy`. Returns properties of `$record` that `$predicate` returns falsey for.

#### [path](

path(array|string $path, ?iterable $collection)

Retrieve the value at a given path.

#### [paths](

paths(array $paths, ?iterable $collection): array

Keys in, values out. Order is preserved.

#### [pick](

pick(array $keys, ?iterable $collection): iterable

Returns record containing only `$keys`

#### [pickBy](

pickBy(callable $predicate, ?iterable $record): iterable

Returns record containing only keys `$predicate` returns truthy for.

#### [pluck](

pluck(string|int $key, ?iterable $collection)

Returns a new array by plucking the same named property off all records in the array supplied.

#### [prop](

prop(string|int $key, ?iterable $record)

Return the specified property.

#### [propEq](

propEq(string|int $key, $value, ?iterable $record): bool

Returns $record[$key] == $value

#### [setPath](

setPath($path, $value, ?iterable $record)

Return copy `$record` with `$path` set with `$value`

#### [toPairs](

toPairs(?iterable $record): iterable

Converts a record into an array of `[$key, $value]`

#### [where](

where(array $spec, ?iterable $record): bool

Checks if `$record` satisfies the spec by invoking the `$spec` properties with the corresponding properties of `$record`.

#### [whereAny](

whereAny(array $spec, ?iterable $record): bool

Checks if `$record` satisfies the spec by invoking the `$spec` properties with the corresponding properties of `$record`. Returns `true` if at least one of the predicates returns `true`.

#### [whereEq](

whereEq(array $spec, ?iterable $test): bool

Check if the `$test` satisfies the `$spec`

### String
#### [escape](

escape(string $s): string

Converts the characters "&", "<", ">", '"', and "'" to their corresponding HTML entities.

#### [escapeRegExp](

escapeRegExp(string $regexp): string

Escapes regular expression

#### [split](

split(string $separator, string $s): array

Splits string by `$separator`.

#### [startsWith](

startsWith(string $target, string $s): bool

If string starts with `$target`.

#### [toLower](

toLower(string $s): string

Converts string to lower case

#### [toUpper](

toUpper(string $s): string

Converts string to upper case

#### [words](

words(string $pattern, string $string): array

Splits string into an array of its words.

### Util
#### [collect](

collect(?iterable $iterable): array

Collects any iterable into `array`

#### [eq](

eq($a, $b): bool

`$a` == `$b`

#### [equals](

equals($a, $b): bool

`$a` === `$b`

#### [F](

F(...$args): bool

Always returns `false`

#### [identity](


Returns the first argument it receives.

#### [iterate](

iterate(callable $f, $value): iterable

Returns a generator of `$value`, `$f($value)`, `$f($f($value))` etc.

#### [just](

just($value): Optional

Returns an Optional with the specified non-null value

#### [nothing](

nothing(): Optional

Returns an empty Optional

#### [now](

now(): int

Returns the timestamp of the number of seconds

#### [Optional](

just(mixed $value): Optional

Maybe/Option monad (container) which may or may not contain a non-null value. Has methods:

`isPresent(): bool` - `true` if not empty
`isEmpty(): bool` - `true` if empty
`get(): mixed` - returns value, throw exception if empty
`orElse(mixed $default): mixed` - returns the contained value if the optional is nonempty or `$default`
`orElseThrow(Exception $e)` - returns the contained value, if present, otherwise throw an exception
`map(callable $f): Optional` - If a value is present, apply the `$f` to it, and if the result is non-null, return an Optional describing the result
`flatMap(callable $f): Optional` - use instead of `map` if `$f` returns Optional
`filter(callable $predicate): Optional` - if a value is present and matches the `$predicate`, return an Optional with the value, otherwise an empty Optional.

#### [size](

size(array|Countable|object|string|callable $value): int

Returns size of a countable, number of parameters of a function, lenght of string or number of properties of an object

#### [T](

T(...$args): bool

Always returns `true`