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It doesn't do anything. Why are you here?

Last synced: about 2 months ago
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It doesn't do anything. Why are you here?

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To use this, use the following basic configuration

source_selector = {
winbar = true,
sources = {

Below is a basic init.lua you can use to launch this in its own environment
-- Minimal configuration
-- mini.lua
-- Use with the --clean -u flags. EG nvim --clean -u mini.lua
-- This config will create a temp directory and will blow away that temp directory
-- everytime this configuration is loaded. Great for simulating a new installation
-- of a plugin

-- Setting some basic vim options
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
-- If you want to play around with this, you can set the do_clean
-- variable to false. This will allow changes made to
-- underlying plugins to persist between sessions, while
-- still keeping everything in its own directory so
-- as to not affect your existing neovim installation.
-- Setting this to true will result in a fresh clone of
-- all modules
local do_clean = true

-- Dummy var to make the dummy extension not provide a name
-- Set this to true to make the dummy extension not provide a name
-- otherwise it will provide the name "dummy"
-- vim.g.neo_tree_dummy_extension_no_name = true

local sep = vim.loop.os_uname().sysname:lower():match('windows') and '\\' or '/' -- \ for windows, mac and linux both use \

local mod_path = string.format("%s%sclean-test%s", vim.fn.stdpath('cache'), sep, sep)
if vim.loop.fs_stat(mod_path) and do_clean then
print("Found previous clean test setup. Cleaning it out")
-- Clearing out the mods directory and recreating it so
-- you have a fresh run everytime
vim.fn.delete(mod_path, 'rf')

vim.fn.mkdir(mod_path, 'p')

local modules = {
{'nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim', branch = "v2.x", mod = "neo-tree"},

for _, module in ipairs(modules) do
local repo = module[1]
local branch = module.branch
local module_name = repo:match('/(.*)')
local module_path = string.format('%s%s%s', mod_path, sep, module_name)
if not vim.loop.fs_stat(module_name) then
-- The module doesn't exist, download it
local cmd = {
if branch then
table.insert(cmd, '--branch')
table.insert(cmd, branch)
table.insert(cmd, string.format('', repo))
table.insert(cmd, module_path)
local message = string.format("Downloaded %s", module_name)
if branch then
message = string.format("%s on branch %s", message, branch)

print("Finished installing plugins. Beginning Setup of plugins")

for _, module in ipairs(modules) do
if module.mod then
print(string.format("Loading %s", module.mod))
local success, err = pcall(require, module.mod)
if not success then
print(string.format("Failed to load module %s", module.mod))

-- --> Do you module setups below this line <-- --

local neo_tree = require("neo-tree")

source_selector = {
winbar = true,
sources = {

-- --> Do your module setups above this line <-- --

print("Completed minimal setup!")